A Little Luck

Story by Crownedclown13 on SoFurry

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#12 of Commissions

Commission for Friskecrisps! a bit outside my normal ventures but i had alot of fun writing it. Commissions are open again and as always open to cristism on the writing style.


Crisp kicked off his shoes and dramatically threw his work shirt in the corner. Friday. It was finally friday. He might not have had the luxury of getting a full weekend off at the restaurant, but he managed a saturday and that was good enough for him! His ears flicked with glee and he stretched out all of the little kinks in his back and shoulders.

The wolf smiled and, checking in to make sure the livingroom blinds were down, ripped off his pants too. He was relishing one of the few pleasures that living alone in a smallish apartment allowed him, and he frequently did so. With one more quick motion he was naked and grabbing a glass for some long desired soda.

His plans for this evening were like his plans for every friday. Go out to one of the local bars and try his luck at making the rest of the evening memorable. Simple enough, plenty of room for the plan to evolve. With a grin and a quick chug of still fizzy refreshment he was already turning on the shower and brushing his teeth.

He had only recently found a groove since moving into the city. His work was on the same busy avenue that the bars, grocery store and pharmacy were. If he wanted to see a movie the forty four bus came every hour. If he needed a department store he took the sixteen around noon. Laundry was graciously located in the basement of his upper, lower apartment building where he occupied the single bedroom upper. In his few months of living there he had only ever seen the middle aged tiger that lived below him, a handful of times, and never with a guest despite the three bedrooms he had at his disposal.

Number two-six-six Evergreen st, Apt. two was a well kept closet. The door opened into the kitchen/dining area. The living room was to the right of the door, the bathroom to the left, and across the kitchen from the bathroom door, was the bedroom that was surprisingly spacious considering the rest of the floorplan; though it lacked a closet. Pointing this out had somehow convinced his landlord to cut fifty bucks a month off his already low rent so Crisp never gave it a second thought.

Crisp grinned in the mirror with his freshly cleaned chompers. He gave himself a quick once over, nothing too flashy, just to see if he was looking particularly rough in any one area. His thin form forced you to see what muscles he did have. His black and white fur made no particular pattern, but sat clean and groomed. He didn't frequent the gym but he was personally glad to have lost the little gut he had hated having while growing up. His tail was a bit matted from where the new waitress had spilled soda on him earlier. With a shrug he showered and soaked in the heat longer than strictly necessary. Clean was a requirement, but he allowed himself the extra opulence. Something about tonight just felt....right.

Aside from the slight mishaps with the soda earlier, it had been a fairly great day considering work took up the majority of it. He managed to get all his shopping and home chores done before that time, the sun was shining, he had found a weird looking gold coin on his way to work, he made extra money in tips, and the soda mishaps itself could have potentially been worse had he not ducked out of the way of the entire tray of beverages in time. Hell, on the walk home he wasn't even hounded by Drug Store Dan, the local homeless puma who asked anyone in shouting distance for a buck to eat and regardless of payment followed up any unfortunate fur who made eye contact with him, with an entire conversation of random subjects and usually drug requests.

Crisp grinned, stepping out of the shower and drying off. He fished all his tip money and the gold painted coin from his jeans, along with his phone and wallet and got dressed with a smile. Tonight was going to be his night. No more lonely apartment. He was going to find a date and eventually start down the path of relationships and adulthood! Hookups were nice, but deep down Crisp knew he was a boyfriend kind of fur. He craved the intimacy that was passed skin deep appeal.

"Tonight." He vowed, flipping the hefty gold luck charm in the air and making for the nearest bar.


"From the gentleman at the end." The zebra behind the bar explained, setting down a small, probably over-priced plate of cheese fries next to the two drinks some other patrons had sent him. He looked up at a grinning otter. He was tall and wore glasses, but he was oddly built for his species. His striped dress shirt seemed fuller around the chest than most otters. Crisp offered him a smile and a wave, about to call him over when the lion that had got him his first ever gin and tonic cut in.

"Haven't seen you around here before." The feline explained, eyeing the fries and then the otter with a confused look. He took one anyway, some of the cheese getting caught in his mane.

Crisp was about to say 'i see you here alot actually,' instead he just smiled and tried to be polite but not flirty. "I don't come around to this bar often. The others were packed tonight though."

Lies lies lies. He had been to this same bar and seen this same lion flirt with EVERY fur that looked even remotely underaged and with a blush realized now, that was him.

"Sullys isn't so bad. Good crowd, never too full but still alive." The lion went on, his tone cocky and loud. He was used to getting what he wanted it seemed. His swagger, his clothes, his...well he had a great body, but he just came off as a creep.

"I haven't been here regularly in years." Crisp shrugged, also a big lie. The lion stopped, trying to play whatever he was feeling off as cool.

"Years? You dont look a day over...20?" He guessed. Crisp snorted. HOPED was more like it.

"I'm flattered." The wolf gave the lion a big overplayed grin. "But you're almost a decade off my friend."

The lion stopped, disappointment prevalent. "No way you are even a minute older than 23!" He spoke louder, actually very very accurate.

"29 in a month." Crisp grinned. "You feeling pre-birthday shots?"

That did it. The lion made some excuse to use the bathroom and left the wolf alone to the rest of his fries and drinks. Fucking perv, he thought with a roll of his eyes. He looked out on the dance floor and back at the delicious pile of fried spuds.

"They will be here when you come back." The bartender gave him a grin and a wink, dropping the plate behind the counter. Crisp grinned, patting his pant pocket and that lucky coin for all it was doing this evening! And that wink certainly explained his second free drink of the evening.

Crisp was usually timid enough on the dancefloor to merit at least ONE free drink on any given night, but TWO drinks BEFORE the dancing? Unheard of. He had known it was going to be a good night!

He knocked around his faded converse a bit, pulling up a bit on the longest pair of socks he owned, and tried to find a rhythm in all the electric noise around him. It was easy. He found a little spot in the corner, still shy as always, and not willing to take the stage or even the floor! But he liked to try and hop a bit and dance, and he more than enjoyed dressing for the occasion.

Crisp was perfectly comfortable just watching everyone else dance too. After only a few songs enough people had smiled in his direction that he felt too embarrassed to be on the floor much longer and was returning to the bar when the otter from earlier stopped him with a "Hey!" Over the speaker system.

"H-Hi!" Crisp returned, a bit flustered, his cheek still feeling a bit red. He prayed the otter didn't notice. Be cool be cool....tonight is your night! "Thanks for the fries! Totally random."

The otter grinned and shrugged, "i don't mean to brag, but i definitely creeped in on your conversations a bit this evening. You said you were hungry."Crisp smiled, laughing at the otters humor.

"One way trip to my heart threw my stomach." Crisp spat, unsure where he had EVER heard that phrase, and, too far invested as well as overcommitted, he gave his stomach a healthy pat.

"Noted." The otter smiled, "I'm David." He held out a paw. Crisp took it and thought to the coin in his pocket. It felt heavier and warm but it was probably all the dancing.

"I'm more of a hugger." Crisp spoke up before he could censor himself. Why was he saying any of this!? He felt a bit embarrassed but that was apparently all the instruction David needed, because Crisp was swept up in those big arms.

"Better?" The otter asked, his size nothing to sneeze at. He felt as muscular under his shirt as he looked from across the room. Crisp gulped.



"So later this week?" David conformed again, double checking his phone and throwing on his jacket. "I really want to see you again, i'm sorry this came up." He apologized again. Apparently his brother was an 'idiot' and often got 'fucked up' and locked himself out of their parents house. David hadn't lived there in years but he apparently was still his brother's go too.

"Definitely. Tuesday? I have off tuesdays."

David looked up and made a face, he stepped closer, kissing Crisp not for the first time that evening. They had all been gentle and clean. No tongue, just, little kisses that felt almost dirtier because they were so innocent. "I REALLY want to see you...Monday night? When do you get off on mondays?"

Again for an innumerable time that evening Crisp felt a heaviness followed by word vomit. "Usually when i get home from work, and not only once."

David grinned and held him close, their faces a hairs breath from another lip lock. "I hope so...but im looking more for a time there handsome." The otters hands rested teasingly close to Crisps tail, just at the small of his back.

"S-seven thirty..." Crisp stammered with a stupid grin. "I can be clean and out of the house and here by eight."

"Monday at eight it is." David smiled, giving the wolf one more quick kiss and heading out the door with a wave, his large tail following quickly behind.

Crisp immediately melted into his seat. How had all that happened? He was just smiling like a schoolgirl at his luck! David was such a nice guy! So handsome! So funny and smart! Crisp turned his chair to leave, about to call the night short before it could in any way be worsened when the bartender put another glass in front of him. Whiskey. Neat. Crisp licked his lips, eying the tiger the bartender was pointing at down a few seats.

Ok. one more drink...


Crisp groaned, turning with a pout towards the blinds he had forgotten to close the night before. "God damn sun." he mumbled, tugging ineffectively at the lowest reaches of the fabric. "Eeehhhh...." He whinned and, with one last sigh into his pillow, he sat up on the bed and got them closed.

His head was throbbing but he didn't feel too sick. A low level hangover if he were to classify it. He didn't usually drink much, but he also never passed up free drinks. "Eight god damn shots..." he mumbled into his pillow. He wasn't setting a record, but eight different shots in only three hours had hit him alot faster than he had expected. He was honestly just glad to be home.

"Tough night?" A voice asked from the foot of the bed. Crisp spun, eying a red furred little fennec. The first thought in Crisp's addled mind was 'not my type'.

"Yeah..." he said uncertainly, trying to remember if he had taken anyone home with him when he finally took his leave, but this canine didn't seem familiar at all. "I take it you remember more than me." He paused, sitting up and rubbing the crusties from his eyes. "Did we uhh..."

"Oh don't flatter yourself there boy'o." The fennec rolled his eyes. He was dressed in a green shirt and black pants. His accent irish but...no, Crisp would have definitely recalled a little Red headed Fennec in March. "I'm just here for my things."

Fuck. Did he lose a bet?! "I'm really confused." The wolf replied honestly, standing from the bed and realizing he was still dressed in last nights clothes. "Why are you-"

"My coin?" The Fennec rolled his eyes and held out a paw, "You took it and i want it back." The wolf just gave a confused shrug. "The gold coin? Found it in the street, picked it up and made it yours? Yeah, it's mine. Fork it over there. You're in enough trouble as it is!"

Crisp was taken aback. Was this really happening? Was this guy a psycho homeless dude who had followed him around all yesterday? "I'm calling the cops." The wolf said simply, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Sweet Mary and Joseph." The fennec groaned, snapping his fingers. Crisp's phone was in his paws now. "Would you sit your ass down and just make this easy? Jesus fuck."

Crisp stumbled backwards, his eyes not fully comprehending the disappearing act. "What the fuck was that?!" He yelled. He was back in the bed, the room to small to have anywhere else to go with the Fennec between him and the door.

The stranger rubbed his temple and held out his empty paw, "Can i seriously just have the coin." Crisp fumbled with his pockets, heartbeat going a mile a minute. He threw the gold coin at the Fennec who caught it without looking up from the temple massage. "Thank you."

Crisp whimpered. He felt his phone in his pocket again as the red furred psycho flipped the coin in the air a few times with a happy grin. On one last throw it disappeared. "So much better. Thanks bud. But, now for the punishment."

"I Will seriously call the cops! Stay the fuck back!" The wolf exploded, jumping up on the bed, ready to vault over this creep and out of his house if necessary. He wasn't sure what sleight of hand had gotten the fennec his phone the first time, but he was sure there was no way it could happen if he was running away.

"This again? Sit." He pointed down, barking.

The wolf sat, his legs suddenly jello. He wanted to cry, and fight and run and beg all at once. "What is happening?" He asked, his confusion the most frustrating thing. He blamed the headache but he wasn't sure how even a sober fur could make sense of this.

"For theft of a lucky coin from a leprechaun without spending or selling it, the punishment is three days of entertainment. The Dealers choice." The fennec spoke in a loud voice, presiding over the improv courtroom. He held up a pair of green shoes that sparkled a bit even in the rooms dim lighting. "These little ladies will be following you around and making sure i get my jollies, and you get whats coming to yah."

Crisp was holding out his feet for the Fennec without being asked. They fit perfectly and tied themselves. Despite his bare feet being put into the shoes, Crisp felt and saw purple socks sticking out of the lip and extending just passed his ankle. "I'm so confused."

"In three days i'll be back to take the shoes off. Until then they will be fucking with you endlessly." His tormentor grinned, "Scouts honor i wont cost you your job or find you into the hospital." He then pledged, crossing his heart with a finger and wagging it at the shoes, "You hear that you two? Nothing serious. I did get my gold back after all." Crisp's toes curled into a little nod from the shoes. He held his breath. "Good girls."

"This is some kind of joke right?" Crisp demanded, his feet feeling tingly and his head spinning. It wasn't like a hangover, he could feel an energy spread through him, enveloping him and making his breaths come short. Crisp looked back at the fennec with tired eyes, the canine gingerly grabbing his cheeks and pulling Crisp close enough to he could smell liquor on his breath. The wolf had never felt so powerless and small in his life.

And like that he was off, walking out of the too small apartment, his gold coin flipping in the air with a metallic ring. "I'll be watching you." He called back, "I hear you have quite the aversion to ignominy. Should be a blast."


Crisp finally quit. After forty five minutes of shouting and grunting and trying with, literally, tooth and nail to get the shoes off, they would not budge. The shimmery green footwear fit tight but not uncomfortably. They were nothing like regular shoes though. A few times already they had seemingly moved on their own. Both of his feet felt tingly in them, the static feeling occasionally riding up to his crotch which kept him adjusting himself.

With a huff he went to take a piss, killing his morning wood and hopefully allowing him a clear enough of his head to think it through. He had all day without work but plenty of chores to get done around town. He eyed his impressive hamper with disdain and spotted the grocery list on the fridge was nearing a second page.

With a loud sigh he took another look at the shoes. They didn't seem anything special, nor did they appear any harder to take off than any other pair sitting at his door, but they refused to untie or release his foot. He tugged gingerly at the socks he was apparently now wearing. They too seemed like average socks. How this was a punishment was beyond him, but with the promise of an observer Crisp felt uneasy.

"Stupid, crazy ass, mutt." He mumbled, walking into the bathroom. He did his business and turned on the shower with a pause. "Stupid ass shoes!" He looked down at them with a huff, inhaling a bit more of his own funk than he liked. "Fuck it, you're going in too." He fumbled a bit with his shirt, then struggled with his pants in the small space, trying to get them passed the green monstrosities. On the last tug he fell, falling passed the door he was sure he had closed, and arms flailing into the kitchen. He caught some dishes that drenched him on old yogurt and greasy dish water.

Laughter? Crisp blushed, sitting up and trying to get as much of the foul dripping off of him. He could have swore....yes! He definitely heard faint laughter. His toes curled and he stared at the glittery green...he couldn't even place the brand. They were laughing.

The shoes were...

"What the shit!?" He panicked again, his pants catching his feet he went down again, buck naked in his kitchen. More laughter. And there was no getting away. The shoes stayed put and remained unblemished even when he had taken a knife to the laces. The static feeling climbed into his stomach, making his cock twitch and laugher bellow out. He kicked and laughed on the floor before it abruptly came to a halt.

He stood calmly, pulling the pants off and stepping into the shower. No sooner did he raise each leg into the shower did the shoes...peel off? He stared in confused disbelief as his foot slipped right out of them, purple socks included and he was in the shower naked as the day he was born. "Who's funny now?" He asked the air, cleaning himself up and thinking. Maybe he was free. It was a hopeful thought, but after the crazy morning he had Crisp wouldn't have been surprised to see the damn things eating cereal when he got out of the shower. Disappeared would be ideal, but he was somehow eerily confident the shoes would find a way back on his clean feet.

With a heavy heart and a small hot water tank, Crisp shut the water off and poked his head out of the curtains. They were still exactly where they fell off. He reached hesitantly for the towel. No movement. "I'm just going crazy." He shook his head, unsure WHAT those guys stuck in his drinks the night before. Dry and ready to get his day started right he carefully stepped over the shoes and fell right out of the bathroom again and this time not dragging dishes down unto himself. The wolf could feel them tightening the laces and with a noise somewhere between a sigh and a whimper, Crisp resigned himself to the fact that the shoes might be there to stay.


The wolf was walking with a few bags and his shopping list through the light drizzle of his saturday off. There was a small grocery store only a five minute walk away and he intended to make it there and carry out his day like nothing weird had ever happened.

Not even two streets over he spotted a dedicated jogger in the drizzle; shorts wet, and shoes splashing puddles. He popped a boner in record time and like the previous night, felt like his thoughts had no filter. He cat called the chunky retriever who gave him a confused sideward glance mid run. Crisp reddened immediately but his tail wouldn't stop wagging and his dick wouldn't go down.

Finally at the main road, and just managing to lower his tent, the wolf was pouting and glaring at the shoes that definitely weren't magic. The lynx at the corner, waiting to cross with him, gave him a weird look and then stared forward. He realized he was mumbling out loud, and for some reason he just laughed and laughed and laughed; unable to stop and extremely red in the face. He wondered, watching her cross in a hurry, if he should even carry on.

"Fucking red headed midget..." he mumbled, stumbling as soon as he had said it and nearly falling into a waiting car. Crisp jammed both paws in his pockets and kept walking. There was no way he would be able to turn back now. He needed food and no amount of coincidental misfortune was going to stop him! The lack of filter was...uhh...hangover! This time not in the form of a headache! Which could probably explain the giggling fit and the loss of coordination...yeah that was it. Even hearing the laughter in his house, it could have easily been a television program on the first floor!

He was literally three minutes from his destination. One song on the radio away. He could hum himself to the stores front doors! He put on a smile and refused to let anything get to him. His smile was so comically huge and fake he was getting a few looks up and down so he dialed it down.

...no, still getting the looks. Fuck them, he was going to win out with positivity! Crisp passed by a construction site. Not much more than a giant crater in the earth at this point with a few beams of metal in place. He loved the picture of these soon to be luxury suites. They seemed so regal and unobtainable. He smiled at the gruff looking bull dog who sat with blueprints at the fenceline.

In return the dog smiled and chuckled back, leaning into the fence and putting the papers down. Crisp was genuinely unsure what to expect next but he definitely couldn't have guessed. "Whats a fine piece of ass like you doing later?" He howled softly, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.

The wolf stopped in his tracks, "Wh-what?" He stammered, his voice catching too quickly for him to ask more. And what more could he ask?!

"Later." The dog repeated, grabbing hold of the fence and, with a careful eye glancing, grabbed at his crotch, "What are you doing ehh? I have a few things to take care of you know hot stuff?"

The wolf stood still, fists clenched, cheeks red and cock hard. He could even hear the distant laughter that got louder now making it all worse. Like a self fulfilling prophecy Crisp got harder and could feel himself dripping, making him more embarrassed and drip more!

"I'm busy." He said flatly, turning to go.

"Excuse me?" The dog barked, "Not in that outfit you're not sweetheart."

Crisp turned and looked down with arms up to display himself. "What outfit?" He demanded, eyes going wide. He was wearing tight shorts sure, but extending from the shoes were lacey stockings with purple trim and bows at the side. His cock was clearly outlines and with his laundry in need of doing, Crisp had been forced to wear white, which in the rain forced it to cling, allowing the visible outlining of his torso.

"That one sweetheart. Or do you just prefer being called something else?" He asked quieter, glancing back at his site, "Look, i'll be here until six-"

"Not interested!" Crisp turned on his heels and sped fasted onward. Behind him he heard, "Cock teasing bitch! Can't handle this!"

Crisp sat down just outside his destination, lowering the stockings with a huff and glaring down at his feet. "This cant be real..." the covered his face with his paws, looking into the store and dreading all the mischief that could happen in such a public place. He thought back to the fennec and dreaded what could happen at WORK tomorrow. He would have to call in sick. There was no way he was risking the shoes ruining his job even if he was promised otherwise.

Was he really believing that this was real? He looked down again, his heels clicking without his wanting them too and his dick getting hard. He roared in frustration and just powered into the building, shopping basket in his elbow and began frantically tossing everything he could remember needing and trying to get out with a single sweep of the aisles. Sugar, green peppers, bananas, cans of veggies. They all got tossed in haphazardly. Milk, eggs, bread... he was almost at the registers one more aisle to go without making contact with fellow customers and without the stockings rising back up.

But what were...

It was too late. Crisp watched the laces tie themselves together, he fell forward, then swung back impossibly, his feet slipping like the floor was greased, all of his groceries flying into the air and crashing down on him. Milk. eggs, sugar and all. He was a giant, fluffy cake with a pounding headache and laughing shoes.

Naturally, everyone poked their head in the aisle and asked if he was alright. Some gasping, hiding grins and moving on when he started to stand. His laces were fine now, tied perfectly where they had tied themselves on each shoe. He threw his arms down a couple times to get the wet off of him and with blazing red cheeks stormed off towards the bathroom. He locked the door and stared in the mirror, taking off his shirt which was already getting doughy and thrusting it into the sink. He would need another shower. His fur was matted and clumpy and he held back frustrated tears.

As he was washing the shirt as best he could his phone buzzed. Jesus...it was only one thirty. He groaned and opened the text. No contact. 'Hey, its David. From Last night. Brother is still an idiot.'

Crisp held his breath. Three days. That meant he wouldn't get the shoes off until at least after their date...he would have to cancel right? This couldn't be a thing! The otter couldn't see him like this! He typed furiously. 'Haha hope he wasnt too bad. Hope your day is going well'

The wolf looked down at his shorts, also covered in the weird mix of baking supplies and dripping onto the floor. The green pranksters clicked their heels together and he started to get hard again. "Are you fucking kidding me." It wasn't even a question so much as a summary of how he felt. Ok. Magic shoes it was. Midget fennec leprechaun gold was the cause. And he was getting his shits and giggles watching Crisp embarrass himself.


Crisp jumped back. He had checked the stalls after he locked the door but there the Fennec sat, grinning at him from the porcelain throne, lids down and pants up. He was tossing that coin around.

"Ok haha." The wolf moved passed shock and into anger real quick. "You had your fun get these things off!"

The red head in the stall shook his head. "Not how it works. Infact fairy law is above me so now that you have the punishment not even i can do anything." He shrugged.

"Dont give me that! There is no doubt in my mind you can change the rules! You talked to the damn things, tell them to come off!" Crisp stood close to the diminutive canine, a growl in his throat and hackles raised. He hoped he was as threatening as he was pissed off.

"Calm down there scary scary wolf man." The red head joked, standing up to Crisp's chest and giving his cheek a playful smack, like a grandfather would a child. "I'm just playing. And i did promise nothing long lasting. Just enough joking to get my jollies remember? Tomorrow at work you wont get fired and dont even think of canceling that date you hear? I've been watching the whole time and i Dont want to miss that." His accent was thick as ever.

The wolf wanted to snap at him but he kept as calm as he could. He couldn't have hit another fur if he tried, even if he was an asshole. "Fuck you, how are you watching?"

"How is any of this happening?" The shorter fur gave an incredulous look. He made his fingers on both hands explode outward, "Magic!" He added jazz hands, Crisps phone in his paws now, scrolling and texting.

"Hey!" Crisp shouted, finding instead of grabbing for the phone he was sitting on the bathroom floor, pants down and cock hard pressed onto his boxers, threatening to burst. The shame was heavy and his ears felt warm with indignity. God he was somehow loving this...why was he loving this? He whimpered.

The fennec snapped a pic with a mocking "Cheese!" And continued typing. "No way you skip out on the date now. I've re-clarified that you have no plans and are extra excited to see him for a more intimate meet up." He tossed the phone back, stepping over the food drenched fur, "My lovelies, if you could ensure he doesn't make too much a mess of himself before the date that would be perfection, and maybe dont bully him too hard. If you are so relentless he might just shut himself in or come to expect it and that would be boring. Chou." he tossed up a peace sign, leaving the bathroom as the manager walked in with a basket full of the groceries Crisp had dropped. The fox stared wide eyed at Crisp's overly exposed self, double taking to the Fennec with a heavy sigh and no words.


"That'll be twenty four fifty six." The usually flamboyant skunk at the register spoke quickly, avoiding eye contact. She was doing her best to seem casual and it looked too much like an act. Crisp blushed, wondering who else had heard about his time in the bathroom with the Fennec and for some reason even more curious about what details were made up about the encounter. A part of him hoped they didn't think he was some kind of bitch for midgets.

He swiped his card and left, taking a route home he usually didn't in order to avoid the construction site. The drizzle had subsided but the sky was still a threatening grey blanket that stretched out in every direction. The wolf crossed two intersections without incident. Made his way to a side street he recognized, and pressed on. He didn't trust anything, avoiding trash cans, puddles, and people, with extreme prejudice. The groceries were tied to his wrist uncomfortably and he even did his best not to care about the weird stink coming off of him.

He let out a sigh of relief when he got up the stairs to his apartment, and another still when the key opened the door. Reflex dictated he kicked off his shoes but that was in vain.

With groceries unloaded he stripped again, stepping into the shower with the same slippery feeling of shoes sliding from his feet. With a harrumph he slammed his shower curtains closed with anticlimactic rage and scrubbed shampoo aggressively into his fur.

The wolf still needed to check the exact damage the Fennec had done on his phone. He was positive he had not said something so simple as 'cant wait!' To the otter.

"AHHHHH!" The screamed into both of his paws. Taking a deep breath and shutting off the water. He dried off and was again confronted by the green shimmering footwear. His next theory was that they wouldn't attach themselves to his feet so long as he made eye contact... The wolf stared, his green eyes ablaze with focus. He didn't even blink as he slowly made his way passed the hellspawn in his bathroom. And it was working...he stepped around, and walked backwards towards his room, slamming the door shut with a cheer and suddenly aware of a tight feeling on his footpaws. He looked down at the shoes, throwing the door open to see the bathroom floor empty. "SON OF A BITCH!" He shouted monotone.


It was too easy getting to the basement and his laundry set up. The soap jug was full, and even his neighbor was already putting his last load in the dryer. "Hey Ray." Crisp greeted the Tiger who nodded.


"Whats new?"

The feline shrugged, "Nothing much. You sound exhausted."

"Long day." Crisp concurred, working his clothes into the laundry. Shirt, pant, pant, socks. He checked them all for change and dollar bills.

"New girlfriend?" The tiger asked, wearing the first smug grin Crisp had ever seen on the tiger.

Crisp couldn't help but smile too. Ray was rather handsome when he wasn't brooding, he thought to himself. "No, why would you say that?"

The grin vanished immediately "uhhh well..." he motioned at the laundry. Crisp followed the gaze and froze, eyeing up the lace frilly panties that filled most of the basket. If his eyes didn't deceive him he could also see some studded leather at the bottom.

"I can explain." Crisp said, his heels clicking together. The wolf looked down at his gym shorts and tried to position himself so his crotch wasn't sitting at full mast.

"Don't need to." The tiger assured him, embarrassment filling his face. He stopped folding and just tossed the rest of his dry clothes into the basket.

"Where are you going?" Crisp asked before he could stop himself, "We were just starting to chat, get to know each other, real bonding you know!?" He found himself practically chasing the grown man up the stairs with his cock leading the way. As he heard the door to Apartment A close he let out a howl before clamping both paws over him mouth.

He heard the laughter again. "Oh thats how it is. Fine." Crisp climbed the stairs back to his floor, ripping open his laptop and undressing. "You like embarrassing me huh? Well i might as well reap the rewards."

The be frank Crisp's balls hurt with how often they had been promised release that day, on top of the week he had gone without sex previously. He loaded up his favorite site, clicking a variety of options so the pool filled with over three hundred pages of potential pornographic assistance. He found one that looked new and clicked, already starting to paw off. He gave his heels a sassy click which actually got him harder.

The otter on the screen was more lithe than David had been, but that was fine, the doberman pinning him to the wall was built and aggressive which worked just fine for Crisps libido and currently hostile mood. He was close almost immediately and backed off. It wasn't like he planned on leaving the house anymore that evening. He figured he could just watch Netflix and jerk off all night in the living room like a real bachelor.

God he was gunna cum....the doberman pounded away relentlessly at the otter bubble butt. Their mouths drooling respectively and both spitting profanity. It was so dirty and raw, plot be damned the vid was only about three minutes of aggressive fucking and knotting. The wolf moaned, tugging his cock and giving his balls a squeeze and.......and......nipple twist and......harder............

"Oh what the fuck?" The wolf whimpered, his orgasm had been just shy of climax but had dissipated, doing nothing to sate his desire. "Noooo!" He complained loudly, trying to jerk faster, harder, anything! In a last ditch effort he fingered himself roughly just trying to get back to where he was. He could hear the shoes again, laughing at the pitiful pile of fur they were tied too, begging for release. Crisp whimpered, pre dripping down his paws. "I just want to cum..." he moaned. The humility was not lost on him. He was a chast bitch to god damn celtic magic and he wasn't even remotely Irish.

Not in any mood, Crisp looked threw his phone while setting up netflix. He would try again in a few minutes. Clear his head, even bust out the good toys. The canine groaned, David had received the picture of him, legs spread, undies out, and cock hard. Thankfully he had been a normal dude and merely said 'Damn...cant wait! ;)'

Crisp smiled, typing back a 'Neither can i :)'

Despite the lapse in time between messages the otter was already replying. 'Did you want me to reciprocate?? I have a few things saved. At work currently so nothing live'

Crisp blushed. The shoes clicked together. And with a huff Crisp got to work flirting.


Despite his many attempts, Crisp could never reach climax. David had sent a few underwear pics himself, one with a fairly impressive bulge. Apparently he played basketball and worked out on and off on top of working night shift in some department store lifting heavy boxes from three until midnight. It had been a fun night flirting but Crisp got the distinct impression David got a little more release than he did.

Today, was Sunday. He was walking to work with extreme optimism that he would be sent home for wearing such unprofessional footwear. He wouldn't put it passed the fennec to have meant 'you dont get to go to work!' By his saying 'i wont cost you your job.' The lose of hours would suck, but hardly be the end of the world.

Additionally since his marathon efforts to relieve his pent up balls, the shoes felt the need to click just about every half hour. His pent up cock leaking more than he ever remembered it, straight into his jockstrap; the only undies that had managed to stay on when he had attempted to get dressed that morning. He rolled his eyes only now realizing with his groggy morning brain that there was only so much fabric in a jock and, by the end of the day, one hundred percent of it would be damp with pre, and or crusty. Either way uncomfortable.

The hostess, a retrieve named Honey, greeted him as always, giving him a winning smile followed by a gun shot hand motion to the head. "Welcome!" She beamed, their manager behind the bar shaking his head.

"Hey Honey, Austin." Crisp genuinely smiled, tossing a foot up on one of the bar stools. "Is this going to be ok? I have no other shoes at the moment." He boasted. The badger looked up from some papers with a shrug. The wolf felt his ears lower. "Austin. Are you serious?"

"What am i looking at?" The badger asked, his temper short.

"My shoes..."

"What about them?" He grabbed at Crisps ankle, lifting it at an uncomfortable angle. "Slip resistant, black, and professional. What am i missing exactly Crisp?"

"Oh come on." Crisp huffed, taking his foot back. "Sons of bitches." He cursed under his breath, heading into the back to put away his lunch as start his shift. To be honestly, he wasn't even surprised anymore.

The wolf grabbed his order pad, readied his pen behind one ear and tied his waist apron tight. "Fucking bring it on." He growled, forcing a smile to his face. "What else you got?"


Antagonizing Celtic enchanted shoes was apparently NOT what one was supposed to do when being punished. Two hours into his shift he had had drinks spilled on him three times, stepped on one gentleman's tail, and dropped a tray of dirty dishes at his manager who had thankfully remained calm enough seeing as the badger WAS exiting threw the kitchen ENTER door like he always told them not too.

"My apologies Crisp." He managed, in that aggressive monotone one only heard from someone trying to be polite while upset. The badger just made it more obvious because he wasn't even going to fake the grin while not infront of customers. "Are you feeling alright though? You seem off your game."

Crisp sighed, smiling, "I'm perfectly fine. Just tired." He conceded, grabbing a broom for all the ceramic on the floor.

"Well this isn't the first mess today. It's a slow monday so really, if you need to go, we could really be ok." The badger offered. The wolf would have wagged his tail and been delighted the badger had cared, if he wasn't painfully aware Austin had just been doing payroll and last week was slow.

"That would actually be great. I need some sleep. I might be getting sick." Crisp lied, having thought up a few excuses that might allow him to be out the following day as well without consequence. It was actually mostly all that was on his mind when he wasn't trying to hide boners or avoiding the other workers full trays.

"Ok well, the part timer come in soon, you can leave when she gets in." The badger smiled now, his payroll documents probably saved.

"Ashley." Crisp gave him a look. "She has a name." He felt his heel click again.

Austin returned to his frown, putting the empty tray in Crisps hand with a shove. "Table seven." He was too relieved to even threaten taking away Crisps early departure.

Crisp got up and headed to the back corner where table seven sat. He froze, eying the Fennec with a death glare. "Welcome to Gino's, how may i help you this evening?" He spat, his hips and tone all sass.

"Aww what, no warm welcome?" He grinned up at the wolf. Crisp didn't reply. "You are being a sore sport. A water and a Jameson to start please." He smiled, opening the menu, "I still need to look through this mess to find something appetizing."

"We dont serve whiskey." Crisp snapped, "Just the water? Sir?"

The fennec put the menu down with an offended look. "Why have a bar in the first place then?!" He shouted, catching Crisp off guard. "Can i see a manager please!"

Crisp put both paws up in surrender, walking to the kitchen where Austin was already walking out with an "I heard yah..."

"What was that about?" One of Crisps fellow waiters asked as he leaned against the counter in the kitchen, out of earshot and sight of any nosey customers.

"Some Irish Fennec with an attitude problem because this italian restaurant doesn't serve his irish whiskey at the bar." Crisp huffed, hoping Ashley got there soon. He really wanted to go and didn't need to face off with the Fairy fuck at table seven while at work. Or preferably, in public at all. Infact if he could just take his shoes and go that would be great. Crisp looked over at the panther, scratching his nose, "Hey Todd, what color are my shoes?"

The cat gave him a look that made Crisp rescind his question. Austin walked back in,one paw in his pockets and back straight, "Crisp i need you to go make a quick supply run."

The wolf stood there, arms crossed waiting for the punchline. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, there's a liquor store down the street, and we need-"

"Oh hell no!" Todd spoke up before Crisp.

The badger turned to him with fire in his eyes. wait...Crisp looked closer, noticing Austins normally brown eyes were a vibrant green. "Dont you have tables to be serving." He spoke deadpan, the service bell ringing. Todd walked off with a huff. "Jameson." Austin finished. "Big bottle. We have some big wig who tips well so dont pretend you dont need it with your two hour shift yeah?"

Crisp took the money for the liquor, stomping passed Austin and to the Fennec.

"Look who's back. So soon? Do you have my drink?"

"Im not your delivery boy." Crisp huffed, "What are you even doing here? Fancy some spaghetti?"

"God no," The irishman made a face. "Whiskey, corned beef and cabbage like mom used to make. That was my explicit instruction to your boss, wonder where he's gunna get the beef."

The wolf had nothing more to say so he ended on "We do make reubens." And stormed off down the street to procure a large bottle of booze.

The only place Crisp knew about was a liquor store that only had one 'LIQUOR' sign, and no official name as far as he knew. The little arabian couple behind the counter always greeted everyone with a smile and despite their limited english, they knew how to help their customers, even with wine selections.

The whiskey was easy enough to find. Saint Patricks day was so close it was on display as he walked in. He grabbed two bottles hoping to prevent a return trip. The little Cheetah was smiling up at him, muttering something about the holiday which Crisp nodded along too, leaving in a hurry, hoping to god Ashley was there when he got back.

Outside the store however was Drug Store Dan. "Got any cash bud? I could really use it. Rough night tonight you know?" The wolf didn't see how it correlated, but with a shit eating grin he handed the Puma the remaining fourteen dollars and twelve cents of his whiskey run money. The feline's face lit up. "Oh bless you sir!" He bowed a few times and shook Crisps paw and started a little dance of joy.

The young canine rolled his eyes with a grin and ....didnt start walking. His heels clicked and his toes started tapping. Loud. like.... "Oh no way in fucking hell." Suddenly the green shoes were tap shoes evidently, if the clacking on the pavement was any indication. He started a jig he had no idea how to dance too, and was soon following along with an even more excited Puma.

"Thats it!" The Puma laughed, his paws making all sorts of motions. His entirety impeeding on Crips personal space.

And they were drawing a crowd. Around them furs just carrying on their days stopped to clap and film and cheer for the street performers. A few hollered 'Dancing Dan!'

The dance became more intimate. Crisp felt disconnected from his body as his hips swayed and his feet pounded and his hands motioned all over the older, schizophrenic feline provocatively. One mother and daughter moved along. Crisp had never felt so embarrassed and so turned on. His entire body felt warm not just his face. He felt his dick flop unceremoniously out of the jock and press into his work pants. And Dan was eating it up, enjoying having a dance partner evidently.

"Oh please stop." Crisp begged, his body egging the feline on. A rhino in the crowd with a jersey and backwards cap called them homos. One girl whistled provocatively, and Dan just waved with a busted grin, shouting "Happy holidays folks! Hahah!"

The crown even started to clap along to their footwork, the couple in the store must have been eating up the free advertising. They walked out with coupons for the older furs and shamrock flags for the kids.


"Sorry i took so long, SIR." Crisp huffed, Austin insisting Crisp finish taking care of their special guest before leaving. The wolf poured the whiskey into a glass he didn't even know they stocked at Ginos. Additionally the Fennec had been moved to the private room in the back. Thankfully his food orders had been taken care of and were already in the kitchen getting made.

"Oh no problem at all." he smiled back, "It was quite the show you put on." He pulled out a phone of his own that was playing a youtube clip of him dancing with the homeless fur, looking ridiculous. The wolf tried to remain stoic, not even bothering to question how the video was taken at such impossible angles. "Oh dont be like that." The fennec poured another glass. "Take a load off."

"I'm on the clock."

"Clock out." The irishman shrugged.

"Why would i stay here if i clocked out?" The wolf demanded. "I mean really, you could force me to stay like you force me to dance and get aroused without release" he hissed quieter. "And trip and make a fool of myself but why ask that?"

The fennec sighed, tossing back the whole stout glass and pouring another. "Look, i like you kid. You make me laugh and i'm plenty bored." He swirled the new glass and sniffed at it, contemplating the angry canine serving him. "Look, i'll cut you a deal. You clock out and come back here as my guest. I work a bit of my...you know, mumbo jumbo. Your workmates dont recognize you, you get free food, seriously, the whole night on me, and all i ask is i get to mess with you a few more time from the comfort of this back room." He raised his arms. "Or you can go home to no free food, no free drink, and no chance to treat your boss like only a customer can, AND i still find ways to make you look foolish."

Crisp blinked a few times, opening and closing his maw. It wasn't a totally unappealing idea, though he wasn't going to say it out loud. He turned on his heels and started untying his apron.

The Fennec grinned.


"Another bottle!" Crisp shouted at Austin, who was apparently under the impression he was a tall horse of some sort. The fennec laughed along with him, both far along into the drinking. It was seven at night, the dinner had lasted almost five hours and had just evolved into a party. A few other furs had joined them at the Fennecs request. Some were apparently just regular furs, and some were more fairy folk.

"Watch this!" A flexible cougar roared, laying on the ground with a bottle between her legs, and arching her back far enough to take it in her teeth and down the whole thing. The room erupted in applause and boisterous cheers.

"My girl likes attention." A stout badger with a cheerful disposition nudged the fennec who smiled ear to ear.It was apparent very quickly that Everyone in shiney shoes was somehow in the same possition as Crisp, and everyone with some sort of dyed headfur was in the same possition as the Fennec, but neither Crisp nor the other....regular people? Seemed to care. Especially with all the drinks.

By eight o'clock, the rest of the restaurant had been emptied and Austin was the only server still inside serving them, along with a single chef and Ashley who was making supply runs for the rich parties expensive requests.

"Oh yeah! Well this big lug has a thing for public nudity." A bunny tapped a bear on the back.who erupted into anxious giggles.

"I'll top you all right here." The Fennec stood up, "My brothers, i have with me a fur who gets off on being the butt of the joke." The hoots and hollers didnt increase or die down, but they had a target. "I know i know." The fennec sat back down, "Go show them."

"How?" Crisp asked, already standing, a smile on his muzzle.

"Huh...i dont know. It's not the same if you are expecting it." The fennec acknowledged, snapping his fingers again, Crisp sat back down.

One by one Crisp watched in strange joy, as the regular furs all did seemingly innocuous things that made them squirm and moan. One vixen got called a baby and sucked her thumb until she was a whimpering mess. The bear stripped slowly for them, entirely against his will and rock hard, Crisp couldnt look away. The zebra slowly put on stockings which REALLY grabbed Crisps attention.

On cue, the purple stocking ascended from his shoes to his thighs and he moaned along with the hunky equine. The fennec gave Crisp more and more liquor until the night blurred and he blacked out, still hard and dreaming of stripping bears and weird green shoes.


"Rise and shine!" The fennec spoke loudly, his voice had the inflection of being bubbly, but his accent was so thick Crisp couldn't tell.

Nor did he care. His head felt like a stampede was running through it. He squinted and hid under the covers of his bed. He wasn't even sure how he got home, but it didn't matter. Everything hurt. "Go away..." he moaned, scratching at his footpaws with resistance that took him a moment to understand. It was not going to be a good day. He had work at eleven, and his date at eight. He contemplating canceling on account of the magical game he was caught up in and the fact that at the volume his ears were ringing he was hard pressed to believe he would be any kind of pleasant all day.

The fennec seemed to have listened. The apartment was quiet for a while and with a panicked heart and a very slow reaction to the worry, Crisp looked around for his phone and the time. He got up and went to the kitchen, it was one thirty already. God, how long was he out?! His phone rested, plugged in next to a note. Actually there were a few of the notes scattered around the apartment.

'Crispy," the first note started, something only his neighbor called him. 'I have taken the liberty of calling into work for you. I would start your day with the glass of foul smelling hang-over help on the counter. All the love, Haymitch.'

"Of course thats his name." The wolf rolled his eyes at the cliche of it all. There was infact a glass that smelled like the backside of a skunk. With a hesitant paw he downed it in one go, almost throwing up from the smell. He spit into the bathroom sink, spying another note.

'Crispy, if i were you i would take another shower around seven o'clock. There is some lovely shampoo sure to impress your man friend.' Crisp was highly suspicious of the apparent interest Haymitch was taking in his date. He eyes the green bottle of Irish Spring with distrust.

A bottle of baileys and some coffee sat in his livingroom. He didnt even bother with that note. The paper taped to the center of his television was unavoidable however. 'CHECK YOUR PHONE.'

With dread, but with an already subsiding hangover, Crisp picked up his phone and worriedly went through his texts. His heart stopped. He had re-scheduled his date with David for ten o'clock at the local leather bar, and David had very zealously agreed. His feet played absently with the crumbled up paper on the floor. With a huff the wolf opened it.

'Got yourself a kinky fucker ehh?'

He tossed the paper away again, clicking his heels with a groan. How on earth was this ever going to end well? Not even in the most optimistic of circumstances did the wolf see any positive ending. The Fennec was probably setting him up for one last go at humiliating him. It would lose him his date, which would be divine retribution. The fennec undoing all the luck he had with that gold coin of him.

God, it was getting hard to focus on anything but the sweet release he could feel tomorrow. He realized with a half disgusted, half aroused grimace that he was still wearing the now stiff with pre jockstrap he had left the house with the previous morning. He closed the blinds and sat there naked except for the shoes and the purple and black stockings that had crawled up his legs under his pants.

In the comfort of his own home he admired them, playing with the quality fabric and getting a pulse of life from his almost angry looking, pent up dick. The head was shiney with pre, if he looked at it long enough he could see it leaking out, forming a stream down his shaft into his pubic fur. His usually good sized balls seemed to hang lower and sit bigger, as if all the pent up hormones had physically inflated them. To be honest it was the most appealing and sexy he had ever thought he looked. He felt up his belly and into his chest, noting a few sticky patches he wished he could ignore. Probably booze. He didn't let his mind float to the other ideas.

He got up to shower, the curtain in the living room snapping open, putting him face to face with one of the college athletes next door. The lion looked just and surprised as he did, but, probably used to it, he just rolled his eyes and went back to his phone while crisp ran to the bathroom, tail between his legs.


The Parliament Lounge, formerly Ramrod bar, formerly The Worn Saddle, was a nice sized bar in the downtown area. Recently management had altered the name to appeal to a wider client base while the city was in a reformation. With old and young furs moving into the new, appealing downtown housing that was going up all over, it was smart business sense to have general name appeal and a neon Beer stein, for the foot traffic of furs unfamiliar with their surroundings.

Now that didn't change up their classic client base and basic itinerary. Most weekends were dedicated to men in leather, and while the weeknights were more tame, Crisp could spot a fur or two with their chests held together with straps and the look of predators in their eyes, flirting with equally underdressed furs.

The wolf had only been there a handful of times. It was out of walking range but it was a very nice establishment. The bar staff were upbeat, the bouncer was efficient, and the outside area allowed a breath of cool fresh night air for when the air got too thick inside.

Crisp was sporting a pair of nice jeans, and a v-neck shirt despite the heat. He feared that if he wore shorts the stockings might come back and give the wrong impression about his public bravery. He tapped his foot aggressively at the barstool, rock hard regardless of heel clicking. There were so many appealing guys around he couldn't stand it or get them off his mind. Even the confused looking business man who was startled to see the leather daddies had a cute look about him...

"Sorry im late!" A familiar voice said to him, Crisp turned to see a smiling otter. "We have to stop meeting like this." He smiled, ordering a drink and taking a seat.

Crisp giggled, "We can go somewhere else if you want. Plenty of restaurants down the street in either direction."

"No no, here is good." David smiled, "At least for now." He looked around, "Quite the crowd for a monday huh?"

"I think there is some sort of contest later." Crisp mused, pointing at the poster behind the bar showing a sheepdog in straps and a kilt. "Are kilts even irish? Scottish right?"

"I think so." The otter chuckled. "Surprised no one has said anything if thats true though."

The wolf offered up his glass in cheers as David received his own. "I don't think anyfur is going to ruin kilt night for the rest of them. Bad karma." He winked, the word vomit returning. He shifted in his seat and sipped at his whiskey. He never drank whiskey but this is what he wanted apparently. His mind was a muddle of worry and hormones. Anxiety and ass. Sex and certain celtic curses. It went back and forth and he could hardly focus on the date. It was such a bad idea to even leave the house. He was off tomorrow! Why didn't he just reschedule for when his punishment ended?!

But he had very little to worry about despite all apprehension. The night unfolded so naturally Crisp wondered if the shoes had stopped their torment or were simply taking a break.

"You ok? I hope i dont make you uncomfortable." The otter spoke, sipping at his own drink. It was clear and bubbly.

"Not at all!" Crisp defended, "Just...alot on my mind. I'm a bit tired." He shrugged, shaking his head and turning in his stool to face the fur he was here with. "Sorry. Tell me about yourself Dave. What do you like to do, really?"

The nagging question at the back of Crisps mind was why he had been so excited to come to the only leather bar in town...Crisp imagined The Otters surprisingly buff form working so well with the smooth material. The metal studs giving him a sense of danger. His ass fitting nice in a black jock...

David grinned, looking around. "You dont know?" He asked. "We talked plenty the first night remember?"

The wolf blushed, "Well of course i remember the basics. Basketball, work, gym, friends. But this is a second date. I want to know the stuff you DONT put on your Howlr profile." Crisp flirted easily.

"For one i dont use Howlr." The otter stuck out his tongue. It was pierced, how had Crisp not noticed that the first night?

"I imagine it's not hard for you to get guys." The wolf set his head in his paw, leaning on the bar.

"Not really." The otter shrugged with a grin that wreaked with confidence but wasn't too cocky. "But to be honest im getting tired of working a scene and not just being in the scene." He took a longer drink. "I dont want to scare you off but i'm contemplating finding an actual relationship." He only half joked.

Crisp hiccupped, slapping a paw over his mouth. The otter chuckled, looking at him endearingly. God he was hot, and sweet, and with those glasses even cute. It was not helping the fire hose wetting his pants.

"I may be a mere mortal who requires dating apps." Crisp smiled, "But i have been thinking the same recently. I have been pretty lucky thus far, and have had fun, but i would like something significant."

A silence fell between them, quickly filled by the boisterous shouting of the bar. Most of it flirtatious, all of it positive energy. The wolf felt David's hand hold his own, taking it and rubbing it with his thumb. Crisp watched him with a curious stare.

"I honestly don't know how to start dating. Do i just ask?" David spoke aloud. "How does this work?"

Crisp felt his heart melt. This big lug was genuinely a sweetheart! He stood up, paw still holding his tight, and started to drag the otter out of the bar in a way Crisp thought would be romantic until he crashed into another fur and got beer spilled on his for at least the fourth time in three days. David looked mortified as did the shy businessman who had spilled the drinks.

"I'm so sorry!"

Crisp waved him off. "Dont even worry about it." The otter started to laugh, a hearty laugh that had the wolf laughing too as they left, standing in the street.

"You ok?" Dave finally asked as they stood out front, Crisp splashing some of the foam off his shirt.

"Perfectly fine. Not gunna put a damper on the night."

"Even if you are now literally damp." The otter nodded. Crisp enjoyed the wit. It was refreshing even if it left him flustered. He stared at the otter with a passionate look. Frustration. Desire. David eventually grinned. "What are you giving me that look for."

Crisp sighed, "I have something to say but i also cant really follow through with it so if you could pretend im being romantic that would be great."

David laughed again, smiling an infectious smile. "Ok then romeo. Lay it on me." His body language became solely focused on the wet wolf.

"If i had a car i would invite you over to my house so i could change." Crisp declared, the surprised look on the otters face forcing color into his cheeks. "I-I mean," he stammered, "I would love for the night to unfold here but...."

David had a different grin Crisp couldn't place now. "I wouldn't want you so uncomfortable in all those clothes." He agreed, pulling some keys out of his pocket.


They were pressed together the entire way up the stairs. Lips locked, bulges pressed together, forms smashing into the walls. Dave had spent the short drive just rubbing Crisps pent up dick through his pants. They both quickly spit out things that they liked so they could experiment later but have general clues on where to start.

Following the guide Crisp started with nibbling the otters neck. It was strange how perfect he fit into the slightly taller mans neck. The otter moaned, Crisp pointing to the couch in the living room, kicking the door closed.

The wolf grabbed the blinds, but hesitated. He would make sure they moved to the bed later to prevent any mishaps! They both hounded each other, Crisp eventually sliding underneath the buff otter, feeling his weight, feeling exposed. He moaned as David took off both their shirts and nibbled his nipples. He felt so alive it was unreal. Every touch exploded in absolute clarity. The otters nails presing just passed Crisps fur to the skin beneath making him squirm.

The wolf had to reciprocate. He forced his paws into the back of the otters pants, groping his ass while the otter grinded rudely into his date. "Talk me up." David hissed in Crisps ear, his mind so euphoric it was almost lost to him.

"God such a big man...." Crisp tried, moaning the words. "Such a strong man." He tried again, rubbing the otters exposed and defined chest. With baited breath and an approving grin from the otte,r they kissed again, tongues fighting for dominance. Maybe the talking up worked in reverse. Crisp thought. "I need a big guy, such a little thing like me." He went on. "Such a clumsy, little bitch. I need a stud."

"Oh god." The otter chuckled, sucking on the wolf's neck, "Oh you need me to fuck you huh?" He asked in a gruff voice, his intentions quite clear.

"Oh yes please..." Crisp moaned. "But..."


Crisp hesitated. He really did feel it. The humility he so craved. The desire to be looked down on. "I want to worship you first." He spoke quietly, shooing all of the shoe related thoughts in his head.

"Hmm." David said aloud. "What did you have in mind?"

Crisp sat up slowly, using his feet to kick back the coffee table and kneel at the couch. The otter sat shirtless, The wolf helped him remove his pants. Jesus christ he really was wearing leather undies! The astonished look on Crisps face just made the otter grin.

Next, much to the otters confusion, came his shoes. Crisp stared at the otter socks, sniffing them, giving each foot a rub before removing the fabric and eagerly licking each foot.

David moaned. If he was surprised or startled he didn't show it, he just enjoyed the experience. "Thats it you foot whore." He tried experimentally, getting no request to stop. "Smelly foot musk slut." He pressed the pungent foot into Crisps face, rubbing it against cheeks and a toe falling into his mouth. He suckeled on it, eventually switching feet but still in heaven. The bliss was undeniable. Eventually Crisp knew he had lingered too long and crawled up, rubbing his nose into the significant bulge at face level.

The otter moaned, grabbing the wolf by the hairs and gently rubbing and humping into him. "Crisp, i dont know if i can stand this much longer."

The wolf pulled away, but it was the otter that stood up, sitting crisp down on the couch while, but to Crisps delight started to swing his hips a bit and drop the undies. Crisp got a full view of his muscular back and full rump. The thick otter tail looked appropriate in girth compared to the rest of him. As he turned, Crisp held his breath and was not disappointed.

The otter was decent in length, but thick and dripping, his cock and balls proportionate and the same soft brown as the rest of the stud. He stepped forward, but Crisp didn't let him do whatever it was he had planned. The wolf was practically drooling as he sat forward and took half his length into his maw and cupped his balls.

Dave took a sharp inhale and let it out in a moan, flexing and thrusting. Crisp enjoyed the falacio, but he was more than ready for what else was too come. He stood, kissing the otter again and walking to the bedroom, where he jumped on the bed with a giddy smile. The otter had a dangerous look that almost scared Crisp if it wasn't so appropriate. The otter stripped him and Crisp remembered with hesitation that the shoes were still in play. Off came his shirt and....

The shoes!? Crisp shot up, watching David try to wrestle the laces. "L-leave them on!" Crisp stammered. "I uhh...i want them on." He leaned forward and planted another passionate kiss on the otter, unbuttoning his own pants. David got the message, pulling the pants over the shoes without question and staring at the stocking climbing the wolf's legs. "Oh fuck me." He breathed, "Oh are so goddamn gorgeous."

He pounced. The headrush Crisp was feeling falling away and sproinging back. His cock was so sensitive that even them pressing together was setting him off.

"I-I dont want to rush you..." Crisp spoke up between mouthfuls. He sat up, turning around and shaking his ass. The otter got the message. He squeezes both cheeks experimentally, then tried to take as much of them in his paws as possible. Finally he gave the presented ass a quick spank before grabbing some lube on the nightstand and dragging the eager wolf to the end of the bed.

"Missionary." He said, giving himself a healthy amount of lube. "I want to see those goddamn stockings." He paused as the position was changed, "How ready are you?"

The wolf was confused a moment but realized he meant the size. He blushed, recalling the previous night where he had used every toy in his arsenal to try and cum but failed. He covered his face with both hands almost too embarrassed to say it but that only made him want to say it more.

"I'm very ready for all of you."

The otter grinned. "Safeword is Cobra." He said with a cheesy grin, pressing the wet head of his impressive cock to Crisps ready hole. The wolf held his breath, his climax already approaching fast without stimulation, he feared he would either reach it too soon or thanks to the fennec not at all.

"Safeword?" The wolf asked after a second thought, but the otter was pressing in, making his gasp and inhale sharply.

"I like to go rough." The otter spoke. "I like to make people moan." He leaned forward and kissed Crisps neck, his fingers playing with Crips toes through the fabric, making his cock jump again. The wolf was genuinely afraid he would come then and there, but almost sensing that, the otter slipped in slower until he was balls deep. "You feel so good." The otter cooed, nibbling gently along one of Crisps inner legs.

"S-Such a big man. I need that big man dick." Crisp encouraged. The otter puffed up his chest, pulling away and slamming back in so quickly Crisp gasped and put an arm up to the otter chest.

As if that could stop him. The otter repeated the slow exit fast entrance. He pressed and rubbed Crisps prostate, offering a satisfied and predatory grin when he finally started to hear the noises Crisp was making.

It was all Crisp could do not to cum. He gripped the bedsheets, moaned and squirmed. "Fucking pound me you sexy fucker. Fuck...i'm so close you have no idea, just fuck me!"

"Oh you dirty bitch." The otter chuckled, unable to believe his luck with partners. "Oh my god." He found a steady pace, picking it up. There was so much noise between the two of them and the box-spring, The otter hardly noticed Crisp moaning louder, until his bouncing cock erupted all over the wolfs chest and even reached up to his face. That put Dave over the edge. He thrust like a relentless machine, motivated and stimulated by Crisps clenching ass until he also came, loud and rough he slammed his hips forward without mercy and filled his partner.

Crisps head spun with days of chastity torture and edging. He almost felt sick with bliss. He desperately needed water from all the panting and drinking earlier but he couldn't make the words happen. Infact every time he opened his mouth he just smiled and giggled in the afterglow. David spooned him, still nestled in his ass.

"Jesus." The otter breathed hot into the wolf's neck and ear. "That was something."

"Yes it was." Crisp agreed, holding the paw that was resting across his waist. The otter kissed his ear.

"You know," he whispered, "You told me you often go more than once."


Crisp woke up in a mess of sheets and dirty fun. The fennec was there again, grinning at his and Davids naked bodies while Crisp tried to cover up. "What are you doing here?" He hissed.

"Just come to say my goodbyes." The fennec held up two paws in defeat. "You put on quite the show lad. Mmmph." He added, licking his lips.

Crisp blushed again, looking at the shoes in the irishman's hands and quickly throwing back the covers to confirm they were really off. He grinned, wiggling his free toes and looking back at the Fennec defiantly. A part of him would miss those damn shoes. If he could save up an orgasm like that all the time, be so confident and feel like he had all weekend it might almost be worth it.

"The punishment is fulfilled!" The small canine barked loud enough Crisp worried David might wake up and see him. "I'll be seeing you lad." He held up a paw to shake. "Don't be stealing from me though, next time i might not be so nice." He winked.

Crisp rolled his eyes but shook his paw. "I can honestly say it was fun at the end there you little pain in the ass."

The fennec raised an ear. "Could you now? Told you it wasn't all bad."

The wolf returned the fennecs usual cocky grin. "Yep, you were right about me anyway, i love that humiliation bit. I had fun when it wasn't getting me messy or dropping my groceries or flashing me to the neighbors." The Wolf chuckled a bit to himself. It was odd to be having such a rapport with the little pain in the neck. "Honestly i showered like 5 times in three days."

"So the confidence and chastity, and sporadic tap dances are more your thing huh?" He laughed at Crisp, "Oh thats rich." He paused, "Care to make another deal?"

The wolf went wide eyed, hiding his feet. "No way in hell!" He spat.

"Nothing so extreme!" He assured the wolf, "But if are being honest, i can only spy on you if you are in site of the shoes, and i get my jollies that way, with a hint of Voyeurism tossed in." he raised an eyebrow making Crisp chagrin. "I can set the shoes to come off any time, but also be humiliating within reason while on." The fennec, picked up the shoes, "No forcing them on, no fighting them off. All the side effects." He grinned. "Though i can't also put that charm on them that lets your boss see them as black boring trainers."

The wolf gave the short red head a distrustful look, but the shoes one of wonder. He held out a paw, "You got yourself a deal mate."

The fennec lit up, "As do you, love."


So i wrote this on a whim with some artistic inspiration from tumblr haha. not my art so not sure if i can share it. Tell me what you guys think. Im a bit rusty! "Strip." His voice was low and hummed in the air. That one syllable lasted long...

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Just needed to do some writing and burn off some steam. let me know what you think! always love feedback! Pete groaned, eyes running past the countless images of attractive furs on his screen. Part of him was above it all sure, we all say that. 'media...

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So....hi. i haven't written anything in quite a long time and i apologize for that. if any of you still have me waiting in your updates thats amazing and i thank you! School and work and all that jazz are crazy and i need to focus on that but i also...

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