Summer starts

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It was summer break after 10th grade and Robert was all ready to visit his aunt's house in New York. This would be his first time traveling alone out of the state. Robert was bespectacled otter, with brown fur, with a white belly, blue eyes and standing around 5'9". He woke up on the day of his trip, washed his fur in the shower, brushed his teeth, and got into the car with his mother, who would be driving him to the airport.

Arriving at the terminal, Robert grabbed his bags, kissed his mother goodbye and walked, with ever so tedious attention to the signs, to the checkout, and to the gate. As luck would have it, he arrived with an hour to spare, which he spent getting a coffe at Furrybucks and sitting in front of the gate. With thirty minutes left, he decided to reopen the envelope his Aunt sent him the previous week. Featuring pictures of their family. Caroline was his mother's sister, who was married to John, a well-respected lawyer. Caroline was an otter, however, John was fox. Their 5 year old daughter, Laura was a red fox, with a white streak she inherited from her mother, their other daughter, Nicole (age 10), was an otter, with hardly any similar traits to her father, aside from his eyes.

Lost in these pictures, Robert almost missed his boarding call, and, after prodding from a flight attendant, he found his seat and caught up with some sleep he lost the previous night. He awoke several hours later, whilst the airplane was flying over the appalacian mountains, the intercom stated they would be landing in half an hour. In order to burn more time, Robert opened the folder again, to peer at his two cousins. As he peered through them, he found a picture he had not found yet; his cousin, fully nude, playing on a trampoline in their back yard, as Robert peered closer, he saw no evidence of any of the shapely features of the girls at his school (with whom he had never lain), something he had always found rather disturbing. He castigated himself for his wily thoughts about his cousin, and put the pictures back into the folder, just in time for the wheels to hit th runway of the New York, JFK terminal.

After the fasten seat belt sign was turned off, Robert grabbed his backpack and departed the plane. It was around five in the afternoon and, feeling well rested, Robert walked to the baggage claim to pick up his suitcase. When he arrived at the baggage claim, there stood Nicole, Laura and Caroline, looking as if they had been waiting for some time. Robert grabbed his bag and approached them all the while being waved at by his all-too-energetic cousins. They got into the car and made great haste to drive to their home, which was an hour away.

While they were driving, Robert spoke with his cousins, asking how their years whent, Laura had graduated to kindergarten and Nicole was now in the 4th grade. They continued to talk about all the great things they had planned for summer vacation, which took a surprisingly long time, Robert made a personal bet on how few of the grand things laura planned to do that she would give up on. He had serious doubts about going to antarctica and playing with the penguins.

They arrived at Caroline's house and found that John had gone all the way to make a barbeque dinner of steak and sausage, made on their outdoor grill. They dined on the sausages and finished off the grand meal with a dessert of watermelon, challenging eachother in pit-spitting contests.

The meal lasted until eight o' clock in the evening, and the time had come that nicole and Laura each went to bed, and Robert, as was his own tradition at home, sat down and watched the Cartoon network evening line-up until an hour into their "adult swim" lineup. Although it was midnight in new york, it was only ten in the evening, however, Robert hoped to beat jetlag quickly in order to have fun with his relatives.

He found his way to the guest bedroom and fell asleep surprisingly fast, no doubt because of how much he had eaten for dinner.

He woke up at 10 the next morning to the yells of his cousin's upstairs. T Deciding it was too late for another snooze, Robert got out of bed, and slugged upstairs to have some breakfast. As he got upstairs, he found a note from his aunt and uncle saying they would be gone for a few hours, but would be back before tomorrow. Thinking nothing of it, he found the cabinet with cereals and, among countless sugarcandy cereals, he decided upon crispix cereal for his brunch.

When he finished eating, both his cousins had gotten into their swimming suits, and were playing in the sprinklers jumping into the stream of water. Robert put on his swimming trunks, and joined them. Revealing his inner child, Robert danced and played with them with all the boyish enthusiasm he had when he was 8.

After a few minutes of enthusiastic play, Nicole ran inside to watch a movie and laura fell onto the dryer parts of the lawn shortly joined by Robert. "well aren't we wet" commented robert. "yeah, I'm soaked" said laura "my lulu is all cold". "What's your lulu?" robert asked, with a vague idea of what it meant. "Here, let me show you" she said standing up. Robert inclined his head a little and, seeing her hand move to the lower part of her bikini, sat bold upright. "This is my lulu!" she said triumphantly, pulling down her pants, revealing her furless crotch reigon.

Getting an idea in his head, Robert hatched devious plan. "Why don't you have a pee-pee?" he asked her, despite the fact that he knew full well. "I do have one!" she said, pointing at her slit. "well, not one like mine" Robert said. "Can I see it?" she asked. "come with me inside." Robert then walked to his room, followed by his now naked cousin.

When he got to his room, he pulled down his pants, revealing his unsheathed member. He then laid down on his bed, waiting for his cousin to enter. She came in and leaped into the bed and placed his member in between her paws, playing with it's tapered head. "Can I play with yours too?" he asked. "Sure!" she said, rotating her body so her crotch was by Robert's head. Robert then spread her pussy lips and moved his finger around inside her box, causing her to jitter and say "that tickles!".

After playing with eachother's privates for a while, robert found himself teetering on the edge of an orgasm, and with one final stroke of laura's hand, his penis contracted, spraying jizz all over her bare chest all the while moaning in pleasure. As luck would have it, he heard the front door close as his aunt and uncle came home. He told his cousin not to tell them about that and hastilly got dressed, and greeted them in the kitchen.

They spoke while they prepared dinner talking about the weather and other nonsequiters. Caroline hardly noticed Robert slip his hand over Laura's plate, sprinkling an unknown powder into her pasta. Eventually dinner was served and eaten by the family, while they watched the DVD of Fuzzy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory which John had rented on his way back from work. When the closing credits came up, it was close to 10. And they all regressed to their bedrooms. Tonight, Robert had less intention to sleep that ever before.

After he was certain everyone was asleep, robert snuck out of his room, and crept to laura's room, which was across the hall from the guest room. Prying the door open, robert tip-toed over to her bed. He pulled her covers down, to find her crotch quite bare, with her tail conveniently off to the side. Taking no time, Robert plunged his head down and stuck his toungue into her nether reigon, hardly disturbing her in her sleep. He lapped at her venus mound for countless minutes untill he started to taste something new, while her lips became moist and lubricated. Getting a new idea, Robert got onto the bead, taking off his pants, penis standing fully erect, he began to poke at her canal attempting to find entry, when no such entry was found, his body gave in to animal passion and broke her hymen plunging into the depths beyond. As he humped her, she stirred in her sleep, not surprising, considering the tranquilizer he slipped into her meal before.

He had his way with her body for a full five minutes before he blew his load, for a second time that day, but this time, into her never before used passage. He could feel her canal contracting around his penis as well, and that worked out every last drop of seed he had. Pulling his penis free, Robert cleaned up his mess, moved the sheets back up her body, and walked to his bed, falling into the most saticefying sleep he ever had.

The next morning, they ate breakfast as a family, Laura was beaming as always and exclaimed "I had the best dream last night", "Me too, laura, me too"

Spring vacation

Hey everybody, I'm back with another morally questionable entry. This, as all my others, is the product of my imagination at an ungodly hour, fortunately, my browser crashed before I could submit it and now I am re-typing it twelve hours later. The...

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Fund Raiser

Blahblahblah Yiffy blahblahblah adult eyes only yadda yadda ka derka derka child sex a sherpa sherpa no likey then LEAVE! Sarah began her day as she did countless others, waking up to the sun shining in through her window, bringing her to a...

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Last day of school

This story is, as are all the other stories on this web-page, for people over the age of 18, if you do not qualify for this one demand, or are morally against anthropemorphic erotica, or any other kind for that matter, do yourself and everyone else a...

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