Gideon's Lesson

Story by darkcanine on SoFurry

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#10 of Disney

Copyright Disney

I had a tough time writing this one because I didn't want to hurt Judy Hopps but the story just flowed onto the screen. The second chapter won't be easy either.


This story does contain a little spoiler from the movie.

"Ahh" Judy cried out as the claws of Gideon scratched across her face. He leaned down and looked right into her eyes and said "I want you to remember this moment when you think you will be more than anything, then a stupid carrot farming bunny." He laughed as he walked away with Travis following after him. Her friends ran over with concern for her well being. As they crowded around her she handed them their tickets back which she stole out of Gideon's pocket. "You got are tickets!" "You're the best Judy." they cried out as she got to her feet. "Don't listen to him Judy, he doesn't know what he his talking about." As she dusted off her hat she said "No he was right about one thing, I don't know when to quite." She put her hat back on her head determined more than ever to become a cop.

As the years went by Judy did not forget that moment and the scratches remained. Every time she looked in the mirror and saw them, her mind replayed that moment and with each passing year she became more determined to become a cop and leave this town behind. She was walking home from her last day of high school hoping her acceptance letter to the academy came in. She usually took the quick way home but seeing on how this was the last day, she decided to take the longer path through the woods. The wooded path was a secluded stretch of trail that had a few abandoned homes deep in the woods. The trees grew tall casting their shadows and blocking out the sunlight. The bushes on the side grew thick and twisted towards the trail like out stretched hands. All of these things did a good job of keeping the little ones out of the woods and left the trail for the older kids. Well the ones that were brave enough anyway. The reason for this was once you got to the end of the trail you had two choices go the left which would put you out on the road leading towards Bunnyburrow or go back the way you came. Judy was so lost in her thoughts of the future that she didn't hear the footsteps behind her.

She was just coming to the end of the trail where she would take the left to go back to town. When all of a sudden she was tackled from behind. Her breath exploded out of her as she hit the ground and her attacker dropped on her. Just before she could utter a single syllable a rag was forced into her mouth and then a gunny sack was thrown over her head. As soon as the weight left her back she got up on her hands and knees and prepared to run. Just as she was about to sprint off she was tackled again. This time the stranger stayed on top of her and she felt her hands being tied behind her back. Her heart was beating uncomfortably fast as she was picked up and carried through the woods.

After what seemed like half an hour she heard the squeal of rusty hinges as a door was forced open. The attacker kicked the door shut with his foot and crossed the small space to drop her on a old musty mattress. Judy heard the bed frame rattle as the back of her body hit the bed. She then heard the sound of a match striking and could see a faint light through the sack. Just as she was to begin thinking of who took her, the sack was pulled off and she saw Gideon Grey standing there with a smug smile on his face. "I've heard you are still going to go to the city to become a cop. Is it true?" Judy just stared at him for how was she suppose to answer with a gag in her mouth. "I'm going to remove the gag and you are going to be quite. You will answer my questions and nothing more. Blink if you understand." Judy blinked once to show that she did understand what was being asked of her. Gideon reached behind her head and untied the gag.

As soon as the gag left her mouth she screamed "Help! Anyone ple..." The rest of plea was cut off as the sound of a loud smack echoed in the small room. Gideon retied her gag and said "I don't blame you for trying but this would have been much easier if you just cooperated." Judy looked at him with glistening eyes as she felt blood run down her cheek. Gideon looked at her and saw that when he struck her, he reopened the scratches that he gave her when she was nine. He smiled with some satisfaction knowing that she would have them for a bit longer now. "Do you remember the lesson I gave you when you were nine?" He did not even give her time to answer before he continued. "Well I warned you what would happen if you continued to dream big. So now I have to give another lesson."

Judy had no idea what he meant until he grabbed her and turned her around so her butt was facing him. He then brought his hand down with a smack. Judy whimpered behind the gag as his hand smacked her again and again. A single tear fell down her face as she heard him walk across the floor and out the door. She did not have enough time to think about escaping though because she heard the door open just a minute after it closed. Gideon walked across the room to the bunny and dropped the switch onto the floor. Judy felt him reach around her waist and undo her button to her pants. He then pulled her jeans down over her tail and bunched them around her knees. Gideon cracked a smile at seeing her panties for they were covered in little carrots. He really wanted to make a crack but decided to stay silent until the end of the lesson.

Judy was beginning to feel embarrassed knowing that her panties where now under the gaze of Gideon. Just as she was wondering what was going to happen next, she felt another smack come down hard on her butt. Gideon watched as her body tensed up after the smack, he raised his hand up and brought it down again. Soon all that was heard was the steady smacking sound of Gideon's hand slapping Judy's rear end. Judy was silently crying now as her bottom was assaulted and she prayed for this encounter to be over. Once she regained enough of her composure she realized that the spanking had stopped. For a brief moment she thought it was over but then her fear was confirmed. She felt him grab hold of the elastic waist bands and yank her panties down over her tail and down to her knees. She felt her face turn red as she now knew that he had a clear view of her most intimate parts.

Gideon drank in the sight before him. He saw her cute little tail shaking with fear and right under that was her adorable little tailhole. He watched it pucker up and release as Judy's fear raced through her body. His eyes were also taking in the sight of her lips that were covered in little fine hairs. He wanted so badly to take her right then and there but he restrained himself for the sake of the lesson. He picked up the switch and aimed it right below her tail. He brought it down with a quick flick of his wrist and watched as her body jumped away from the pain. He hit her again in same spot and he could her sobbing through the gag.

Judy had no idea what was coming but as that switch hit her rear right on top of her hole she cried out for the bare handed slaps were nothing compared to this. She felt the switch hit again in the same spot and her body jerked forward trying to escape the pain that was being delivered to her bottom. Her head hit the wall and she felt the switch again. This time she felt her skin break and little the beads of blood that dripped down through her fur. She started to sob as her butt pulsed with pain but Gideon wasn't done yet.

Gideon watched as the blood dripped from her cheeks and landed on her panties, where it soaked into the fabric. One last portion of the lesson remained, Gideon brought the switch down and hit it right across the lips of her vagina. He heard her scream through the gag but he was not going to be deterred from the teaching. He brought it up again and slapped it right across her clit. Her scream reached a new pitch as the pain hit home. He brought it up one last time and slapped it across her lips again this time drawing a fine line of blood. Her scream climbed even higher but then a silence quickly overcame her. Gideon looked at her form draped across the bed and saw that she had passed out from pain.

Judy cried through the gag when all of sudden she felt the switch smack her delicate outer lips on her vagina. She sucked in as much breath as she could through her nose and screamed at the pain smack produced. She was still screaming when the switch came down again and struck across her clit. Feeling her sensitive spot smacked caused Judy to increase her volume. She was freely crying now as her vagina sent a new pain through her body and she started to see stars appear through the tears. She could feel her body breaking out in a sweat from the punishment that it was enduring. Then the switch slapped down on her again and this this time she felt it break the skin. The pain was so intense for Judy's body that once the lips started to bleed it just shut down as if to hide itself from further punishment.

Judy awoke to the feeling of a hand gently applying an ointment of some kind to her butt and vagina. She felt his hands slowly pull her panties back up to cover her now glowing red parts. He heard a sharp intake of breath as the rough fabric of jeans scraped against her lips and rear end. As gently as he could he picked her up and turned her around so she was facing him. He saw that her face was wet with tears and her eyes were still glistening. "I'm sorry for what I have done tonight Judy. It's just that I need you to understand that a bunny can not become a cop. You are better off sticking with what you know and that is farming carrots. Much like the carrots that you have on your panties." With out waiting for a reply from her, he threw the gunny sack back over her head.

She felt him pick her up and lean down to blow out the candle. She heard the door open and felt the fresh night air flow cooling her sweating body. She was actually thankful that he was carrying her for she didn't think she had the strength to walk yet. After a while she felt her butt being set down onto solid ground. For a moment she had no idea where she was or why she even hurt down there. Then it all came flooding back and she realized that she actually fell asleep.

"I'm going to leave you here right on the trail. I want you to count until you reach thirty then you can go. Don't worry the knot is loose and you shouldn't have a problem with it. I also want you to remember this moment and use it to decide the right choice for your future." Judy started counting to thirty as she heard his footsteps fade into the distance, When she reached thirty, she untangled herself from the rope and pulled the bag off her head. She reached behind and undid the knot that held the gag in place and breathed in a deep breath of night air. She looked behind her and saw with the fading light of the sun, the road that would take her back to town. She got up and tried to run but fell down with a gasp of pain as her wounds flared up as reminder. She slowly stood back up and walked towards the road.

As she got to the road a truck came roaring up and she heard her father's voice through the window. "Judy I have been looking all over for you. Did something happen to you?" She opened the door and had to suppress a whimper as she sat down. "No dad, I was just day dreaming and I must have fainted or something I don't know." She could see that her dad wasn't buying it but he decided not to press the issue. He turned the truck back towards town and began heading home. Judy was so lost with her own thoughts that she didn't even realize that the truck stopped until she heard his voice. "Hey there Mr. Hopps do you think you could give me a lift back into town?" "Sure thing Gideon but you'll have to get in the bed." "That sure is fine with me because it beats walking." She could feel his gaze through the back window as the truck started moving again.

When they got to town Stu stopped the truck and Gideon jumped out on the passenger side. Judy watched as he came to the passenger window and her dad told her to roll down the window. "I appreciate the lift back into town Mr. Hopps thank you." "You're welcome Gideon, you have a good summer now." "I sure will and thanks again." As the truck pulled away Mr. Hopps did not notice that Gideon winked at his daughter but she did. When they got home Judy walked straight to her room and locked the door. On her bed she saw a letter from the police academy. She slowly went over and pick it up. Her mother had already opened it so she pulled out the form and scanned it. The form did indeed state that she was going to start in September. She breathed a huge sigh of relief for this was her best chance to live her dream and get away from Gideon. She turned around and walked over to her private bath, shedding her cloths as she went. As the bath filled with warm water she examined her body in the full length mirror. She did see one scratch on her butt that was going to leave a scar. Then she examined her lips and found another open wound that was also going to scar. She slowly got into the tub hissing as the water hit her wounds. Once she was fully in she settled against the bath pillow and closed her eyes. She thought about the events that happened that evening and when she opened them, she felt better about herself. For she was not going to give in to fear and she was going to go to the academy this fall because if she did not try than she would never know.