Officer Werewolf part 2

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Officer Werewolf

What happens when a werewolf is also a police officer

Long awaited Part 2. Sorry - muse was on strike

"Is that detective Peter Showls" the voice at the end of the line asked. I placed the voice as a older woman, well spoken, and openly friendly.

"Yes it is, how may I help you Madam"

"I have some important information for both you and your companion, can we meet for coffee and talk"

Companion.. that was an interesting way to put it. I glanced down at Brad who was listening in to the conversation.

"Madam, can you give me the information over the phone, I am very busy with a case at the present moment"

There was a pause at the end of the line, I could hear her talking so someone, then she returned

"Detective, This is not easy for me to say over the phone but I know your companion there is more than he seems, " and her voice softenly slightly as if to talk about someone she cared about "As is my own companion."

We looked at each other. "Setup?" I asked quietly. Pete though for a moment and shook his head

"Madam - Ok - where would you like to meet.

"Oh somewhere nice and open, I think there is a coffee shop at Islanton Gardens. Lets meet say about one thirty"

Pete agreed and ended the call.

"Pete. What do you think."

"She sound genuine, I could detect no malice or anything like that in her voice"

Pete walked me to the park about one fifteen, it would give us a chance to have a quick look to see if my instincts would pick anything up. The only thing that I did pick up was a scent. It sent tingles down my spine. I could not place it but it seemed SO familiar.

We reached the coffee shop and saw an elderly lady, well dressed with a sun hat and dark glasses. that was not as interesting as the large wolf like creature lying at her feet complete with a seeing dog harness. It, no his scent was male, he was cover in white fur, and when his green eyes met mine I felt locked. But there was nothing but good humor and gentleness in his gaze.

We approached and as we did the other wolf gave his companion a soft nudge. She looked up towards our approach and smiled "Detective Showls?"

"Pete, please call me Pete"

"In that case please call me Emily" as she held out her hand beaming.

"I can see now why you wanted to talk with me." Pete said

"Oh It was actually Basraf here. When he saw the paper he just would not let me rest." and then lowered her voice to a conspirital whisper "When he gets an idea into his head it's like trying to move a mountain. He can be so stubborn sometimes"

Basraf gave a coupled of lazy wags of his tail and nudge her gently again"

"Pete, would you can re walk with me a while. I think the two boys here have a lot to talk about."

Basraf eyed me and chuckles softly "Youngster, you certainly have taken a lot on yourself"

I bristled at the youngster part "What do you mean by that"

"Well, you could not call your occupation a low key way to hide yourself."

I chuffed "I was being framed, and what is it to do with you anyway"

"Was it not explained to you that it is dangerous to draw attention to yourself?, You may heal faster but you can still be killed, also there are those who would very much like to see us removed from this Earth"

"I was never told ANYTHING.. In fact I never saw my attacker again after I was attacked."

That got Basraf's attention "Nothing, you were not offered the gift, or guided through the change?"

I shook my head.

"Oh.. oh dear.. that does explain at lot.. Would you like to tell me what happened?"

And so I did, leaving nothing out.

Basraf sighed "It seems that I have a lot to tell you.. Do you know about the scent?"

I shook my head again.

"Ok - each person has a scent, however there are a particular group of people who have a particular scent. About one in one hundred thousand. This scent indicated a genetic compatibility to be a host for the virus that changes us. Normally when one finds another we make discreet contact and offer them the gift. Some take it, others don't. If they refuse then nothing happens and their genes are passed onto the next generation. Also it seems that the gene is a 'sport', that it appears at random also. We always try and be careful when we tell someone about the change, some compatible people we don't tell at all as it would not be safe to give them the gift. Unfortunately there are those who we call 'ferals' They are the ones who many of the legends are written about. They view all others as prey, and delight in inflicting pain and anguish."

This was a lot for me to digest. In a way it made sense as I know that I was not vicious by nature, and this kindly elder and his companion showed me how I could be in the years to come.

Basraf then looked at me "So. Is Pete your friend.. or more"

I spluttered "No, well, I don't know. We are close but what happens if I infect him"

"Oh your safe there. He does not have the scent, neither does Emily either. If you meet one who has the scent - you will detect it instantly. It is unmistakable."

"How long have you and Emily been together"

"About forty years now. Yes we are married. When her eyesight started to go several years ago we chose to travel so that she can see the world before her vision goes all together. Of course it helped that I could be at her side as a guide."

"Why not be as a human"

Basruf laughed "I enjoy being in my fur too much."

"So Emily, how did you meet Basruf"

"Oh" Emily smiled "It was many years ago. When I first met him at University I was very taken by this handsome young man. But sadly he was not interested in me. But I bided my time and made sure that that I was on the same field trips and courses as him. We did become friends but he always seem a little distant to me. Anyway - it was winter and we and some friends had decided to go skiing up at one of the local resorts. I had just got my own car and was still a rather nervous driver so I asked Basruf to go with me in case something happened."

Pete nodded and smiled

"So off we went. I got a flat tire which slowed us down a bit, and by the time we were going up through the mountains it was getting dark and snowing rather heavily. I am still not sure what happened but I felt the car shudder and start to slip. We obviously went off the road . What I do remember was a lot of banging and crashing and then we stopped upside down. I was still in the car but Basruf had been thrown clean. It was very cold, and my legs were trapped. Believe me I was very frightened. Then this big white bear of a thing appeared and broke the car apart to get me out. At that time I had no idea that it was Basruf and I think I screamed and fainted. I remember waking feeling nice and warm, and someone had wrapped me up in a big furry blanket. I was still a little confused when someone called my name. It was Basruf, and he gently explained to me that the blanket was him. It seemed that when he was thrown from the car he broke his jaw and so could not speak to me beforehand.

We had to wait out the night so we talked. I was still a little afraid but very curious as to what had happened to the young man that I knew, and he told me about what he was and why he was avoiding me. I told him that he was being silly, and that if it was not for him being able to change then I would be dead by now. And that he did not have to hide from me anymore. We became good friends, then more and finally we married. "

"Did you ever have any children"

Emily sighed softly "No, it seem like that when Basruf became what he was he lost the ability to father children", then she smiled and chuckles naughtily "But that did not stop us from trying".

"So you cannot change?"

"No. Basruf studied biology at University, in fact he ended up being a professor there. From what he worked out One had to be genetically compatible first to become infected. Otherwise the virus does not take. Likewise when one became infected one became sterile so that the virus would become the mechanism for reproduction. I can understand some of it but if you want to know more then you really should ask Basruf. So Pete, how did you meet Brad?"

"We were old school friends but we lost contact some time back. Brad started to live in the park after his change. However someone started to try and frame him for some murders. We are still trying to find out who. I'm sorry - I must ask - what were your movements over the past month."

Emily smiled "Well - first 2 weeks we were up at Alaska, then last week we were going across Canada. then we are moving back down south to our home in Mexico. I can show you all of the tickets, photo's etc."

"That's ok, well - Brad gave me a call and showed me that he could change. A couple of people know about him now and they all have no interest in exposing him. In fact they helped clear his name. Brad wanted to find the person who tried to frame him and the best was to use his abilities to do that."

There was a soft beep from Emily's watch "Oh dear.. Time does fly - we are going to a concert but We'd love to have a meal with you.. Can we have dinner - our shout?"

Pete and I agreed, and with that Basruf stood, stretch and moved next to Emil, who felt along his back to grip the harness. "Bye you two" She called as Basruf led her away.

Pete and I arrived at the restaurant and saw Emily sitting in a corner. Next to her was a white haired fatherly like figure of a man, dressed in a tweed jacket and sporting a white beard. It was he who spotted us first and beckoned us over. "Pete, Brad, It's nice to see you again. I'm Basruf"

We ordered drinks and spent a very enjoyable evening listening to their travels. They were flying out the next day and offered us a place to stay should we ever head down their way.

After a meal Emily decided to 'take in the night air', so Basruf took the opportunity to shift into 4 legged mode with his seeing-eye dog harness for Emily.

We were strolling along the walkway next to the park just enjoying the rising moon when we heard a car rev behind us. Normally we would not take too much notice but the squeal of wheels and a thump caused us to look back. It was fortunate that we did as the driver had mounted the kerb and was driving at us at full speed. Basruf semi changed and grabbed Emily - pulling her out of the way and I did likewise for Pete. Unfortunately in the shock and commotion neither myself, Pete or Basruf saw the number plate or make of the car - but I was sure I'd remember the sound of its engine.

Emily was shaken and had ended up in the bushes. Basruf understandably was very angry but knew that any chance of catching the driver was lessening every second. Myself and Pete likewise had ended up in the foliage. Fortunately the only damage was to our pride, however Emily was feeling very shaken so she and Basruf departed for their hotel - Basruf quickly dressing again before the taxi arrived.

Pete and myself arrived safely back to his apartment and tried to unwind. I changed into two legged mode and Pete changed into a dressing gown. We sat - next to each other trying to find the words to open what was on both of our minds.

"Pete. So Basraf says that I cannot infect you - you do not have the genetic marker"

Pete nodded "Yes.. that is good to know incase.. well.. you know.. cut yourself"

The tension in the air grew - I could smell Pete's emotions - hope, fear, lust, uncertainty. Then he got up "Brad I.. err.. I'd better head to bed." and walked into the bedroom.

As I closed the door I could hear Brad settling down for the night on the couch.

What was I going to do...