world in conflict ch2 part 1

Story by Kooldude777 on SoFurry

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This is chapter 2 part 1, I would like to hear feed back on this if possible. Thank you for reading!

Russian national anthem blasts from trucks as tanks roll toward the portal, as Mig-21's and other vehicles rush into the portal along with several battalions troops march into the portal...

There is a Soldier named Yakov Stepanovich

is a heavy infantry solider armed with an ak-47, and a few gernades and a rpk.

Yakov Stepanovich: (in his thoughts)dam why would we need these weapons of we are only in for first contact... like a peace mission.

Viktor Mikhailovich (leader of company delta): Halt! the whole company stops, Yakov snaps out of his thoughts. Viktor: Today!! we go through this portal and meet the indigenous... Do not fire unless told to do so remember this is a peace mission and we cannot compromise it when we go through this portal do not break formation!! it might show weakness... On ward and out ward march!!

Mean while on Tal ..

Location: southern military training camp just a few miles away from the portal

Blake Fowler (southern general) awoke being shaken awake by his colleague Zephyr Yevan.

Zephyr Yevan: Blake! We are under Atta-BOOOM!!! the Mig-21 breaks the sound barrier, We are under attack by an unknown enemy!!

Zephyr Yevan: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!! Zephyr yell as he sees a Mig-21 come into view.

Blake now wide awake replies: some sort of flying machine!

A southern sergal yells: we got company!

And runs over to the edge of the hill and points to the massive portal. From the portal, out comes huge metallic machines, followed by contraptions that hover and flying machines that were grey in color, jet out of the portal and begin heading north, and hundreds of bipedal figures march through the portal in formation followed by foreign music, they suddenly stop. And the defending sergals have their weapons drawn some with half there armor on, though massively out numbered. Blake cautiously makes his way toward the front, when at the front, a contraption lands in front of him(a Russian transport helicopter) the door opens and General Kirillovich Sapalyov comes out and does a hand signal and everyone stands at attention. Blake walks forward in front of the line of sergal militants still poised to attack.

Blake Fowler: (breaks the silence) Why are you here?

Kirillovich Sapalyov: (Kirillovich stares at the 5-6 foot humanoid wolf/shark creature amazed in disbelief ) I'm here to make first contact with the indigenous population, Im what you would call a human being we come from the planet earth, you do not need to fear us we just come on a peace mission, sorry to startle you on our entrance...

Blake: how bout' we talk about this in a less tense environment, you and your men can set up camp next to ours and then we talk ok?

Kirillovich Sapalyov: paused for a moment and replied: sure.

Both sides ordered their troops to stand down and Kirillovich Sapalyov ordered his men to set up camp( Donbas Air Base) and prep a make shift runway.

7 Hrs later the sun was starting to set over the desert biome, while huge shadows cascade over the mountains while the Mig-21's finish up their scouting and the lights of a near by city started to glow near the horizon, people and sergals were getting along quite well, At the camps sergals grew quite curious over what these "people" had brought with them. Most of the Russians showed the sergal inhabitants how things they had worked. Some shared food and hospitality.

As for Kirillovich Sapalyov and Blake peace talks were going on.

Kirillovich Sapalyov: so what are you exactly what is is your world like other than hot and dry?

Blake: Well I'm a Segal of the south, and this world is divided... the northern Sergals are trying to wipe us out for racial supremacy, they are lead by General Rain Silves. Their "great" leader, and we were on the brink of losing the battle... So how did you get to our planet.

Kirillovich Sapalyov: well we detonated a nuclear bomb that created the portal, Well we came here on search of intelligent life and resources. You know, metal, wood and water?

Blake pauses for a moment and thinks about his options.

Blake: Lest make a deal, if we give your men land and resources, you will help us with our civil war?

Kirillovich Sapalyov : Yes, tell us a location and we level it..

Blake: (calls for a messenger) tell the Council we have a really powerful ally..


Chapter 2 part 2: The dawn of the roaring skies...

A few days pass and Nikita Khrushchev authorizes some military action just as promised, to help stregthen the alliance between the Union and the Southern sergals. Immediately general Kirillovich Sapalyov arms and supplies the southern sergals with guns and technology and provides air strikes. The only problem is that the sergals wanted to fight along side Russian troops...

The council seeing no other option agrees to a two year contract. And assign on of their top generals to help out at Donbas air base.

Some where in the north several Mig-21 jets take pictures from high altitude mapping out most of the region, and bank right and head to the Airforce Base .

Upon arriving at Air base Nova the pictures are developed and scanned to create a map and locations of bases, cities, strongholds and enemy camps.

Kirillovich Sapalyov: looking intently at the map plots out the first target... And gives the orders to wipe it out

2:00 am...

5 Mig-21's carrying 2X 500lb bombs each and a sixth one carrying napalm, and 5 Tu-95's carrying 8X KH-102 cruise missiles mounted on underwing pylons along with 3 Il-78's mid flight refueler , take off and head toward their target: A (known as The city of Mecca) massive Northern military stronghold with an area of a bout 10 football fields, that is heavily fortified with 5 meter tall walls and a massive garrison of 2,000 reserve troops, with total of 50 cannons along with huge supplies of food and ammunition, it has survived an all out attack from the south, but little did the sergals know hell was about to rain down...

Dawn approched at 6:00 am over the frozen northern region at 12,000 feet the pilots saw the sun shimmering over the cloudless biome reflecting the light off of the frozen lakes below, casting shadows in the tree line ahead in the horizon, the leading pilot spots the City of Mecca off in the distance, a shame he thought, only because that city will be turned to ashes, in the city of Mecca sergals were just starting waking up, some were on watch duty in the towers at surrounded the city...

Kraz(he is a guard on watch duty):~yawns~ as the sunrises over the city, he looks up at the horizon towards the south and spots a bunch of object's flying in formation heading in his direction, What is that ? he whispers to himself while grabbing his spyglass (the telescope thing pirates had), "Rithnok! Come here, try look at this!", as he points to the objects.

Rithnok : (snatched the spyglass out of Kraz's grip) "Ohh... shit.... Alert the generals SOUND THE ALARMS!!!"

They were too late...

Tu-95 Squadron leader: All Tu-95's prepare to fire on my command. Target the watchtowers and aim for the main structural supports and braces... 3... 2... 1... LIGHT THEM UP!!!

A total of 40 air launched cruise missiles were fired and massive explosions ruptured throughout the city destroying barracks and setting off the ammo dumps, destroying walls, shredding through the watchtowers with ease, decimating most of the buildings around but, this was just the start. Startled the sergals began using the remaining cannons/weapons and fired at the unknown enemy, barrages of arrows, bullets, and shells shot into the air downing only 1 of the Tu-95's, then the second wave of jets came the Mig-21's dropped their 500 lb bombs turning the damaged city to rubble and blasted through the remaining buildings, circling around prepping to blaze the area with their 30 mm auto cannons, and when they circled back around with targets in range they opened fire and shredded the remaining defenses to pieces... then a lone Mig-21 broke off from the main group by banking right, then leveled off and dropped its two 500 gallon napalm bombs right on the ruins of the once impenetrable city.

Casualties report soon followed after the attack:

Casualties: 1 Tu-95

Mig-21s total of 14 people are MIA Presumed dead

Enemy casualties approx. 2,000

The Tu-95 that was shot down crashes, everyone losses consciousness, due to impact.

2-3 hrs after the bombing...

Grisha awakens in the wreckage of the Tu-95, his ears ringing, he slowly comes to his senses.

Alesnarovich: Is everyone all right!?!

Grisha: yes...

Komzin: yes...

Petya: yes...

Yemelyanovich: yes...

5 others lay dead from the impact

The crew of now five begin to gather supplies they can salvage and mark graves of their fallen comrades.

World in Conflict

Novaya Zemlya in the artic Bering sea, is where the Russians demonstrated there nuclear strength, by testing bombs of ever increasing power... October 30th 1961, they pushed the limits of explosive power further than they have ever gone, or probably...

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