Frosting Your Own Birthday Cake

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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Turning 18 carries a very heavy implication of sexual exploits with it, and as we see in this commission for LusterUnicorn, there's no better 18th birthday present than your best friend, and his wealth of sexual experience.

A timid zebra by the name of Zeke has managed to keep his virginity all the way until his 18th birthday, and he's remained in the closet the entire time. A trip to a distant water park with his two best friends seems like the perfect way to spend a birthday, and Zeke has grand dreams of just how much fun he's going to have, but when he receives a rather unusual gift from his friend, Cole, his birthday takes an uncomfortable and skimpy turn for the worse.

Perhaps a massage would help to calm him down...or make everything that much worse!

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

In so many cultures of the world, turning 18 carried with it an inherent enjoyment.

The blissful ignorance of childhood leaves us wanting more and more as we grow, suspecting that there can only be better things around the corner. We age slowly, and yet, so quickly that we don't realize how suddenly childhood turns to adolescence, and then, in a flash, you're getting a driver's license, looking for a job, and wondering why no one really considers you to be an adult.

At the age of 18, it's a question you no longer have to ask.

"Thanks for the invite, Zeke! This pool party is gonna be awesome!"

When you were the last among your friends to finally turn 18, however, it felt like there was a burden lifted from your shoulders. As a collective group, you could now rent hotel rooms, go on trips without any kind of a curfew, and live on your own without fear of repercussion for your foolish actions. It was the age of going on long road trips, seeing sights, going away to college and really starting to come into your own, if you were to believe everything you heard.

Most importantly to Zeke, a young, male zebra who was finally over the first of many age milestones, it meant that he and his friends could hang out at a water park that wasn't the crummy little one in their own town. His parents finally trusted him enough to take the keys, take the car, and as one might expect, it only took a few long minutes of fearful hugs from his mother, and a very stern look from his father to make sure that he wouldn't do anything too foolish while he was a couple hours away.

"Don't mention it, guys. There's no one else I'd rather spend my big day with!"

Zeke was blessed with a loving family at home, to be sure, but he was also fortunate enough to have a few very close friends, and none were closer Cole and Kyle. A sly, crafty bunny and a womanizing panther respectively, they made a perfect tripod of friendship; each one of them brought something unique to the table, and though none of them were exactly the same, they had just enough in common with each other to never tired of the company.

In the case of Cole, his enjoyment of male company, especially that of his friends, went a little bit deeper than what he admitted to, but it was no secret to his friends that he was gay, and thankfully, neither one of them had a problem with it.

"Don't expect to see too much of me," Kyle chimed in. "There's gonna be plenty of fine lookin' girls at the park today. Figure if I play my cards right, I might get one of 'em to sneak behind the lockers with me and go home tonight with a new story to tell!"

Zeke drooped his ears just a little bit. "You aren't really gonna ditch me the whole time just to try and chase chicks, are you?"

The zebra was driving, so he was a little bit shocked when he felt Kyle giving him a quick nudge on the shoulder from the back seat of the car. "Dude, of course not! I'm gonna keep an eye out, but it's still bros before hoes, man!"

"That's a bit more like it," Zeke offered, biting back on the urge to yell at Kyle for hitting him while driving. Literally only 18 to the day, Zeke was the youngest of the three by a few months, and was teeming with nervous energy to be burned off. Water slides, wave pools and a lazy river might not be enough to get the job done, but he couldn't think of a better way to spend the afternoon.

As an extra gift from his parents, Zeke pulled out a trio of day passes from the dashboard compartment and offered them up to the ticket window as he pulled up to the parking lot for SplashLand. It was a rather typically themed water park, but it boasted some of the tallest and fastest water slides in the state, and naturally, there were a few of the same girls that Kyle mentioned before, walking in from the parking lot to do little more than soak up the sun and try to get a nice tan. "Just three of us," Zeke said to the ticket taker, trying to sound as cool and mature as he could.

"Looks like you're all set," the attendant replied. "It's open parking, so grab a space anywhere you see one available. Have fun today at SplashLand!"

The three friends were snickering the moment that they got past the gate. "Must not have been working here that long...who is honestly that excited to work at a ticket booth for some water park?!" Kyle yelled out, likely still within earshot of the ticket windows, and yet, Zeke and Cole joined him for a laugh.

"Don't harp on them too much," Zeke pointed out, even as he continued chuckling. "If college doesn't work out, that could be you some day!"

Cole shook his head so rapidly that the long, rounded ears on his head nearly spun around each other. "Not a chance, dude! I'm not gonna goof off in my classes if it means I end up getting stuck with a backwater job like that!"

Zeke turned back for a moment to share a glance with Kyle, and the laughter suddenly shifted in Cole's direction.

"You? You of all people are gonna be the good college student in this car?"

"Well...I mean, you never know! It could happen!"

Kyle scoffed. "Riiiiiight. When pigs fly, my man."

"Looks like there's one going down that water slide over there right now," Zeke pointed out, as he turned into a parking space, snickering at his friend.

Kyle jumped in before Cole could try to defend himself. "If he flies out of the slide, it still doesn't count!"

"Hmmph. Very funny, guys," Cole muttered, surprised to find himself on the receiving end of a joke for once. Typically, he was the tricky joker of the group, and his habits in high school didn't exactly inspire confidence for the upcoming college semester.

A quick and friendly nudge from Zeke managed to calm Cole down right away. "Awww, come off it, dude! We're here to have fun, chill out and ride some rides...let's not start this day off on the wrong hoof!"

Getting over his mood as quickly as he fell into it, Cole nudged Zeke right back and hopped out of the car, almost literally. "You mean footpaw, bro?"

Cole and Kyle shared a quick high-five as the panther exited the back seat, and Zeke merely rolled his eyes as he stepped out of the car, as well. Trying to prove his maturity to his parents, even if they weren't around, Zeke turned and locked the doors behind him before dropping the keys into a Velcro pocket, keeping them that much safer from slippery paws.

"Looks like we've got a couple customers already, fellas," Kyle said, as he took the center spot and stepped out in front a little bit. He was a natural born leader, and he walked with the kind of swagger in his step that simply drew people into him. "Couple-a bombshells at ten o' clock, looking at us like we're models or somethin'!"

Kyle was entirely supportive of Cole in his homosexual lifestyle, but he had no idea that, quietly, Zeke himself was gay as well. Whereas Cole wore it on his sleeve, Zeke kept it a secret from everyone, even his own family, and the way that he behaved kept Kyle believing that he might be interested in the pair of bikini-clad cheetahs that were walking by them.

"Can you blame them? Our Zekie boy here has been getting looks like that all the way through high school, but he never acts on any of them! Seems like there isn't a girl in the world that's good enough," Cole teased his buddy, making sure to speak just loud enough for the girls to know that they were being gossiped about.

Zeke could already feel a warmth building in his cheeks as he followed Kyle into the fences that surrounded the water park, trying to flatten his ears and ignore the pointing and giggling of the females nearby. It was only bashfulness that caused a slight pink shade to appear through his white and black striped fur, rather than an attraction to the ladies that now walked in front of them.

Kyle, on the other hand, was starting to walk funny as he watched the slow and hypnotic sway of long, thin feline tails in front of a pair of backsides that weren't just gifts from above; they were toned, and pushed back at the eager panther with each and every step.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Cole, but it's really not that simple," Zeke tried to explain, though he wasn't in the mood to discuss it right then. This was a special occasion, and the thought of ruining it with such a heavy subject wasn't exactly appealing to him.

Comic relief was only available in the way that Zeke and Cole stood by the men's changing room and watched as Kyle followed the girls all the way to their own changing room...only to hear a loud and audible SMACK as he rounded the corner. When the panther came back around, he looked dazed, and at first, it was hard to tell if it was a good or a bad daydream that he was floating in.

"D-did...did you guys know that was the wrong dressing room?" he asked, slumping against the wall for a moment and holding the side of his muzzle. "Ow. Ow. Freakin' ow."

Zeke and Cole were nearly doubled over with laughter as Kyle kept a paw on the side of his face and glared up at his two friends, but given just how silly and foolish he was, he couldn't hope to stay mad. He gave a couple of quick, playful jabs at his friends and ushered them into the changing room, wanting to make sure that they weren't going to get in anymore trouble by standing outside.

"You'll have to teach me your techniques sometime," Cole suggested, as he started stripping away his t-shirt and picked out an empty locker to toss it in. "I bet if I was that aggressive, I'd come home with a different boy every day after frisbee in the park!"

"It takes years of practice, young Pawwalker," Kyle assured, managing a quick chuckle at the thought. "I don't think you're quite ready for my level of game."

"I don't think I want to have that kinda game!" Cole exclaimed, snickering as he started kicking away his shorts. Shameless about the way that he lived his life, Cole was more than happy to be a bit of an exhibitionist, even if it was in the privacy of a locker room. Kyle turned away respectfully as he undressed himself, and poor, shy Zeke was left to stand between them, trying not to get caught admiring the toned, firm muscles upon Kyle's abdomen, or the slim, smooth lines of Cole's body.

His boxers didn't do too much to cover up that excitement, however, and it didn't help that he was already hung well above an average male, especially for his age. "Y-you could always offer me some pointers, Kyle," Zeke said, trying his best to continue to blend in, as he always had.

"I don't know if I have that kinda time left on Earth, Zeke." Kyle was already stripping away his own boxers, leaving Zeke standing between a pair of his best friends...the fact that they happened to be nude wasn't exactly helping to contain his problem. "But if you were willing to learn, I'd be willing to at least try to teach you."

Jeans hit the floor, and boxers rapidly with them, as Zeke ran right through his courage and forced his clothes away. He'd brought a large, baggy pair of swimming trunks with him, with a nice blue and orange floral pattern upon them to look as tropic as possible, but before he had a chance to put them on, he noticed that they'd completely disappeared.

"...Guys, this is not funny."

Kyle whirled around, sending a fresh blush through Zeke's cheeks. "What's not funny?"

"What did you guys do with my damn swim trunks?!"

There was no one else in the locker room right then to spoil the moment, but ever the trickster that he was, Cole couldn't hope to keep his laughter in. "Okay, okay, I stole 'em! It was just so I could give you your present, silly! Those shorts you brought are so last season anyway...if you wanna get any attention, you've gotta go with your birthday present!"

Shyness, arousal and excitement were battling for control of Zeke's emotions, and at the mention of a present, excitement just managed to win out the battle, keeping the long, thick shaft of his equine cock from growing any further. " guys got me a birthday present? You didn't have to do that!"

"But we did," Kyle cut in, "And we think it'll be the perfect gift for this occasion."

A small, white box was hidden under the growing pile of clothes, and Cole fished it out, nearly boucing with giddy excitement to see Zeke finally open it. "Go on, dude! Don't keep us waiting!"

Zeke was touched so much at the thought of a gift from his closest friends that he almost felt like tearing up, but he managed to keep it together and only smile a bright, genuine smile. " guys didn't have to do this!" he tried to suggest, though, as he opened the simple, cardboard box and looked inside, he felt as though his cheeks might burst into flames. "...Is...this...a speedo?"

Cole was already pulling on his own swimsuit, little more than a pair of glorified briefs, as he watched and clapped at Zeke's dumbfounded reaction. "Aren't they perfect? A nice, bright blue speedo pair for you! It'll stick out really well with those black and white stripes of yours!"

Kyle wasn't quite as on board with the idea as Cole had been, but as he pulled on his own loose, baggy swim trunks, he gave the still nude zebra a quick nudge. "The way you're packing down there, every girl in this park is gonna be sending glances your way, dude. You're awfully lucky!"

Sure that his cheeks were as red as the hue of a stop sign, Zeke wasn't sure if he was more embarrassed at the idea of being ogled while wearing a speedo, or by the fact that Kyle had clearly taken a look at his cock. "T-that...that's great!" he finally replied, trying to be polite. It wasn't much to cover himself with, but Zeke did his best to look eager as he pulled the speedo from the box, and nearly tore it in his haste to put it on and cover his manhood. Before he even pulled the thin, stretchy fabric up past his thighs, however, he realized just how problematic they would be.

The blue spandex cupped his sack at first, and that alone made the swimwear feel tight, but as he pulled higher and his length started to curl up inside, he was nearly biting his lower lip in discomfort. The speedo only just barely fit over his bulging flesh, and as stretched and distended as the fabric was, Zeke felt like he might have been better off going outside naked.

"Well? Isn't it the best swim suit you've ever had?" Cole asked, looking so excited at the thought of Zeke in his gift that the zebra couldn't bring himself to tell the truth.

"They're...they're definitely cozy," Zeke replied, rather flatly. "They'll take some getting used to, but I think they'll work..."

Cole gave Zeke a quick swat on the rear, sending the zebra bounding forward and rubbing his tender flesh. The speedo hardly covered any of his backside, leaving his flesh open to any kind of passing grope or swat...and as grabby as Cole already was, Zeke knew that he had a long day ahead of him.

"You can get used to them in the water," Kyle said, his voice more of an order than anything. "We've got some ladies to kill."


The afternoon sun was beating down on Zeke, and without a cloud in the sky to cover him, he was starting to sweat just faintly, never having been one for the truly warm weather.

Kyle, on the other hand, was loving every minute of it, and his backside was already planted in a long, folding chair, allowing him to lean back and relax as he soaked up the sun and looked at every single fur that walked by, happy to admire their bodies and decide whether or not he would bed them, mentally.

"You look like you're about to die from this heat," Cole murmured into Zeke's ear, as he crept up behind the zebra. Zeke was doing everything that he could to keep from panting in the summer heat, but it wasn't enough to keep the crafty rabbit from seeing just how warm he really was. "If you just keep standing around on the concrete, you're gonna be hosting a personal barbecue in a minute here!"

The thick resin of Zeke's hooves was rather insensitive to heat and cold, so Zeke was able to stand on the sun-baked concrete without the burning sensation that plagued the pawpads of most mammals. Cole was hopping back and forth between his footpaws, trying to convey to Zeke just how painful of a sensation it could be. "I think I'll be just fine," Zeke shot back, doing nothing to hide the venom in his voice. "The water is the last place I need to be, right now."

"Even though everyone walking by is shamelessly staring at your ass and your wang?"

Zeke took off in a blur of black and white stripes, running right into the wave pool in front of him and then diving forward in the shallower water, trying to cover up as much of his body as possible. "Go easy on the poor guy," Kyle chimed in, as he lifted his sunglasses for a moment. "He's not quite the social butterfly that you are, Cole."

"I'm just trying to loosen him up a bit," Cole tried to explain, but it was clear that Kyle wasn't buying it. With a quiet hmph, the panther lowered his glasses again and went back to patrolling the side of the pool, leaving Cole free to chase Zeke into the shallow waters of the wave pool. As soon as Zeke saw him coming, however, the zebra started wading further and further into the water, but now that Cole had mentioned it, Zeke couldn't help seeing the myriad pairs of eyes that were following his every move.

Guys and girls alike were following Zeke like a hawk, some staring in disgust at how vulgar his outfit was, and others admiring his captured length as if it were nothing more than a sausage in a butcher shop. Blushing faces, wide eyes and grins made it clear that the zebra, being the tall and handsome young man that he was, was the most desirable person at the water park that day, despite his terribly shy nature.

"Y'know, all it would take is a little tug," Cole whispered, as he finally caught up to Zeke and hooked a thumb into the already straining waistline of the speedo, "And this thing would probably rip right offa you!"

Zeke stiffened upright in the water at the touch and turned around to swat at Cole, his teeth gritted in his downright bashfulness. "Do NOT even think about it, Cole! Are you nuts? We'll get kicked out of here for sure!"

The opportunity to make a joke about Zeke's sack when he was so close to it didn't miss Cole, but as much as he was the joker type, he had other intentions in mind this time, and if he pushed Zeke too far in the wrong direction, he might miss out on the whole reason he came on the trip in the first place.

"If you're that worried about it, maybe you should get out of the water."

"And why is that?"

"Because," Cole murmured through a wide, devious grin, "You're kinda poking out there, a little bit."

The very end of the wide, flared tip of Zeke's member really was starting to poke out of the bottom of his speedo. Immediately flustered, the zebra hastily stuffed his junk back into the helpless speedo and kept his paws over his crotch, knowing just how awkward it would make his gait; that wasn't going to stop him. He didn't want anyone else catching an unintentional glance of his most private parts, and even if the water obscured some things, nothing could actually keep people from looking, other than being out of sight altogether.

"Thanks for the warning, Cole...y'know, since this is literally all your fault!" Zeke yelled back at him as he tried to run out of the water, fumbling all over his own crotch in the process and unintentionally brushing and teasing his own member through the fabric. That horrible frustration was winning out over his arousal, at least at the moment, but when he finally made his way to his long chair on the edge of the wave pool and covered up with a towel, he felt like he could relax, even if only for a minute.

Cole rolled his eyes and followed Zeke out of the water, trying to keep a positive attitude about the moment. "Dude..." he groaned, flattening the long, rounded ears on his head, "You've gotta learn to loosen up, Zeke! No one here is making fun of you...they all think you're hot, and they're right!"

"So what? That doesn't mean I want everyone seeing my cock!" Zeke shouted back, uncaring of the giggles of a couple younger girls that walked by. "You knew this speedo wouldn't be enough to cover me up, and you gave it to me anyway! Did you guys do this as some mean sort of joke? Did you just want to see me squirming all day?!"

"Woah, woah! Keep it down!" Cole tried to urge his friend, coming that much closer so that they could chat in faux privacy. Before he got too close, however, Zeke grabbed his towel and blanketed it over his waist, hiding all of his crotch from view and at least giving the illusion that he might be wearing shorts. "It wasn't meant as a joke, Zeke...I just thought you'd look really good in them!" Not that I mind watching your cock squirm around in them...

"Well, I'm glad you think so, Cole, but maybe you should have asked me how I felt about it, first!" Zeke scolded his friend, and though Cole didn't show any signs of dismay, Zeke still let out a heavy sigh thereafter and shook his head. "I'm sorry...I'm sure you really had the best of intentions, Cole, but...this isn't me, you know?"

"Hey, it's okay, dude. That's really more of my style...I know you and I aren't anywhere close to being the same person," Cole agreed. "I just thought it would be a really cool gift for you. It's my bad, man...let me make it up to you?"

Zeke's anger softened up just a little bit at the mention of a make up. "Just what did you have in mind?"

"Well, you're way too tense to be walking around in that thing. Everyone can see just how tight your butt is, and how much your cock is bulging against it, so..." Cole trailed off, as he sat down next to his friend and leaned over, drawing his pawtips along the smooth and slim lines of Zeke's tummy, "Why don't you let me massage the stress out of you? I've been working on my technique lately, and I hear that I'm actually pretty good at it..."

Zeke gulped. He'd always found Cole to be attractive, and he had no idea that Cole felt the same way about him. After all, Cole didn't even know that Zeke was gay, and even if Cole was trying desperately to get into Zeke's pants, Zeke didn't think this was quite the right time to confess.

The skillful brush of pawtips over his tense, hardened stomach was enough to at least get him to consider it, however.

"I...I...o-okay. I guess it couldn't hurt," Zeke tried to convince himself. Just looking down at his own lap, he could see the way his bulge worked against the underside of the towel, and anyone who happened to walk by would probably have guessed he was fully stiff under it...even if that wasn't the case. "Just don't get carried away, all right?"

Cole make a quick "OK" symbol with his free paw, before letting it come to rest on Zeke's shoulder. Both of his soft, skillful paws moved across the slim, and yet entirely defined muscles of Zeke's long, tall frame, starting up around the tension in his neck and moving down through his shoulders. "I'll try not to, but it feels like this is long overdue for you, buddy. Did you know you had rocks in your shoulders?" he teased, trying to knead the stress out of Zeke's upper back with a set of slow, easy moving circles.

"K-kinda hard...n-not to be tense," Zeke admitted, taking in a couple of deep, sharp breaths at the stark sensations. It wasn't quite pleasurable, and it wasn't quite painful, either; it was somewhere in the middle, and though it was strange, Zeke could feel the tension starting to leave his upper body. Satisfied with the results, Cole moved a little further down, letting his dull claws drag across Zeke's chest, down towards the valley of his abdomen and that slim, enticing set of lines that shaded into his manhood. "Hey...hey! Cole, w-what are you doing?!"

"It's all part of the massage," Cole suggested, but Zeke kept his eyebrow raised in a skeptical look. Not quite reaching low enough just yet, Cole kept his eager paws moving across Zeke's midsection, getting to learn his body in one of the most intimate ways possible. He tried to keep eye contact with Zeke the whole time, but couldn't help the occasional glance down lower on his body, and sometimes, he'd catch the sight of Zeke's covered length jumping against the underside of the towel. "But it looks to me like the tension is somewhere else, now."

"Cole, I swear, if you touch it..."

Cole didn't allow himself to be dissuaded. He rested his chin right on Zeke's tummy and leaned across his body, letting an eager paw continue down, under the top edge of the towel. He kept his paw creeping until he felt the edge of the smooth, silky fabric of the speedo...and Zeke's paw grabbing his wrist, keeping him from going any further. "I promise,'ll feel a whole lot better when I'm done with your massage!"

" That isn't a massage, Cole!" Zeke called him out on his bluff, narrowing his eyes at the way his friend tried to act like he had Zeke's best interests in mind. "And if you k-keep moving further down..."

Pawtips were already losing their grip on Cole's wrist as his free paw snuck the other way around and went south under the towel, giving him the perfect chance to tickle and tease at the inside of Zeke's thighs. It was still an innocent enough touch, and Cole even kept up with his technique, kneading and working his pawtips into tired, tense flesh until he could feel it softening to his whims, but the moment that he felt his work was done...a single pawtip drifted up, just enough to stroke Zeke's sack through the speedo.

"Cole...d-damn it, man..."

A second pawtip joined the first, and the formed a small hook, gently stroking repeatedly at the underside of Zeke's firm, tense sack. "What? The only place I still feel tension is right here...and I did offer you a massage, after all..."

The towel began to lift up with all of the slow, rising effect of a magician's trick as Zeke's member grew out of control. The tip burst through the side of the speedo again and began to lift the towel higher, but it wasn't until Cole gave a small tug downward that Zeke finally let out a long, groaning sigh of relief, as his cock could grow freely, without the binding fabric to smash it down into his uncomfortable body.

That moment alone would have been worth the trip for Zeke, and he finally smiled down at Cole for his freedom, but that was as far as he wanted to take things.

"Uh oh...looks like something else is all hard and tense, now!"

Cole, however, wouldn't be so easily satisfied.

" Cole! We cannot do that here!"

"And why can't we?" Cole asked, as he took the excess slack of the towel and covered the back of his head. "It's not like anyone is paying that much attention, after all..."

Cole couldn't have been more wrong; there were a couple females watching from just outside of their changing room, sinking their pawtips down into the bottom of their bathing suits, and even a couple of men who were sneaking back into the changing rooms to try and find a safe place to deal with an unexpected erection. Anyone who saw would know exactly what was going on...luck simply had it that no one was going to stop them.

"B-but...if we get caught, we're screwed!"

That's the plan, Cole thought to himself, as he licked his lips and opened his muzzle as wide as he could. Taking only the very tip of Zeke's cock in his maw was a struggle, one that left him to pause as he swirled the tip of his tongue all around the distended flesh. It would have been a terrible struggle to go any further, so he simply kept the head within his suckling lips and gripped the long, thick shaft with both paws, working them in time as his drool spilled down the length, giving him just enough lubrication to keep Zeke comfortable.

Hiding in the closet and lacking confidence meant that Zeke wasn't just a virgin; he'd done little more than kissed anyone, and that kind of lifestyle left him pent up almost all of the time. His paws gripped the chair beneath him so tightly that his veins popped up through his fur, and his teeth gritted together as Cole began to pump his shaft, as if he were trying to milk 18 years worth of cum right out of it. "Nnnngh... f-fuck, Cole! I can't keep my voice down! W-we're gonna get caught!"

Cole was already lost to the moment, and simply hoping that Zeke would catch up. He forced excess saliva to build in his maw so it could drip and spill down further on the prize that was Zeke's cock, allowing his paws to work that much more liquid into the delightfully smooth flesh of his friend. No praise for getting the whole head in my mouth? You're hard to please, Zeke! Cole mentally groaned, even if he knew that Zeke was just bashful by nature.

He didn't know that this was Zeke's first blowjob and handjob.

"I n-never knew...that this would feel so fucking good!" Zeke yelled out, drawing a few looks from a couple of the surrounding park patrons. He smiled as nervously as he ever had, looking around and trying to get people to stop staring, but there was a small audience already, watching as secretly as they could, hoping that the act would reach a conclusion before they all ended up getting caught, as well. "Cole...if you k-keep this up, I...I'll cum..."

The very last word was little more than a whisper, but with his long and tall ears, Cole heard it as loud and clear as a bell. He was already smiling around his mouthful, but it turned to a playful grin as he opened his throat and leaned forward, trying as hard as he could to take even more of Zeke's impressive manhood into his throat. Even with his level of experience, Cole was struggling with the task, and he gagged just slightly as he lowered his head further, coating more and more of Zeke's cock with a thin, glistening sheen of spittle. Don't talk about it, Zeke...I love hearing you say it, but I'd rather feel you do it...empty that fucking fire hose in my throat, boy...coat my mouth with that cum!

Zeke might have flushed all over again if he could have heard Cole's thoughts, but as far gone as he was, he wouldn't have cared about it. His head was already starting to lean back, uncontrollably, into the chair behind him, and even as timid as he was, if he were to be caught right then, he would have made Cole finish the job before they actually got up and left. Flushed from his heavy panting and losing his grip on the chair, Zeke could feel that all too familiar rush of cum bubbling up from his sack, but it was different this time...he wasn't stroking himself. There was someone else in full control of his orgasm, and not having any control over when it actually happened was a thrill that Zeke never could have imagined before.

Imagination paled in comparison to the real experience when Zeke reached forth and grabbed Cole by the ears, refusing to let him off of his cock as the tip finally erupted. Cole's small, fluffy tail began to wiggle back and forth rapidly as he felt a thick, gushing cream pouring right down his throat, and he swallowed with no resistance. His paws gripped Zeke by the base of his cock and stroked it rapidly, trying to give the birthday boy as much pleasure as he possibly could, while enjoying his own present for the day in the form of a hot, thick mess filling his mouth so full that his cheeks began to expand.

"Cole... C-COLE! I'm cumming...s-shit...I can't stop it!" Zeke called out a few seconds too late, still not entirely used to the feeling of someone else controlling the pace of his pleasure. If not for his experience, Cole might have drowned on the load, and even with his expertise, Cole discovered that even he had a limit, as the volume simply became too much for him to take. He gripped that much tighter around Zeke's shaft as he gagged and finally pulled back, wincing his eyes shut as even more streaks of milky, sticky cum sprayed upon his lips and his cheeks. Excess mess spilled out of his open muzzle and landed right on the bright blue speedo, sticking out like spilled milk on a black tile floor and leaving Zeke with no clear alibi as to the mess that was growing on him.

Of course, Cole could just lie and say that he spilled his sunscreen on his face...and lips...and, as it ran down his cheeks and chin, some of his neck. "Kff...kaff! Damn, Z-Zekie! Did you have to go a freakin' month since the last time you came?!"

"It''s only been four days..." Zeke admitted as he poked his pawtips together. Just like that, he was back to being as shy and bashful as ever, and the gravity of his situation was starting to dawn on him.

He didn't just have his first sexual experience that day. He'd just had it with one of his best friends, in public, to a captive audience that was starting to disappear.

I...I can't believe I just did that...I should have told Cole I was gay first...and...and what about Kyle? What if he found out?

Zeke's thoughts had impeccable timing, and though Kyle had been watching the other girls masturbating by the changing rooms, he never had any idea why they were doing it.

When Kyle finally came back over to Zeke's chair and lifted his sunglasses for a moment, he was looking right at the source material, even if he wasn't aware of it yet.

"I'm glad you guys didn't pay to get in. Would have been a huge waste of money if you just took a nap on these crappy chairs..."

Thinking fast and grabbing the towel, Cole swiped it over Zeke's crotch to soak up the mess as quickly as he could, and brought the towel to his face. He held it there for a moment, pretending that he was using it as a pillow, so that it could dry all of Zeke's excess seed from his muzzle. "Speak for yourself, dude. There are worse ways to spend a day."

"If you say so, guys missed out, anyway! There were these super hot chicks straight-up fingering themselves right outside of the changing rooms! I was on my way over there to get in on the action, but they suddenly stopped...guess I was a little too late."

"That, or they saw you coming and got turned off," Cole teased, trying to act as normal as he possibly could, given the bright blush and nervous expression that refused to leave Zeke.

"Not a chance! A specimen like me? They probably saw me and finished right away!" Kyle boasted. "Of course, they might have gotten a look at Zeke in his new swimwear, too."

Zeke managed a very dry chuckle. "Heh...I don't think that would have been enough to finish them, Kyle."

"Still haven't learned how to take a compliment yet, have you? Kyle joked, and Zeke let out another weak laugh. "Ah, well. I'm gonna see if I can find out where those chicks guys cool?"

"Cool as can be," Zeke replied, seeing that Cole was still wiping his face off, and doing a pretty great job of covering it up. "I'm gonna hit the shower, though...I spilled a little ice cream on my fur and I don't want bees circling my junk..."

Kyle blinked, unsure of when Zeke could have gotten ice cream, but he shrugged and kept walking. "Good plan, dude. A bee sting down there would pretty much ruin the next week, for me!"

The moment Kyle was past, Zeke pushed Cole up and rushed past him, making a bee-line for the locker room. Cole tilted his head and flattened his ears just a little bit at how rapidly Zeke left the scene, worried about just how the zebra might have taken the moment.


Warm water, hot water, cold water...

No matter how Zeke set the shower, it didn't seem to matter. The usually comforting spray of water through a shower head, down upon his tall, tense figure wasn't doing him any good at the moment. No matter how many times he grabbed the soap and worked it over his fur, he thought he could still feel the sticky, clinging sensation of his own seed in his fur, and the spittle of his best friend sticking to his cock. He'd cast the speedo aside and opted for a full shower, but even then, as his length hung relaxed between his legs, allowing him to clean every inch, it didn't seem to make a difference.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Zeke leaned against the wall of the shower stall and tried not to let his own consciousness ruin the day. "I mean...Cole has always been kinda touchy-feely, but...he just gave me a blowjob," Zeke muttered to himself, letting out another deep, heavy huff. "And right out there, in front of everyone...he was acting crazy! It was like I couldn't stop him...I loved it...loved every second of it, but...what if we can't just be friends anymore? What if I can't ever look at him the same way because of what he did?"

With the questions of the future, college and the next years of his life weighing on his mind, Zeke wasn't ready to part ways with someone who had been such a pivotal part of his youth development, at least, not forever. As was so typical of Zeke, he over-analyzed every part of the situation, down to the way that he hastily escaped the moment that he had a chance...he never even looked back to see where Cole went, or what his reaction was.

"And if I offended him, maybe my feelings for him won't be the problem. Maybe he hates me now..."

Squeeeeeeeak. The rusted, old knobs for the shower made Zeke flatten his ears to his head as he turned the water off and grabbed his towel. His birthday wasn't ruined; in fact, he couldn't decide if it had been amazing or terrible, but if it had been such a great time until then, he was sure that he'd screwed it all up, just in that moment.

Wrapping a towel around his waist, Zeke resolved to put on his old swim trunks and make the best of the rest of the day, once he found his friends.

Politely enough, Cole made part of that job especially easy, as he was waiting on the benches in the locker room for his friend...he just wasn't sitting on them.

"All ready for round two, birthday boy?"

Zeke immediately tightened the towel around his waist and rolled his eyes. "There shouldn't have even been a round one, Cole! What were you thinking out there?!"

Most people would have sat on a bench, but Cole wasn't most people, and to him, any surface was a perfect object for sexual use. His rump was stuck up in the air, his tiny, fluff-ball tail fluttering about, and his head was lowered, leaving him in a perfect, prone position over the bench. If Zeke so much as stood behind the bunny, he'd be right on the edge of giving up his virginity.

"I was thinking that you seemed really tense, and that I had a perfect way to help you with that. Was I wrong?"

Cheeks flushed at the memory of the moment, and Zeke glanced to the wall next to him. "W-well...I mean, no, but...that was still really dangerous! We could have gotten kicked out, or even arrested!"

"But we diiiiiiidn't!"

"I don't care!" Zeke finally spoke with conviction in his voice. "It could have completely ruined our day! What about Kyle? He would have been stuck here!"

"Y'know, most people reply to a blowjob with a simple 'thank you.' I heard you zebras had some weird ways about you, but I thought I knew you a little better than this, Zeke."

For the first time all day, Zeke could sense real frustration in Cole's voice. Maybe his actions were uncouth, but his heart was in the right place the whole time, and though Zeke knew that to be a fact, he couldn't quite find it in himself to get over what had happened so easily.

"Was it just because it wasn't special enough for you?" Cole asked, his sultry, seductive expression starting to fade into mild anger. "Was it because I'm just your friend, and not someone that you're in love with?"

"What? No! It wasn't anything like that, just...I don't know..."

Zeke let out a heavier sigh and glanced down at his hooves, feeling guilty all over again. "I'm sorry my gifts for you weren't perfect, Zeke, but you didn't really give me a whole lot to work with..."

The zebra shook his head slowly. "It's not your fault, Cole, I just...I don't know if I was ready. I didn't know if I could admit yet that...y'know...I was gay, and that you and Kyle are really hot, and...just...I'm not sure. It all felt like too much, okay?"

Cole frowned just slightly and set his chin in a paw, refusing to budge from his compromised position. "Are you sure that's all it was, big guy? Just bad timing?"

"Pretty sure, yeah...weird timing, anyway. You know I'm not that public of a person..."

"True, you're not," Cole nodded his agreement, "But we're not in public anymore, are we?"

It wasn't the most compelling argument out there, but it was certainly a good point. Though he tried to hide it, Zeke couldn't keep Cole from seeing the contemplation in his eyes.

"W-well, I...I mean..."

A single pawtip dipped into the front of Zeke's towel, tugging as gently as it could against the strains of the cotton. "I've seen that look in your eyes before, Zeke, and in the eyes of a lot of other males. You might not have been ready before, but you want this, now. It just took your mind a little while to catch up to your body...and it's quite an amazing body, at that."

Just when Zeke found the courage to look upon Cole once again, a little extra charm sent his cheeks into a pink frenzy, and sent his eyes back to the wall. "You really don't have to butter me up, Cole...I can't lie to you. If I'd really wanted you to stop out there, I would have stopped you."

"I always have admired that honesty about you, Zeke," Cole confessed, "And honestly, the only way this moment could get better right now is if your towel just...y'know. Happen to fall off, somehow."

It was Zeke who caught Cole by surprise this time, as he gripped Cole by the wrist and moved his paw away from the towel, leaving Cole looking despondent. In the next moment, however, the shock truly set in, when Zeke gave his towel a gentle tug, freeing it from his body...and dropping it to the floor.

"Wooooooah there. If you guys were planning to do that the whole time, why didn't you just stay home?"

Zeke thought that Cole was just teasing him again, at first, but when he glanced up to the door of the locker room, he saw Kyle standing there, looking awkward and bashful for perhaps the first time in his life. Doing his best to be polite, he shaded his face with the back of his paw, keeping Zeke's impressive length out of his view.

" Kyle! T-this...this isn't what you think it is!"

Cole snickered to himself. "Seriously, Zeke? You both know I'm gay, and I'm face to face with your you really think he's going to believe this is an accident?"

Zeke bit his lower lip, wishing he had the courage enough to bend over and grab his towel, but he was frozen in place. "He...he might..."

"Sorry; no chance that I'm buying that one, Zeke," Kyle confirmed. "Though, I guess this explains why you held onto your virginity for such a long time...there were always hot chicks fighting over you!"

"What's your point?"

"Why couldn't you send some of that fine lookin' tail my way?"

Zeke rolled his eyes and sighed. "A one track mind as always, I see."

"What can I say? I'm a bit of a nympho," Kyle suggested, trying to keep his cool and calm demeanor, thinking it would diffuse the situation a bit.

Cole, of course, had other plans for the moment. "No, you're just a guy, and right now, you're being a bit unfair to Zeke and I."

Kyle crossed his arms over his broad, wide chest. "How do you figure that?"

"You get an eyeful of my back door and Zeke's cock, and we don't get to see the full package on you?"

"Hey, you two were the ones about to fuck in the locker room! I just happened to walk in here at the wrong time!"

Cole shook his head...and then shook his rump back and forth in a slow, enticing sway. "I disagree, Kyle. I think you showed up at just the right time."

Kyle was typically unflappable. He had a calm head in any situation, and he always seemed to have his priorities in order. He was straight...or at least, he played that card rather well.

"Well...I have been striking out with every chick I've tried today," Kyle admitted, to a combined laughter between Zeke and Cole, "And I guess if I were ever gonna try playing with dudes, it would be the two that I grew up with..."

Zeke blinked his eyes wide open and gulped. Seriously? That's all the convincing it took?

"Then lose the shorts already and help me finish the best part of Zeke's birthday present!" Cole commanded, though, as Kyle walked across the locker room and came forward, Cole instantly lost control of the situation.

"'Scuse me, you subby little bitch?" Kyle replied with a fire in his throat. "I know all about your sexual habits,'re not giving the orders around here, and I'm not taking off my own shorts. You're doing it for me."

Cole started to roll his eyes, but he felt Kyle pressing a firm, powerful paw into his lower back. It was all Kyle had to do to show just how serious he was, and Cole demonstrated a rather unique skill, using his long, flat footpaws to grip either side of Kyle's long, baggy swim trunks. "O-okay, okay!" Cole yelped in surprise, feeling just how easily he'd been pinned. He decided to let Kyle assume his usual leadership role and tugged down with his footpaws, yanking his trunks away in a flash and leaving Kyle's member to hang freely for Zeke to see.

Though there was a hint of shame about it at first, Zeke couldn't help himself. "" he uttered mindlessly, surprised to see that even as a typically smaller species, Kyle was almost every bit as long as Zeke, himself.

"C'mon, Zeke. You don't get as popular with the ladies as I am with your personality!" Kyle boasted, even though that wasn't the case with most women. He stayed to his own kind: fast and loose, with little care of where the climax was coming from, as long as it happened.

In this case, it was started by Cole, who couldn't keep from licking his lips, and then licking the tip of Kyle's length, all while beckoning Zeke over with a pawtip to come closer.

My friend is sucking my other friend off. I had no idea this would be so fucking hot, Zeke thought to himself, barely able to register the signal from Cole to move in his direction. It took him more than a moment of watching Cole swirl his tongue over Kyle's member like a lollipop for Zeke to finally pull his legs out of the concrete and put them on the floor, but once he started moving, it was only seconds before he was in reach, and Cole gripped and started stroking his member.

"Who knew that Cole was such a cock-hungry little thing?" Kyle asked, looking over at Zeke as casually as he would if they had been sitting in class together, just like they'd done their entire lives. "I dunno if the two of us will be enough for him!"

Zeke wasn't quite as vocal about it as Kyle, but he knew that in this situation, he was technically the beta male, and Cole was the omega. "H-he already sucked me off once...c-can't believe he...nnngh... wants to go again!"

Kyle broke out in laughter at that, despite the waves of pleasure that were already radiating from his cock as Cole swallowed that much more of it. " HA! I knew you two were up to something! I can't believe I didn't figure it out right away..."

Cole stopped his stride for a moment, licking a few errant drops of precum from the very tip of Kyle's manhood as he did. "Mmmmnn... you 'straight' boys sure do taste awfully sweet...not quite as sweet as Zeke, though. He gave me a nice load of ice cream earlier!" Cole winked at the zebra as he turned and took Zeke's cock into his maw once again, this time with far less effort than before. His maw opened wide and swallowed the enticing flare, allowing it to fill the whole cavity of his mouth before he started pushing his throat down on it. His other paw took hold of Kyle's member and began to work the saliva into it, making sure that neither of his friends was without pleasure in a moment that none of them ever could have dreamed of happening.

" cream," Zeke murmured, trying to keep his voice down the best that he could. He felt bad for lying to Kyle earlier, but in the middle of a tight, suckling blowjob, it was hard for him to feel anything that could be called negative. "G-gods, Cole...if you keep sucking so f-fuckin' hard, you'll make me cum again!"

Just as Cole reached the halfway point, he stopped and pulled back, his ears flickering up to those words. "Oh, no you don't...the next one is going inside me! That's your real present!" he explained, turning back and engulfing Kyle's cock once again. Zeke knew right away what the implications of that were: he'd be losing his virginity to one of his best friends, in front of his other best friend...something that almost literally blew his mind harder than Cole had blown on his member.

"We get to w-watch our boy grow up right in f-front of us, huh?" Kyle asked, trying to keep his voice clear, and yet, stammering all the same at Cole's impressive technique. "Any parent would be proud of that..."

Kyle's words didn't do much to comfort Zeke, especially in such a moment, but he was running out of time to back out. Skilled as he was, Cole was able to take Kyle with no paws, deep-throating the whole of the strong, muscular panther while he turned away from Zeke and gripped his rump with slick, saliva-coated paws. They left streaks in his fur as they spread his backside wide open, showing off his tailhole to Zeke and clenching the muscles within to make his pucker look that much more eager.

Can I really do this? Can I really give my virginity to Cole...?

"It's rude to leave a horny little bunny waiting," Kyle pointed out, as he gripped Cole by the ears and started bucking his hips against his friend's muzzle. "Trust me, he's stick that candle in your birthday cake!"

Nervous, trembling paws came to rest on Cole's hips as Zeke took a pivotal step forward. The drooling, flared tip of his equine cock lined up awkwardly with Cole's eager tailhole, and he planted his hooves firmly to the ground, taking the moment every bit as seriously as he'd been taught to.

He was nervous.

He was terrified.

"That's it, dude...a little bit more..."

He was in heaven.

Zeke was shocked at just how easily the wide head of his member started to ease inside of Cole's backside. He could feel a surprising warmth enveloping his flesh before it was even inside of his friend, but the further he pushed, the less resistance he felt, until the entire head of his length had disappeared, and Cole was screaming and squealing in delight around the mouthful of his cock.

The inches began to fade away, one at a time, as Zeke's inexperienced hips pressed further and further, until the zebra felt his hips smack against Cole's rump, and his sack gently kicked up against Cole's thighs.

It couldn't have been anymore than a moment. To Zeke, it felt like an eternity, and no matter how much time had passed, he was left breathless when the reality of it all came crashing down on him.

I did it...I'm...not a virgin anymore...

"Now fuck his bunny brains out," Kyle instructed, giving Zeke a quick, flashing wink as his hips slammed into Cole's face once again with no mercy for the poor herbivore. Zeke knew he couldn't move his hips that way just yet, but he pulled them back just slightly and shoved them forward again, trying to figure out how to establish a pace with his body.

It wasn't easy, but the random, haphazard movements left Cole unable to predict when Zeke was going to thrust next, and inside, the bunny was already starting to melt, and precum drooled down from the tip of his hanging, throbbing member, spilling to the already slick floor of the locker room.

Kyle snickered as he watched, finding himself a bit more turned on by the moment than he anticipated. "H-heh...yeah, you're definitely a virgin...or, at least, you were. W-welcome to the club, my man!" he exclaimed, genuinely happy that Zeke seemed to be enjoying the second half of his gift.

Compared to the speedo, however, Cole was easily twice as tight, and far more enjoyable to be inside of. Zeke could feel his long, flat tongue spilling out of the side of his muzzle as he gripped tighter around Cole's narrow waist and started bucking his hips frantically, only able to hope and pray that he was providing Cole with even an ounce of pleasure; the truth was that the bunny was just barely holding his orgasm at bay, and he simply couldn't voice it, as he happily gagged and choked around Kyle's shaft.

"K-Kyle...I th-think I'm gonna-

"Dude, just f-fuckin' do it!" Kyle cut Zeke off mid sentence. "Let's...fuckin' damn Cole... let's fill this little slut bunny up with some cream..."

Zeke nearly felt his heart leaping from his chest. This day had already been a whirlwind, and now, it was only going to spin faster. He could see Kyle pounding his hips fiercely into Cole's muzzle, thrusting so hard that drops of spittle and drool were flying from Cole's lips and making a liquid mess of the bench. Just watching it, he wanted to have that kind of sexual prowess, and he did his best to imitate it, not wanting to hold back from the pleasure that he deserved any longer.

He gripped Cole as firmly as he could, and started pumping. He watched the thick, dark flesh of his equine member disappearing inside of Cole over and over again, only to come back out slick and glistening, begging to be forced back in again. He was panting heavily, and even overcoming his shyness to moan just a little bit, but it wasn't until he felt drops of something hitting his thigh that he finally broke through his threshold.

That's...cum...Cole is cumming already!

Pulsing and spewing between Cole's legs, his orgasm turned his cock into a faucet, leaving him to moan around his mouthful and clench his tailhole around Zeke with a desperate need to be filled. The boost of confidence, and the impossibly tight squeeze left Zeke to throw his head back in delight, and just as Kyle poured a thick, creamy load into Cole's gullet, Zeke had an orgasm that he would never forget.

"G-guys, I'm cumming...holy... holy shit, I'm cumming!" he cried out with such vigor that people just outside of the changing room could hear him yelling in ecstasy. Every muscle in his body became tense as he leaned over Cole and buried his length as deeply as he could, holding his hips still so that his sack could throb over and over again, draining what seemed like an endless flow of thick, white seed from his manhood. Cole could feel each and every burst of the mess coating his inner muscles, and each time, the skillful bunny clenched down around his friend in thanks, trying to milk that much more product from him.

Even Kyle was caught a bit off guard by just how violently Zeke climaxed, but as he panted and watched his own yield spilling from the corners of Cole's lips, he chuckled at Zeke and offered him an open paw. "D-didn't...didn't know you h-had it in you!" he said as he panted, grinning at his once timid and bashful companion.

Though it took him a moment, Zeke finally did look up, reach across and give his friend a high-five. "I...didn't either, actually."

" Ulp...ulp... I did!" Cole finally piped in, as he managed to swallow the last of his tasty treat. "After all, who knows you better than your friends, right?"

Chuckling to himself, Zeke nodded his agreement and slowly pulled his member free, watching the slow, heavy ooze of his impressive cum spill free from Cole's tailhole with a little bit of pride. It fell out of his body in long, sticky drops, and each time he thought he'd seen the last one, Cole forced a little bit more out of his body. "Only you guys could have known how much I would enjoy a party like this, that's for sure."

"Not like the party is over yet," Kyle pointed out, leaving even Cole to look up in disbelief.

Zeke tilted his head slightly. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, we've got two horny little herbivores, a speedo, a pool full of girls for me to pick from, and our parents aren't expecting us home until late...who says the party has to stop right here?"

Normally, the old, timid Zeke would have shaken his head and immediately dismissed the idea, but the urging grin from Kyle and the sly, narrowed eyes of Cole were turning his opinion before he could even form it.

"Well...I guess I could be up for a few more presents," Zeke agreed finally, "Long as they still involve my best friends."