What's Gotten Into You [4]

Story by Pawsroloc on SoFurry

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#4 of What's Gotten Into You

After paying his respects towards his recently deceased parents, Nathan Slater finds himself back in the small town of Tallowoh. For a month now, Nathan is plagued by the same nightmare. A shadowy beast has been hunting him down each night. He awakes each morning, telling himself that it was just a dream. That is, until he finds the first note.


"What the fuck am I doing?" Eric groaned, head pressed against his steering wheel. He crossed his arms above his head and let out an exasperated sigh. Three large bags of clothing sat stacked in his passenger seat. He had chosen the sizes of the athletic gear at random. His hope was that a handful of the many form fitting or loose hanging attires would work.

His mind lingered back to Nathan... Back to the kiss. He balled his hair up in his fists as he crumpled further down into his car seat. Oh god, why had he done that? What had possessed him to do that?

The shame pressing against Eric's jeans was enough of an answer for the flustered man. He bit his lip as he replayed the scene in his head for the hundredth time that night. Eric could hardly believe it. If he had told his eighteen year old self that in just four years he would be sticking his tongue down the throat of his high school crush, then the preteen might have just creamed his pants then and there.

But things were different now. Whatever was happening to Nathan scared him. As much as he didn't want to admit it, the sight of the man's claws had shaken him to his core. If Nathan was to be believed, Eric's boring life had just been thrown out the window.

Eric pulled himself upright, trying his best to compose himself as he turned the keys in his ignition. His headlights came to life as he fiddled with the radio.

There was some freaky occult bullshit going on in this town, Eric had determined that much. And if the man who had entertained more than a few of his fantasies needed his help, he'd be damned if he wasn't going to do his best.

I mean... who could say no to a guy with abs like that?

Nathan found himself floating in the void once more. He drifted idly through the dream, thoughts passing through his head at random.

Nathan thought of all the chores he still had to do. How was he going to look after the bookstore when all was said and done? What type of monster was he becoming? He had thought this place was his fresh start... away from that empty house. Nathan shuddered as he remembered the car crash. It felt like an entire year had passed since he had received the call, even though he knew it had only been a fraction of that time.


The voice rumbled around Nathan, pulling him from his thoughts.

" Beast?" Nathan exclaimed, searching blindly around the void to find the origin of the demon's voice.

WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO FEAR? The Beast continued, voice echoing around the changing human.

" What do I have to fear? What are you talking about! I have everything to fear! I've got claws! I'm all alone! Everything's gone to shit!" Nathan explained, pleasure coursing through his body as he screamed into the nothingness.

" Fuck this! Why did this have to happen to me! All of this fucking sucks!" Nathan hollered. As he vented, the tingling sensation emanating from his brand exploded with sensations.

Nathan buckle over onto himself as he screamed, emotions flooding his body. Pain, anger, envy, sadness, fear, lust, joy-

Nathan's eyes shot open. He was in bed now, no longer floating aimlessly through the void. His chest heaved up and down as he tried to pull himself upright. The sheets he brushed off his body were heavy; damp with own sweat. No, not just sweat. Nathan looked down to find his stomach laden with his own seed. The head of Nathan's shaft had slipped beneath the elastic band of his underwear in his sleep. Nathan grunted as he tried his best to pull the strained fabric of his boxer briefs over his hard-on. His now-purple tongue darted forth from his mouth instinctually as he did so, as if tasting the musk that clung heavily to the air. The task to cover his groin was quickly abandoned. His attempts to pull the thin fabric over his cock only further stimulated him, a bead of pre now collecting at its head.

How long had he slept? And where did he place his phone? Nathan pushed himself out of bed, stepping out of his uncomfortably tight underwear as he began his search. While it didn't take long to find his phone, it did take the changing man quite some time to read all twenty-eight of Eric's messages. Nathan chuckled to himself as he unlocked his phone, clawed hand subconsciously smearing cum across his abs.

>> So is it like a werewolf thing? Or was all that research I did for nothing.

>> Because I'm going to be honest with you I spent two hours on some questionable sites doing research.

>> Speaking of which, what's a knot?

>> Is that a weird thing to ask? You aren't responding.

>> I'll just assume you haven't read these yet.

>> ..?

>> Still haven't gotten over that kiss

>> I probably shouldn't be texting while driving, huh?

>> Almost there. Twenty more minutes till I reach the clothing store

>> What sizes are you?

>> I'm just going to give up on the idea of shoes altogether. I'll just buy you some pants and shirts for now.

>> I'll assume your size is 'big and getting bigger' then?

>> Okay I bought you like six different sizes. Say goodbye to all those crisp bills in your wallet.

>> Don't worry I'll pay for the food.

>> So are you wolfing out right now or did you just fall asleep?

>> Also, burgers. Y/N?

>> Going going gone.

>> I got burgers. Like eight of 'em. No pickles either, cuz I got ur back ;)

>> You're welcome.

>> Guess who just got a ticket.

>> (It was me)

>> I should've known. The Sherriff loves this section of the road. MY BAD.

>> Guess I was too eager.

>> ...

>> This convo is starting to feel pretty one sided

>> Almost back

>> Are you home/ awake /not wolfing out?

>> I'll take your silence as a maybe

Nathan turned his head towards the bedroom doorway as he heard the familiar creak of someone climbing his stairs. The changing man looked down at his naked, cum slathered torso and frowned.

Eric peeked his head out from the stairway, half afraid to see a hulking beast shredding Nathan's couch apart. Luckily he found no such thing.

"Hello?" Eric said, stepping forward into the open loft.

There was no reply. The young man frowned and slowly walked towards the kitchen counter. He placed the bags of fast food on the counter before eagerly dropping the heavy amounts of clothing to the floor. Eric rolled his aching shoulder as he peered into Nathan's bedroom.

"You in here, buddy?" Eric called out before entering. The sheets of Nathan's bed had been discarded to the floor... along with a familiar pair of briefs. Eric tried not to redden as he realized what the white globs running across its fabric implied.

" I-I'm in here." Nathan's deep voice stammered from behind the bathroom door.

Eric almost jumped at the altered sound of his friend's voice. It had grown so deep over the past few days; he could hardly recognize it belonged to one of his oldest friends.

"Are you okay? Can I come in?" Eric asked hopefully.

" N-no! Did you bring the clothing?" Nathan replied, his voice a desperate plea.

"Yeah! Gimme a sec!"

It was over three minutes of agonizing silence before the door to the bathroom creaked open.

" H-hey Eric? Can you get me something?" Nathan asked quietly.

"Sure. What do you need, friend?" Eric said, walking towards the doorway. He could see the man's clawed hands gripping the doorframe tightly.

" I-I need some scissors." Nathan requested, sounding more than a little ashamed.

"For what?" Eric asked, mind reeling through the possibilities.

" The clothing doesn't... quite... fit. T-they're in the b-bottom drawer of my bedside table." Nathan explained, the man stumbling over his own words as he spoke.

Eric made the quick journey over to Nathan's dresser. He knelt, pulling the drawer open in one clean motion.

"Oh." Eric exclaimed, mostly out of surprise.

There were two open containers resting inside Nathan's drawer. The first held various household tools, such as tape, glue sticks, and index cards. Eric had no doubt that the basket was a remnant of Nathan's college years. The other drawer, however, had much more _interesting _items.

" I-It was a g-gift. F-from a friend!" Nathan exclaimed sheepishly, knowing all too well what his friend had just stumbled onto.

"Did they choose the color, too?" Eric asked dryly, finding it terribly difficult to pull his eyes away from the bright pink toy.

" C-can you just bring me the scissors?" Nathan huffed.

"Sure, sure." Eric said, picking up the scissors by its blades.

"Is this going to take a while? Do you want me to bring you your food as well?" Eric continued, closing the door to Nathan's dresser with his foot.

" Yes please! Sorry that this is taking so long." Nathan said, the timidity in his voice greatly contrasting with the deep rumble emanating from his throat.

Eric tried to stay awake, he really did. But as minutes turned to hours, Eric couldn't help but notice just how comfortable Nathan's bed felt beneath him. Eric had no idea how long he had slept, but when he awoke he found a fully clothed Nathan standing in front of him.

"Oh. They actually fit." Eric mumbled, sitting up as he watched Nathan turn towards him.

" What do you think?" Nathan asked, spinning slowly in place.

The shirt fit snugly to his frame, his pecs ballooning tightly against the taut material. Almost every contour of Nathan's frame was_not _left to Eric's imagination. Man, was he ripped. Eric bit his lip as he watched Nathan pose for him. The modifications the man had made to the material were quite obvious. Wherever he had cut holes in the clothing, white colored_things _jutted from his skin. The hard outer integument lined the back of Nathan's spine like rows of spikes. The small pointed nubs jutted at least two inches out from Nathan's back. Upon further inspection, Eric found similar spikes jutting from above the man's knees, calves, elbows, and shoulders.

"Wow. You have... horns? Those are horns, right?" Eric pointed out, trying his best not to gawk_too _much.

" Oh, you mean these?" Nathan looked upwards, pressing a claw against his forehead. Two similar growths jutted from his scalp, curving upwards like ivory horns.

"Did... did they hurt? You know, when they grew in?" Eric asked, rolling over to the corner of Nathan's bed.

" No. It doesn't hurt. In fact I barely noticed them growing at all." Nathan said, rolling his fingers across his elbow's 'husk'.

"That's good." Eric commented, not knowing what else to say.

The two stood in place, silence weighing heavily over them. Eric tried his best to stare at anything other than his friend's exotic body. Words escaped Eric. The two stood on the edge of so many different possibilities. What should he say? Should he talk about the kiss? About what was happening to Nathan? Or maybe he should do something? Eric had more than a few ideas as to how they two could pass their time. His heart began to race as he searched for an appropriate thing to say.

"So... you want to watch more Twin Peaks?" Eric offered.

The two lay by side on his bed, pillows propped in just a way to allow them to watch the screen on their sides. Nathan hadn't been paying attention for the past two episodes. There were too many other sensations plaguing his mind to follow the show's convoluted plot.


The first thing on Nathan's mind was the smell. It wasn't the first time he had recognized the scent of Eric's arousal, but after inhaling the scent for over two hours it was starting to get to him.


The second thing tormenting the man was Eric himself. The man was inches away from him, their thighs barely brushing against one another. In addition, the bulge in Nathan's sportswear had 'accidentally' grazed Eric more than a few times by now. He found himself gripping his own pillow in an effort to control himself.


But the third thing was the worst. The voices had been stirred back to life. He knew their words rang true with his own desires... Nathan bit his lip as he stared down at the man next to him...


... he knew he couldn't...


...and yet...


...he wanted Eric so badly he-

Suddenly the tv clicked off, and the room was plunged into darkness. Nathan halted in place, realizing that his clawed hand was hovering just above Eric's shoulder. He pulled the hand back as he watched his companion toss the remote to the floor.

"We need to talk about the elephant in the room." Eric stated, his voice unexpectedly level.

" W-what are you talking about?" Nathan asked, eyes still locked on the back of Eric's head.

"I'm talking about this." Eric motioned, pressing his waist back against Nathan's hips. The fabric of Eric's jeans squeezed roughly against Nathan's package, compelling the man to let out a grunt of pleasure.

"I mean... have you even been paying attention?" Eric asked, hips still locked against Nathans.

" N-N-No. S-Sorry." Nathan admitted, hips involuntarily bucking back against Eric's weight.

"I thought so." Eric sighed. "Although I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one."

Eric propped himself onto his knees, a rather obvious bulge now pressed against his pants leg.

" Oh. I see." Nathan said, shuddering as another strong waft of Eric's arousal hit wafted towards him.

"I was thinking that maybe... we could..." Eric began, his words trailing off as he leaned in towards Nathan.

" Yeah?" He asked, eyes locked on Eric's lips. The man was drawing close now, their lips mere inches from each other's.

"Yeah." Eric whispered, eyes flitting across Nathan's face.

This kiss was much slower than the last, the two now taking their time. Nathan leaned back into the kiss, allowing Eric to slowly readjust his position on the bed. The man's rear pressed into Nathan's crotch as the man settled into place atop him, causing a deep moan to roll out from within his throat. Just the slightest adjustment of the man above him caused Nathan to let out another moan of approval. The vibrations only encouraged Eric, the smaller man now rocking his hips across the worming groin beneath him.

Nathan felt... incredible. Just the slightest touch of Eric's body on his was enough for his entire shoulder to pulse in pleasure. A familiar heat began to build within him. It was the same he had experienced in the psychiatrist's bathroom. The sensation was almost becoming too much to bear. He remembered the Beast's words well.


Nathan gripped the sheets beneath him as he pressed his lips tighter against Eric's. The man's thick tongue pried Eric's mouth open easily, allowing Nathan's organ to easily explore Eric's body further. The man above him moaned in confusion, pulling away slightly at the sensation of Nathan's invading tongue. Nathan growled as he felt Eric begin to pull away, instincts he never knew he had calling out to him.

Nathan snarled as Eric turned away from the kiss. The man brought his hands around Eric's waist and gripped him possessively. Eric cried out in a mixture of pain and confusion as he was suddenly flipped onto his back, Nathan's hulking form now pressed atop him. Nathan clutched tighter, causing Eric to cry out in pain as the man's claws dug deeper into his bare skin.

"Nathan! S-stop!" Eric shrieked, searing pain rolling through his sides as he felt Nathan's purple tongue slide across his neck. Pain mixed with pleasure as he felt the man atop him grind their groins together.

"Please Nathan! Y-You're hurting me!" Eric cried out, pushing back against the heavy man atop him.

But Eric's pleas were unheard. It was as if a switch had been flipped in Nathan's head. He was on autopilot now, his basest instincts fueling his every action. With each buck of his hips, Nathan felt himself growing closer. He could smell the arousal on the man beneath him. The pain. The blood. Nathan had no doubt that the pleading man was as close as he was. Muscles and bones audibly popped into new positions as Nathan continued his dry thrusts.

They were so close now. He knew it was time. Nathan growled in anticipation as he scraped new-found fangs against Eric's shoulder. Nathan thrust his hips into Eric for the final time, the two crying out in unison. Before Nathan could process what he was doing, he felt his jaw tighten around Eric's shoulder, his mouth filling with blood.

The last thing Nathan could remember before passing out was the sound of Eric cries of pain.

When Nathan awoke, he was still on his bed. The first thing he noticed was the sickeningly metallic taste of blood caking his mouth. Nathan pulled himself upright, glancing around the bedroom.

" Eric?" Nathan whispered. The man was nowhere to be seen. Blood and cum caked his sheets, causing Nathan to wrinkle his nose in disgust. He tried to step out of bed before a sharp vertigo took control. Nathan stumbled to the floor, his legs giving way beneath him.

" What?" Nathan stammered, rolling onto his back. He legs looked... disjointed. It almost seemed like Nathan's legs had extended to accommodate another joint, but upon further examination Nathan realized that they had merely shifted in place.

" E-Eric?" Nathan called out testily as he tried to pull himself back to his feet. It felt strange to walk with digitigrade feet. It was almost as if his knees were attached to stilts... Weird... Double jointed stilts. Nathan brought himself back to his feet; knee's constantly threatening to buckle beneath him.

Each step felt like his first, as if he was a newborn learning to walk all over again. He called out again for Eric, praying that the man had not run off. He sniffed the air, searching for any sign of the man. Nathan's head swiveled towards the door to the bathroom as he inhaled.

" Eric?" Nathan called out hoarsely, peering through the open doorway of his bathroom. It was too dark for Nathan to see, at least from this far away. Slowly, Nathan made his way over to the doorway. After what felt like ten minutes of intense concentration, Nathan now stood at the entrance to his bathroom. He clung to the side of the door, claws digging into the wood for support.

" E-Eric? P-please." Nathan stammered, voice wavering. The changing man reached blindly for the light switch, wincing in pain as bright fluorescent light flooded the room.

Eric sat huddled in the corner of the bathroom, a bloody hand clutched around his shoulder blade. The man gazed blankly at the tiled linoleum below.

"I just assumed that maybe you got it from like... I don't know... some place while you were away in college. It made good enough sense to me. Maybe you got really drunk and were all 'hey, tonight's a great night to make a shitty decision.'" Eric muttered. Nathan was just relieved to hear the man speak, even if he had no clue what Eric was saying.

" Oh god. Eric. I'm so sorry." Nathan gasped, tears welling in his eyes. The man tried to take a step forward too hastily and collapsed to the floor in a painful heap. Not bothering to get back on his feet, he crawled towards his battered friend.

"This is all my fault, Nathan." Eric said, eyes darting up towards the changing man before quickly returning back to the tiled floor.

" What?" Nathan asked, coming to a halt next to Eric. He glanced at the hand still clutching Eric's shoulder. How deep had he bit him? What had come over him?

"No. I'm serious. I shouldn't have... have thought this was going to be fun. Or cool. Or unique. I thought that maybe I could be that side kick character... you know the one... the one who helps the main character out with his problems? I thought it'd be easy. I thought that maybe spending time with the man who confessed that he's turning into a monster was... I don't know. Like, a smart choice?" Eric babbled, looking back up at Nathan.

The changing man now sat against the wall with Eric, the two looking into each other's eyes. They both saw the same thing. Regret. Sadness. Pity.

" This isn't your fault. I lost control, Eric." Nathan admitted, tears still running down his cheeks.

"I did too, idiot. You think you're the only one with raging hormones?" Eric scoffed, wincing as he accidentally bumped his head too hard into the wall behind him.

"But I guess I paid the price, huh?" Eric muttered, pulling his hand away from his shoulder.

Nathan's heart jumped as he recognized the familiar markings lining Eric's shoulder. While the circular pattern was blood-red, there was no sign of any bite marks on Eric's skin. The blood on Eric's hands must have come from the claw markings across his stomach.

"See? Now we match."

Wow, it's been over eight months since I've written the last chapter to this story, huh? Suffice to say it was because I really didn't know how to handle this moment. I rewrote it about three times before I settled on this version. Also, I apologize for the violence in this, especially the non-consensual parts. I understand if that's not what you set out to read in the beginning, but I felt it was an important step in Eric's maturation.

As always, critiques, comments, concerns, and messages are always welcome!
