Black, White, and Red All Over

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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Bad title is bad.

Hello everyone! Been a while since I've posted a one off here, so I decided to finally upload this piece which was previously only on my Patreon. Continuing from the AU story "Just One Chance", we have another piece, as requested by one of my Patrons, telling more of the story of Aiden and Jessica. I'm really pleased with this piece, and this alternate take on "Roommate", and I hope you all enjoy it too!

And if YOU want the chance to encourage more stories like this one, then consider signing up for my Patreon! Patrons get access to certainly exclusive content, early access to other content, behind the scenes peeks and live stream access, and even some input into what I write! So why not head on over, check it out, and consider supporting me! And as always, your readership and kind comments are always welcomed and encouraging.

Less than a week had passed since Aiden had taken his little sister out on a date, unexpectedly changing their lives drastically in the process. Though it had made things rather interesting between him and Jessica, he didn't regret it in the least. In the public eye they maintained an appearance of sibling relations, no one the wiser to how close they had actually gotten. In private, however, was a different matter.

"You're so warm." Jessica hummed as she curled up in Aiden's lap, nuzzling against his chest as the two watched some tv and cuddled away the wintery evening. "Better than any fireplace."

"Might be nice to cuddle in front of a fire, though." Aiden chuckled, running his fingers through Jess's long hair. "The warmth of a fire, a bowl of popcorn, and you in my lap. Can't think of a better way to spend an evening."

"Such a romantic." Jess teased, tilting her head up to give him a kiss on the chin. "I'd love for a night like that, but you don't have a fireplace here. We can do the popcorn at least. Want me to make some?"

"But then you wouldn't be in my lap." Aiden teased, giving her a squeeze. "I might start to get cold if you leave."

"Oh no." Jessica faint a gasp. "I can't let my nii-san get cold. I'll have to do whatever I can to keep you warm." Grinning, she turned to sit more properly in his lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "I'll do everything I have to to keep you warm, Nii-san."

"Everything?" He grinned, placing his arms on her waist as he gazed into her eyes.

"Everything." She breathed, leaning in to place her soft lips against his. Both their hearts fluttered as they kissed, a heat rising between the two of them as they embraced.

Any plans they may have had for the night were lost as soon as they heard the door latch click. With a gasp Jess slid from her brother's lap, settling in beside him while trying to calm herself. Aiden took a bit longer to react, sitting stunned as he watched the front door open, a rather annoyed and cold looking Maxine stepping over the threshold.

"Maxi-nee! You're home early!" Jessica greeted her, forcing a smile while trying to hide her disappointment over the lost moment. "Shouldn't you still be at work?"

"Yes I should." Max replied as she hung her dripping wet coat up. "But it seems the blizzard had other plans."

"Blizzard? But, that snow storm wasn't supposed to hit until tomorrow."

"Well tell that to all the damn snow outside." Max grumbled. "I was only halfway through my first customer when they closed the club. And then it took almost an hour to get back here through all that crap."

Curious, Jess made her way to the window, while Aiden reached for his laptop, having finally gotten his senses in order. "Damn, it really is coming down. Just goes to show that no matter how advanced our weather tracking systems get, we'll still never be able to fully understand nature. Oh, it's so pretty."

"Well I'm glad you're enjoying it." Max grumbled, collapsing into a chair. "I nearly got rear ended at least twice on the way home."

"Looks like the school's gonna close, too." Aiden finally spoke up. "And even if they don't almost all my professors have already emailed saying their classes are cancelled. Think I'll do the same, just to be safe."

"Cancelled or not I'm not driving in that mess again tomorrow." Max said, already rubbing her temples. "I don't like driving in good weather. No way I'm doing it in a blizzard."

"Guess I'm stuck here, too." Jess added, unable to pull herself away from the window. "Mom would kill me if I tried to drive home in this weather."

"I'd never let you out the door." Aiden informed her. "Mom would kill me if I did."

"True." Jess said, finally pulling herself away from the view to rejoin her brother on the couch. "So, what do we do now?"

Aiden knew what he wanted to do, and one glance at Jess told him she wanted the same. But there was no way they could safely continue with Max home again. The biggest downside to their new relationship was having to hide it. But they both agreed to endure it to be together. Cuddling would have to wait.

"I don't know about you two, but I could use a drink." Max sighed, slumped deep into her chair. "I can still feel my hands shaking from that drive."

"That I can do." Aiden stood, giving Jess's thigh a quick squeeze as he did. "Any requests?"

"Something fruity." Jess winked, sticking her tongue out at him teasingly.

"Something strong." Was Max's request, visibly unnerved. "But preferably mixed with something so it doesn't taste like alcohol."

"I might be able to mix something up. Let me see what we've got."

As he made his way to the kitchen, Jess glanced over at Max. She'd never seen the skunk look so tense before, and though she was annoyed at the earlier interruption, she couldn't just leave Max like that. "Maxi-nee, why don't you come sit with me here?"

Max glanced over to see open arms waiting for her, and she gladly accepted, nearly collapsing into the younger fox as they embraced.

"Oh my god you're shaking." Jessica held her even tighter. "Was it really that bad out there?"

"I don't like driving." Max admitted, glad for the hug. "I only do it because I have to. Otherwise I'd walk or take the bus everywhere."

"Well, you're home now. Nice and safe with us."

They gave each other an extra tight squeeze as Aiden returned, handing them each a glass. "We didn't have all that much to work with, so I'm introducing you two to my personal favorite: gin and tonic."

"Works for me." Max nodded, taking the glass. They waited for Aiden to return with his own, sitting on Jessica's other side before clinking glasses together. "Bottoms up."

"Just take it slow." Aiden winked at them both. "You're supposed to sip this drink, not down it all in one shot."


Without another word they all took a sip. Aiden swallowed the drink down with ease, quite used to the flavor and strength by now. The girls, on the other hand, wince slightly as the alcohol slid down their throats.

"This is your favorite?" Jessica had to ask, still trying to swallow down the slight burn from the gin. "This is not fruity at all."

"There's a little lime in it." He teased, nudging her slight. "You'll get used to it after the first couple sips. Or leave it and have water."

"It's actually not that bad." Max commented, taking another sip. "Definitely seems like your taste."

Jess scowled at her glass for a moment, then gave it another, tentative sip. She still winced a bit, but shook it off as the warmth of the drink filled her belly. "Okay, I can drink this." She insisted, as much to herself as to the others. She was too stubborn to give up when they were enjoying the booze. "Tastes a little better with each sip."

"That a girl." Aiden smiled, ruffling her hair. "Any sister of mine has got to be able to handle a good, hard drink like this."

Jess blushed heavily under the praise, her tail wagging happily as she forced another sip. If it made Aiden proud, she'd drink just about anything. And it really was going down smoother with each sip.

With not much else to do, and no plans for the next day, the three wasted the night away with banter and drinks, letting the tv play in the background as they laughed and enjoyed each other's company. The women found themselves unintentionally trying to keep up with Aiden as they drank, matching him sip for sip and gladly accepting a second glass when they were all empty. A second glass which was slightly stronger than the first, the alcohol causing Aiden to be a bit more liberal with the gin as the night went on.

It only took a couple hours for the room to be filled with laughter and grins, the women blushing heavily as the alcohol got the better of them, leaving everyone feeling buzzed and in quite a good mood. At one point Jess started flipping through the channels, bored with the show that had come on and needing to distract her hands to keep them off her brother. Max and Aiden were too distracted with their conversation to notice, until the young vixen let out a surprised squeal." Oh my god you have porn channels!"

They glanced up in time to see a rather busty otter girl giving a sloppy blowjob to a muscular, well endowed zebra, as he encouraged her on with the usual porn banter. "Nii-san, why do you get porn?"

"It was probably Marcus." He shrugged, seemingly unphased. "He signed up the tv stuff when we first moved in here. I wouldn't be surprised if he ordered all the adult channels and just didn't mention it to me."

"Sure, blame it on Marcus." Max teased. "Like you never watched a fur flick while sitting her all alone at night."

"Not really." Aiden smirked right back at her. "I don't really watch porn. It's all too fake. Even the people are fake. Look." He pointed to the screen just as the male pulled away, giving them a good view of the overly firm bust on the female pornstar. "You can't tell me those aren't implants. They have no weight to them. I bet they guy uses enhancements, too. And the dialogue just plain sucks."

"Didn't know you were such a porn critic." Max laughed, taking a deep sip of her drink and letting the alcohol wash through her. "I mean, you're not wrong. Those are definitely fake. But who cares? It's porn. You're not supposed to analyze it. You're just supposed to enjoy it."

"Maybe I don't need porn to enjoy myself."

"Oh, do tell."

With a smirk, Aiden just tipped his glass at her, keeping his lips sealed. Subtly, his other hand snuck up against Jessica's thigh, a finger running along the hem of her skirt.

The touch sent a shiver through Jessica's spine. Her eyes were still looked on the tv, watching as the zebra guy bent the woman over a desk. The camera zoomed in as he pressed his veiny dick into her waiting pussy, hilting her in one pass before fucking her senseless, the woman crying for more all the while. "Wow. My ero doujins never get this intense."

"You're what?"

Jessica blushed, glancing at Max timidly. "Oh, they're just japanese comics... for adults. I've read a few on the internet, but I always forget how much more intense it is with sound, and stuff. Course, I mostly read boylove stuff. Guy on guy."

"Sounds kinky. But what about girl on girl?" Her hand fell upon Jessica's right thigh, the skunk finishing her drink as she started to feel up the fox, the alcohol getting the better of her inhibitions.

"Yuri?" Jessica stammered, tensing up under the touch. "I've read a little, but not much. It was alright."

"Just alright?" Max purred, leaning in closer to the vixen. "I assure you, the real thing is so much better." Her other hand suddenly pressed against the side of Jessica's face, holding her close as Max gently started kissing at her neck. "You should try it sometime."

"I- I don't know." Jess could feel heat coursing through her body from Max's not so subtle flirting. It felt so good, but she was with Aiden now. Not that should could tell Max that. Whimpering, she glanced over at her brother, who was watching rather intently, still sipping at his drink. He seemed to be enjoying the show, and that put her at ease just a bit. Still, if Aiden didn't want her too, she'd put a stop to is. She just needed to get his approval without asking him too directly. She locked eyes with him, gasping softly as she searched for her words. "Should I? Try it, I mean?"

"Well, it is important to try new things." Aiden offered, giving her a nod and a wink. "If you want to that is."

That was all the confirmation she needed. With a soft moan Jessica handed her glass to Aiden, then wrapped her arms around Max, urging her to continue. Max was more than happy to oblige, one arm wrapping around Jessica's back while the other fell to her breasts, gently fondling her as the inebriated skunk kissed and nibbled on her sensitive neck.

Aiden watched, stunned, as Max had her way with his sister. With a moan she pushed her down, onto his lap of all places, Jessica's head pressing against his thighs as Max went in for a kiss. The two women wrapped their arms around each other, moaning and whimpering with pleasure as their tongues wrestled in each other's mouths. A sharp cry distracted him, and he glanced back to the tv in time to see the female actor kneeling before her partner as he stroked his dick. She cried out again as he climaxed, coating her face, hair, and chest in thick ropes of his cum. Typical for porn, but not all that arousing.

He glanced back down, his roommate and his sister locked in a deep kiss. Still dressed, he could see their hands roaming over each other's body, even sliding under shirts, as they kissed passionately, if a bit drunkenly. It was real, and it was right in his lap. Far more appealing than the scripted smut on the screen. "Damn, that's hot."

Max glanced up at him, a smirk on her face as she gave Jess a chance to catch her breath. "You like watching me make out with your sister? Perv." She gave Jess's boob a firm squeeze, causing the vixen to cry out once again. The skunk took that opportunity to force her tongue into Jessica's muzzle, kissing her even deeper than before.

Jess's head was swimming by this point. She knew it was likely the alcohol that had loosened her up, but she couldn't deny she was enjoying this. Max's tongue felt so good in her mouth, wrapping around her own. Her lips were so much softer than Aiden's, and her hands were teasing all the right places. To make it even better, she could feel Aiden's member throbbing beneath her head, and every time she opened her eyes, she saw him watching from above, an approving look in his eyes. That was turning her one more than anything.

With another gasp Max pulled her lips away, only to press in against Jessica's neck, nibbling her way up to the fox's ear. "You're so sexy." She cooed, quiet enough so only Jess could here. "How about we go up to my room and... finish what we've started?"

"What about Aiden?" She mewled, clinging to Max as she looked up at her brother. "We can't just leave him here."

Max propped herself up a bit, grinning as she looked at the man. "What about him? Do you really want your big brother watching while I ravish your body all night long?"


The sudden, breathy reply caught Max off guard, though she saw Aiden visibly quake, his eyes locked on his sister's. "Really? Aiden, you okay with this?"

"Well, I have to make sure you don't hurt my sister, right?" He chuckled, downing the last of both his glass and Jessica's. "What kind of big brother would I be otherwise?"

Max glanced between the two foxes, very surprised by this turn of events. She had just suspected he hadn't stopped them because they were all pretty drunk, but to go this far? Max shook her head, too buzzed and horny to care. There was lovin' to be made and she wasn't going to miss out on it. "Alright then. C'mon sweetie, let's go to my room and really have some fun."

Hand in hand, Max pulled Jessica from the couch, leading her towards the stairs. She glanced back to see Aiden following in stride, despite the considerable tent he was pitching. Not that she blamed him, since they were making out right on his crotch. She noticed Jess glancing back as well, looking at her brother with hungry eyes. She even licked her lips as her eyes roamed over the man's body. "She really wants him. This is so weird but whatever."

The girls started stripping each other as soon as they were in Max's room, kissing at each other as they slowly removed the concealing garments. Aiden watched eagerly from a nearby chair, a hand idly pawing at the tent in his pants. How could he not, as Jessica nipped across Max's chest, the skunk sliding her hands over his sister's body, and both women glancing at him provocatively as their panties finally hit the floor, the room filling with the faint scent of their need.

"Now for the real fun." Max breathed, lightly biting Jessica's ear before pushing her onto the bed. She pounced on the vixen, the two women wrapping their arms around each other as they kissed once more, filling the room with their moans. Slowly, Max slid down over Jessica's body, kissing at her neck and chest. She took a moment to cup the younger girl's breasts, nuzzling into the valley between them before running her tongue over the stuff peaks of her nipples.

Jessica mewled as the pleasure coursed through her body. Through half lidded eyes she looked at Aiden, feeling a comforting rush from him watching her. He was rubbing more openly at the bulge in his pants, giving Jess an approving nod as she squirmed under Max's ministrations.

Max was watching Aiden as well, getting her own thrill from putting on such a show. With a grin she worked her way lower, trailing kisses over Jessica's stomach until she found herself nestled between the fox's soft thighs. "Such pretty, moist lips you have." Max teased, trailing more kisses along her thighs. Jess could only whimper in reply, one hand massaging her breast while the other gripped the bedsheets. Smirking, Max leaned in, pressing her lips against Jess's and taking a deep breath of her feminine scent. With a moan of her own she parted her lips, her tongue delving into the split between Jess's protruding labia, taking her time as she tasted the fox's nectar all the way to her little button.

"Oh god." Jess's eyes rolled in her head, her hips bucking as she felt Max wrap her lips around her clit, gently suckling the sensitive bud to urge it out of hiding. Her eyes soon fell back to Aiden, feeling a rush as he slowly unzipped his pants, finally freeing his member from its confinement. He was already at full mast, and he let out a moan of his own as he started slowly stroking his length, not wanting to waste his energy too soon.

"You're so juicy." Max hummed, still licking away at Jess's dripping pussy, alternating between nibbling on her labia and probing her tongue deeper into the girl's passage. "I could just eat you up all night."

"No fair." Jess whimpered, her hips frantically bucking into Max's muzzle. "I can't... feels too good."

"You're right, this isn't fair." Max teased, giving Jess's button a lingering lick that left the vixen moaning. "Let's even things up a bit."

With surprising balance, given how much she'd had to drink. Max lifted herself up and around, positioning her ample rear end over Jessica's panting muzzle. Jess's eyes went wide as she saw the skunk's drooling pussy slowly descend over her, her clitty piercing glinting in the light and keeping her clit fully exposed. "No sense in me having all the fun. Go ahead sweetie, enjoy to your heart's content. I know I will."

Jess was nearly overwhelmed by the potent, musky scent that now enveloped her senses. With a lick of her lips she leaned up, running her tongue over the skunk's moist lips. The tangy taste coated her tongue instantly, sending a wave of arousal through her whole body. One that was heightened when she felt the skunk's tongue delving into her own loins once again. She gave that drooling cunny a few more licks before daring to go bolder. Her lips wrapped around Max's pierced button, suckling it into her maw and letting her tongue dance around the metal ring.

She was rewarded the a gasp of pleasure from the skunk, followed by an even more intense tongue lashing of her own. Not to be outdone, Jessica increased her own efforts, running her tongue all around the skunk's juicy lips before pressing in deep, letting her tongue delve into the hot, moist depths of Max's pussy.

The moans that filled the room were soon mixed with the wet smacks of the women eating each other out, neither one willing to stop her feast just yet. For every bit of pleasure one received, she dished it out twice as hard, until both were a writhing mess of lust as they held each other all the closer. It was all Aiden could do to not jerk off full force, biding his time as the two pleasured themselves. He'd never forgive himself if he wasted this show to his own hand.

"Maxi-nee!" Jess called out suddenly, the end of her muzzle practically glowing with the skunk's juices. "I'm... I'm gonna cum!"

"Me too, sweetie!" Max gasped, licking over the fox's bud with every breath. "Don't stop. Just a bit... more!"

They both delved into the other's hole, licking and sucking with reckless lust as they drove each other over the edge. Jessica's legs suddenly snapped tight around Max's head, burying her in her muff as she cried out in orgasmic bliss. Her body jerked up against the skunk's muzzle, writhing in climax as she desperately clung to Max's ass. The skunk wasn't far behind, her hips suddenly bucking as a thick stream of her clear juices squirted from her nethers, bathing the young fox's face and hair in a thick layer of her femcum. They cried out together as they came, holding each other close until their orgasms finally subsided.

With a whimper Max crawled off the fox, only to curl up at her side. Without hesitation she start licking at Jessica's muzzle, lazily cleaning her own juices from her fur. "That was wonderful sweetie. You were great. How do you feel?"

"Amazing." Jessica gasped. All she could smell was Max's intoxicating aroma, flooding all of her senses. With a moan she pulled Max in for a deep kiss, which the skunk reciprocated eagerly. The women then turned their eyes to Aiden, still slowly stroking his impressive shaft.

"I'm surprised you haven't finished yet." Max mused, all while fondling Jessica's tits. "Was the show not good enough for you."

"Oh no, it was great." Aiden replied with a grin. "I just have good self control is all."

Max was going to offer a witty retort, but Jessica suddenly slid out from under her. She crawled on her knees to her brother, her eyes locked on that long spire of his. "Nii-san." She breathed, pulling his pants down further, fully exposing his cock and balls to the younger fox. Eyes wide, fur still matted with Max's femcum, the vixen pressed her muzzle right against the pit in Aiden's scrotum, just below his shaft. She inhaled deeply, his musk cutting through the skunk's. She knew he hadn't bathed since that morning, and his natural odor was setting all her nerves aflame once more.

"Nii-san." She whimpered pleadingly, gripping the base of his shaft and pushing his hand away. "Let me." Never breaking eye contact with him, she ran her tongue up from the base of his balls to the tip of his shaft, tasting his sweat and the precum that was starting to flow. All the flavors mixed together into an erotic meal for her tongue, which left her moaning and panting with renewed need.

She kept going, running her tongue along his length, moaning with each pass, until she felt a soft weight press against her back. She glanced over in time to see Max throw her a wink, her hand wrapping over Jess's around the base of Aiden's shaft.

"Giving your big brother a blowjob now? Isn't that kind of greedy?" She pressed in closer, her free arm wrapping around Jess's back. "Incest aside, you're hogging all the fun."

"She's right." Aiden chuckled, lightly rubbing one of his sister's ears. "Now be a good girl and share."

"Alright." Jess huffed, sliding over to give Max more room. Together, the two women pressed their lips on either side of his shaft, slowly kissing and licking their way to the tip, where more precum had beaded and was waiting for them. They moaned as their lips wrapped around his crown, the girls kissing as their tongues slid over his throbbing head. They took turns lapping up his precum, their hands working together to stroke his shaft.

With a gently lick Max pulled away, giving Jess a kiss on the cheek before going down lower to suckle on the tender flesh closer to Aiden's base. Jess took the opportunity to wrap her lips around the tip, lowering herself over his shaft as she properly fellated him. Her tongue swirled around his shaft while Max teased what bits she couldn't reach, the two working together to please every nerve in his impressive length.

"Oh god." Aiden moaned, a hand on each girls' head now. All he could do was gently rub their ears and grip their hair, putting all his energy into keeping his hips still and holding out as long as he could. He'd never had two woman please him before, but the feel of a pair of soft lips and hot tongues working him over was far greater than one woman alone could accomplish.

He endured that for a while, until the women decided to trade off. Jess let his prick fall from her lips with a wet pop, before trailing kisses along his thigh and back towards his heavy balls. Max kneeled up to take her turn, brushing aside a few strands of hair as she wrapped her lips around his shaft in turn. More experienced than the vixen, Max was easily able to take Aiden much deeper into her muzzle, her tongue writhing and curling around his shaft as she bobbed her head. With no room left for her there, Jessica settled for Aiden's fuzzy orbs. She kissed and licked at the tender flesh, teasing his scrotum with her mouth while the skunk worked his dick.

"Ah, fuck." Aiden grunted, his muscles tightening as he felt one of his balls get sucked entirely into his sister's mouth where she rolled the tender flesh over her tongue. That along with Max's expert oral skills was suddenly pushing him towards the edge, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. "Gonna cum."

With a glance to Aiden, Max lowered herself till his entire length was in her muzzle, pressing against the back of her throat. She repressed the urge to gag, instead sucking on his length, feeling his body tense up as he neared climax. His testes tried to tighten up against his body, but Jess refused to surrender them, suckling hard enough to clean the sweat and musk from his very fur. With one last curse, Aiden's hips bucked, delivering the first ribbon of his seed deep into Max's throat. Quickly the skunk pulled away, until only his head was between her lips, her hand pumping his shaft as he released streams of thick seed into her mouth, Jess suckling his emptying balls all the while.

Finally, with a satisfied breath, Aiden collapsed in the chair. Max lightly suckled the last of his seed from his shaft as Jess crawled out from under the skunk, pouting that she had missed the meal. With a wink, Max pulled her muzzle free, opening her mouth to show them both the bounty Aiden had deposited on her tongue. She then cupped Jessica's head in her hands and pressed her lips against the fox, kissing her deeply and letting that cum coated tongue delve deep into Jessica's maw, sharing Aiden's seed with his young sister.

The potent taste of her brother's cum mixed with his musk, and the residual taste of Max's femcum, leaving Jess with a lusty mix of flavors that made her moan. Her body was aching and hot all over again, her hands quickly latching onto Max's breasts as they broke the kiss. "More." She pleaded, panting heavily as she glanced back and forth between the other two. "I'm so hot. I don't want to stop."

"Well, I did say I would ravish you all night, didn't I?" Max gave Jess a kiss on the nose as an idea came to mind. "Wait here. I've got something special for you."

Giggling, Max crawled over to her desk, rummaging through her bottom drawer until she found what she was looking for. After just a quick moment of fiddling with some straps, the skunk turned around with a devious grin, her knotty, dog like dildo strapped to her hips and a bottle of lube in her hand. "Tada. What do you think?"

No one answered, and she soon saw why. While she was looking for her toy, Jessica had crawled up into her brother's lap. The sibling were now making out rather intensely, Aiden firmly groping his little sister's butt while she did her best to remove his shirt. The two were making out like a couple in love, or in heat, and Max found herself both confused and aroused by the sight of it. Mostly the latter.

"Hey you two. I'm not done with either of you."

They both glanced over, and Jess's eyes went wide when she saw the faux doggy dick standing erect from Max's nethers. "Damn. What's the for?"

"What do you think?" Max grinned, pouring some lube into her hand before stroking off the toy, coating it in a nice, slippery sheen. "Get back on the bed, sweetie, and I'll give you all the lovin' you want."

"Go ahead." Aiden encouraged her, giving her butt a squeeze. "I'm sure you'll love it."

With a giggle, Jess made her way to the bed, laying on her back and spreading her legs wide. "Please be gentle with me, Maxi-nee. I'm still rather... inexperienced."

"You don't act it." Max teased, kneeling down between Jessica's legs. "Must be all those naughty comics you read."

With a wet slap Max let the slick dildo slide across Jessica's slit, the vixen shivering at the very touch. She didn't waste much time though, pressing the pointed top against Jessica's glistening slit and slowly pressing it in. Jess watched as inch after inch disappeared inside her, until the latex knot was pressing stubbornly against her folds and her pussy was feeling rather stuffed. "So, what do you think?"

"It's so thick." Jessica shivered, a hand rubbing her stomach, testing to see if she could feel the toy through her fur. "But Aiden's is bigger."

"It is? How do you?" Her eyes went wide as she glanced at Aiden, who had stood from the chair and retrieved her bottle of lube. "Do you? With her?"

"It's a long story." He explained, pouring a liberal amount of lube into his palm then applying it to his already stiffening shaft. "And I don't think now's the time for stories. Not when you're knot deep in my sister, anyway."

"Fair enough." She watched him as he coated his member in shining lube till he was at full mast once again. "Then, what are you planning to do with that?"

"Do you think I'm just gonna sit here and watch while you plow my sister?" He grinned, walking over and giving Max a spank on her ample rear end, causing both girls to cry out in pleasure. His slick fingers then teased at her exposed pucker, Max gasping as a digit slid past her sphincter and into her back door. "You're gonna get it as good as you give. And a little birdie told me you like it back here."

"Someone's telling stories about me?" Max grinned, shivering as Aiden' teased her inner walls a bit longer, getting them nice and slick before pulling out. "Looks like I'm in the middle then. Not that I'm complaining."

With another swat to her ass, Aiden climbed onto the bed behind the skunk. He slid his shaft along the canyon of her ass for a moment, letting the silky feel of her fur tease his nerves while he teased her pucker. Max leaned over a bit more, her breasts pressing tightly against Jessica's as she gave the man easy access. The were both watching him as he lined his member up with her waiting taint, slowly pushing it in.

Max let out a sharp breath as she felt herself being stretched, shivers of pleasure running through her mind as Aiden easily slide in. Inch after inch disappeared into her star, the skunk soon panting and moaning with new found lust until Aiden had buried all eight inches of his shaft into her ass.

"So tight." He grunted, adjusting while Jess reached back to spread the skunk ass even more. "And so hot. How you doing, Max?"

"Pretty good." She whimpered, her hips rocking as she got used to being so stuffed. She'd never taken anyone quite as long as Aiden before, and he was stretching her limits so wonderfully. "Hurry up and start, so I can start on your sister here."

"Come on, Nii-san." Jess implored, half buried beneath Max's tits. "Fuck her hard!"

Aiden snorted, then suddenly pulled most of his length out, only to slam it back in full force. Both women cried out in surprise, his thrust cause Max's doggy dick to push up deeper into Jessica. "You too should stop talking, and start moaning." With a grin he pulled out again, quickly falling into an even pace as he made love to Max's tailhole.

Already moaning from the heat building in her rear, Max did all she could to get her hips thrusting as well. Every back thrust pushed her deeper onto Aiden, while every push sent her deeper into Jessica. No matter which way the skunk went, she was pleasing one of the two siblings, while her own nerves were set on fire from being sandwiched between the two.

Jessica couldn't help but cry out as she was buried beneath Max. Each thrust pushed that pointed dick right up against her cervix, waves of pleasure flooding her mind as she clung to the skunk. She kicked her legs up high, wrapping them around Max's body as her face was smothered in boobs. She couldn't even think properly, lost in the heat of it all as her body ached and she cried out for more.

Grunting and moaning with lust, Aiden was thrusting full speed deep into Max. One hand was on her shoulders, pinning her down, with the other had a firm grip on Jessica's leg, keeping her wrapped around the skunk's waist. Every thrust caused Max's muscles to squeeze around his shaft, already milking his sensitive dick for his seed as she cried out their names. She was so hot, so tight, that Aiden just couldn't help himself, holding out for as long as he could. "Fuck. Gonna cum. Gonna cum!"

With a deep growl he thrust in balls deep, pushing both women forward as he unloaded thick ropes of his seed deep into Max's stomach. His hips bucked with each load, flooding her with his cum and pushing her right over the edge in turn.

"Oh god!" Max sang out, her entire body tightening up as she climaxed. Another heavy jet of her juices sprayed from her pussy, gushing out with each of Aiden's thrust and coating his balls and thighs with her musk.

"Oh fuck!" Jessica screamed from beneath the skunk. Aiden's final thrust had pushed Max in deeper than before, the knot of her canine pecker forcing it's way past her lips and stretching her pussy out deeper and wider than before. Her eyes went wide as her mind exploded with pleasure, crying out both their names as she came again, her body bucking against the dick that was knotted so deep inside her.

The room went silent for a moment, all three reveling in the pure bliss of their lovemaking. Slowly, Aiden pulled from from Max's passage, a wet pop breaking the silence as he stumbled aside. Without a word, Max did the same, Jessica gasping as the knot was pulled from her tight passage. Panting, all three collapsed onto the bed, Aiden snuggling an exhausted and very satisfied woman in each arm.

"One day," Max panted, "you're gonna tell me what happened with you two. Not tonight, but someday."

"Sure." Aiden nodded."But for now, let's just enjoy each other's company. Cause that was incredible, and I'm spent."

"Me too." Jess admitted. "Thanks for the fun, Maxi-nee." With a tired giggle she leaned over her brother to give Max a kiss, which the skunk returned with a smile. "And thank you Nii-san. I love you."

"I love you too, Jessica." The two sibling shared a kiss of their one, though this one was deeper and filled with a stronger love.

"I can't believe you two are together." Max said, snuggling against Aiden's chest as they broke their kiss. "You're siblings..."

"So?" Jess replied, pulling Max's gaze towards her. "We love each other, and that's all that matters. And we love you too, right Nii-san?"

"Rght." Aiden agreed, hugging both women closer. "It really is easier to just accept it, honestly."

A warm smile spread across Max's face at that thought, her heart fluttering a bit. "Fuck it then, right? As long as you two are happy and not hurting anyway. And you occasionally invite me in for more fun."

They all shared a laugh as the warmth and exhaustion of their antics crept over them, the three soon falling asleep together as the snow gently fell outside their window.