
Story by NoOneIsHome on SoFurry

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Another Feral Dragon Story

This story is another take on something that ive wanted to see for a while but doesn't appear too often in stories. A nice family mating, with a healthy dose of fingering. Possibly my favorite thing in the world, combine it with incest and you get something amazing.

The dragons in this story are fairly similar, they are all stereotypical western dragons this time. All red dragons with black manes, they walk on four legs, and have human like hands for forepaws. The main focus is on Damas, and his return to his parents den after leaving his nest early and rarely coming back for more than one night at a time.

Lots of help was provided Raevocrei. Who is just awesome and has helped me so much

Hey! It looks like this one's formatting isn't all messed up! Happy reading everyone!

As Damas walked into his den, all he could think about was his bed. He had spent the last few days finishing up months of research, and the last nine hours of flight had yielded no luck in getting closure. He searched for answers to questions he had, things his parents did not know, and things he never knew. Now wanting nothing but to rest, he left his packs of books on his body and closed his eyes, falling asleep in seconds.

When he awoke, he stretched out his tired limbs and unhooked the packs from his body. His muscles ached on lines where the satchels had been tied to him for days. He got up from his bed and wandered out the small entrance to his family's cave. He came back to his old home when he needed a break, and with the traveling he did, his parents let him use the small part of their cave he grew up in to keep his hoard safe.

Damas stretched his body further in the warmth of the sunlight and eventually took flight on his refreshed, but still aching, wings. A short time later, when he returned to his cave, he looked to speak with his father about his next journey, but both his parents were absent. He headed back into his den and opened up his packs to retrieve his books and organize the notes he had taken during his last trip.

Damas unpacked his textbooks and sorted out his scrap papers, moving everything else aside to give himself more space in the den. He curled up and spread the notes and books in a wide circle in front of him and began going over everything. As he read, his thoughts became all about his findings. The sigils on the pages quickly began to read in the voices of those he had spoken with, and it was as if he was reliving the conversations. He remembered the dragons he had spoken with and began to lose track of his reading.

That green scaled female was beautiful. Her eyes matched her scales so wonderfully and the small bits of yellow around her claws was the only contrast to the shades of green on her body.

His tail flicked back and forth unconsciously, the words on the page becoming less relevant as more time passed. Damas was envious of her mate, and wished he could be the one on her back at night. The thought lingered in his mind as he finished the pages that they had wrote. His tail slapped against another book and he noticed what he was doing. All the bedding around his tail had been pushed aside as it had flipped back and forth. He looked behind himself and realized he had been doing it the whole time he had thought of her. And the whole time, he had been steadily becoming horny. His semi-erection warmed his thighs and he lifted a leg to peek at it. The thick liquid that coated it strung between his thighs as his tip and his first ridges had everted.

Damas looked into his notebook. He had lost track of where he was reading many pages ago and shut the book. There was no sign of his parents and the sun was still high in the air. He figured they would be spending the day away from the den, and that they would want to talk now that he had returned, so he had to make good use of his time available to masturbate.

Damas stood himself up quickly began to stack up his notes, not wanting to risk losing the order of the smaller loose sheets. He put them all onto a shelf and stacked the books in front of it. Satisfied with their security, he turned around and grabbed the bag he kept his personal things in. It contained a jar of oils that he had gotten from a human settlement. One of his mates had turned him on to the idea of massages and foreplay before mating, a waste of time in his opinion, but the oils had an amazing effect on how good she felt once he was on top of her. The jars came with an oversized sealing mechanism on them for easy access by large dragon paws and, as far as he knew, was made specifically for enhancing mating.

Damas made short work of the top of the jar and dipped his head to smell the contents. It was just as he remembered, minus the scent of the female, and his mind stirred rapidly to sexual thoughts. He poured the oil across his cock and felt it surge under the liquid. As he spread it across his body, everything became more sensitive. He felt more aware of himself, almost like his body had turned off things that weren't related to mating. All thoughts of research, or other lesser things were gone and it became about him in this moment.

He tipped his head back and let his mane rub against the cool stone floor. The stark contrast in temperature made him shiver in anticipation. He curled up and reached his paws down to his cock. He put one paw at his base and slowly slid his pads just above his ridges. His cock was incredibly hard, yet he still had control over it. He could pull the familiar muscles in his groin and make it shift and flex against his hand, which still surprised him even to this day.

When Damas had finished exploring himself, he grasped himself in his whole hand and started to stroke himself slowly, staying away from his base and tip while just gently stroking his length, thinking about the females he had mounted in the past. The way they felt under him, how they submitted to him, let him ravage their bodies. He readjusted himself onto his back and wandered through his mind. The time he had had a female on top of him was fantastic. She was the first female he had seen who used his cock to pleasure herself to ecstasy. Her exact words still present in his mind, the things she told him about how incredible he felt, how good he was at love making, and the way she'd screamed as she climaxed all fueled him.

He moved his paw up to his tip and rubbed the surface of it. He was rewarded with a hard throbbing and a large shot of pre seed. Damas knew he had no ability to last sexually and quickly brought his paw down to his ridges and squeezed. That pushed him over the edge. His legs kicked out and he had to use his free forepaw to hold himself steady. He raced his hand up and down his slickened cock while he focused his thoughts on that beautiful, green female once again.

In Damas' mind, he was on top of her, dominating her, and she was loving every second of it. She screamed his name and pressed herself against him, her warmth rose through his body as he slammed into her again and again as they both reached their climaxes together. She shuddered under him and her legs went stiff as she arched her back and let him drive into her as fast as he could before he came.

Damas pressed his paw down as far as he could and gripped his ridges. He took his free hand and squeezed his tip tightly as he came. He screamed as his orgasam hit him, shooting long ropes of seed along his chest and some up to his neck. He thrashed on his bed for what felt like minutes as he finished before slowly coming down and panting hard in the afterglow.

Damas breathed heavily while he relaxed and calmed down. The scents in his den were fantastic. He had always enjoyed the scent of his own seed and his dank musk, and combined with the smell of the oil it made a fantastic aroma for him.

As he fell towards slumber, staying in a state of twilight, he hallucinated visions of mating, and cuddling with his mates, reliving the feelings of the females he had mated, and how they always begged him for more, more passion, more ecstasy. Nearly every female he had mated had begged him not to stop, and when he had finished they still couldn't get enough of him.

He dozed off for nearly and hour and woke up completely refreshed. His seed had dried onto his scales, so he stored the jar of oil on a shelf and walked out of the cave, took flight, and flew towards the river to bathe himself.

As Damas flew, everything felt better than it had before. He had no books or bags weighing him down. There was no responsibility tying him to one place, and he did not have to worry about finding anywhere to sleep tonight. The air felt smoother as he cut through it and he loved the feeling of being able to dance through the skies. He was as free as could be and he wanted to take advantage of it. He spent a good portion of the day flying and taking in all the senses of being back in his home lands.

He returned to the cave later that night and padded his way into his den. What he saw surprised him. His mother was laid out on his bedding and his father stood behind her. Both of them had hungry eyes that were directed straight at Damas. Damas had no idea why they would need to be in his den, but their body language was the only indicator he needed. His mother was the first to speak. She stood herself up and slowly sauntered towards him.

"Hello Damas," she spoke softly and sensually. "I've been waiting for you to return." Damas took a step back as she moved towards him.

"Mother, what are you doing?" Damas asked bewilderedly, not wanting to accept the incredibly obvious fact that she was there to mate him.

His father was the next to speak, "she's here to have you mate with her Damas." He spoke monotone and deadpan to his son.

Damas stepped back further as every word he wanted to say tried to leave his mouth at once. He stuttered and paused before looking at this mother and just stating. "No." Both parents looked at their son, slightly confused.

His father asked, "Why Damas?"

"It's just not right. It's just. No. I don't feel like this is the right time. We need to talk about this first-" Damas' voice was stuttering out of control as he spoke. Shifting in pitch and tone before his mother nuzzled against him, and he devolved into a pathetic whine.

"Damas, my son, This is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. It's a common rite of passage among males..." Then she glared at him before continuing, "For ones that don't leave their nest and go travel the world like you have."

Damas knew she was right. He had left before he reached sexual maturity and mated his first time far from his home. Now that he was back for a long enough time it was right for him to perform his rite of passage.

"Its not that, it's just I didn't expect this," Damas stated as he stood up. His mother was extremely attractive and he knew it. His cock erected quickly and she flagged her tail for him, revealing her sex to him unashamedly.

Damas didn't bother to object any further and climbed onto her back, he slid himself around until he was comfortable with his position and rubbed his cock along his mother's slit a few times, teasing her with his tip before he sunk himself in. She didn't grip him and clench around him like previous females he had mated. She took careful movements and worked her inner muscles in unison with her son's thrusts. Both took their time adjusting to each other before Damas pressed himself completely into her and she moaned back affirmatively. He picked up his speed and began to thrust into her hard and fast as she fidgeted and twitched underneath him.

As mother and son settled into a mutual pace, their moans of pleasure rose along with their efforts. Damas held onto her tightly, keeping a forepaw on her shoulder and around her neck. She twisted her hips and adjusted herself constantly as he worked through her. Damas nuzzled his head against hers and moaned out to her. When she didn't return the gesture, Damas slammed himself against her and pushed into his thrusts. She stood up and started to drop her hind end disapprovingly, Damas was not impressed and bit at her neck, pushing it back down. She quickly pulled her neck from his teeth and took a step forward dropping her son clean off her back in one motion.

"Do you think that is any way to treat a female?" Her voice carried a small tinge of anger as she whirled around to face him. Damas stepped back and stood defensively.

"Do you even know what you are supposed to do when you're being mated?" he asked, earning a sharp rise from both his parents."

"Excuse me!?" his mother roared back to him. "That was the worst mating I've ever had!"

Damas bared his teeth and shouted back, "How dare you insult me! I'll have you know that I've mated hundreds of times, and they loved every second of it!"

She stepped towards him aggressively and brought herself nose to nose with him. "You're the one who's been insulting us. It's shameful to raise a hatchling that can't even mate properly!"

"Well you shouldn't have been such a terrible parent!"

The female was furious. She lunged at him but, before his mother could do anything else, the elder male subdued her and bellowed, "Stand Down!" He stopped anything from getting violent. He looked to his son, "If you really had mated hundreds of times, you would probably have figured out the most basic parts of mating and not just humped away like some virgin whelpling."

Damas took exception to his father's words and stood up to meet him eye to eye. Both males were the same height and of the weight. But both males also knew that Damas paled in comparison so his father's strength and fighting skill. "Strike me and it will be the last thing you ever do."

Damas met his father's eyes as he spoke sharply to him, "Insult me again and it will be the last words you ever speak to me." Damas replied to noone in particular.

His mother quickly retorted, "Mate like that again and you will be a further insult to this entire family."

Damas stood down as his mother stepped out from behind her mate. "You don't understand even the simplest part of mating Damas, and it's embarrassing to me that you would be so arrogant as to think that you could possibly tell me that I am at fault for this."

"Every female I've lain has been extremely satisfied. I'll have you know that every one of them had been begging me for more," Neither of his parent looked pleased at that news.

They both looked down at their son and somberly admitted in unison, "Begging you?"

His father continued, "Pawing at you, crawling all over you and nuzzling you like she cant get enough of your body?"

Damas stood up proud of himself, "Damn Straight, Every one of them begged me to rut them again and again." He knew that was a lie, some of them had only lasted one round with him, but it was irrelevant as the next words he heard deflated the entirety of his ego.

"They never finished," his parents admitted in unison.

"That's not true!" He retorted. "I've had plenty of females ride me to climax, some even multiple times." The specific words he chose brought him to a sharp realisation. The only time he could be truly sure he had finished a female, was when she was on top. It had only happened twice, and one of those was after he had mounted her at least three times and she rolled him over in his sleep and worked him hard to erection, and nearly forced herself onto him. Damas began to fade slowly, losing aggression before he dropped down somberly as the truth hit him like a brick. He sulked and lost his remaining aggression in one fell swoop. He really was a terrible mate, and the worst part, was that he had never known. After a few silent moments his father stepped forward and placed his paw on his son's shoulder.

"You are naive to think you would be the greatest male in these lands at your age. Perhaps, we are to blame for not teaching you what you need to know before you left our den, but we can teach you now." His father's voice was grave despite his comforting words.

Damas looked up to him, "No, this is my problem, I should find a female of my own."

"Or you should let us teach you."

Damas looked away from his father, embarrassed. "You shouldn't. I've already ruined my right of passage, twice. I should go." Damas began to walk out of his part of the den when his mother curled her tail around his forepaws comfortingly. He brushed it aside to walk past and she whipped her tail back aggressively, slapping it full force into his ankles. Damas screamed out in pain as his hind end dropped to the floor., In an instant, his mother had him pinned to the ground. Her face showed pure anger as she bared her teeth to him.

"You will not walk out of our lives for a second time. And if you think that I am just going to watch you fail to be a proper male you have got another think coming." She nearly roared her words to him before she turned her head away and got up off of her son, not letting him notice the tears starting to form under her eyes. She commanded him to get up and Damas did as he was told, walking towards her on limping paws. He moved to where she was in his nest.

"If you don't want to mate me again right now that understandable. So you are going to watch and listen to what your father tells you. Then we are going to mate again and you will do as you've learned." Damas was confused, hurt, and nervous, but nodded in reluctant agreement. He looked at his parents as his father moved to stand over his mother. The two mates looked into each other's eyes and shared a kiss as his father moved a paw down between his mate's legs.

"If you are going to grow up to be as well endowed as your father, you should never just be jumping onto the backs of females like that. You're lucky he had been fingering me beforehand or you would have been one sorry ass dragon." Damas' father pressed a finger down just enough that it parted her lips, but not enough that he penetrated her and dragged it up until he slid it across her clit then repeated the motion in reverse before sinking his first finger into her. Damas watched intently. While his father masturbated her slowly with his forepaw, she snaked her head between his legs and gently licked at his cock. His father's impressive spire of flesh grew quickly to full mast and Damas could clearly tell what his mother was talking about.

His father was huge. Envy washed over Damas as he watched his father getting serviced by his mother's tongue. He felt himself shiver all over as he imagined himself growing up to be like that. His mother noticed his staring and smirked at him, baring her teeth as she pressed her tongue to the bottom of the cock and slowly licked down its length. When she reached the tip she took it in her mouth for just an instant and recoiled, letting a large shot of preseed shoot onto her muzzle. His father called out loudly to Damas and broke him from the revery.

Damas looked to his father and listened he spoke. "We can cover pleasuring males together another time, for now you need to know how to treat a female." Damas nodded and looked down to his father's hand. The red scales of his paw gleamed in the small bit of light in the cave, his paw was soaked in the females fluids up past his wrist. Damas' jaw slowly dropped in awe as his father took his hand out and shook off the bulk of his mother's secretions.

"It's important that you do this, not only because females enjoy mating better when you get them warmed up beforehand, but because you can find out where all their sensitive spots are. His father held out a paw and Damas looked at him confused for a second before taking his hand, his father guided Damas' hand towards his mother's slit and guided his fingers in slowly. She groaned at the four fingers from the two males inside of her and her muscles twitched in anticipation of what was to come.

"I know every possible way to pleasure your mother, but for other females many of the spots are unique. Except for two." He guided Damas' thumb over her clit and pushed it around in circles. "This is the clitoris, the absolute most important thing you will ever learn about females. It is extremely sensitive and if you use it wrong you will be in for a world of hurt."

Damas let his father guide his fingers along the female's sex as the lesson continued. "Now, what you do is gently circle it, giving it soft attention for now, and more will come later." Damas' hand was pulled back and his fingers were pushed along the roof of her vent, "But first you need to know how to find her G-spot." His father pushed his fingers inside of her slit until he was up to his knuckles in her and pushing against her entrance with the rest of his hand.

"Now, start here and work your way back. Like I said, every female is going to be different, so finding it may not be as easy on your next mate." The word "easy" caught a rise from the female but it went unnoticed.

He glared at Damas, "Is it safe to assume you've never done this before?"

"Yes" Damas said ashamedly. His father said nothing and pulled their hands further out of the female, he curled his fingers up and rubbed along a slightly rough spot in her vent. His mother arched her back and moaned as both males rubbed at her G-spot.

"This, Is the second most important thing, This is what your cock will be trying to find while you are mating, and just like her clit it it's very sensitive so you don't want to overdo it, unless it's just a quick romp and you're both trying to get off." His father let go of his sons hand and removed himself from his mate, leaving Damas feeling hopelessly awkward and embarrassed with one hand is his mother's vent and the other trembling on the ground.

"I want you to do what feels right, take your time, feel around with all the parts of her vent, and keep an eye on her reaction to where you touch. It is very important that you know where things work best for what comes next." Damas opened his mouth to speak and was promptly cut off by his father's sharp words. "This is for her pleasure. Not yours." He spoke commandingly."Once you get a grasp of things, you can get her off. And hopefully you learn what you were supposed to have given all your past mates."

Damas looked away from his parents as he started to withdraw his hand from his mother's vent. She began to growl lowly at him. He snapped back into the moment and pushed his fingers slowly back into her. She moaned quietly at the new sensations and sprawled out on the nest of furs and pillows. As he got more confident in his work, she laid her head down and began to relax and soak up the pleasure. Her sons fingers moved back and forth rubbing over ever inch over her depths accompanied by lewd squelching and slurping sounds, Damas was completely fascinated by the new experience, He worked almost in a trance state watching his fingers slide through her, trying new angles and spreading his fingers around he quickly found what worked the best and what didn't seem to get much reaction.

She groaned out her pleasure as he touched over her more sensitive areas, sometimes by accident and sometimes moving back to a certain spot when he noticed she hadn't reacted for a while. Damas looked down at his hand and saw that it too was thoroughly soaked from his mother's secretions. Her slick fluids covered all down her tailbase and pooled along the bedding where the furs just couldn't absorb anymore. His face was twisted in fascination and she began to twitch and shiver at her son's ministrations. Damas wasn't inexperienced enough to know that she was getting close to climax already.

He adjusted himself to be able to work her over her faster. His father stepped over his mate and sat down near her head, he still had his solid erection and was now stroking himself off rapidly, his mother leaned over and they kissed deeply, Damas took a chance and aggressively pushed his fingers into her G-spot, she yelped into the kiss and his father recoiled at his mate's sudden reaction. Both of them glared at their son. Damas ignored them and started to slide the length of his fingers in and out of his mother's vent faster and faster.

Her vent began to spasm, matching the movements of her body as he started her over the edge of climax. Her moans became constant and grew louder with each second, tail thrashing, toes curling, and screaming loudly, She hit her orgasam hard and fast. All over her previous stimulation combined with being brought to the edge time and time again while she waited for her son to return burst forth in a massive ejaculation from her vent that sprayed over her thighs and even onto Damas' face.

As she came neither male relented, his father stroked himself hard. Strings of his pre seed shot out along his mate's neck before he released his seed with a violent roar, shooting his load across her face. As he bent down to bite her neck, he splattered his own with his seed. Damas pressed his hand in as far as it could go and turned his palm to rub the base of it back and forth across her clit. She screamed out and kicked wildly sometimes striking her son in the neck, but Damas just held on and let her ride out her orgasm along his hand.

Damas slowed his efforts in time with his mother's reactions growing more tame. Her breath came in long pants until she had fully come down from climax. She kicked and fidgeted as Damas kept his hand moving very slowly inside of her, once she became too sensitive she pushed at Damas' shoulder with her hind paw and he took his fingers out. Her fluids were thick and stringy, leaving a thick coating on his hand as he pulled it out of her.

His first impulse was to lick himself clean but decided against it and wiped his hand on the bedding below him. His parents had embraced and were gently licking at each other's necks. He left to go give them privacy and to clean himself up. He didn't make it one step before his mother yelled at him, "Don't even think about it. You get the hell over here and cuddle with us."

Damas hesitated before turning around. He climbed onto the now scattered bedding and lay his head down at the base of his mother's neck. Something deep inside him brought back nostalgic feelings of listening to his parents heartbeat and slow breathing as he fell asleep, and in a matter of minutes all three dragons were fast asleep on top of one another.