The Good Samaritan

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When Adonis came out of the bar he didn't expect to come across the likes of the Klaine, who appeared to be in dire straits. What he hadn't expected was that he would become far more involved in helping the symbiote out.

A Priority Commission for Starlion

It was almost midnight as the doors to the nightclub opened and the anthro tiger emerged from the smoke and flashing lights. Once he was outside and the sound was blocked by the walls of the building once more he shook his head and stuck a finger into his fuzzy ear to try and stop them from ringing. "If I celebrate anyone else's birthday party here I won't be able to hear myself think," he said to himself as he rubbed the base of his ears while he started to walk down the street. "Didn't even drink and I'm going to have a headache when I get home."

The male clutched his coat to his body as he walked alongside the building, then ducked into the alleyway to avoid the bitter wind that howled down the street. Though it was still cold it didn't burrow all the way past his fur to the marrow, something he was grateful for as he continued to walk between the buildings. As he walked past the back doors of the nightclub however he heard the sound of trashcans banging together that caused him to stop and look around. When the sound happened again he suddenly felt fear rise up in his chest as he called out for anyone who was there to show themselves. He stood there for some time, peering into the shadows as he waited for whatever lurked to come out into the open.

What the tiger had not expected was for another male to stumble out into the light of the alleyway before he fell to his knees on the hard concrete. "Whoa there buddy!" he called out as he ran towards the other man, only to pause slightly when he saw him the light fully for the first time. "Whoa."

The raptor male was covered head to toe in a silver bodysuit made of rubber; the thin material left nothing to the imagination and the suit was also covered with a series of cuffs, belts, and collars. The raptor's face was completely obscured by a gas mask with a similar colored lenses in it. What really made the tiger pause however was that the guy's cock was not only completely out in the open but fully erect, an observation that made him step back slightly. He couldn't help but stare at it, especially since it was nearly a foot in length and very thick, until the raptor looked up at him and held out his hand.

"Um, don't worry, I'm here to help you," the tiger replied as he swallowed his anxiety at the lewdly dressed creature and knelt down beside him. "My name is Adonis, most call me Adon. Do you need me to call an ambulance?"

"No, no ambulance," the raptor quickly replied as he waved a hand in the air. "Sorry to worry you Adon, I just overdid it a bit in the club with some free samples and I'm a little weak at the moment. A few hours out here and I'll be good enough to find a hotel."

"Are you kidding? It's freezing out there and all you got on is that rubber catsuit," Adon replied.

"You would be best to leave now, I'm quite hungry and not myself at the moment," the rubber-covered raptor replied. "I can handle myself on my own... name's Klaine by the way."

The tiger shook his head and began to loop his arms under the raptor to try and lift him up, only to be pushed away. "C'mon, I can't just leave you out here Klaine," Adon said, a look of worry on his face as the raptor swayed slightly on his hands and knees. "I'll worry all the way home that I left someone to die and if you actually did it would totally ruin my week, not to mention the warm tingly feeling you would deny me for helping you by pushing me away. Just let me help you with what you need and get you somewhere safe."

It looked like Klaine was going to argue some more, but then after a particularly heavy sigh his gas-mask covered head looked up at him and the tiger swore he could feel the other male grinning. "Alright, I'll accept your help," the raptor said. "If you could go around behind me and hoist me up that way, I think I can get to my feet better that way."

Adonis nodded and got behind Klaine, the tiger tried not to blush slightly as he felt the rubber press against his fur when he wrapped his arms around the raptor's chest. "Alright, on the count of three," Adon instructed, the raptor grunting in reply that he assumed was a ready. "One... two... three!"

The second Adon started to pull up he suddenly felt the rubber of the raptor's back split apart. The seam went all the way down from his tailbase to the collar on his neck and his eyes widened as the rubber opened. The only thing inside the suit was a thick layer of green and blue goo that stretched out towards him, wrapping around his arms before he had a chance to let go. Right in front of his face the back of Klaine's head opened like a flower, several thick pedals of rubber branched out in all directions before the nearly empty gas masked lunged towards him. The tiger tried to scream but a thick tentacle of the goo darted out and stuffed itself into his maw before the rubber followed suit, the collar that had been around the raptor's neck split down the neck before it rushed forward and pressed against Adon's neck and snapped shut around it.

Adon tried to flee but with his vision obscured all he could do was flail around before he fell on his back, feeling the rubber suit and goo lining slide over his fur as it covered his head and chest. His flailing limbs were pinned as the arms and legs of the suit collapsed around them, more tentacles of goo latching around his muscles that drew the rubber shell more around his body. As the gel-like substance pressed against his clothes they began to dissolve like acid, leaving bare fur underneath that the tendrils slithered through. Adon's hips bucked once the raptor's rubbery groin covered his, feeling his own average member slip inside the larger cock.

As the rubber continued to envelop him Adon began to feel strange; all the anxiety and fear that had accompanied the invasion of his body by the strange suit began to melt away as the rubber pressed against his form. His breathing grew heavy against the tentacle stuffed deep in his maw and the inside of the mask pressed against his face, his easing muscles allowed the goo to push its way impossibly deep inside down his throat. A second tentacle began to push its way up his tailhole as his tail was enveloped by the thick raptor tail of the creature, though as the rubber and goo merged with his flesh the appendage thinned considerably and became colored with his distinctive markings. Soon his stripes began to appear all over the surface of the suit as the rubber writhed and melded to Adon's now passive body.

Adon's vision began to clear as he felt the tentacle in between his buttcheeks pulse deeply inside him, which caused his already hard cock to jump within the suit. Nothing that he had ever felt before compared to the pleasure he started to feel as the rubber conformed to the contours of his body, though not everywhere. While he had never been fat he wasn't in shape by any stretch, but all that changed as the packets of fat that covered his body seemed to dissolve under the layer of rubber until only an ideal body remained. He could feel his muscles shift everywhere as the warm tingling sensation of the goo increased, penetrating his every cell as his physique became more ripped. Soon his hands stroked down a pair of meaty latex pectorals and a set of eight-pack abs before they rested on the raptor's, now his, foot long synthetic cock.

As the seven foot tall rubber tiger stood to his feet, hands still stroking his huge member, Adon couldn't help but find the first reflective surface to check himself out in. It was hard, between his masturbation and the feel of his latex feet against the surface of the street every step was a surge of pleasure to him. When he finally did find a place to look he couldn't help but stare, one of his free latex paws broke away from his sensitive member to stroke the tiger-shaped gas mask that now adorned, or maybe was, his face. He tried to move his mouth or nose to see if he could feel it wiggle under the hardened rubber, but all he could see or feel was the mask itself moving around. The rest of him looked just as strange, his normal tiger coloration was on newly minted rubber skin and was complete with a harness, thong, and several cuffs and belts he had seen on the raptor before the sudden merge.

In the back of his mind Adon new he should find help, to tell someone what happened to him, but all he could do was look at his impressive physique and stroke his cock. But despite his best efforts he couldn't feel himself come close to orgasm, and over time the need to not only climax but to breed with another male began to consume him. He tried to focus to think of a plan, but all he could think about were other males, their tight bodies and hot cocks and tight asses as they danced at the club...

Adon found himself beginning to walk towards the club when he shook his head, but only because he knew that it would be hard to find what he needed. Slowly the rubberized feline turned and walked down the alley towards another club, one that his lust-addled mind knew he would find what he was looking for. Soon he was running like a man possessed, his body squeaked as he ran off into the night.


Despite it being close to bar close the vibe was still electric in the club as males of all shapes and sizes danced together on the dance floor of the city's biggest gay bar. As one wolf in particular danced off the floor he could see the eyes of several of the larger males on him and he grinned to himself from all the attention while he grabbed a drink from the bar. The lithe male was dressed only in a pair of rubber hip huggers and a fishnet shirt, showing off his assets as he downed the beverage. Once he had finished his glass he put it down and was about to return to the dance floor when out of the corner of his eye he saw someone near the door looking at him.

Despite the lack of light in the club the wolf could tell the other male was huge and was dressed in some sort of strange rubber tiger suit that left little to the imagination. As he started to walk towards him the tiger seemed to sense his approach and helped closed the distance between them. "Hey there lover boy," the wolf cooed as he rubbed a hand over Adon's rubber muscles all the way down to his scantily covered crotch. "I love the suit, but I think it would feel even better inside. My names Denzen, what's yours?"

"Perfect," the tiger replied, a loud hiss escaping from the gas mask he wore.

"Well, Mr. Perfect, I have a place nearby," Denzen replied as he grabbed the very ample crotch of the male one more time. "Why don't you come with me and we can get you out of that stuffy suit so you can slip into something more comfortable... like me."

As Adon was led out the door he was so blissed out on pleasure he could hardly comprehend what was happening. The second he had arrived on the bar he was on the prowl, looking for the perfect specimen in order to take his lusts out on. Though every second he wasn't inside another male caused even more yearning he somehow remained patient, waiting for his rubbery form to act like a lure. Sure enough he had caught a particularly slutty canine, one that had he not been trapped in a sex-crazed latex suit he wouldn't have even given the time of day. Now however he was focused on one thing, the sweet male in front of him and what laid just beneath those tight shorts.

It had been a short walk from the nightclub to Denzen's apartment, and now that they were out of the darkness of the club and the street the wolf could see exactly what he was taking home. His eyes were mainly focused on the huge package that stretched the rubber thong so tightly he could probably see the tiger's pulse through it. When he wasn't focused on Adon's crotch he found the rest of the suit that the tiger wore to be extremely form fitting, which made the wolf wonder whether they were going to have sex with it on or off.

As soon as Denzen had the door open Adon could hardly step inside before the wolf was on him, feeling hands run all over his rubber body as the door slammed closed behind him. "I want you so badly," the wolf growled before he pushed in for a kiss. The wolf was surprisingly aggressive as he pushed the tiger backwards into the bedroom, though deep in his psyche he somehow knew that the lean wolf was a dominant. The wolf seemed to have the same read on him, a predatory grin on his face as he led Adon to the bed before he was shoved onto the sheets.

"Mmmm, you're better than I had hoped," Denzen commented as he grabbed the tiger and positioned him so the entire bulk of his frame was bent over the bed with his latex butt in the air. "Sometimes I pick out other doms by mistake, a hazard of loving to top big muscular guys like you, but you bent to me better than the rubber in that suit you wear. Now, am I going to have to strip that thing off you or can you have it on?"

"It's far better if I have it on," a voice came out of the gas mask Adon wore but it wasn't Adon's voice, it was the raptor that spoke through him. "This body is ready for you, you'll find my tailhole exactly what you wanted."

The wolf snickered and Adon's toes curled as he felt a digit begin to push inside of him. "Shit man, how far does that rubber go in you?" the other male said as he pushed a second, then third digit inside with ease. "And are you lubed already? Wow I hit the jackpot!"

Adon could feel the layer of rubber that had encased his entire body wiggle and squirm as Denzen stripped down completely and saddled up to the tiger's groin. When he looked down at his hands he watched as the rubber receded completely, though as it did he found that his claws had seemed to have yet another layer on top of it. As the wolf positioned himself he reached over and gave his fingers and experimental bend, letting out a gasp as he was able to bend it completely in half. Behind him he heard the canine comment how he was already moaning despite not even being inside of him and Adon realized that he couldn't see the 'rubber suit' pulling away from him. The tiger tried to talk but all that came out was a muffled moan as he realized that the goo tentacle was still lodged completely in his maw, though it began to slide out of his throat as he felt something press against his backside.

Denzen groaned as his cock began to slide into the rubberized tunnel of the male below him, feeling the translucent goo that lined it allow him to push in quickly. Adon could figure the length inside him to be about seven inches, though he was unsure how he even figured that out until a wave of pleasure made him forget about it. As he was penetrated deeply the tiger felt the latex coating continue to pull away from his chest and groin, and though he was still a rubberized, muscular version of himself he lost a lot of the 'gear' that the raptor had on him. If Denzen did notice he didn't seem to care, Adon thought as he was pushed into the bed from the start of the wolf's thrusts, and for his part he didn't either. All his thoughts were focused on was the exquisite feeling of the wolf behind him pushing into his body, filling him deeply as the canine dominated his body.

Both males failed to notice as Adon's tail began to length, rubber flowing down it that caused the tiger's body to shudder as more of it also began to pool on his legs and back. The mask that Adon wore began to split down the middle, the strands of goo connected to his face receded into the rubber as it slowly pulled away and revealed his true features that had been completely converted to shiny latex. Even his eyes were solid poolsof the same blue color that had once been his own eyes. Not only had all the liquid coalesced on his back but some of it had taken a different route from his thighs and began to coat Denzen's legs as Adon's tail curled once around the wolf's thigh before sliding up towards his bare ass.

"Whoa, what the hell?" Denzen called out as he felt something begin to push in between his cheeks, which stopped him mid-thrust as he tried to turn around to investigate and saw the orange and black striped appendage begin to slide against his tight ring of muscle. "That's... that's not possible..." the wolf gasped as he tried to pull out, only to find his hips securely bonded to the tiger's by a thick layer of latex. "What the hell are you!?"

The wolf started to squirm only to stop when he saw the rubber that had gathered on the back of Adon's body began to peel off, turning silver as it formed into a crude chest plate and mask held aloft by rubber tentacles. Goo bubbled up from the back of the rubber that stretched out as several tentacles, and before Denzen could scream the rubber mask flew up and latched around his face. All that came out of the canine's muzzle was muffled groans as Adon looked back to see the wolf's throat swell while the silver scaly chest plate secured itself in a similar fashion over Denzen's chest before it began to spread out.

As Denzen writhed while silver latex continued to assimilate his form Adon felt the fog that had lifted his head begin to clear. When the last of the excess rubber transferred itself onto his partner the tiger felt like he had full control over himself for the first time. As he felt the cock of the wolf, which had already completely turned shiny and silver already, pop out of his tailhole he took a second to assess himself.

"I can finally talk again," the rubber tiger said as he rubbed his new synthetic paws over his new muscles. While he had lost some definition from the transfer he was pleasantly surprised to find that he still retained a lot of the physique he had when the raptor took him over. As he pressed against his washboard abs he was surprised to find that his hand sank unnaturally into his stomach, to the point where he could push down quite deep before he felt any resistance. It was like his insides had liquefied and the only thing keeping them in was the rubber shell he now had.

"Yeah, a side-effect of the bonding process I used." Adon turned to see that most of the wolf had been completely taken over by the silver raptor that now stood before him, only a few tufts of fur remained before silver scales completely engulfed them. "I told you that there would be consequences if you helped me, though I have to say I'm most appreciative. It would have taken me ages to try and regenerate on my own once I regained my composure."

It took a few seconds before the tiger found himself able to tear his full focus from the raptor and said, "so... you turned me into something like you? And what happened to Denzen?"

"Denzen is fine, I'm just occupying his form for the time being," Klaine snickered. "He really is quite the dom, even now he wants me to relinquish control and let me ravish you with my form. Perhaps he will too, I do owe him and you for the energy that you have given me. I'm a symbiote, the reason why a rather long story, and when you offered yourself to me I bonded myself to you and took a lot of your energy. Since I couldn't just leave you in the lurch... and partially guided by my own instincts, I found the nearest place to find someone and picked up the first male I could find."

"Oh... so now I'm a symbiote like you?" Adon asked.

To his surprise the raptor laughed, which was strange when filtered through the thick gas mask. "While the bonding process has left you with a similar body, I can assure you that your new body is quite temporary," he explained. "While your insides are the same goo as me yours will undergo what is called 'spontaneous cellular regeneration', and everything will be where it should be. The same goes for our new friend here, after about twelve hours or so you'll both be right as rain."

Adon nodded, though part of him was glad that he would be able to go back to his normal life he couldn't help but enjoy his muscular form. The rubber was also incredibly erotic, more than once turning Klaine's explanation he found his hand drifting towards his latex erection. He also remembered the sensation of the wolf's heavy rutting and found that his improved tailhole had stretched far better than normal and the sensation of the thick member rubbing against his rubberized anal walls was divine. It was nothing he had ever experienced before and when he heard that it wasn't permanent he felt a bit crestfallen.

"You know, we can talk about products that help you to maintain such a form later on," Klaine said as the raptor seemed to sense the tiger's dismay. "It is part of what I do and I would be happy to float you a discounted rate for being such a good sport about letting me inhabit you. But enough business, I still have yet to recover and I would like to reward you two properly for revitalizing me."

Adon just nodded and watched as the form of the raptor seem to melt away, the wolf he had just met re-emerging as his body swayed slightly. The tiger thought he would have to catch him but Denzen's eyes opened, which had turned a solid emerald green, when the mask liquefied and pushed into his muzzle before he looked down at himself with a grin. While his body was still canine in appearance the rubber that coated his body had changed his colorations to a solid, dark blue with a lighter blue on his stomach and feet. Much like Adon had done before the wolf flexed his fingers experimentally before he pushed them into his still lithe chest, though the muscles were now more clearly defined.

"You know, I'm not so much into rubber, but I could get used to this," Denzen said with a grin as he squeezed his ample shaft, which was the only thing that deviated from the blues on his body as he squeezed the silver rubber of his tool. "I'm still so horny too... I can feel that raptor, Klaine I think, whispering in my mind. Though he's just urging me to take your body, and that's something I can already get behind."

Adon just smiled and nodded; he understood exactly what the wolf meant, he also heard the raptor's voice but it gave him a very different message. He slid up on the bed, latex body squeaking slightly against the sheets as he opened his legs to the eager wolf. No sooner had he offered himself then he got pounced, the improved latex cock pressed against his already used tailhole that still gripped the invading member tightly. The two rubber creatures wasted no time, the feeling of their synthetic bodies rubbed up against one another drove them to new heights of pleasure as their flexible forms allowed the two males to be muzzle to muzzle against one another while they rutted.

Adon watched as it looked like Denzen was about to give him a kiss, but as the canine's mouth opened he was surprised to see a light blue tentacle of goo thrash around inside the wolf's maw. Despite the surreal scene he found his mouth opened when that tentacle pressed against his lips, and as it slid deep into his maw he felt something flow up from the goo of his own body to meet it. Soon their muzzles were interlocked as two thick tubes of gel were wrapped around each other, their rubbery skin bulging and wiggling as several more gooey appendages pushed their way out of their bodies and slithered into each other. Each time tentacle pressed against rubber sent an electric thrill through their bodies while Denzen pounded into Adon's whole, both of them hearing the same voice in their heads as they continued onto their first of many lust-filled orgasms for the night.

"Good boys..."


Adonis awoke with a loud yawn, stretching out as he felt the warmth of sunlight hit him in the face. It took him a few seconds to remember that he wasn't in his own room, nor was he alone. He put his hands down to sit up and was surprised to feel rubber beneath his fingertips, only to look down and see a latex sheet with the same pattern as what had been Denzen's comforter. He also saw the wolf himself, a patch of latex still on his chest until he reached over and brushed it off to reveal white fur underneath.

The tiger was just about to wake the slumbering wolf when he heard the sound of someone in the kitchen which caused him to pause. He once more looked at Denzen just to make sure he was still there before he slowly got up out of the bed and moved towards the semi-divided kitchen. Once he got to the wall he peered around and saw Klaine, only instead of the rubber suit his skin seemed to be made out of blue and sea-green gel that shifted its pattern constantly. Adon was even more stunned to see shiny silver orbs, likely the source of the silver rubber, which floated around inside the goo raptor as Klaine turned to see him.

"Good morning," Klaine said happily, Adon clearly able to hear the raptor's voice while it continued to cook on the stove. "I always feel so invigorated after such a wonderful meal, so I thought that you two could benefit from one as well. Also I don't sleep, so I figured I would do something while I waited for you two to wake up. I hope Denzen doesn't mind, though after last night I highly doubt it."

Adon just nodded blearily as he sat down at the table in front of one of the plates, which was soon filled with a heaping pile of eggs. As soon as the smell hit his nostrils he found himself incredibly hungry and began to eat vigorously. "Part of the regeneration process, you used a lot of energy coming back to flesh and blood," Klaine explained as he put on several sausages as well. "You know, this is probably the first time that dommy wolf had one of his conquests stay over for breakfast."

"Mmph, breakfast?" both creatures heard as they looked at the entrance to the bedroom to see Denzen standing there, still half asleep aside from the morning wood he didn't seem to realize he sported. Seeing that Adon looked down at himself and saw with some embarrassment that he had the same condition. "You... must be Klaine, in the flesh- er..."

"Long story," Klaine replied before he ushered the wolf down to the spot next to Adon and began to pile food on his plate as well. As the three ate they watched as the goo raptor reached into himself and pushed into one of the larger orbs of rubber inside him, then pulled out a pair of catalogues out. Both males looked down at the front of the amazingly dry paper and saw a rubber suit not unlike the one that Klaine had worn before as well as the outline of some sort of bird.

"What's this?" Denzen asked, mouth still-half full as he picked up the book and flipped through it.

"This, gentlemen, is what I do for a living." Klaine pitched as he sat back with a grin. "The joy that you can experienced in those rubber suits can be manipulated, and though it wouldn't be exactly the same as bonding with a symbiote I guarantee you'll never have a dull experience in any of the gear that is featured there. And since you guys did help me out in a pinch I'll take a little extra off the top, call it a Good Samaritan discount."

The tiger just stared down at the pictures of the products, and when he turned to his new friend he saw an equally surprised look on the wolf's face as well. Each page featured a product that was as exotic as the raptor itself, who just let them browse for a while before he leaned in. "Also I would be very happy to lend a helping hand in any... suit fittings," Klaine mused. "That does take energy though, and I will probably need a refill from you two when we do it."

Adon just grinned; it looked like lending a helping hand did lead to a warm tingly feeling, just not the one he had expected...