Ghost and Kane get a job

Story by Ghost Wolfos on SoFurry

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#3 of Ghost's New Life

Well summer is here and life is great. I'm loving it being with Kane and he was the same with me. Me and Dad haven't had sex in a while because he didn't want to hurt our relationship in anyway.

Kane has been living at my house for about two weeks, sleeping in my room. We had layed out a matress for him on the floor but every night after dark he had krept into mine and we had slept together. His parents didn't mind him staying here. They barely even noticed he was gone until about three days that he started.

They had called him up on his mobile and Kane said that he was going to live here from now on. His parents had been getting a bit impatiant with Kane not starting searching for a house at his age and they also thought that the house belonged to me due to my job which I don't have and that I was letting Kane stay there untill he got one of his own.

Speaking of jobs i really need one. I am seriously out of money. My family had all chipped in most of their money for the moving and now most of us were broke. Dad won't lend anyone any money. Hes saying it's all pert of growing up and showing that we can not relly on him forever. He has a point though and it is about time i got a job.

My dad Ryo didn't mind him staying. He was used to having five in the family.

Me and Kane were sitting in our room. He was on the computer in the back corner of the room looking for whether there was any good job options for two people. I was lying on the bed with a controller in my hand playing a game called "Tales of Fursperia". It was about a grey wolf trying to find a thief that had stolen somthing preacious of his and trying to get it back.

"hmm... how about... this one." Kane said pointing at one of the adds "Sushi packers. Two people needed, about ten pounds an hour"

"Sushi? No way Kane. I can't even stand fish when it's cooked let alone raw. What else is there?" It was then that my mobile wrang. Picking it up and answering it i heard Tom's voice.

"Hey ghost. I was wondering what you were doing on sunday."

"Uhh... I don't think i've got any plans for sunday. Why?"

"Me and Sam are in town and theres a new club opening on sunday and just seeing weather you guys wanted to come. Georgina will be there too."

I checked the date on the computer. Friday.

"Sure yeah we'll be there."

"Awesome. But the prob is that it's fifteen quid to get in. You do have enough right?"

"uhh... I'm kinda broke at the moment. Same with Kane. Were looking for jobs and haven't had any luck so far."

"Well ya gotta come up with the money soon man. Club opens on sunday. 9:30 PM Don't forget."

"Allright. See ya later." I hung up and put down the phone on my bed.

"Hows this one for you? It says "Two needed. Baby care. Part time job, over age of sixteen. Fifteen pounds."

One stare from me said that wasn't gonna work.

"... Yeah bad idea. I'm not good with kids. What to do..."

"We could go into town and look for one there."

"Allright then." Kane said getting up

So we went into town. Luckly it was a short walk from my place to where the town of Aspio so we were there in about five minutes.

The day went on and we kept searching. We tried the grocerys, clothes stores, and even some of the gaming stores. None of them had any spots open for a pair. Apart from a burger stand that had an extremely bad sence of puke about it. It grossed me and Kane out so we left it alone. No wonder it needed help with that kind of stench around it.

The day went on and on with Kane and I becoming more and more desperate for a job soon. Eventualy we gave up looking around the town and went home.

Dinner that night was silent apart from Ryo randomly coming up with job ideas which we both disagreed on as soon as he said it. Once again feeling down on our luck we went upstairs to our room. As usual kane climbed into my bed with me, and we hugged each other, both in our underwear.

"Good night Kane."

"Same to you Ghost"

We hugged untill both of us were asleep. I had an odd dream this night. Actuly more creepy then odd.

I was standing outside my house, In nothing but my grey boxers. Everything was black and white. Seemed to be night time because the lamps at the side of the streets were on.

I started walking, then I was jogging, running, and finaly sprinting. Cars and houses zoomed by in a flash and I was definatly not slowing down. It seemed like I was going around in circles for a while untill I stopped in an instant. I was standing in a street. People just walked by as if they couldn't see me.

Looking around shops seemed to suround me and i could just make out one of the names from a shop on the other side of the road. Persian Prices.

Wait! That was the names of the stores i had noticed a few weeks ago. And there they were. All in the order they were when I saw them. Then that meant...

Turning around i saw the shop I was hoping i wouldn't see. It was there, windows still blacked out with that "help wanted" sign on the front. The door to the shop opened and a powerful wind started pushing me inside. I turned and tried to run against the wind but it was too strong and blew me into the door. The door closed blocking everything outside from view.

"*Gasp*" I jerked awake, sitting upright, gasping for air as if i had been underwater for an hour. It felt like that too because i was dripping with sweat. I looked over at the sleeping body of Kane. It was sweet watching him snooze so peacefuly. At least he was having a good dream. I asume it was good since he was smiling.

I put my arm over him in a hug and held myself close to him for comfort. Slowly I fell back into a deep sleep.

I had made up my mind though. If that was the only job i could get, I would go for it. So i'm going to go there tomorow. I don't even know why the name creeps me out so much. It didn't matter though. I will go in there and get a job.

The next morning I was woken by the alarm i had set for myself to get up in time for collage.

"Damn. Forgot to turn that off." I muttered getting up out of bed. "*yawn* Kane? You awake?"

"Man Ghost. How is anyone meant to sleep with that alarm going off?"

"Good morning then. Hey, last night I had an idea. A few weeks ago I saw a shop that had a help wanted sign outside it. Maybe we could get one there."

"*yawn* strieght back to work as usual. Ok. Lets check it out then."

So, he got up, we got dressed in our usual manor, ran downstairs, grabbed somthing from the kitchen, and ran outside. We walked down the street talking. He asked me what kind of shop it was.

"I dunno. The windows were blacked out. But the name was wierd. "Martin and Co's Shop of Pleasure". It seems odd to me but how bad could it be you know?"

"Okay then... Wait. Is that it over there?" He pointed towards a shop down the road.

And there it was. Just as it was in my dream. Still got that sign.

We stood outside it staring at the help wanted sign and i read what it said out loud.

"Help wanted. Two Boys over or at age of eighteen, rather muscular if possable."

"A bit convienient don't you think? Oh well. As long as it pays."

We walked into the shop hoping that no-one who knew us was there. We didn't want them getting the wrong idea.

"Hello there boys. How can i help you?" A grey and black Male racoon said from behind a counter at the far end of the room. He was shirtless and had baggy white trousers on. Seemed to be in his late teens like us.

The table he was at was covored in all sorts of odd items. A long purple pole that seemed to have a hole at one of the ends and somthing that looked oddly like a horses dick at the other, was lying on it infront of the racoon with a price tag on it.

"Hi uh... sir. We saw your uhh... help wanted sign and..." Kane started as i looked around the shop.

It was very cramped and had one stall in the middle with differant objects on each side. One side seemed to be filled with differant vesions of the object the racoon had. On the other side there were bottles of some kind of liquid. Picking up one of the bottles i read the name in my head. Lizzard Lubricant. Next bottle had a differant lable. Equine anal Lubricant.

Mean while Kane was talking to the Racoon.

"Ah so you two need jobs hey? No problem! let me take you to our manager Mr Ret! I'm sure he'll be pleased. Follow me please. You too Mr White Wolf!" He jestured to me to follow him while opening the flap to get through to the counter.

We followed him through to the back which seemed to be a storage room. Filled with boxes but we couldn't see what was inside them.

"Excuse me sir." I said nervously "Your boss, what is he like?"

"Oh please Mr White Wolf call me Aaron, And i assure you, our boss is a very nice fellow."

"Oh ok... Aaron. Anyway, since were introducing ourselves: my name is Ghost and this is Kane."

"Ok dear. Mr Ret is just through here. This is his office."

"Dear?" i thought to myself.

Aaron knocked on the door and we heard a low voice saying "Who is it?"

"It's Aaron. I've got a couple of boys wanting the jobs you put up. Looks like they could fit the spot sir."

"Oh Really?" The voice sounded happy at the sound of that. "Well send 'em in Aaron"

"Allright boys. Go on in. Good luck."

Me and Kane went in and Aaron closed the door behind us. The room was filled with steam for some reason and the walls were made of some red cousheny material. No-one seemed to be in there.

"Over here boys! Behind the desk." The voice we heard earlier shouted out.

We went around the table and saw where all this steam was coming from. There was a Hot tub behind the desk and in it was a Ferret in his about higher twentys. I could only see his top hald because of all the bubbles and steam from the tub.

Well, well. So you two wanna work here do ya? Thats no problem at all. Please look on my desk and get the clip board for me will you?"

I brought him the clip board and he asked me and Kane to sign our names down at the bottom of the page.

"Perfect. Now i'm sure you didn't just walk into me here shop and ask for a job as a joke now did ya? Nah. I know you really in this whole workin thing for the pay? Lets see the soonest I can pay you will be wednsday next week? Hows that boys?"

"Oh man. Can't we get it at the end of today by doing you some work for the whole of today or somthing? We really need some money by tomorow Mr Ret." Kane asked the ferret.

"...Hmm. your that desperate are you? Uhh." He seemed to think for a bit then a smile crept across his face.

"Heh. Maybe i can get you to do somthing for me. I just need to size you up first."

"Oh thank you sir." Kane sighed with relife.

"No problem. Now what were your names?"

"I'm Kane and this is Ghost sir." Kane replied with joy.

"Allrighty then. Kane and Ghost it is. Boys i need to size you up for this task. If you would please get undressed. Including your underwear if you please."

Me and Kane both took off our shirts and trousers. Then we took a look down at our boxers for a moment and slowly removed them.

Mr Ret got out of the tub and we were suprized to see he was naked as well. His rather large dick was pointing downwards, swinging slightly left and right as he walked towards us, dripping wet from the stomach down. His tail was ringed brown and black while his body was a rich dark brown colour.

He stood infront of us and looked at me, then at Kane, then me again.

As he started examening Kane's body I looked around the steam filled room. There were golden chandeliers with electronic candels above the desk and around the room. The carpet was a crimson red and the desk was painted black wood. It had a phone, some papers and one of the horse dick things we saw in the shop.

My mind wandered for a bit untill it was brought back to earth by Mr Ret finishing examening Kanes body and moving onto mine. I heard him muttering words like "uh huh" and "Very nice." to himself as he checked out my chest and back. I could of even sworn I heard him let out a mur kind of sound for a split second when he felt my backside.

"Very very good boys. Now please join me." He pointed to the hot tub and put an arm each around us, taking us to the hot tub.

Dipping my foot in slowly and feeling the warm water covor my legs. I felt a step and got my other foot down then stepped down to the bottem of the tub and sat down on the step. Kane did the same next to me. Mr Ret sat down opposite us in the tub and under the water we could sort of sence him grabing hold of his dick.

"Now lets see now. What to start off with. Ghost could you come over here please." He said with his arms on the side of the tub. I did as he asked and sat next to him.

"Ok. I know you may be a bit hesitent to do this but remember: you did sign that contract on that clip board. Now what i want you to do is..." He whispered into my ear which pointed upwards as soon as he finished his sentance.

But, I had to do it. He had a point with thecontract thing.

Kane looked completely confused. He had no idea what Ret had whispered into my ear.

So knowing what I had to do I said "Okay then..." and Ret lifted himself to sit on the side of the tub with his legs bent down into the water and then layed down on the crimson red carpet. Facing him I pulled myself out of the tub and held one hand on the floor to balence myself while I placed my legs by his side and sat down on top of him. Kane instantly knew what this meant and his tail started splashing in the water as it wagged about at the thought of having another chance to have sex with me. We rareley ever did it. He just sleeps in my bed thats all.

Ret grabbed his fully hard dick and positioned it under my hole and I jently lowered myself letting it poke me hard.

"Good good. i like a boy who toys with people before getting to the real thing." Ret said in a pleased sounding tone so i slowly continued to do that untill he reached an arm out to grab my side and gently pulled me down so that the tip of his dick was properly inside of my ass. Slowly he pushed upwards with his hips and pushed a little more of his dicks inches into me.

Realizing this, when he pulled out i started dropping down so it would be going at my pace and he wouldn't be holding onto me just to thrust up. While doing this Ret beckoned for Kane to come over to his side. Kane agreed to do so and sat down next to Ret with his cock half hard, staring at me lowering and lifting myself on and off of the ferrets dick.

Mr Ret got Kane to get on two knees and then he leaned over with me still on top of him and started suckling on Kane who deffinatly seemed to enjoy that. Me on the other hand was not. The only person ever to fuck me in the ass was Ryo my dad, but he wasn't merely this big. It was stretching my ass wider and wider with the more he was pushing in, inch by inch.

Luckly for me the pain soon went away and it turned into pure bliss. That world of pleasure I felt when Kane and me did it in the toilets at collage came rocketing back to me. All i could hear were my moans and Kane's groans of pleasure as we both got fucked by our new boss. Mr Ret started thrusting up in time to my drops and rises and that just hightened the strength of the pleasure that was going on, while also starting to suck harder and more forcefully then before at Kanes member which started throbbing inside of his mouth.

Knowing Kane, I knew he wasn't going to cum just yet. I could tell from the look he was giving me that he was gonna make this a compatition between us to see who could hold out the longest. Kane was always rather competative.

"Damn boys. Your giving me the best fuck i've had in a lifetime." Ret said taking his mouth off Kanes dick for a moment then getting it back in his mouth.

I looked down at him and saw myself leaking pre and felt myself getting ready to cum. But no way was i losing out to Kane. I chuckled in my head thinking about the fact that Mr Ret had no idea that we were holding back on him. He's just there going at us trying to make us cum with me and Kane not letting him. It was rather funny from my point of view, and probably Kane's as well.

"Damn its getting hard to hold in." We both heared him say. He was holding back too? That broke my concentration completely. Shooting my sperm all over his fur, covering it with cum. I sprayed it like I had been storing years worths of it up. it covored Ret from neck to stomach. He licked up the parts he could muring to himself then got back to sucking Kane again.

"haha. Loser." The smug look from Kane told me and I said back to it:

"Oh yeah? What about him? D'you think you can beat him too?"

"Ohh another challenge ey?" Wow Kane did have quite a cocky attitude at the moment. "Lets find out shall we?"

That was enough to give me the energy to prove him wrong. I noticed I had stopped lifting myself and restarted. Softer this time so that I could at least slow down the process of ret cumming into me. I just hope hes not slowing down with Kane. Looking over to Kane i saw his eyes were clenched in concentration. He was sweating like he was in the desert and panting deep long breaths.

Too bad Ret didn't know about it and he got a little too lustful for his sex and started humping upwards like there was no tomorow, smacking the prostate spot over and over. Guess i slowed down too much for his liking and he was forcing it up there defying how tight it was on his huge dick.

"Damn it... Ahh. Can't take it *ungh* anymore. AHHH!" Ret yelled and as such he blasted his load into my ass. I fet it filling me up and pushing more and more into me as our new boss fucked hard into me trying to get as much in as he could.

"Ahh... That was great boys. You are so hired. If you can give me somthing like that in your work then... well lets say that there will be two employees of the month. How does that sound?"

"Sir. I'd hate to interupt but..." I said to him and looked over at Kane with an evil smile on my face. "I don't think were done here. One of us hasn't finished his work yet. heheh."

"huh?" He looked over to Kane and realized under his orgasm, he had let go of Kane as he yelled out in pleasure. "Ahh. Observant one arnt ya?" He ruffled his hand through my hair like a dad would with his son. "Well then lets help old Kane out shall we?"

Kane's smug look from had faded competely. All that just happened was enough for Kane and he wasn't ready for more yet and thats what drove us to give it to him and give it to him good.

I imediatly pounced on kane bringing him from his knees to the floor. Holding his arms spread out wide sitting on his chest, while Ret grabbed his legs and pulled them wide enough for him to get at Kanes dripping member.

I leaned down and kissed kanes muzzle, dipping my tounge inside him to stop him from fighting back. Breaking the kiss and leaving a trickle of spitle conecting our mouths we breathed heavy breaths onto each other. His breaths blew the fur on my ears back while mine blew around his muzzle. Ret grabbed kanes moist dick hard and started pumping at it hard with his muscular arm. Turning around on his chest I leaned down and helped with getting him done with his "work" by licking at his tip gently. Wrapping my tounge around him seemed to work as he moaned in lust.

"I don't know why your still holding back my boy. You've allready won our little compatition."

The surprizes never seemed to end with this ferret. How does he know what we were thinking? This was starting to creep me out a bit, but I continued with my set job. To make Kane cum and it was getting too fun now. Feeling Kane squirm a bit I moved my legs to pin his arms down to the ground.

"Ahh. There we go. See that wasn't so hard now was it Kane?" Ret said pleased as Kane Shot into my mouth. Damn that taste was good. pulling it out of my mouth it was still shooting and hit me over my face. I licked it away arond my muzzle, and Ret leaned over and licked up the rest of the ones I couldn't reach. Kane was panting again.

"Ahhh. That felt great. You boys are good at what you do. Hired. Totaly hired. Now... lets see here. Let me just clean myself up and then i'll sort out your payment." He got up and reached for a towel that was on a rack at the back of the room.

"Sir. Why don't you let us clean you for you?" Kane asked with a smile while sitting up. I had moved off him and was sitting with my legs bent under me.

"... I see you like what you do too. heheh. Allright then. Oh and please, call me Martin" He chuckled and then sat down in the office chair by his desk. We both got up and walked over to him. I kneeled down on his right side while kane got his left.

Together me and Kane licked at out new boss making him as clean as we could. I'm kinda surprized to see where some of the cum i had got on him was. Most of it was on his chest but a little had got on his face, but it didn't matter where it had gotten him we got it off easy. It didn't last long to get it off him so me and kane started on cleaning each other up in which Martin started mastrabating to. I got the parts around Kanes crotch where it had dripped off my face and Kane licked around my backside. We were in a sort of sixty-nine position.

"Ok boys thats enough of that. I gotta give you your payment otherwise your gonna do enough to make me go bankrupt." Martin said as he got up fromhis chair. He opened a drawer from his desk and got out a check book.

"Now lets see here... this should be enough for Ghost, and Kane you get this much. He handed us both checks. Mine read: "Check payable to Local Bank of Aspio. Check pay in amount: £200.00."

"What? That much? Wow. Thank you sir. I mean, Martin!"

"It's no problem boys. Do you even know how many people come in here every day? We need all the help we can get. It's a good thing you came this early in the morning otherwise you wouldn't have even got to the counter to tell Aaron you wanted jobs. But i'm not complaining. I became a millionair thanks to this shop. Anyway i'll stop pesturing you boys about my life. You'll work on all weekdays apart from monday. I hope of good stuff. See you on tuesday."

Me and Kane gathered up our clothes, and were on our way with a final thank you to Martin. Aaron was at the counter serving two men, A bear who looked kindo like our teacher at school, and a yellow spotted red lizard who were buying a bottle of the lizard lube I had seen.

"Hey guys. You were in there for a while. What did you get up to in there?" Aaron asked.

"Oh we just talked for a bit. He asked us a couple of questions and then gave us a few tips for what we gotta do in our work and that stuff." Kane told him in a sort of sarcastic tone.

"Ah so you did get the job. So i'll be seeing alot of you since i'm here most of my day. Hold on let me give you a few phone numbers. Here you go sirs. Good day." He said while finishing off with the customers.

He gave us a slip of paper with three phone numbers on it.

Aaron's home and mobile numbers were on there and so was Martin Ret's mobile number.

Leaving the shop Kane whipped out his phone and dialed Tom's mobile number.

He put it on loud speaker so I could talk too.


"Hey Tom, It's Kane and Ghost. We just wanted to tell you that we got the money and we're gonna be at the club tomorow."

"Allright. Cool. I'll tell Sam later."

"Kay then. Thanks bye."

On the way home we cashed in the checks at the bank and took out thirty quid each. Well it's not like the clubs were just gonna hand out drinks right?

Tomorow night we got to the club and found Tom, Sam, and Georgina were waiting outside for us.

"Hey you two. Whoo look at you, You sure dressed up for tonight. Heh. This your first time going to a club Ghost?" Georgy said.

I had actuly combed the fur on the top of my head and gelled it a bit so that it stuck upwards at the back but was straight and sort of covering one eye at the front and sides. I had gotten out a leather vest/jacket and under under it was a black no-sleeved top. Under it i had Some white jeans.

Kane was wearing somthing sort of the same just with differant colouring in places. He had gelled his fur to spiky at the top and down the back in a sort of mohawk way.

Everything was perfect that night. Just me, my boyfriend, and some mates hanging out at a club, dancing, having a couple of drinks. Just a perfect night out.

Sorry this one took soo long. I had a load of constant interuptions and writers block at some points. Plus somtimes I was stupid enough to click off of the page and had to start all over again.

Most of these ghost storys are based off of stuff that happened to me in real life. None of the sex scenes happened though.

Yes I did get a job with a friend.

No i did not have sex with the manager.

Hope i didn't bore you a bit with this one. I have about 2 more ideas for the next storys and i have an idea for another series or just a singular story. I wont be quiting this series.

Thanks for reading and please leave a comment.