Star Fox: Kinky Fun and Games

Story by Jawolf55 on SoFurry

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Just a little thing that came to mind, not my best but hopefully still enjoyable~

Krystal writhes under the constraints that locked her feet and hands to the four posts of the bed, holding her in place in the dimly lit bedroom. The handcuffs were loose and padded, easily detachable with enough force, though she hadn't planned on breaking free nor struggling too much. Truth be told she wasn't in some dungeon or the room of a crazed pervert, she wasn't in any danger what so ever. No, she was in the very bed she shared with the love of her life, in their own home aboard the Great Fox. Fox and Krystal Mcloud, married happily for many years now. In their time together they had fought many adversaries, from killer insect aliens to crime lords. The money was good and the company was better. Krystal had been an irreplaceable asset, her and Fox were an inseparable team, no matter the danger they stuck together like glue and wood. As for their love life...well Krystal and Fox had a shared interest in making sex more interesting and fun, either with toys, music, or their newest interest into role play. For this night they were playing a new favorite of theirs, bounty hunter captured and played with by the evil master mind, the two switching positions every time they played, keeping it fresh.

Soon the door slides open, revealing the man himself, Fox Mcloud, clad in those green jeans and a gray tank top, his eyes scanning over her with a lust filled leer. He steps in, closing the door behind him, eyes never leaving her suit covered body, "I have you now, wayward bounty hunter" he murrs, his tail swaying left and right slowly.

Krystal blushes under the gaze, her body hidden under the tight flight suit that contoured with her curves, hiding her privates under a layer if spandex. Normally she had on undergarments, nothing fancy, just a top and bottoms to prevent unwanted details in certain places. But tonight she went without, causing her nipples to bump the material up a little and give a subtle outline between her thighs. She wanted to make it fun for the two of them. She feigns indignant haughtiness, "You were only lucky, if it not for that damnable rock I would have defeated you" she says, acting the tough, defiant girl.

Fox grunts in amusement, "Is that so? Well, lucky me" he smirks, those green eyes of his staring intently at her body. His heart was racing seeing her on the bed, chained down and loving it. His loins aching in anticipation, tenting his green pants outward. He blushed under his fur, even doing this he still had a hint of shyness when his arousal was showing, a feature that Krystal found almost too adorable. With a clearing of his throat he walks closer to the bed, moving to the side and looming over his captured wife, "But" he starts, "I think you need to get...more comfortable" he says, leering over the zipper of her suit.

Krystal mock gasps at that, " wouldn't dare" she says, feeling her cheeks warm up.

"Oh, I would dare" he retorts, grinning like a hungry bear ready to dig into his meal. His thumb and index finger grip the metal tag of the zipper, the spandex pulling upward from her body as he tugs it. Slowly, inch by inch the teeth part, exposing the contained white fur within. Krystal lets out a soft whimper, curling her toes in anticipation as that zipper reached her breasts. In her mind she pictured a giant crowd watching as Fox slowly stripped her, staring, ogling, and many more audacious acts. It was an intense feeling, humiliation without the actual danger or angst of the actual humiliation, these games that they played, whether it lead to sex or not was not important, so long as both of them enjoyed it. After all, it would be a pointless and cruel thing to do if neither one was having any fun out of it.

Krystal gasps as soon as the zipper crests the bump of her breasts, the suit sides still covering them somewhat, giving one major cleavage zone that Fox leers at with glee. Krystal trembles, feeling herself being exposed by the second, the tension killing her. Finally the zipper reaches its end, right over her precious mound, the coarse pubic fur poking free.

Fox looms over her once more, his hands going down and resting upon her breasts, causing her to moan out with a shudder. His fingers grip the stretchy material and pulls outward in the blink of an eye, forcing those modest C's out from hiding, eliciting a surprised gasp from his wife. Those mounds subtly jiggle with every motion she made, from the writhing of her hips to the heavy breathing in her chest. He tugs more, slipping her shoulders free and in doing so exposing not only her toned gut but the treasure that lay hidden. The tight, glistening slit nestled between her legs, looking puffy and open, the poor girl was in need thanks in no small part to her rather active and anticipated mind. The man gives a gruff chuckle, "All turned on and wet? Seems you have some...secrets of your own hidden away" he whispers.

Krystal grins, subtly moving her hips from side to side, "If you think you can extract such secrets, good luck, I'm not..." she blinks as her man starts kneeling down, "N-not..." his face inches closer and closer to her, his hot breath now washing over her privates, "going...ohhh" she gasps and bucks her hips slightly upon feeling Fox's warm and wet tongue press up against her vulva, the muscle eagerly lapping up some of the wetness off her, sending an explosion of pleasure through her loins.

Fox grins evilly upon hearing her rather passionate response, those moans causing his bulge to jump slightly. The air was thick in their musky scent, mixing into an alluring cocktail of sex that would drive any beast mad. Fox continues to tease the sensitive lips, so painfully close to entering her quivering loins, making her writhe and whine like a kit. And then, after holding his tongue for a moment he plunges it on in, growling like a beast as he pushes his tongue against her velvety walls.

An explosion of sensual pleasure erupts from the woman's hips, arcing up her spine like lightening that makes her cry out in a loud, shuddering gasp. Krystal's mouth hangs open, taking deep, hungry breaths with each passing of Fox's firm tongue. Her muscles tremble, shivering with the influx of pleasured nerve endings. She desperately tries to close her legs around the man's head to pull that face into her crotch, to feel his whole muzzle nuzzling into her slit. Those damn cuffs denying her need.

Fox lets out a steamy growl over her vagina, hot breath slamming into her most private of places like a dryer over a wet head of hair. With his tongue he searches deep within her, licking at any possible surface he could, adding some pressure when possible. He pulls back from her, sliding his tongue free for the moment, "Mm, tastes like apple pie" he mutters out.

Krystal had to roll her eyes at that, "Goofball" she retorts. Her turquoise eyes look down over herself, as much as she could anyway. She could see how the suit had fallen to her sides by now, only her legs and arms covered at all with her belly, breasts, and vagina exposed for all to see. She felt vulnerable, a feeling that, in any other setting would make her feel unnerved, humiliated, and trying to fight her way out. But here? With the one doing it being her loving and gentle husband? It had to have been the single most kinkiest and enjoyable thing in the entire system. Her short reprieve only lasts a second before Fox dives in once more, this time his tongue going at her clit nestled within her vaginal hood, dragging the hot, strong muscle over the sensitive nub. Krystal writhes her hips as best as she could, the chains rattling and the bed whining in protest to her tugging.

Fox's tongue laps up the lubricating fluids that slowly flow out, getting a salty and very subtle sour drink from his wife. Hard and gentle he goes, giving his wife as much pleasure as he could with that swirling muscle. He growls and pushes deeper, alternating between licking her clit and pumping his tongue in and out of her vaginal tunnels.

Krystal's breath catches in her throat, a pressure building up in her loins. Fox always had his way of getting her to orgasm fairly quick, this moment being no exception, that tongue of his had to have magic powers. His skillful tongue had brought her to her peak, evilly keeping her on edge by slowing his movements down only to eventually pull his tongue all the way out. "N-no fair" she whines, giving into her base needs and whining for release.

Fox pouts at her, giving her adorable puppy eyes, "Aww, poor dear, besides" his features turn devilish, "I still need to do...this" he growls under his breath before sending his muzzle back over her privates. With his lips over her vulva he pushes his teeth in, opening them up and giving the nub the most gentle of nibbles, bouncing his upper and lower jaw up and down.

That was it, that was the final push she needed. She hangs her mouth open as a loud, guttural roar filled with lust bursts from her throat. She had reached the peak of no return, that moment of pure euphoria surging through every nerve ending. Her hips thrust and her back arched upward as her sweet nectar flows out over Fox's tongue and into his maw, some even dripping onto the sheets.

Fox growls in glee, his tail sticking right up and his bulge twitching madly as the intense scent of her juices flood into his maw and nose. His tongue attack continues, lapping her sensitive vulva clean of those sexual fluids, giving a teasing flick to her ultra tender clit, making her writhe and whimper. Soon he stands back from her, licking his lips, "I have won, princess" he says, winking at her.

Krystal lays there, panting hard in a daze. She was certainly a mess, suit hanging open, sweat coating her fur, a good kind of mess. She was on cloud nine, her mind racing in the afterglow of the orgasm, her were muscles loose and her limbs lazily hanging off the cuffs. This was their moment, one of many games they played. No one else could ever come close to replacing the other, Fox and Krystal, two parts of a whole, bonded by an unbreaking love that rivaled that of their skills...perhaps even more so.

Fox slides onto the bed next to her, resting his hand on her belly, gently petting her. One thing they loved about their games was the aftercare, that moment of tenderness and love after the intense playing they had. His tender hands run over her abs, rolling over each firm mound, putting a bit of pressure on the crest, making his wife giggle and wiggle her belly. His face was now a soft, calm, gentle image as he looks down upon her, "That was awesome, Krystal, I...didn't hurt you at all, did I? " he frets.

Krystal giggles, "Not at all! You were wonderful, Fox" she says, her words followed by a smile, "I dare to say that it was your best villainous role play yet" she smirks.

"Hah, well, then Evil Fox is here to stay!" Fox calls back, tickling her arm pits, making the vixen laugh like a maniac. "Gahaha! I give I Give!" she whines. Fox laughs back, mercifully halting his tickle attack, letting his wife get some air. Krystal looks up into those emerald eyes of his, then down to that still throbbing bulge in his pants, "Ready to...feed your queen?" she suggests, getting a hearty growl from her loving hubby.