Fates of the Unicorns 83 - Maids

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#83 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 83 - Maids

This long running Master and slave themed story series continues the journey of dragons, unicorns and the rest of the furry races in a world threatened with extinction by a monstrous threat. The furry races are grateful for the sacrifice dragons make in fighting the war, but would be much happier if the dragons would just stop trying to enslave them all!

_ SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an ongoing story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters_.

Fates of the Unicorns Fates of the Unicorns is the cover and a good place to start for new readers.

(Thanks to all my long time and new readers.

Don't forget to Favorite the chapter you like it!

It's a big help and means a lot to me. Thanks!)

Elyon groaned as a large hand shook her shoulder, causing her to bury herself deeper under the covers and whine softly. Maybe if she hid deep enough the annoying hand would go away and she could go back to sleep. She curled into a tight fetal ball and sighed as the hand left her alone. She felt the calm, peaceful darkness pulling at her and let it take her for the several seconds before that hand returned with a vengeance to give her ass a firm smack!

The mare yelped as she was spanked right out of the bed, scooting away from the punishing hand until she fell with a thud onto the flow. "Owie!" she said as she rubbed her butt with one hand and her shoulder with her other, looking up with tired eyes at the large purple form of her Master towering over her. After several long moments her training kicked in and she shifted to her knees, bowing her head and mumbled, "Sorry Master."

Talos gave a snort and a shake of his head, "Now is not the time to let your obedience training slip, slave. You need to be in perfect shape with your obedience and magical skills if we are to impress those that will be deciding if Hahnel is going to be permitted to help with your training or if we can keep her away."

Elyon let out a whine at the memory of the horrible dragoness, her ugly scars, and even uglier attitude. She had hurt her, her Master, and promised more. "I'm sorry Master" she said with much more emotion. "I'm just so tired, I just wanted a little more sleep I guess." She slumped a bit wishing she had more strength and energy, but her training, all of her training was so demanding. Just like her Master. She loved her training, and... well... liked her Master. He was kind and patient with her, when he wasn't letting his dragon urges take over. She knew he held back on those for her sake and was grateful, but ever since Hahnel's visit he had pushed her harder and faster.

Talos let out a large yawns and swished his tail, "Didn't you get enough sleep? I feel fine. What's tiring you out?"

She blinked at him and let out a huff, "Really, Master? I get up early, and every day I practice using and controlling my powers. Reading and studying too. Then all the obedience training takes a lot out of me."

Talos said, "I'm the one doing all the work there. Is getting spanked so tiring, you just have to lay there."

Elyon said, "It gets me all tense, and hurts.. and it's just.. exhausting, yeah... Master. Then the, uhm. Other training."

"Now that is entirely your fault, slave. I let you ride on top a lot because I know you like being able to ease into it and set the pace. But if it's too much work I can just bend you over and do all the work myself."

Elyon blushed furiously, and then felt her face heat up even more as she saw him looking down between her thighs, her legs spread as she had been trained to. Her thighs muscles twitched as she wanted to close her legs and put her hands down there to cover herself. She had grown used to being naked, usually, except times like these when she was made painfully aware of her nakedness. Open to her Master's gaze and, other things. "Umm.. no Master.. I mean please don't change. It would be even more tiring that way. That sort of, err, activity just tires me out a lot. Sometimes it's a struggle to finish."

Talos swishes his tail, "Well I do like to take my time, yes.. I like to watch you cum before finishing when I fuck you. Most dragonesses and slaves are rather appreciative of that sort of care..."

Elyon blushed again, reminded with the blunt terms of how he didn't simply use her for his pleasure, but made she she had her own. Usually more than once. She let out a groan just from the memories of the strong feelings he evoked in her body when he claimed her. She gulped and didn't have anything to say to that. She instead said, "Well, then I also have to cook you meals. Then dusting and washing floors and cleaning and when I finally do get to bed..."

Talos said, "That's when I use sex to put us both to sleep."

Elyon coughed, "It doesn't... really make me sleepy."

"You said sex tires you out."

Elyon almost sighed as she rubbed at her furry thighs, "It makes me tired but gets me, uhm, too wound up to sleep. Then when I do sleep you sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and do it again."

Talos sighed, "I'm a dragon, pet. We get all upset and cranky if we don't de-stress, and sex is the best way to do that, as well as keeping everyone reminded of their social Place. I'm working just as hard as you, just summon your strength and do your duty like anyone else in the dragon empire."

Elyon protested, "But Master I'm not a dragon."

Talos nodded, "You are a unicorn which have even more stamina than dragons."

"Because of the magic in our horns, which I use a lot of practicing my magic."

Taos rubbed his chin and hmmed, "I see. Dragons just, well, do what needs to be done. We have to get you in shape fast, so it just... gets done. It's how dragons work."

Elyon repeated, "I'm not a dragon Master. I don't think I can." She forgot her exhaustion for a moment as she studied the strange being before her. Dragons were so smart, this one knew more about magic and history and everything than she ever could. But they just couldn't seem to grasp some concepts that were so easy for her, or anyone else. The fact that everyone was NOT a dragon seemed to be one of them, for they treated all furries as if they were dragons. They saw differences as flaws to be corrected, not accepting that every species had strengths and weaknesses. This was not the first time she had to repeat herself trying to get a point across to him that was glaringly obvious to her.

"Well, you don't need to clean and cook and scrub floors I suppose. That's all good to get a new slave used to the life, but you have accepted your place and don't need to have your nose rubbed in it. I could bring back my servant and have her take over those duties, and she could fuck me to sleep and take over most those duties as well."

Elyon let out a sharp, "No!" before she quickly added a Master and grimaced, "Please, not her" she said. Memories of the fox strutting around naked, always getting her boobs and, eww, her crotch in Elyon's face. Always by accident, but she knew better! Then the rest of his statement hit her and she had a vision of that fuck on top of her Master, getting herself all over him. Getting HER Master all smelling like nasty girl fox. Touching him. Getting petted and held and hugged. Snuggling to sleep with. She clenched her teeth as strong feelings of jealousy temporarily wiped away her disgust. That... that... bitch!

Talos hmmed thoughtfully at her reaction, "Yes, you do have that issue with females don't you. Perhaps we should break you of that. Best way to get over a hangup, like your fear of heights is to just do it until it no longer bothers you. Perhaps I can hire some girls to give you a few orgy sessions."

Elyon grimaced, her face screwed up in disgust, her jealousy forgotten again to be replaced by unpleasant thoughts of not just one, but several girls doing... "Ugh!"

Talos watched the mare squirm and twitch and shiver, frowning. He had seen dragons act like that after coming back from the front lines, acting like scared hatchlings whenever they saw a small bug or someone brushed against them. Once they got to that point they were no longer useful as warriors, the horrors they saw breaking something inside of them. Perhaps she had some horrible experience with girls in the past? He thought back to her repeated denial of being a dragon. Of course she wasn't a dragon. He wasn't stupid. She was a dragon's slave, there was a big difference! Dragons knew how to act and behave and find their place and do their duty. Furries needed to be trained, and sometimes forced to do all that. But just like dragons broken in battle, maybe some furries were broken by their pasts too.

Elyon erked as Talos lifted her to her hooves by her arms and slid a hand between her thighs, fingers rubbing and exploring her sex and making her blush and groan. What was he doing?

"This... you don't like it?"

"Huff... umm.. Master? The.. touching? It, uhhhh, I don't not like it..." she managed feebliy as the dragon managed to touch ALL the right spots! Her deep blush and gasping breath showed there "don't not like it" was a large understatement.

"No, your pussy.. you don't like it?"

Elyon let out a whine as his fingers continued toying with her, "Ahhh... I ummm... it's mine. I don't like OTHERS."

Talos peered down, spreading her with his fingers to examining her soft, and now slightly damp lips. "What's the difference?"

Elyon would have laughed at the question if it hadn't been asked by a dragon fondling her naked body. She bit her lip as she saw a familiar red shaft sliding from his sheath. Even standing she could just about nuzzle it at full mast without having to bend over. She leaned back a bit as it lifted, as if it were seeking her muzzle. "It's mine.. others are not. I don't... I don't really like to, um, touch mine either but... it's... I just hate others! Too, uh, nasty. Nnnngh!"

Talos pondered, knowing some dragons, even the bravest of warriors couldn't bring themselves to face some of the horrors past the front lines. Maybe she is afraid of other females like that? As he thought he absently stroked his growing shaft, his hand abandoning her sex to slide around the back of her head and pull it down. "Well, there are other options I suppose. Hmmm. Mmmmm. Ahhh."

Elyon mrrrmped and opened wide as her mouth was pushed down onto the thick red member, taking him in with the ease of long practice. "Mrrrrghmph!" was all she could protest.

Talos hmmmed more as he finally said, "I suppose I could hire a part time maid to do the cleaning. Make sure to get a male."

Elyon brightened at that, mmmmphing out something unintelligible.

"You would like that, pet?" asked Talos.

Elyon nodded vigorously, then blushed as the motion brought out a moan and a dribble of precum leaked onto her tongue. His hand continued bobbing her head, turning the nod into a steady thrusting before he stopped just as suddenly as he started, pulling her back to gasp air, tongue and lips covered with the taste of the male dragon. She licked at the wetness of her lips, hating to drool before she looked up at him, frowning at a thought. "Just the cleaning.. not the.. other things?"

Talos made a face of his own as he considered, "No, males just don't interest me. You would still need to service these needs." His shaft throbbed visibly before her eyes, makign it crystal clear just what those needs were.

Elyon let out a relaxed breath. "Good, Master" she said and immediately wondered why. She didn't LIKE him using her like that. She blushed again, well, it felt good, but she didn't... what didn't she want. Didn't want to just screw like all the other mares and stallions did? Pairing up for no other reason than they liked how each other looked that day? It just seemed to her there should be more to it. A connection. Was there one here? He wasn't her boyfriend! He was... her Master. Not really a boyfriend, or husband. A father? No, not that either. Something else... something she didn't have a word for. But there was a word for it, wasn't there. Master. She just didn't know what it meant!

Talos nodded, "That's settled then. Lets go shopping!"


Elyon waited at the door, nervously shuffling from hoof to hoof. She was as dressed as she ever was, which wasn't much. Her collar and horn cover were on of course, as well as the tiara that blocked her powers. She knew it would give her a bad headache if she wore it for too long, but Talos assured her they would not be gone all day. She also had on her top and bottom, wrist and ankle cuffs and a few clip on earrings and her hair decorations, small cylinders that held her hair into a pair of long ponytails. The only other 'clothing' she wore was a long leather leash, the other end held by her Master. She looked at the door nervously. She had never been outside since he had brought her here, and she hardly remembered anything about her trip here. She had spent most of it in a half-coma in that horrible cocoon. Most of what she remembered was the concerned look of her soon to be Master, and how good it felt when he freed her of her bondage. And replaced it with his own.

"Now... keep your eyes averted from other dragons. Always walk behind me, never in front. If a dragon orders you to do something, obey. I will make sure they don't order you around, but do not hesitate if one does. I doubt we will run into anyone too high above me, but if we do you will be expected to show your respect to them as well as I."

Elyon nodded, having had many lessons about proper behavior. "Yes Master," she said.

Talos nodded, and unlocked the door, taking Elyon out into the corridor.

Elyon tried not to look around too much. She had seen the tunnel that his lair opened into when greeting visitors, but never got to step outside like this. It was big, bigger than even she thought from her previous glimpses. It was wide enough for half a dozen dragons to walk side by side, maybe even more. She glanced up to see the wide curve of the roof. The top was lit by glowing stones just like the ones in her Master's lair, but much larger and brighter with a harsher light. She still didn't know what made them glow, and from what Talos said nobody living really knew either. They could be repaired when they dimmed, but nobody could make new ones. He also said they didn't work outside of the dragon capital, which was a pity. Her village could use such things instead of oil and candles and fires of wood and coal.

She quickly fell in behind her Master, head down enough to keep an eye on his feet. They had practiced this lots, tugs on the leash for signals, hand motions and rarely spoken orders. Doors lined the walls on both sides, some ornate like Talos' others more plain. Each the lair of a dragon. She knew the ones on her left overlooked the city crater, so the ones on the right must not have any windows. Were they bigger to make up for the lack of a view? Would dragons want larger lairs or a lair with a view. She didn't know, but knew Talos loved to look out so she suspected his were the better ones. That made her feel pleased somehow.

She jerked at a loud whistle, eyes turning to see a large black dragon walking by and giving her an appreciative look, "Cute unicorn slave, Talos! No wonder you have been holed up in that lair of yours lately. They really as good in bed as I hear?"

Talos gave a friendly snort, "Better."

"How about you lend her to me for a night? I'll teach her some new tricks for you."

Talos just let out a growl at that, the other dragon backing off, "Fine, fine, keep her to yourself you greedy mage."

With a smirk Talos said, "I plan on it."

Elyon tried to cover her ass with her tail as she walked, but the swishing seemed to only attract even more eyes. Never in her life had she felt so vulnerable. Always before her abilities calmed and made friends of any wild beasts, but here it was blocked, contained. Collared, just like she was. She winced as pain shot through her head as she instinctively tried to manipulate the dragons around her, and the crown-like headband bounced it right back at her.

Talos felt her stumble through the leash and murmured, "Calm, slave. Concentrate on following, and controlling yourself."

Elyon nodded, "Yes, Master." Somehow that statement made it easier, Master would keep her safe. She just had to do what he said, the big dragon knowing best how to navigate this sea of dragons. And slaves. So many furries among the dragons. Not every dragon had a slave on a leash, but many did. Some carried packages, some walked, others crawled. One was dragged, kicking and screaming into a gag while the happy dragon took them along against their will and efforts. She shuddered, trying not to look especially as many of the slaves gave her lusty looks that would make a dragon proud.

Soon the tunnel curved inward and became smooth with no more doors or openings until it emerged into a much larger tunnel. She gaped at this one, not having any idea how many dragons could fit side by side in this one. She looked left and right, seeing it curved off to the distance in both directions, but even so she could see a long way. One direction led a gentle curve up, another led down. In the middle were several sets of long flat metal rods and what looked like slots cut into the stone between them. Rails, they were rails. She had never seen a train, but had heard of the noisy, smoky things and the tracks they rode on. But there were no noisy machines here, only what looked like wagons with many seats. Dragons, and sometimes their slaves rode in these. She was surprised to see one coming the other direction, going up. As she watched another came to a stop and Talos pulled her forward and into it. She stepped up nervously but took a seat next to him.

A strong arm draped over her shoulder and held her as the wagon began to move once more, going downhill. She looked away from the moving walls and floor and focused on her Master, distracting herself from the crazy ride with questions, "How does this all work? Where to they go? How do you get back up?"

Talos chuckled and explained, "Inside the crater walls are large passages like this, carved inside like a giant corkscrew. Two of them going in opposite directions." He gestured at the cart, "They used to move on their own power, but that magic is long gone. Now they are pulled by large cables. The driver pulls some sort of lever that does something with the cable to start and stop. I really don't understand that part, not my place to work with machines."

Elyon shook her head in wonder. How long were these cables? How did they make them so strong? What pulled them? She had a million questions but only asked the last.

"Big steam engines do the pulling. Noisy things, leftovers from a forgotten age as well. Nobody really understands how they work either, but they do. Lots of them in the machine lairs. Pumps, pulleys for the cars, water lifts. Nobody rides those. They're only for moving supplies about."

Elyon was finally comfortable enough to look out, but there really wasn't much to see. One section of the large tunnel looked like any other. Full of dragons and sometimes their slaves. It was the furry slaves that caught her attention. She hadn't really seen many species back home, unicorns didn't like to mix with other kinds, only a few visitors. She had seen common breeds before, wolves and foxes and sometimes a dog of some sort. But never anything like this. All of those, and cats of all kinds, more dogs, foxes of different colors, birds, lizards, many she could hardly identify. They all fascinated her.

"Here we are..." said Talos as he stood, pulling Elyon to her hooves and stepping off just as the car came to a stop. He helped her off, but then simply held her leash and led her along.

Elyon blushed again, feeling strange as she walked behind the big dragon on a leash. Like a pet dog. She kept her eyes down, avoiding other dragon's gazes, but also not wanting to see their looks back at her. It made her feel like some sort of prey, all those eyes on her.

"That's a fine slave you got there, mage," said a dirt colored dragon wearing heavy armor and a large sword slung across his back.

"Yes, I do have her, solider," said Talos as he gave a tug on the leash, Elyon moving closer behind him as she had been trained.

The muscled dragon moved to stand in Talos's way, blocking his path. "I've seen a few, but none like her. Such a lovely color, is her fur as soft as it seems?" He stepped to the side, reaching out for Elyon as she cringed back from the grasping claws.

Talos let out a growl, this time it was he that moved to block the other dragon's path. "Leave MY property be" he said in a deep growl.

Elyon cowered behind Talos, not liking this dragon at all. Was he one of his superiors? Would he have to let him touch her? What would he do to her? She wished he would just go away, then gasped and winced as her head throbbed, the circlet around her head blocking her powers. She put a hand to her forehead, instantly regretting the ill-conceived wish. Her powers had tried to make it come true, and the sensation of having it bounced back at her made her teeth tingle and her head throb. No wonder mages hated these things, they were dangerous and they HURT! She focused her feelings inward where they couldn't do any harm, but it was hard to ignore the bigger dragon arguing with her Master.

The dragon smirked, "What are you going to do mage, give me an itchy foot? Make spooky noises and hurt yourself doing it? I'm a warrior, you might have a bit of rank but your kind can't do anything useful without shitting your own pants."

Talos hissed as he heard Elyon's noise of pain, knowing immediately she was struggling to control herself. He hoped he had not taken her out too soon, but he had little choice if he was to get her prepared. He narrowed his eyes and glared at the dragon, obviously not caring for the insults either, but clearly angered over the threat to his charge. "I have more than just a BIT of rank on you. She is under my training and protection, and you will not harm her."

The warrior snorted, "That little thing?" He smacked his chest with a hand, "This is what wins battles, mage. Muscle. Strength. Skill. Not some fancily dressed weakling like you sitting safe in your lairs, hiding behind your books."

Talos growled and bristled, "If your kind didn't screw up every few years there would be a lot more mages around. It's us that die to push back the swarm when your ill-conceived plans put us all in danger. I lost many mentors who bought the time you needed to recover in that last fiasco so many years ago."

The warrior narrowed his eyes, "We lost ten, a hundred, a thousand comrades for every one your kind lost while you hid. Were you too scared to fight, is that why you didn't die with them?"

Talos gritted his teeth before replying, "It was not my PLACE to fight then."

With a laugh the dragon made another move to reach for Elyon, "I say your place is doing whatever you do in your safe little lair, and mine is to take this sexy girl for a dragon ride."

The reaching claws produced a whine from the trembling unicorn and she shrank back, then stopped reflexively as Talos snapped his fingers. But the snap was not for her she saw, watching his hand lifting, fingers pointing at the menacing warrior as he changed his pose to a very dangerous looking stance.

"Back the fuck off now, or BURN..." threatened Talos, his hand raised and held to the side, talons pointed like weapons at the warrior.

The warrior crouched somewhat at the sudden change in the mage, his head tilting up and out to watch those fingers, a hint of doubt in his eyes beginning to show. Those eyes, so focused on that hand never saw the fist swinging up from the other side until it slammed into his chin, snapping his jaws shut with a loud clop and sending him reeling back onto his ass. He grunted, head spinning.

"I don't care WHAT you think, solider. You are NOT my superior, you are NOT my better. You are not worth wasting my fire on, and you had best hope I stay in my lair, because if I ever DO join you on the battlefield it will be because you, me, and everything we care for is about to be lost. If you want to lay your hands on my property, go get in line and beg one of your generals for permission. I answer to them, not you."

Talos gave a snort and without waiting for the warrior to reply, took Elyon and led her past.

The warrior rubbed his chin with a growl, but much of the disdain and anger had faded from his face, literally knocked off like a mask being shattered by the blow. He grunted at the words of the mage, seeming to calm slightly when the mention of generals were brought up. He watched the dragon walk past and rose to his feet, but didn't follow. "Fucking mages. One of these days out generals WILL decide you are more trouble than you are worth and we will settle this once and for all."

"Don't make me give myself a nosebleed turning you into a pile of ash if you even LOOK at my property again. She. Is. Mine!" said Talos with a deep growl but didn't even bother to turn his head in the warriors direction as reached down to pick up the fallen end of Elyon's leash, but was surprised to see her already offering it to him. He took it and continued walking, heading to one of the many exits from the large transport tunnel, giving a tired sounding growl.

Elyon relaxed as they moved away from the other dragon, shocked at the sudden and seemingly pointless violence. Is this how dragons acted among each other? Was that horrible dragoness really how they all were? Was her Master the only nice one? She risked a glance up at her Master, huddled close at his side, following his look to see a number of other dragons dressed in armor or leathers who had been watching but now were drifting off, heading back to whatever tasks or errands they had been on. She rubbed at her head which still throbbed.

"Are you all right, slave? Did you hurt yourself?" asked Talos as he looked worriedly down at Elyon.

Elyon shook her head, answering in a small voice, "Just a little, Master. I'm all right. I was just surprised at first."

Talos frowned but nodded, "You must learn control it completely. A little surprise can hurt, but a big one could cause you to kill yourself. There is no way to be safe unless you control it completely."

Elyon nodded as she rubbed at her head again, letting Master inspect her before following as he continued on. "Master, are all other dragons so... uhm. Like him, and.. her?"

Talos noted her reluctance to bad-mouth dragons and he gave a chuckle, then a sigh. "No. But warriors and mages have bad blood. We differ greatly in how we would carry out the war against the insects, and many on both sides die from mistakes and limitations. They throw lives at them relentlessly, where we must spend ours much more carefully. They are all brawn and no brains, and will never get along with the likes of us. Every time a mage and warrior meet we butt heads, you will get used to it."

Elyon was silent as she digested that. Then she had no more time to think as she was taken into smaller, more densely packed passageways. More dragons and occasional slaves passed by, too fast to really get a good look at any. Many had the same criss-crossing chest straps and weapons the warrior did, some were in armor. But others were dressed differently. Some had fancier clothes, others wore soot or dirt stained working clothes she could recognize from her village. It was odd to see a dragon looking dirty and hard worked. Master Talos was also so meticulous about being clean. If he felt even the slightest bit dirty he jumped right into that wonderful hot shower or bath of his. She blushed, remembering that he also took her in as well to help wash him. She didn't mind that much, at least when washing parts she could use a washcloth on. Apparently some parts of a dragon were too delicate to use washcloths on and required softer washing. Like unicorn tongues. She blushed again and followed closer, trying to forget the distracting memories, and tastes.

"Ah here we are," said Talos as he paused before a storefront.

Elyon looked curiously as they stopped in front of a large set of double doors inset into the side of the cave passage. There was a sign reading "Jaldor's Maids and Servants," carved into the stone itself, the iron doors gilded with silver and looking both heavy and expensive. She blinked as she noticed an alcove next to the doors. A female dalmatian was secured inside, bound by chains and wearing a fancy black and white outfit. She was muzzled and looked disheveled, her outfit having been pushed aside in many places, her fur all a mess from what Elyon assumed were countless gropes by passing dragons.

Talos gave a light tug on the leash, "We won't be renting the display model, they are always sore, tired and a bad deal. Often a troublemaker sent here for punishment. Better deals are inside."

Elyon shivered, imagining being on display like that, open for any dragon to touch or do THINGS to. She let out a whimper and hurried in, glad the door to her Master's lair didn't have such a display.

A blue and black dragon greeted Talos, "Ahh, Master Talos, what a pleasant surprise, and you brought your latest apprentice along I see. She is even more stunning than I had heard, quite a catch."

Talos gave an amused snort, "Does anything ever happen that you DON'T know about, Jaldor?"

Jaldor said, "Well I suppose things on the other side of the rim take a while to get to me. But I'd be a terrible salesman-merchant-trader-seller if I didn't know my clients needs before they did."

"Oh, so no need for me to explain then, you have what I need?" said Talos with a swish of his tail, amusement in his voice.

Jaldor hmmed and rubbed his chin and said with a straight face, "Well I suspect you need some kind of servant."

Talos let out a short laugh, "So very perceptive of you. Yes... I need someone to take care of the day to day things. Cooking, cleaning, shopping. No need to have any sexual skills, I have my her for that."

Elyon gasped a little at the casual mention of sex and blushed, suddenly all too aware of her nakedness. She covered her crotch with one hand, her breasts with her arm as the other dragon turned his gaze on her. She meeped softly, blushing deep at her and her Master's personal encounters mentioned so openly. She squirmed in embarrassment, tail tucked between her legs.

"Mmm-hmm I see, yes, well any of my stock wouldn't put a candle to that sweet thing. Of course, my slaves are all primarily trained in maid service, not sexual tricks. Have to go seven doors down for experts in THOSE services."

"I can't imagine anyone has stock that could match her. She had been inexperienced when I got her, I was her first. But she is learning very fast, both in magic and in how to pleasure a dragon. I'm quite pleased with her progress," said Talos as he patted Elyon on the head.

Elyon shifted on her hooves, unable to decide if she should be mortified at the casual talk or pleased at the praise. She settled on an uneasy mixture of both as her head was patted and she was made to stand at attention.

Talos only then noticed her pose and tsked, "Hands behind your back, part your hooves. You're acting like an animal. There is no need to fear or be shy when I am looking after you. Now present yourself and make me look good."

Elyon gulped and shakily forced her hands behind her back and scooted one hoof a bit to the side. She trembled a little, head cast down so she didn't have to look at the two dragons gazing at her. The animal term was one she had heard before, and took as a warning. It had taken her a while, but she eventually realized that dragons don't see animals and people like everyone else. To them, a person was one that fit into their world. Who had a place and accepted the rule and domination of those above her. An animal was one that didn't, and they treated animals like, well, animals. She did NOT want to be an animal in her Master's eyes. She didn't think he would hurt her, he seemed at least somewhat aware that even 'animals' were still people at some level, but she knew dragon instincts were powerful and not to be trifled with. She tried not to squirm as she held the pose.

Talos relaxed, "That's better. She is still being trained as you can see, and her training takes up all of my time and attention as well as hers. So what do you have? Only your best trained and behaved, and no females."

Jaldor nodded, "Of course, of course. Let me bring you a selection." The dragon turned on his heel and into a back room. Varous metallic sounds, clinks and clanks of chains, an opening and closing of cages and other mutterings could be heard before he brought out a group of male furries and a dragon."

Elyon had even more reason to keep her gaze down now. She had looked up at the line of slaves, and realized they were ALL naked. She had only seen some of their species in passing back at her village, and never naked! She learned more about other races than she ever wanted to know, and blushed hard as she caught sight of an equine looking her over. She looked away in discomfort after staring at his forehead, pointedly ignoring his crotch. She most definitely did not want to look there. The dragon caught her attention and she looked openly in surprise at the clearly submissive pose. Dragons could be slaves? How?

Talos hmmmed and waved at the dragon, "Not him, I don't need complications with Elyon's training."

Jaldor nodded and dismissed the dragon, a small green that meekly turned and was led away by an assistant. "Of course, of course. Don't get many of those, this one isn't a deserter or liar, just too submissive to be of use as anything else. Sold himself into slavery to me so he could have some protection, but anyway, take your pick."

Elyon pondered the slave dealers words about thge submissive dragon, then watched as Talos looked over the line of slaves, his eyes looking them up and down and asking various questions about them, the slave owner answering and sometimes pointing out various aspects of each potential slave.

"Trained in combat? No, I don't get along with such types," said Talos as another slave was sent back.

Elyon tried to hide a frown as she watched the two dragons inspect and dismiss various slaves like they were cattle. It made her feel bad, and sad for them to be treated like they were just property. She wished they could have real owners like... she paused and gulped. Like her. She bit her lip and wondered if it was wrong to be happy that she had an owner like Talos. She didn't want to be a slave of course, and wished she could be free, but wasn't it better to have a protector if she was to be stuck here? Was is wrong to wish for those with less to have what she did, even if what she had was something she couldn't quite decide was good or bad?

Talos queried about a brown and white mink who had taken a kneeling pose, bent over almost with his nose touching the ground. "That's Kai," said Jaldor. "He is well trained as a maid, servant and sex toy. Quite happy to be tied up and left in a closet until needed, honestly enjoys anything a dragon can dish out. Actually bought him from the kink speciality shop down the street. He gets off on cleaning, so can be popular. Very eager."

Talos shook his head, "No need for such things, I just need cleaning and general domestic chores. Next."

"This stallion can do heavy lifting as well as cleaning and cooking."

"Hmm, no horses either. They can get a bit randy around mares, best to stick to another species."

Elyon let out a small sigh as the horse was sent away, glad to see him go. They made her uncomfortable, like looking at a unicorn missing an arm or a leg. Mutilated. Broken. Not whole. Everything a unicorn wasn't. There was a unicorn like that who passed through her village once, missing a hoof. He had hid it well, but left quickly once it was noticed. Everyone had been on edge for some time after. Seeing a unicorn with a permanent injury was like, well, seeing a corpse. She shuddered.

"And you can send that one back too, he has an unpleasant odor."

"Sigh, all right. I was hoping he got it all out by now but you're right, you can still smell it. I won't be renting servants to That dragon again I can assure you" said Jaldor. He waved a hand, "Go bathe again. Get the others I sent back to scrub you down and use the bristled brushes."

The fox let out a resigned whine and rubbed at his fur as he nodded, "Yes Master," and walked back with a hint of a sulk.

Talos turned back to the remaining pair, a tan and white wolf, and a brownish feline, the slave keeper standing behind them. Jaldor put a hand on each of their shoulders, "He wants the best I have to offer, so convince him you are worthy of his employment. Whoever he doesn't pick goes on display service for a day."

At this, both slaves straightened up even further, looking even more serious and staring pointedly at Talos' feet. The wolf risked a glance at the doorway with a worried look and then returned his gaze. The feline simply stood still, calmly waiting his inspection.

"Well, Elyon? Only two left. Both seem capable. Since I'm hiring one to make your life easier, you need to be comfortable with them. Go ahead, take a closer look and tell me which you like better."

Elyon gasped as a hand patted her on the rump and pushed her forward. She stumbled forward on her hooves and squirmed at being so close.

Jaldor gave both slaves a pat on their rumps as well, pushing firmly and sending them a few steps forward. Both slaves moved, the wolf squirming shyly in embarrassment and the feline moving forward gracefully. "The wolf is a common breed, but this one is a Fossa, a rather rare feline. Not too many of them in the Empire."

Elyon blushed even harder as she was forced to notice their nakedness again, unable to help glancing down as both their crotches were shoved out by the firm push of their dragon owner. She turned her head away, sensing the distress from the wolf and not wanting to make it worse by looking. She tried to take a step back to give them room, but bumped right into the chest of her Master.

"Do they make you uncomfortable, slave? We can go elsewhere if they will hinder your training with their presence."

The last thing she wanted to do was go through all of this again. She shook her head and turned her gaze back to the pair. If they would be spending lots of time together, she might as well pick one that wouldn't bother her. She huffed softly, thinking if they had pants then both would be no problem at all! She looked between the pair and nibbled on her lower lip. She felt for the embarrassed wolf, and saw a bit of her Masters confidence in the other. Both seemed nice, even if they were not unicorns. She felt terrible since if she picked one, the other would be punished in that awful display alcove. Nether deserved that.

"Well, which do you like best?" asked Talos.

Elyon looked back and forth, catching the feline giving her chest a good look, his eyes darting downward with a grin when he was caught. Her head whipped over to the wolf, and he was looking at her chest too! The wolf looked down and managed an embarrassed expression, eyebrows furrowed. She almost stomped her hoof at the both of them. Males!

Sighing, she shook her head in bemusement and looked again. "I... I can't decide, Master" she said honestly.

"Picking out a slave is an skill I suppose you never had to develop. Well, look at both of them. Closely. Pay attention to how they make you feel. Not just their looks, but attitude, demeanour. Which do you want to bring you a meal? WHo would you ask on a date if you had seen them in your village?"

Elyon blinked at the thought of seeing them in her village. Date? Neither! Unicorns didn't date other species. She almost protested, but sighed and tried to do as she was told. She looked at the wolf first. He was bigger than she was, clearly male even without the obvious hints down below. She liked his color, thinking the tan of his fur looked good with the wide white stripe from his face down his chest and to his, uhm, thighs. She felt a kinship to him as he noticed her appraisal and blushed. Shy, like her.

She looked to the feline who returned her gaze. He wasn't challenging her, but clearly wasn't afraid, and seemed to be as interested in her as she was in him. He was a dark brown and had a similar lighter shade down his front. She had never seen, or heard of a 'fossa' before but there were so many breeds that it was impossible to remember them all. Unicorn schools didn't spend much time with that either. One was a unicorn, or one was not. What else mattered? She looked the feline up and down, noting his tail was thick like a dragon, probably fur? The tail, and his attitude reminded her of Talos, just a little.

"Which one would serve you best?" asked Talos after Elyon looked back and forth several times.

"Uhm... I guess both could cook and clean, I mean can't anyone do those things, Master?"

Any of the slaves here can do such duties, they are all trained. You need to pick one that won't make you feel nervous or make you fight to keep your abilities under control."

"Oh, yes Master... uhm.. I... well..."

Talos folded his arms in amusement, "Everyone has a preference for dogs and cats. Most have a favourite for a pet. Didn't your kind keep pets in your village?"

Elyon shook her head, "We didn't keep slaves... oh.. you mean the little four footed ones? Yes... we did. I liked..." she paused. She liked dogs better than cats, but not by much. She liked all animals, and all people too! It was unfair, she didn't want either of them to suffer. She took a breath and blurted out her question as soon as she thought of it, "Can we have both, Master?"

Talos looked taken aback, regarding the small unicorn at his side. He looked thoughtful, and then asked, "Well, can I get a discount on two?"

Jaldor said, "Perhaps on two of lesser quality, but not two of my best."

Talos sighed and nodded, "Fine. I'll take both."

The two slaves both looked relived, then glanced at each other, then at Elyon.

She smiled sheepishly back at them, then reached out to hug her Master, stopping as she started to turn and put her hands quickly behind her back. She wasn't sure if that was appropriate or not, but let out an eeeeep as he gave her a hug instead from behind, two arms criscrossing in front of her, hands sliding neatly under the decorative petals that cupped the underside of her breasts. She moaned and whined at the same time as she was squeezed and groped.

"You're welcome, slave."

"She must be quite a fuck if you are willing to reward her this much. My services don't come cheap you know."

Talos continued to fondle the squirming, writhing unicorn who was now trapped in his grasp. He gave a small snort as he pulled the unicorn tighter to him in a possessive hug, "What she is, is mine. She is also going to be a great help to the war. Don't worry about the gold, I think I'll bill the military for them. They want a weapon, they can help pay for her development."

The two slaves looked at the dragon and unicorn, their new assignments. One nervous, one eager, both waiting patiently for instruction.

"I'll take them back home today, and we can arrange their schedule when I am done with their introduction and duty assignments."

"Very well... just make sure they don't come back smelling bad. I think I'm going to have to shave that fox's fur."

Elyon thought she heard a 'meep' from the back room, but it was hard to tell. The groping and fondling of her breasts wasn't loud, nor was the leering and aroused gazes of the two slaves as they watched, but the blood pounding in her ears from the embarrassment of all the attention seemed to drown everything else out. She whined, and then whined louder as her noises only encouraged her Master. She snorted as both slaves seemed unable to contain their grins. Males!