Fringe Benefits

Story by polarshock on SoFurry

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I hate starting new jobs.

Well, I should probably have gotten used to it by now, I never was one to settle down anywhere and never knew when to stick with a good thing when it came along. I couldn't hold down a full time job and all I could find nowadays was the odd few days here and there. So once again I found myself being shown round yet another workplace by yet another supervisor. Yep, fire exits here, water cooler there, avoid that guy, don't smoke near the main entrance, here's a locker for whatever, oh so exciting stuff. I had done this kind of work before, it really wasn't anything more complicated than keeping a kitchen clean and filling up a dishwasher, which for a young wolf like me would be easy. Being quite small I was very nimble on my feet and enjoyed being kept busy. Besides, it was only for one day.

My supervisor was a large bear called Armin, who, upon looking me up and down upon my arrival said in a rather less than welcoming voice, "They sent you? Huh..."

We begun walking from the main entrance where he had been sent to meet me.

"Well, yeah, I have done this kinda thing before, is there a problem?" I asked, trying to crack a smile as we weaved through the corridors and stairways of the massive factory. He must've been a good three feet taller than me and strode ahead, making me almost run to keep up with him.

"Well.... You're a.... a...." He said, pointing at me up and down as we passed through some double doors.

"A girl? Yes, I have been for quite some time now. Thank you for noticing," I interrupted, which earnt me a disapproving growl and a frightening stare thrown from over his shoulder. I felt my ears flatten and looked away sheepishly, obviously sarcasm wasn't in this bears vocabulary. I looked at his massive paws and decided against further comments like that. I needed this job badly, and certainly didn't want to end up being mauled on my first day.

He spoke as he marched on, "Just do your work and keep out of everyones way if you know whats good for you, they'll sooner knock you out the way here than ask politely, we don't like slackers here" he barked.

"Yessir," I said obediently, "just show me what to do and i'll get on with it".

"Good," He said, and suddenly veared left and pushed open a door which said "Kitchen Staff Only" on it, nearly making me run straight into him as I skidded to a halt. I followed him in and all at once my senses were bombarded with the shouts and smells and steam and clatters and sizzles and splashes of the kitchen which would now be my home for the next nine hours. People were rushing all around us as Armin walked straight through and towards a room positioned right at the back.

As he passed one of the chefs, a grizzly looking wolf preparing a large tray of chicken drumsticks, he stuck a claw through one and stuck it in his mouth, slapping the chef on the back as he did so. The chef greeted Armin and laughed as the massive bear carried on past the ovens and towards the room, sucking the meat straight off the bone and flicking it into a nearby rubbish bin. As I passed the chef I smiled and reached over and attempted to do the same, instantly regretting it.

After he let me have my paw back from his jaws I stopped yelping and dashed into the room after Armin, cursing my immaturity. "Come on, lunch is getting served in 15 minutes and you got some catching up to do before the rush starts". Down the right side of the room was a massive shelving unit of which over half was stacked with dirty plates, cutlery, cooking utensils, pots and pans. Down the left side was a huge conveyor belt with a dishwasher positioned in the middle. Through a little window at the end I could see the canteen, which was filled with around thirty tables, each seating six people.

"Now i'm sure you done this before," Armin shouted at me over the racket from the kitchen, making me turn round with a jump. I rubbed my stinging paw and nodded as he quickly pointed out my tasks, "Stuff goes on one end, through the dishwasher, comes out the other, goes back on the shelves out there in the store room. Try not to have too much fun now, will you?"

Before I could respond he marched out of the room and back through the chaos of the kitchen. Sighing, I turned round and surveyed the shelves, preparing myself for the task in hand. But before I even had a chance to raise a paw to start washing, an old fox dressed in white overalls and a tall chefs hat, one side of which revealed a half missing ear, rounded the door and shouted "You waiting for a written invitation or something?", making me jump and let out a small yelp.

"No no, I was just abou..."

"Just get on with it, girly girl, we need those pots done now, ok? there's plenty more people who can do your job if you can't" he snapped at me fiercly.

I opened my mouth to respond but he had already darted back into the kitchen.

So, suppressing the urge to walk out, thinking instead about the money I so desperately needed, I rolled up the sleeves on my blue overalls and grabbed a tall pile of plates, eager to make a good impression. So enthusiastically so that the top five plates crashed to the ground, bringing with it a roar of cheers and applaudes from the kitchen and canteen, which was now nearly half full.

Chapter II

It was halfway through lunch and I was already nearly exausted. The plates and pots and pans kept flooding in and I was running round trying to stay on top of it. I pressed on and eventually the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch and the start of the next shift. I breathed a sigh of relief and finishing up what was left on the shelves. After the last of the washing was done and the kitchen had emptied a bit, I began mopping all the floors, watching the last few minutes tick away until my lunch break.

As I walked round cleaning beneath the ovens a young wolf walked into the kitchen and leant on one of the food preperation areas, took down a folder from the shelf above and began writing something down.

"Hey Jarrod," He shouted to the old fox with a missing ear, who was sitting a few feet away reading a paper, "A few people wondered whether there was any of your food left over today that they could take home? They said needed something to grit the paths with after last nights downpour."

I suppressed a giggle and continued mopping. I liked this wolf already. He put the folder back on its shelf and stood with his arms crossed as Jarrod spoke, "Haven't you been fired yet? Why don't you fuck off before I put you in the microwave?" Jarrod growled, launching a bowl of peas at him. The young wolf ducked and walked out, laughing as the bowl shattered against the wall. As he passed me I looked up at him, He looked down and our glances met. Instantly I could feel an energy between us. He was beautiful! Sleek silvery-grey coat, kind of like mine but with streaks of white and black through it and bright blue eyes. He was about the same height but can't have been much older than me. I smiled and watched in a daydream as he left the kitchen, walked lesuirely through the canteen and off into the factory. My pulse quickened as I stood dreamily for a moment, before a wooden spoon bounced off the back of my head and snapped me back to reality.

"Hey! You finished yet?"

"No, chef." I said, rubbing my skull.

"Well then, hurry up! I'm not leaving you in here to stumble around my kitchen on your own! And clean that bowl up!" He slammed his paw down on the table in front of him as he barked his order.

"Yes, chef." I continued cleaning as quickly as I could and finished just as the bell rang for my lunch break.

I grabbed the last sandwich in the fridge and went outside to have a cigarette and get some fresh air. It was chilly but nice to feel the crisp cold air on my fur after all that sweat and steam. I sat down on a bench in a small grassed area outside the back of the factory and chomped into my sandwich. I couldn't stop thinking about that wolf earlier, who was he? Hell, if I ever got the chance to get my claws into him...

I sat and finished the last of my sandwich, slowly realising why it had been the last one left in the fridge, lit a cigarette and relaxed for the final ten minutes of my break.

Chapter III

On returning to the kitchen I found Armin waiting for me. "Chefs are starting to cook the evening meal now so you better get cracking," He said, clicking his fingers, "Oh, and you'll need some more detergent in the dish washer, go to the store room and get some".

"Yeah sure, where's that?" I asked. Tutting, he grumbled something under his breath and gestured for me to follow him out of the kitchen.

He stopped at a door just down the corridor from the canteen. "In there, shouldn't be hard to find," he said, "I got stuff to do so make sure you hurry up and get back to the kitchen". He marched off and I watched him leave before I entered the store room. After about five minutes I found what I was looking for, tied up with straps. I sighed and was about to stand up and go looking for a knife when an arm reached down over my shoulder and split the straps in one cut. I yelped and jumped up, turning round so fast I tripped backwards and cracked my head against the shelf above, sending my head spinning. I rubbed the rapidly growing bump and let my eyes come back into focus, suddenly realising two things; that I was being held up by someone, and that it was the wolf from earlier.

"Woah, didn't mean to give you a heart attack. Your head ok?" he asked, looking at me worriedly.

"Yeah yeah, i'm fine, honestly" I nodded and smiled, "you just scared me a bit, thats all".

He looked at the boxes of detergent on the floor.

"Armin got you doing all the dirty work then, huh?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

Yeah, he's always like that to the temporary staff. Well, actually he's just always like that. Some bears have no sense of humour."

I giggled and suddenly realised he hadn't let go of me yet. I looked at his paws round my waist and realised he had only just noticed too. I looked up at him and he looked like he was about to say sorry, but before he got the chance I planted my lips against his, pulling him tight in a deep kiss. After a few seconds I opened my eyes and pulled back shyly. "I'm sorry," I said, "We don't even know each other. I just saw you earlier and I couldn't help myse.."

But before I could finish he grabbed my head and kissed me again, pulling my hips against his as he did. This time our tongues met and twirled in each other's mouths. I felt his paw run up through the fur on the back of my neck and claw softly at the flesh beneath, making me shiver. I ran my hands under his overalls and over his body as we kissed, feeling his fur between my claws.

My hips pressed against his and I could feel his hardness growing between us. I could feel myself getting hot and wet at the feel of it against me. I reached down and unzipped his trousers, desperate to feel his wolven cock between my paws.

I popped the button to his trousers and pulled it out, gripped the shaft and started tugging at it. He had found his way to my blue skirt, and was working his way up my thigh and between my legs. I felt his paw reach its destination and he began rubbing gently, my juices already present from the heat of the moment.

I tossed him harder and watched him grit his teeth with pleasure as he slowly pushed two fingers inside me, curling them back and fingering me sweetly. I scratched his arm with my free paw, dragging my claws down as I tossed him off. I closed my eyes and savoured the feel of his fingers writhing inside me.

We licked and nipped at each others necks, savouring every breath and kiss as we played with each other. I knew I would have to have him soon, It was only a matter of time till someone came in and found us. I knelt down, making him pull his fingers out of me, and pulled him forward to taste his cock.

I wrapped my lips around it and sucked lovingly, feeling its pulses strong against my tongue. He shivered and I began moving forward and back, licking as it filled my mouth. I relaxed my throat and started to take him deeper and deeper, until eventually his balls were hitting my mouth.

"I can't let him enjoy this too much," I thought, "I've got to have him now!"

He gripped behind my ears and motioned for more, but I pulled away and stood up. He placed both paws around my breasts and kissed me deeply, he was panting hard and it drove me wild feeling his hot breath on me. I turned around, laid forward over one of the boxes and arched my back, making my pussy stick outwards for him. He didn't hesitate for a moment and in seconds he had his full length inside me, throbbing and pounding me deep and hard. I supressed my moans and gripped the box I was bent over. He held onto my hips and fucked me hard, filling me completely and sending waves of pleasure through my body. Then gradually he slowed down and started to fuck me in long slow thrusts, reaching his hands upward and gripping my neck. He pulled back and I bared my teeth, my body now in a full arc pressed back against him. He continued pounding me and I felt my pussy gripping his shaft, feeling myself close to climax. He started breathing heavily and fucked me faster and I knew he was too.

"Let me taste you, I want to taste you," I said between my gasps of pleasure.

He growled and scratched at my back, sending bolts of pain through me. It was fantastic. I felt myself getting close and reached down to play with myself. I flicked my claws over my clitoris and felt the rushing sensation through my body. With a howl I came hard and exploded around his manhood, covering his lower body with my juices. He was closer now too, impaling me with his dick in massive hard thrusts, his breathing becoming faster and faster. I couldn't take anymore, my legs were about to buckle in ecstasy when he said "Oh please, now.."

I turned round and dropped to my knees, grabbing his length between both paws. I pumped it hard and opened my muzzle to recieve his seed. With a groan and a final thrust he shot his load down my throat and across my face. I sucked at his cock and drained every drop, relishing the taste of this young wolf's come. He stepped backward and leant against the wall behind him. He was panting hard.

I leaned forward against the ground and looked up at him.

"Well that was fun," I said.

"Yeah," he said between breaths, "doesn't normally happen on a monday"

"When does that normally happen?!"

"Well, it doesn't" He chuckled, "but it was fun".

I licked his come off my face and sat up.

"Yeah, it was" I said with a cheeky grin.

As he got dressed, I put my skirt back on and stood up. I walked towards the door and straightened my clothes before opening it. As I turned the handle he shouted "Hey! You didn't tell me your name!"

"I know" I said, and walked out of the room into a group of people heading towards the canteen.

As I reached the kitchen I saw Armin standing there looking incredibly pissed off.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" He screamed at me, "And where's the fucking detergent?!"

Realising my mistake, I suddenly felt very small. "Oh, heh, yeah, I errrr...."

"Forget it! I'll get it myself!" He bellowed as he barged past me and towards the store room. For the rest of the day I had a stupid grin on my face and walked round in a daze, but I didn't care. It was worth it.

I never did work in that place again, nor did I ever see that wolf. But something told me that we wouldn't forget each other easily. Sometimes these temporary jobs weren't so bad.