A Feral Moment

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#3 of The Path I Walk On...

To start off, I have to apologize. It took me so long to finish this story and I'm sorry. I have had work everyday since the first story came out and couldn't find time to finish. Though that's not the only thing that stopped me, a friend was admitted to UMDNJ and I had to visit him everyday. Then out of the blue my car stops working!! Son of a... anyway... It's a long story... I hope you enjoy the second installment in the series. This should be fun. I enjoyed writing it so enjoy reading it! ;p ************************************************************************ "Boys can we talk to you a minute..." ... ... ... ... ... oh no... "Jamie, I don't think I can go down there. I mean, your father saw us... you know... kissing. Not to mention he seemed really scared." "It's alright Fen, I'm scared too. But we have to go down there and talk to them. I promise nothing bad will happen... I hope." We proceeded down the stairs slowly, only thinking of the possibilities that await us. Would they be ok with it, or will they yell? Are they going to send me away from Jamie? Wait... ARE THEY GOING TO SEND ME AWAY FROM JAMIE?! No, I won't go!! I won't leave Jamie's side ever! "Jamie! I won't leave you I swear; even if they try I'll never go away! I couldn't stand being away from you!" I clung to his chest and started to cry. As I did, I sank down to his legs sobbing uncontrollably. "I couldn't *sob* bear to live *sob* without you! I *sob* I love you *sob*!" I will think of a way for Jamie and me to stay together. Nothing will tear us apart. Nothing! "Fen, listen to me! You're not going away and I'm not going anywhere! So please! Calm down!" he sank down next to me and hugged me close. I was breaking down. I buried my face into his chest and wept. I couldn't control myself. "Eh-hum!" we both jumped slightly startled by the sudden noise. At the bottom of the stairs stood Al and Caroline looking up at us; I was clenched tightly in their son's grasp crying and scared all at once. Al looked sad, almost like he was ready to cry... well I guess they looked like that, but Al especially looked the part. I cowered into Jamie looking for his comforting grasp. "Boys, we have to talk." Al's eyes swept from me to Jamie. Caroline just glared at me. I could sense it. I could sense her anger and resentment. "Boys, what I saw... it was something that the two of you shouldn't be doing. It's not right." "Why, is it because we're both boys? Why should it matter if we're boys or not? We love each other! You don't understand dad, we're in love!" Jamie was defending us and I couldn't do anything but stare at Caroline. Her eyes keep locking on to mine and I can't get away. It's like I am being sucked into her glare. It hurts, it really hurts. It's like I can feel her killing intent. "Jamie I'm not saying that you boys can't love each other, but I wish wouldn't be doing those things. Those are things that adults should only be doing!" "Al what are you talking about!" Caroline finally spoke, yet never broke her glare from me. "How can you say that?! You are ok with your son being a fag!? And you," she pointed right at me "this is your fault! You should have died that night so you would never have turned my son into a fag like you! This is you fault!" "MOM, HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?!" my eyes widened, my lungs stopped working... I couldn't breathe. Tear were streaming down my face but I made no noise. My mouth was agape. Al and Jamie were furious but all I felt was sadness. Did Caroline really think that?! Caroline, what the fuck is your problem?! How could you say that?!" he slapped her pretty hard. She flew across the room and landed on the couch blood ran down her cheek from her mouth. "You're a fucking asshole! How could you hit me?! I'm your goddamn wife!" she rubbed her cheek and glared at Al the same way she did me. "You're wrong; my wife was sweet and innocent! She was never the hateful bitch that stands before me!!" he bore his fangs angrily. I never realized this until now. Well, I guess since Al is a fox he would have such sharp fangs. His chest was puffed out and I could tell from the lines under his shirt that he was ripped. He stood imposingly, which is funny because he is just barely a foot and a half taller than Jamie. Oh, Jamie! I looked up at his face and I really wish I hadn't. His normally hazel eyes were red and puffy, his fox like ears flat across his head. His brown fur was soaked in tears and blood started dripping down his short muzzle; I could tell he was losing his mind. I had to help him somehow... Caroline stood and walked toward Al, her fists clenched as she approached Al and let go with a single punch. It landed flat across his muzzle and he stumbled lightly. Ouch that had to hurt. "Mom, Dad, please stop this. Please stop... please..." they argued for a good twenty minutes before I felt Jamie loosen his grip on me. "Jamie? Are you-" he went limp. "Jamie, are you alright?!" I must have shook for an eternity, or at least that's how it felt to me... "JAMIE!!! PLEASE WAKE UP!! JAMIE!!" What happened next? I can't say... no really, I can't say because I blacked out right then and there. I awoke the next morning aside Jamie in his bed. He was clung to me crying desperately into my chest. "Jamie... JAMIE ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" I shot up taking him with me; the look on his face was a mixture of fright and bliss. His crying got even worse. Ahh!? "Jamie, where is your dad? What about your mom, is she ok?" He just continued to cry and cradle me in his arms. "Fen *sob* I was so afraid *sob* when I woke up *sob* and you *sob* were out cold. I didn't know what *sob* to do." His crying got worse and I could feel his heart racing. "Fen, mom's *sob*... mom's *sob* ... gone. She left last night *sob* after we passed out. I don't think *sob* she's coming *sob* back!" His breath hastened and I couldn't do anything. I felt so helpless... just like the night my parents died. No, I have to be strong; not just for me but for Jamie as well. "Jamie I'm so sorry, I am so sorry." I held back tears and tried to look strong... it was really hard to do. But I held it together and after about ten minutes I got out of bed and went downstairs. "I'll be back; we need to take a shower. You're covered in sweat and blood and it's gross." He chuckled, thank god. I exited the room only to feel a tug on my shorts. It was Ty sleepily rubbing his eyes... um, where'd he get the wolf plush? "Big bruddur, I had a bad dream. I dreamed that you and Jamie got in a fight and everyone was yelling and *yawn* and then Zeke bit you and I yelled at him and-" "Ty! What did you just say?!" I sunk down so I could meet him at eye level. I looked in his eyes and he shuddered I guess because of the sudden movement so early in the morning. Did he name his wolf plush... no I must have heard wrong, but I better make sure... "What's wrong big bruddur? Your eyes are turning red. Are you gonna cry?" I didn't realize it but I guess my eyes were turning red. "Ty what was the name of your toy?! It's very important you tell me where you got the name Zeke from?!" I began shaking Ty gently and tears welled up in his eyes and he closed in towards himself. "Fen, you're scaring me! Please stop it!" he started to cry lightly. I let go and sat on the floor silently looking at the carpet. Ty calmed down and sat next to me. He grabbed my arm and sunk into me before he said. "I had a dream a while ago before I got this plush. In my dream I was in the arms of a man and he said ‘My how you've grown. You're a big boy now, so don't bug your brother to much.' Then another person showed up. This time it was a lady. She knelt down and hugged me and started to cry. She said ‘My baby boy, we love you with all our hearts. I'm sorry we couldn't be there for you.' Then she said to the man, ‘Come on Zeke, our times almost up.' Then they disappeared and I woke up in tear. I don't know why I was crying though. Big brother why was I crying?" I began to sob. He named his toy after our dead father. How? Did he really meet mom and dad in his dream, or is a coincidence? I stifled my tears and stood up, picking him up with me. "Fen, where are you taking me?" he looked genuinely confused. "Well, you look tired still, so why don't you go back to bed? I have something I need to do, ok?" he nuzzled into my chest. I guess he understood. I brought him back to his room and laid him down in his bed. Heh, already asleep, I guess we kept him up last night during the chaos... oh that reminds me, I have to find Al. I proceeded down the stairs and saw Al sitting on the couch. He was just sitting there staring blankly towards the floor. I had to say something... if anything at all, I had to apologize. "Al... I'm... I'm sorry... it's... it's all my-!?" he grabbed me by the arms and held me tight to his chest (wow, he is ripped). He started to cry but I could tell he was holding back as much as he could. "Fen, I'm sorry for what Caroline said," he started to hold me tighter, "when I told her what I saw she acted normally but when we confronted you boys she went berserk. I'm so sorry for everything." I couldn't hold back my own tears anymore and I began weeping like a newborn cub. He just held me tight and stroked my fur. "Dad, Fen, what's going on?" Jamie had walked down the stairs, I guess to find where I went to. "Dad, I ha-!?" Al did to Jamie what he did to me... "Jamie, Fen, I need to say this now that your mother isn't here..." he closed his eyes and held us close then took a deep breath he said, "I don't have a problem with you two being who you are. I just wish you would wait till you're older to do those things but... if you boys really love each other, and I mean REALLY love each other... then I guess I can't stop you from showing it. Just know this... I will always love you no matter what, so remember that." That's all we wanted to hear. Both Jamie and I smiled and hugged his with all our might and then gave him a peck on the muzzle. With that conversation out of the way he shooed us off and away we went. I grabbed some towels and raced back up stairs and into the bathroom. I twisted the hot water on and soon the room filled with steam. Jamie followed me in to the bathroom and shut the door. We both stripped and got a really good look at each others body. It's funny how even though we're only twelve, I'm still taller than Jamie. I'll probably always be taller than him, but only time will tell. I stood looking into his hazel eyes, thinking how cute he looked right now. His fuzzy brown sac nuzzled tightly to his groin. The tip of his canine-like cock poked through the opening of his sheath, and I could see he was leaking pre already. I looked up towards his stomach. It was quite flat, and I caught myself hoping he would grow the same muscle his father has... I'm naughty aren't I? I could see through his legs that his tail was wagging. In all honesty being that he has his moms otter like tail, its funny to see him doing that. I couldn't hold it back any longer and practically jumped on him... and we slipped and fell on the floor. Haha... and ouch, that hurt. "Jamie I love you." That's all I had to say. He met my muzzle with his and we kissed deeply. I could feel him slip his tongue into my mouth and I couldn't help but do the same. I was the first to break the kiss. He whined like a dog... hehe. "Oh, why'd you stop?" he was starting to grind his hips into mine, causing our sheaths to stir. I stood up, dreadfully however. "Trust me, I want to keep going as well, but let's at least get INTO the shower and not gunk up the floor, shall we?" I motioned to the shower curtains and he frowned. A menacing grin warped my face as I reached down towards his cock. He got the wrong impression, as I grabbed hold and pulled him up forcibly an he yipped (though, I believe he enjoyed it more than he should have...). We hopped in the shower and before I could even shut the curtains Jamie was at my groin nuzzling my balls with his nose. He inhaled my scent and gave a long, tortuously slow lick from the base of my sac to the tip of my cock... *moan* ... dear god... I lost my balance and used his head for support. He continued licking my cock till eventually he took the whole length into his muzzle, deepthroating it in one smooth motion... oh... I love it when he does that. I couldn't wait any longer; I grabbed his head and removed him grudgingly from my pulsing shaft. "Jamie, I need you now. Fuck me. Please" I turned to face the wall, but he grabbed my arm and faced me towards him instead. "If I can't see your face, then it won't be worth it." He lifted my left leg and placed it on the side of the tub. He grabbed my other leg and held me in the air lightly; I had no idea he was this strong. With my back pressed against the shower wall, he positioned hi tip at my hole. He slowly pressed forward using some force to get the tip in. with a light *pop* the tip sunk past my pucker. Slowly he sunk he length deeper and deeper till he got to the knot. He paused just long enough for me to adjust to the intruder in my ass; he then pulled out till just the tip was left pulsing against the ring of my anus. He began pacing himself allowing his cock to sink into my ass fully until he hit the knot, then retracted and repeated. "Ugh, Jamie *moan* faster." He obliged and quickened his pace. Nearly twice the speed now, he bumped my ass numerously with his knot, but I didn't care... yet. Every thrust was followed by moans from the both of us. With every thrust, every pulse, every time he hilted was met with moans and grunts from the two of us. Jamie's rhythm began to become erratic. I could tell he was closing in on his orgasm; that's fine because I was holding mine back. "Jamie I'm close. I don't know how much longer I can hold out!" he kissed me deeply and I melted in his mouth. "I'm close too. It won't be long!" his speed once again increased, this time however, each thrust harder than the last. The knot was coming and I wanted to avoid that at all costs. It's not like I dislike being tied with Jamie... I really like being tied with him... It's just that it takes forever to get us unstuck. I was closer than ever my sac tightened up and I clung to Jamie tightly. I shifted my legs and we lost balance... "Arg!!" we both uttered as Jamie's feet slid from under him and he went backwards on his back. Upon impact the force of the fall causes us to tie... His cock jettison into my hole violently and his knot slid in with a loud *pop*. The sensation was too much for him. He moaned loudly, on the verge of a howl by the sound of it. His cock pulsed and I could feel the heat of warm cum slam against my prostate and fill my ass. This alone was enough to set me over the edge. "Urgh!! *moan* Jamie!" I shuttered as I felt my orgasm hit me like a bus. Cum splashed across his muzzle and onto his chest, matting down his fur. Some got into his muzzle and was swallowed down. I kissed him deeply and tasted cum. Our tongues swirled and I could taste cum. He never swallowed... so that's what I taste like. It's salty yet sweet, and very enjoyable. Minutes passed before Jamie broke that kiss. "Fen we need to separate right now! It's urgent!" his face lit up and he looked concerned. "What is it, what's wrong?" I was scared now. "I have to pee..." he blushed deeply and so did I. I'm so ashamed... "No one is stopping you... I mean, we're stuck like this for a while... go." My blush got even hotter and he just looked at me. "Ok..." was all he said before he closed his eyes. It seemed like he held his breath for a sec before shuttering. I moaned as I felt the hot stream fill my insides slowly. The feeling of his piss mixing with his cum already buried deep in my insides made me shutter. The stream seemed to last forever before sputtering out. I could feel his cock pulse as the last drops of urine were milked from his cock. I leaned in and kissed him deeply; our faces were flushed red before he broke it. "You seemed to enjoy that Fen. How about we do that more often?" I blushed and looked away. "Shut up..." he just laughed at me. Shortly after he knot went down just enough for us to get free. We finished our shower and toweled off. "Hey boys, why don't you come down and get something to eat?" Al yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Ok dad, we'll be down in a bit!" Jamie yelled back. "Come on Fen, let's get something to eat." "Ok, lead the way." I followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen. Ty had beaten us there and already had a mouthful of pancakes. He leapt from his chair and gave us both a big hug. Al let us stay home from school for the rest of the week, but it came and went really fast. Next thing we know it's Monday morning and we're on the buss to school. The bus ride was uneventful aside from the usual screaming furs. The different crowds packed into one section or another of the bus. Idle chatter to pass the time, you know? The bus arrived at our school, St. Mathews School for Boys... yes we go to an all boys school. We walked to our own lockers to grab some books, too bad they're down different hallways. I grabbed my books and notebooks and stuffed them in my bag. First period is always boring. I hate math class. I heard something coming from the next hallway over and decided to investigate. When I turned the corner a mass of people blocked my view. I pushed past the crowd to get a good view of what was happening. "Jamie!" the school bullies Trace Gerburn and his lackeys Fai Pence and Joe Staimon had surrounded him. Blood trickled down his lip and I rushed to his side. "Jamie, are you ok? What happ- Agh!!" I was kicked in the ribs and I couldn't breath. "Fen! Trace what the hell is wrong with you?!" he stood up and got in front of me, using his body as a shield. "Fag if you don't get out of the way, I'll kick your ass harder than his!" Trace slowly closed the distance between them before they were face to face. Fai and Joe just laughed and circled around us. "Fin, if you're not moving, I'll move ya myself!" He took a swing at Jamie and lobbed him next to me. The force of the blow knocked him out and he just lay there silently breathing. I rushed next to him and picked him up and hugged him. "Aw, look at the little fags. Can't believe your mama can love a fag like you! Why don't you go home cryin' to, huh?" my breathing stopped momentarily. I stood up and faced Trace. "What did you say?! Take it back?! My mother loved me!! YOU KNOW NOTHING!!" I looked towards the ground, fists clenched tightly. "Ha, fuck you and your mother! Fags like you two are just worthless trash!" he chuckled and his friends did so as well. I felt a sharp pain in both my hands. I looked down and blood was oozing from my palms. My vision started blurring and my breathing hastened. Then... suddenly... darkness........................................................................ * * *

-- -n! I hear something... ---- --- en! What is that...? Jamie? Is that you? I'm scared, what's going on? â€"FEN!! JAMIE!! I snapped back into reality, my vision returning. My body felt like it was on fire. Every fiber of my being hurt; my head pounded. Even the light hurt my eyes. Slowly I could see again. I grabbed my head to try and relieve the pain. My hands came onto my head with a splat. What is this? What the hell? ... ... ... !!? Is this blood?! I looked at my hands and realized without a shadow of doubt, it was blood... and a lot of it. "Trace!" I looked to see if I could find him... he lay in front of me drenched in blood. My clothes and hands coated in the same amounts. I could taste blood on my teeth. "Jamie, where are you?!" "Fen!" I turn around to see Jamie staring at me tears streaming down his face. His eyes... those were the same eyes he had when Caroline and Al argued! "Jamie, *sob* what did I *sob do?!" I walked towards him... he backed away... "Jamie, I *sob* I-!" everything goes black. There it is again. The darkness encroaches and I'm swallowed. Silence. "Fen, please wake up... *sob* please *sob* wake up!"

A Loss Turns to Love

Well, my first story, kinda scary, you know... Creative criticism is extremely welcome. I plan on turning this into a series but let's not get into that before this. Hope you enjoy! * * * "Come on big brother, wake up all ready!!" "Ugh... You...

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