A Vampire'sTemptation

Story by digiyifffan on SoFurry

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Here's a story NOT from RedRover, but what inspired him to write his Legacy of the Vampire series.This story was written by Trillermon, who has his stories on DigiartistDomain. I'd reccommend you go read his stuff too. Anyway, here you go.

Veemon noticed her stare at the bar. Surprisingly, she resembled him physically. Her skin was pitch black and almost mesmerizing to the eye with an odd shine to it. She had reptilian wings that were neatly folded onto her back. Two fangs stuck out of her mouth, almost cutely to Veemon, and when she smiled, she revealed a mouth of semi-sharp teeth. She was slowly nursing a red drink in a clear glass. When he asked the bartender what she was drinking, he got a blank stare and then a whisper, "You don't wanna know."

Veemon slowly stood up and made his way over to the black, winged, reptilian Digimon. She looked up at him with a seductive smile and he returned with a nervous grin.

"Hi... I couldn't help but notice... uh... you were looking at me." He shrugged non-chelantly.

"Yes, I was." She replied in a voice that was like dark velvet, sending a shiver up Veemon's spine, "Won't you have a seat?" Almost subconsciously, Veemon sat down.


"Veemon? Yes, I know who you are." Veemon was a little surprised by her interruption, "I know... a lot about you."

"Well, I wish I could say the same for you."

"Hmm, forgive me." She apologized, chuckling, "I'm Vampmon."

After an hour of chatting and drinks, Vampmon lead Veemon back to her small mansion. He offered little resistance to the Digimon's enchanting, green eyes and soft voice. She lead him immediately to her room, which was filled with candles. Her bed was red with a transparent curtain around it. Vampmon sat on the edge of her bed and stroked the space beside her. Veemon quickly followed and sat next to her.

"You are REALLY too cute." She stroked his chin. He purred like a tame cat as he closed his eyes. She leaned forward and kissed him, letting her tongue wander in his mouth. He offered little resistance, simply sitting like an obedient student as she Frenched him. Veemon was slowly pushed to his back as Vampmon caressed his body. Veemon couldn't help himself. It was like he was being controlled. Vampmon's hands massaged his sheath and he groaned as he was slowly aroused.

"Does Veemon like this?" She giggled, licking his neck. With a long moan, Veemon simply nodded. Vampmon grinned and leaned back, looking at him.

"It's time..." She whispered. She again pulled him into a deep kiss. Veemon sighed then gasped. Something inside of him lurched. Vampmon pulled back, pulling Veemon with her. He yelped and tried to pull away, finding that she was holding him tightly. Suddenly, Veemon felt something inside of him, his very essence be drained from within him. He struggled in vane as his strength and power left his body. His eyes drooped lazily as he felt more and more tired. Suddenly, everything went black.

Veemon arose the next morning, exhausted and slightly light-headed. He sat up and rubbed his head, groaning. Something felt odd on his back but he paid not mind to it.

"So, finally awake?" He heard a familiar voice. Looking over he saw Vampmon. She was holding a tray with a glass full of red liquid on it.

"Here, it'll help you get used to it." She handed it to him and he drank it. It tasted a little odd, sort of metallic.

"What is it?" He asked, strangely liking it.

"Um... let's see." Vampmon tapped her chin, "Ah, yes, O positive, Vegiemon, 1994. It was a very nice year." Veemon raised an eyebrow.


"You really are dense. It's blood."

"BLOOD!!" Veemon's eyes widened.

"Of course. It'll be the only thing you'll want to drink or eat from now on." She replied in a matter-of-fact way.

"What do you mean?"

"You're a Digivampire now."


"After draining you of your core power, I made you a Digivampire... like me."

"Core power?"

"Yes. In every Digimon there is a core power. Mainly it's what keeps us regenerating. I've actually only drained you of just enough to reformat you."

"Ohhhh." Veemon moaned, falling back, "OW! What the?" He looked back.

"Oh, you'll have to get used to those too." Veemon realized that he had bat-like wings just like Vampmon's except blue.

"What did you DO to me?"

"Calm down. There's nothing really that bad you won't get used to." She sat down next to him.

"Such as?"

"Such as," She slid close to him, "You'll get to have sex with me every night." Veemon was surprised.

"R... really?" He smiled.

"Mmm, every night." Her finger traced down his chest. A new sense of debonair filled Veemon's senses and he gave a large grin.

"Well, I... suppose I can't complain." He admired her body.

"We had a REALLY great time last night. I enjoyed it immensely."

"You enjoyed it? You drained my energy and I passed out."

"Not exactly. Once one's core has been drained, the Digimon affected enters a sort of... mmm... primal state. You don't remember a thing. But I sure did." She smiled evilly.

"So... what's the whole deal on this? I can't go out in sunlight and everything?"

"Please." Vampmon laughed, "We've evolved a lot since the old days. We can feed whenever we please. We can, however, still be killed the same way."

"Which is?"

"If our cores are cut into fourths."


"Mmm-hmm. I've seen it. REALLY quite painful in my opinion. Otherwise, we live forever. As long as you have a nice bite to eat every week."

"A core?"

"No, that's only if you want to go without food for a month and/or make another Digivampire."

"Oh." Veemon nodded. He looked back at his wings.

"Can we fly?" He asked. She smiled and spread her wings. Beating them rhythmically, she levitated off the ground.

"I guess that answers my question." He said as she floated down back to him.

"There is something else."


"You now have to power to seduce any female... or male, if you swing that way... you want."


"Natural charisma."

"So when you... brought me home...?"

"Yes. I seduced you. Actually, it happens like breathing. You can't control it."

"Okay..." Veemon nodded, "Well... I don't have anything else to ask."

"Great." Vampmon leapt on top of him, "I was getting tired of talking anyway." They kissed and Veemon's hands went immediately for her taut ass.

Davis sighed as he looked at the other Digidestined and their Digimon. They had gotten together for a reunion, six years after their last battle at a lake in the middle for the Digital World. Getting a vacation from college was hard enough, now he was being let down. It's not like he wanted to go to college, but after June decided not to, their parents wanted at least one of their offspring to get better than a GED.

The Digidestined of Japan had gathered for a barbecue in the Digital world. While the others were eating with their Digimon, Davis was left with himself. Yolei looked over at him and sighed. She knew about what he was going through. The whole going to college thing wasn't working for him. She also knew how much he was looking forward to seeing Veemon. She walked over to and sat down, trying to comfort him.

"Hey, how's it going?" She asked.

"How do you think?" He sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"I'm sorry Veemon's a little late..."

"A little late? It's almost sundown! I've got a final in Geography to study for that I'm doing in..." He looked at his watch, "34 hours."

"Calm down. I'm sure Veemon will drop in." Yolei sighed. Yolei barely finished her sentence when a shadow flashed overhead. Everyone looked up to a familiar voice.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." The entire group was stunned to see Veemon fly in on blue wings sticking out of his back, "You saved a hamburger for me right? Heh, just kidding, I'm not hungry." As he landed, his wings folded neatly behind him. Everyone just stared at him. Davis's jaw was ajar from the second he saw his mutated Digimon partner.

"Gh... what... what happened to you, Veemon?!" Yolei choked out the words. Veemon chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

"Heh, heh, my bad." He chuckled, "As you can probably tell... I've changed a little."

"Naw, really?" Gomamon rolled his eyes.

"Well... it's all part of my new lifestyle."

"Which would be?" Izzy inquired.

"Um... a Digivampire." He said, sweating slightly. The Digidestined looked confused but the Digimon gasped in horror.

"WHAT?!?" Biyomon yelped.

"Who did this to you?" Gatomon asked.

"Someone." Veemon shrugged.

"Who?" Everyone demanded.

"Obviously another Digivampire."

"But... does this mean you're... you're... going to try and..." Palmon swallowed, extremely nervous.

"No, no." Veemon laughed, shaking his head, "I would never eat any of you. You're my friends. Besides, I just ate." He belched. Everyone grimaced.

"Veemon, this is awful! I'm..." Kari started.

"Are you kidding? This is GREAT! I get to live forever, I get to save on food expenses, and uh, heh, heh, I get a little something extra at the end of my day." He grinned.

"How can you actually be enjoying this?!" Tentomon said.

"Who wouldn't?" Veemon smiled. Everyone gave another groan. Davis slowly stood up. He walked over to Veemon. He felt the presence of his partner and looked up at him.

"Davish!" He smiled, excited, "It's been too long!"

"Heh, yeah..." He said softly, "Way... too long." He looked at Veemon's face. He suddenly smiled. Maybe he had changed... a lot... but inside he knew he was the same Veemon he had been since he last saw him five years ago. They smiled at each other for a little longer before hugging.

"I missed you." Davis managed to say through tears.

"Stop hugging me so hard, you're squeezing the tears out of me." Veemon chuckled, crying slightly too. Everyone else calmed down after seeing the two friends be reunited. The moment was broken when another sound of wings beating the air interrupted it. Looking up, everyone saw Vampmon slowly descend to the ground.

"Sorry, about being late." She smiled at Veemon, "I had to stop for a... bite to eat." Veemon smiled back.

"Hey, no problem." He shrugged. He looked around at the others.

"Heh, uh... everyone, this is Vampmon." He smiled gesturing towards her.

"Pleasure to meet you all." She bowed.

As the barbecue went on into the night, the Digidestined and their Digimon couldn't keep their eyes off of the two Digivampires. They hadn't separated from each other since the odd-looking female had arrived. Davis, however, didn't seem to mind at all. He saw past their social handicaps to see a very nice couple of Digimon.

"So, what's it like being a Digivampire? What's it... feel like?" Davis asked the two as they sat next to the lake.

"Well..." Veemon looked at himself, "It's hard to explain. First of all, not feeling your heart beat can be a little freaky. It took some getting used to for me."

"Every time you have to eat, you REALLY feel it." Vampmon laughed.

"There is, uh... heh... a sort of... increased libido." Veemon blushed.

"No kidding?" Davis had to laugh.

"You wouldn't believe how much of a TIGER this guy is in bed." Vampmon grinned.

"Hey!" Veemon blushed even more profously. Davis laughed even harder and shook his head.

"I'm going to get something to drink you guys want anyth... oh... that's right." He chuckled at himself.

"If you have one, I'd like a fresh vein to chew on." Vampmon joked.

"Ohh, ran out before you got here." The three laughed at each other as Davis got up and walked over to the cooler full of drinks. As he reached inside to get another soda, the top closed he looked up to see Yolei.

"What are you doing?" She growled in discontent.

"Getting a soda."

"No! I mean with Veemon and... that thing."

"That thing has a name you know." Davis moved her hand and opened the cooler again, "And what's your problem? You haven't been changed into a vampire."

"I just don't see why you're being so nice to the Digimon that made you Digidestined partner a parasitic creature."

"Well I think they make a pretty good couple." Davis looked back over at the two as they exchanged brief kisses.

"You actually think they have feelings?"

"Oh, and I suppose those were fake tears in Veemon eyes." Davis smirked.

"All I'm saying is that Veemon has changed." He slammed the cooler door down hard.

"Is that what you think? Well you're full of shit! You don't know Veemon like I do. I can see it in his eyes... in his face... he's still the same Dragon-type Digimon I saw years ago that popped out of that Digiegg. I would feel the same way if one of us got plastic surgery like... I don't know... if you got a boob job-"

"WHAT?! What's wrong with my chest? And who asked you anyway?!" Yolei growled, punching him.

"Okay, okay, bad example. My point is I'm not a bigot like the rest of you! I get to know people OR Digimon before I make judgements about them."

"Are you saying I'm prejudice?!" Yolei stood up.

"If the shoe fits, BITCHderella." Yolei could take no more.

"You are such a dick-head, Davis!" She stood up and stomped away."

"Ohhh, I'm a dick-head, huh? At least I'm not a fucking pompous windbag like you!" Davis yelled.

"Bite me, asshole!"

"Bite this, bitch!" Davis returned, grabbing his crotch. He turned around, furious and stomped back to Veemon and Vampmon. He sat down, everyone staring at him and Yolei.

"What was that all about?" Veemon said.

"Don't ask." Davis sighed.

"It was about us wasn't it." Vampmon looked at the ground.

"What?" Davis look at them.

"Digivampires aren't exactly the... life of the party. And I don't mean we're undead creatures."

"No, don't worry about them." Davis shook his head, "They've been known to be hard sells. You see that guy with the black hair?"

"You mean Ken?" Veemon asked.

"Yeah. Remember how it took quite a while for us to convince the others he wasn't evil anymore?"

"Yeah..." Veemon nodded, understanding.

"At first, they thought we were crazy. But now, he's our best friend. All I'm saying is that it takes time to win them over." Davis smiled. Vampmon nodded as well.

"I guess we should go." Veemon stood up.

"Hey, it's been fun seeing you again." Davis smiled.

"A little TOO fun. See you next reunion?"

"Sure. I'll try to convince the others to be a LITTLE more accepting next time." They exchanged smiles before Vampmon and Veemon spread their wings and flew off into the horizon. Davis sighed and sat back down on the soft grass.

"It'll take some getting used to..." He said simply.

Vampmon sighed as she sat on her bed. Veemon playfully rubbed her shoulders and kissed her cheek from behind.

"I don't think you're friends will ever like me." She sighed.

"Awww, don't say that." Veemon said, continuing his kissing spree, "They're just a little... surprised. Heh, think of how weirded-out I was when you first made me a Digivampire." Vampmon shrugged in agreement.

"Yeah... you're right." She looked back at him and their lips connected in a deep and sensual kiss. Veemon slowly pressed himself on top of her, forcing her to her stomach. He dragged his tongue up her back, between her wings, making her shudder.

"Fuck you smell good." He whispered, nipping her ear with his sharp fangs.

"Mmm, all natural, baby." She looked back and they connected into another kiss. Rolling to her back, Vampmon grasped Veemon's hands, immediately pressing them to her chest.

"I love the way you rub me, baby." She whispered seductively.

"Well, I can't leave you hanging, now can I." Veemon smiled, slowly and thoroughly massaging the Digivampire's breasts. She gave a small gasp then a long groan as Veemon pinched one of her nipples and licked it with the tip of his tongue. Veemon's skilled hands grasped and released Vampmon's well shaped tits. Her hand rubbed down Veemon's muscular torso to his crotch, where she rubbed him gently. A growl escaped his throat and he grit his teeth.

There was something about Vampmon's simple yet delicate touch that arouse Veemon far past anything he had ever felt. It didn't take long for her to make him fully unsheathe his erection. He laid on top of her, moaning and slowly moving his hips to and from her hand as she stroked him. His hand slid past hers and quickly went to her wet slit. He stroked it with his finger at first, collecting a fair amount of her sweet nectar. He brought it to his nose and inhaled her insanely arousing scent. With a sigh, he exhaled, being filled with animalistic passion once again.

Vampmon raised her hips and pressed her wet snatch against Veemon's leg, begging for attention. Sensing her arousal, he went back to rubbing and gently parting the delicate folds of her pussy. A finger entered her hole and Vampmon released a small yelp. He entered deeper and deeper into the female's orifice, all the time having his own organ be given attention.

"Ohhh, fuck, I can't take it anymore. Quit teasing me and fuck me with that cock, Vee, put it in now!" Vampmon demanded. Veemon obliged to her orders and brought the head of his erect cock to her opening. He rubbed it up and down her slit slowly before pushing into the velvet vice of her womonhood. With a sharp cry and a shiver, Vampmon accepted all eight inches of Veemon's cock. They moved together as Veemon lifted her buttocks off of the bed, getting a better angle.

Veemon went at manic speeds he knew he could never reach without his new "profession". Vampmon always seemed to be right on the brink of orgasm but somehow held it back. Veemon's own peak of pleasure was easily withheld by pure will alone. They had once gone on for hours at a time; Veemon just moved his member slowly through Vampmon's chasm until they decided like cumming. This time, the two wanted to feel release together. As Veemon sped up, Vampmon's grip on the bed tightened and her moans grew.

With a long yowl of passion and lust, Veemon bent forward and hugged himself close to Vampmon, feeling her sensual breasts as he came. Vampmon was too busy releasing her own cum and giving loud groans to notice. They stayed in this position for some time as the last of Veemon's seed spurted into his lover's cradle. They finally relaxed and collapsed on the bed. Still slowly humping her, Veemon licked Vampmon's neck and back as they drifted into satisfied slumber.

Feeding time. Veemon could feel the dissatisfied rumble throughout his body all morning. Vampmon and he would not see each other that night, as they would be busy with their meals. He was rusty at first, but now he had the whole flow down cold. Silently flying over an industrial area, he scanned the city. Smiling at his target, he swiftly swooped to the roof. He landed with a soft thud, which could probably not be heard because of the loud music from inside.

Veemon slid down the side of the wall and into the ally. Stepping into the streets cooley, he folded his wings to his back and approached the entrance. It must have been a high-class bar, there was a Skullmeremon with a clipboard standing in the front, checking each Digimon that entered. Veemon walked confidently to the door before being stopped by the security guard.

"`Scuse me, are you on the list?" He asked gruffly.

"Veemon." The small dragon replied confidently. Skullmeremon sneered and looked over his clipboard.

"You're not on the list. Beat it, shorty." Skullmeremon jerked his thumb away from the club.

"I don't think you understand. I am going in whether you like it or not."

"And I don't think YOU understand. If you're not on the list, you're not going in." Skullmeremon was getting annoyed at this little pip-squeak who had the nerve to waste his time, "Listen, you little jack-off, you're going to have to go through me to get inside." He gave a wide grin, signifying the end of the conversation.

"Very well." Veemon sighed. In a swift movement of agility and strength, he struck the Ultimate in the chin with his elbow. His head jerked back and Veemon spun around, kicking him in the side of the head. He spun slightly then stopped as Veemon latched onto his neck. With a quick jerk and small crack, the Skullmeremon fell to the ground, his neck snapped. Veemon touched back down onto the ground and caught the clipboard flying through the air. He took out the pen and wrote his name on the bottom of the list. Afterwards, he tossed it onto Skullmeremon's carcass as it disintegrated.

The club was packed. Strobe lights allowed only a few seconds of vision of the room before going pitch-black again. Veemon scanned the room. It was like looking at a buffet, there were plenty of females to choose from. Augumon sounded good, but he had that last time. He didn't like the taste of Gatomon, too sour. He would have preferred a Gazimon, they were, in his opinion, the best tasting. Not too many other selections. Feeling that his time was wasted, Veemon almost left.

"Hmm?" He looked up. A Floramon was sitting in the corner of the club, surrounded by laughing males. He grinned.

"Mmm, I'm in the mood for a little vegetarian dinner tonight." He smiled. Oddly enough, Veemon thought their blood tasted of V8. He walked confidently over to them and was immediately met with blank stares. All except the Floramon. She thought of him only as another male she could "play."

"It seems like everyone's having a good time over here. Mind if I join." Veemon asked politely. He knew the answers of the males.

"Beat it, chump." A Gotsumon growled.

"Yeah, get out of here." The others were growling at him. Floramon simply put up her hand and the they stopped.

"Now, now, if you're all going to be so rude..." She got up and, to the astonishment of all the Digimon, walked over to Veemon, wrapping her arm around his, "I don't think I'd want to stay here."

"Come, let's find a more friendlier atmosphere." Veemon whispered, kissing her neck softly. Mmm, the appetizer.

"Let's." She giggled back. At that, they left the group to argue with themselves. As the two stepped into the night air, Floramon looked over her new night companion.

"Didn't catch your name, stranger." She said. He looked at her with a grin, spreading his wings.

"Veemon." With a swift motion, they were airborne. Floramon was caught by surprise and grasped onto his shoulders, not seeing his neatly-folded wings in the club. They looked at each other and Floramon smiled.

"My, you're full of surprises." She laughed lightly, hugging closely to him.

"You haven't seen anything yet." He gave her an evil grin.

Veemon set down in front of Vampmon's mansion and set Floramon on her feet. She looked up at what she thought was his house.

"Jackpot!" She whispered. Veemon slid his hand across her hip and drew her to him. She giggled and danced her finger across his shoulder.

"Here we are." Veemon whispered.

"What did you have in mind for us to do?" She pretend to ask. He drew her into a kiss. Floramon gasped slightly. She had been with plenty of males to know what it was like to be kissed well, but he was great. There was something about his touch that seemed to drive Floramon crazy. As he slowly pulled out of the buff, he pulled at her lower lip, nibbling on it. She giggled and licked his cheek.

"Shall we?" He waved her inside.

"Lets." She nodded.

Veemon lead Floramon into a chamber inside of the large mansion and pushed himself on top of her on the bed. He kissed her repeatedly as he rubbed her ample breasts. Veemon softly rubbed her crotch and licked her neck as she gave little moans of arousal.

"I must warn you..." He whispered between kisses, "I can be... a little rough."

"Ohh, I like it rough, baby." Flormaon replied.

"Then you don't mind being hurt?"

"Not at all. Hurt me as much as you want." She smiled up at him. He returned with a toothy grin. Veemon continued to stroke Floramon as he sucked one of her nipples fairly hard. She gave a small gasp and a large, drunken grin fell across her face. She rubbed his back softly. She squeaked as Veemon harshly poked a finger into her already-salivating cunt. His other hand came up and grasped one of her tits, massaging it roughly. Floramon closed her eyes and moaned even louder.

"Mmm, you ARE rough." She grunted, reaching her hands around to his sheath. He closed his eyes with her as she began kneading her hands into his crotch. Nevertheless, he continued to attack her soft pussy, adding another finger to the loose hole. He pumped them through her slit quickly as Floramon gave a long moan. Almost psychically sensing it, Veemon slowed his fingers to halt her orgasm.

"Ohh... why'd you stop, baby, I was so close!" Floramon gasped.

"Oh, I've got bigger pans for you." Veemon traced his tongue up her chest.

"Hmm, MUCH bigger plans?" The plant Digimon rubbed her hands against his crotch. They exchanged grins as Veemon released his member for his temporary companion. Suddenly, there was a loud creak and the door to the chamber opened. The two jumped and looked back.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Vampmon stepped back from the door, "I didn't know you had company."

"Ditto." Veemon grinned back, seeing the Digimon with her.

"I'll leave you two alone." She turned and lead the slack-jawed Gazimon out of the room.

"See you tomorrow morning." Veemon called. He focused his attention back to Floramon.

"Ball and chain?" She asked.

"We've got an understanding." Veemon chuckled, kissing her neck.

"For a moment there I thought we were in trouble." They kissed and Floramon massaged Veemon's hard cock. He raised his hips and it gently rubbed against her soft slit. Floramon was filled with anticipation as she grabbed his hips and tried to impale herself on his monhood.

"Mmm, just fuck me, baby. I want you right now." Floramon grinned, almost commanding him.

"Alright, no need to get impatient." Veemon licked her neck. He nipped it lightly and smiled.

"Just a little longer." He whispered to himself. With a sudden jerk, Floramon felt the wondrous sensation of being filled. Veemon, too, gave a sharp gasp as he felt her leathery skin grip his cock. Floramon let out a delighted moan as Veemon began moving into a smooth, yet quick rhythm. She gave a short groan as Veemon's hands found her breasts. He squeezed them in time with his thrusts which heightened her arousal.

Veemon took one of Floramon's nipples into his mouth, sucking it generously yet not slowly any of his other movements. Floramon was amazed at how strong and disciplined he was at love-making. All she had to do was lay back and let him work his magic and she was taken to levels of pleasure she never thought possible.

Floramon gasped as Veemon pulled her close to him, driving his cock deeper and further into her chasm.

"Ohhhh, yes! Give it to me! Fuck me hard!" She groaned through shut eyes and a bliss-fogged mind. Veemon hugged her closer as his tongue flickered across her nipple. His free hand reached down and grasped her ass, pushing her hips closer to him and, in turn, pushing his cock deeper into her cunt.

"OHHHH, VEEMON!!" Floramon's back arched as she came. Veemon jerked forward, grunting loudly, and released his semen into her accepting chasm. She clawed at his back in mind-bending pleasure until her orgasm dies down.

They collapsed on each other as Veemon held Floramon. He kissed her sweetly and dragged his tongue down her cheek. He then began sucking on her neck.

"You said you liked surprises?" He growled in her ear.

"Mmm, can't get enough of them." Floramon giggled.

"Good..." Veemon extended his fangs and grasped her tightly.

"What are you-AUNGH!" Floramon shrieked as she felt her neck be pricked by his two protrusions. She gave a high-pitched moan as he began drinking her blood. Her eyes drooped and she slowly fell to unconsciousness. Veemon happily slurped at her drained blood and took on last gulp before releasing her. Floramon immediately disintegrated into data bits, only to be reprogrammed back in file town. Veemon gave a satisfied sigh and wiped his mouth.

"Mmm, delicious." He closed his eyes and happily laid back, falling asleep in content sluggishness.

The next morning, Veemon was rudely awakened. The curtain opened and sunlight poured in, forcing his eyes to open.

"Hey, get up, sleepy-head." Vampmon smiled, rubbing his shoulders. He groaned and turned away. Vampmon giggled at the challenge and rubbed her hands down his sides. Veemon chuckled slightly and pushed her away. She smiled and pushed against him, her hands running up and down his chest. Veemon tried again to move away but Vampmon held him tight. She suddenly began massaging and rubbing his crotch.

Veemon stopped resisting and turned around.

"Well, why didn't you do that before." He grinned. They kissed and Vampmon rubbed his groin harder. Veemon moved to his back as Vampmon crawled on top of him.

"How was dinner?" He asked, kissing her neck.

"Annoying." Vampmon sighed, slowly licking her way down his neck and chest, "He wanted some extra attention."

"What? A spanking?" Veemon had to laugh.

"Worse, he wanted all this shit. Tied down, candles, etcetera." She sighed, kissing his abs, "Not even his blood could wash out the taste of his ass." She stuck out her tongue.

"Well, maybe you could try to try something else." Veemon grinned down at her. She returned it as her tongue finally reached its target.

Chapter 9: A Deception Unveiled

"Vee Headbutt!" Veemon charged the door again, but rebounded off. He fell to the ground, spirals in his eyes. Palmon bent down and rubbed her hands over his head. "Nice effort, but I spent entire days firing blasts into that door as Lillymon. I...

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Chapter 8: Death of an Angel

Patamon was having a beautiful dream. He was Angemon, flying through the air. All around him, viral digimon attacked, but they fell before him till the last one collapsed. When the dust cleared, a beautiful digimon woman walked forward. Long white...

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Chapter 7: Sanctuary

"Oh man, Kari's going to kill me!" TK ranted. "Come on, TK. It's not your fault, you were under the control of the spires." Patamon rested on top of TK's head. "But still I blabbed to everybody!" TK had no idea how to even begin to apologize to Kari....
