Re-Upload God Killers: Frost--Chapter 1: Meet Frost

Story by DesertFox on SoFurry

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This is one of my older stories, I haven't had much time to go over it, but i thought i would do a re-edit of it, and see what people thought.

This is not suitable for furs or viewers under 18, or whatever age of consent exists in your country, territory, state, province etc. So no peeking. We're going by the honor system here, so please do not disappoint me (though to be honest your local book store's erotica section makes this seem mild).

All character belong to me

legal jargon out of the way enjoy the story.

Corbin Frost was a wolf of very simple tastes and even more simple desires. If he couldn't eat it, drink it, fuck it, or fire it, he had very little interest in it.At the moment he was trying out the fucking option-as the young rabbit girl bouncing on his hard cock could attest. As he lay there, he watched as her bouncing rear end and short puffed up tail, cutely flicked his nose. He watched as her hands feverishly pulled at her long hair as her moans turned to screams. Trying to think back to how this exactly he had ended up at this point in time, the wolf tried to ignore the building pleasure from the rabbit girl hopping his dick. Thinking back to why had he come here in the first place?

He hadn't intended to sample the fine wine of rabbit pussy today, he understood that much. However, She had been a delectable find given that he hadn't even been looking for a romp as he had traversed the town. He still couldn't believe how perfect everything had come together for this moment. The memories of a fruitless catch upon the ocean, a lot of swearing, and then...? There it was again, he couldn't put his paw on why he had come here at all. He hadn't originally intended to visit his favorite drinking hole at the Dancing Rabbit Inn. Though if he had to admit, It was one of his more favorite frequented haunts. A perfect place to go and relax after a long day at sea and the market.

After today (which had been such a day) the inn had been a very welcomed sight. Despite this normally Corbin would shirk off the temptation of a cold drink, knowing his wife and child were at home. Knowing they were waiting for his return. Whatever it was that had made him forget them, and enter the Inn was still a foggy memory. What happened once he had come inside however, was fresh as ever in his mind.

He had been thrilled to be able to finally take off his overcoat and hat, as he had stepped inside the inn with glee. Thinking would simply sate and refresh himself, before heading home to his wife and son. So he had headed straight for the bar. He had been making his way in polishing off a third tank of ale and stout (keeping to his tradition of three drinks before heading home) when she had fallen into his lap. Quite literally.

She was one of the inns numerous bar wenches, the bar usually kept around five or ten. They were mainly servers, or worked clean up and dish duty. This one had seemed to be the latter, a fresh recruit too, he had reckoned, given the amateurish way she tried to juggle a tray of half drunken beer mugs. She had wobbled around on unsteady feet, before tripping on a chair leg and dunking poor unfortunate Corbin, in front of her, head to paws.

"O-oh g-god sir for...forgive" the young girl had spluttered, her voice had been panicked and embarrassed beyond measure.

Corbin had been annoyed at first at being doused in larger, but his annoyance had softened upon seeing the rabbit's eyes. They had been wide and downtrodden. Her bodies language had been stiff and reserved, almsot as she expected him to ave slapped her.

She had then fallen on her knees dabbing at his pants and shirt with her dirty apron. The poor thing had practically been in tears. However, there were more than just tears staining her eyes. That's what he had noticed most about her. Her eyes. Corn colored yellow they were and big and wide as a pond.

His own muddy brown had glinted in the lamp light as he maintained eye contact with the beauty. Corbin had looked in those eyes, seeing past the salty drops building there.He had seen into her character, a gift he possessed. One learned from his father. The gift of looking into the eyes, for eyes as his father had said many a time, "were the windows to soul." The old man had taught Corbin how to see another persons character by looking into their eyes. It was almsot a hypnotic gift, and many a fur had commented on the ability for Corbin to see right through them with those eyes of his.

Her eyes betrayed a look of both fear and shame-caused by her accident, and by his potential response to her. The eyes as his father had told him many times over were the best way to see someone's true nature. So while starring into hers he soon came to know the truth. It had been an accident by all means with no malice intended-an unaccustomed experience for Corbin when dealing with bar maids. So Corbin found he could not let that look linger on such a cute face. Taking her arm gently in his paw he had pulled her up off the ground and her knees.

"Easy now girl, never mind all that. Why don't you and I go somewhere private to clean this up?" he had then suggested, steering her around the table and towards the back rooms.

"Keep this lot from getting a good look at me in the natural eh?"he added. A howl of growls and cat calls following them as the rest of the bar patrons joined in on his joke. The girl herself had nodded, but then made eye contact with the bartender in the corner. Corbin had silently picked up on their unspoken communication, thinking to himself, s_mart girl._ She had been searching for any warning of trouble or the need to be cautious around the large wolf holding her.

The older rabbit at the counter (who knew Corbin's habits) had given a nod and a wink in response before returning to her duties. It seemed to be enough for the rabbit girl.

"That was quite a spill darl'n," he said as he shook his drenched clothes. "I figure I'm good and soaked proper," he joked, trying to make some conversation with the girl.

"It would seem that way sir, "she replied dejectedly.

He remembered how he had given her paw a reassuring pat as he led her to one of the suites in the back if the inn. As they had walked into the room he had held himself back to get a quick glance of her body. He had hoped to appreciate her better, not having had time to truly look her over. She was a pretty thing to be sure. Very fair for the eyes and fluffy to the touch.

Corbin's large paw practically covered her shoulder, his arm strong enough to direct her whole body. She herself had seemed to sense his strength, for she had relaxed herself, and allowed him be her guide. Thoughts about what he was going to do with the small lapine, had swarmed through Corbin's head like bees. Those thoughts soon were impaled with images of his family. Images of his wife and eight-year old son began puncturing his lusting thoughts.

He had begun once again to feel the familiar twinge of guilt, as he so often felt when he cheated on his mate. He had done waht he uually did, shook his head to clear it. He had done so and was then graced by the sight of down the frock of the young girl beside him. Guilt soon given it's way over to lust and want, as he could make out the outline of her generous breasts and slim stomach.

The horn dog in Corbin soon won out in the end (as usual). His growing desire and hardening prick was no longer able to be ignored. They made it to a door with a large brass 9 nailed on it (one of his private reserved rooms). Corbin had then pulled a key from his pants pocket and unlocked the door. The room was nothing special, just a chair and table in one corner, the latrine in the far right end and a decent sized bed in the middle. There was only one window, in the upper left corner, a pair of silk curtains covered it and shielded the room from the glare of the setting sun outside.

"We better do a thorough job eh?" He reminded her, as he started to tug off his clothes.

The wolf started by removing his shirt, tossing it carelessly on the floor. He then began reaching down to unbuckle his pants, loving the sight of the blush on the lapine's face. Her eyes had traveled over his muscular tall frame and widened at his size as his pants slipped off.

"You'll need to dry me off with more than that apron miss, "the wolf smirked as he began playing with her dress strings.

The girl got the message right away and began untying her own clothes. Nuzzling into her neck, the wolf smirked as he had finally seen her chest uncovered. Her two generous sized breasts open to the air, with spotted brown fur and a smooth slim belly. The cloth of her dress still bunched around her stomach. Her paws had gripped the remainder of her dress readying to pull it the rest of the way down, when his strong paws had covered hers.

He had bitten her neck seductively as he helped her pull the dress down the rest of the way past her her slim brown-furred legs. The wolf made sure to take a whiff of her now dripping femininity-finding it sweet smelling like honey suckles. She kicked the dress away from her bare foot paws and stood before him- both of them staring at one another-both naked and full of growing lust. Corbin had considered tasting her sweetness, but he had been too impatient to have her in that most intimate way.

To have her paws dig into his flesh as he shoved himself into her. To feel her body tremble, as her inner warmth heated up around him. Their combined grunt and eventual screams of passion echoing in his ears. He needed it...needed it to make him feel like he used to with his wife. A time before things had turned from blue and bright to dark and grey.

He had needed it to remind him of a time when he couldn't wait to get home rather than prolong it. A time when his wife was enough to satisfy him instead of every piece of tail he could find.

Now back to the girl riding on his penis, as he gazed over the bare body of this rabbit girl, suddenly being reminded of his wife when they were young. She had had the same allure, the same feel, and she'd caused his heart to beat bright and hot just as it did now. He fiddled with the golden arm band around his wrist, one of two. The other decorating his wife's' own arm, back at their home. He could see her sitting there now, their son in her arms, looking at the golden band- the symbol of his parents mating commitment.

Once again guilt and pain washed over him, building like a hot flash, but lasting just as long. He discarded those feelings like he had many times before; focusing on the moment at hand, he would deal with the consequences later. Reaching out he drew the small rabbit maid to him. His larger lupine frame just about dwarfed hers. She pulled into his warm embrace apparently enjoying the safety of his hold. Lifting them both off the bed, he allowed his s till rock hard erection to slip free of her tight rabbit confines. Realizing the cowgirl position wasn't doing it for him. He got up and walked around the room, stretching his cramped legs. He took this time to admire the drips of his pre seed slipping from her still pink and bared snatch, the fur around her legs and groin matted and damp.

"Come darl'n. It's time to really dry me off good and hard", he chuckled, coming over to her and giving her a push back towards the bed. Following it up with a soft slap on the rear. "Shake it sweetness" he growled with lust, loving the twitch of that puffy cotton tail.

She blushed, trying to ignore the growls as the wolf caught sight of her rear bouncing as she walked. Wincing upon the soft smack to her ass, she huffed and tried to ignore the small squirt of wetness that had joined the wolf fluids among her thighs. She took a deep breath and took position back on the bed. She faced upwards lying down on her back.

Corbin strode over to the bed in a bound, his large strides surprisingly quiet to her large quivering ears. The wolf crawled over her and began stroking her sides as he positioned his hips between hers. Not wanting to scare her or worse, hurt her, he tried to be as gentle as wolfenly possible.

She gasped as her thighs brushed his wolf cock, surprised and turned on by its hardness. Putting one paw on his shoulder, she wrapped her legs around his waist, small bare foot paws hooking over his rear, her other paw wrapping itself in the sheets. As she braced herself, he lined himself steady, one paw supporting her rump the other directing his pre soaked tip. On his haunches with tail wagging, he lifted her up and with a growl speared her quick and hard.

Both wolf and rabbit gave a deep groan; one from being fully filled whiles the other, from pure tight pleasure. Keeping still and allowing her adjust to his size, Corbin took the time to release the breath he'd been holding. He soon was panting heavily, as he started thrusting again. In and out, over and over, in a steady and determined rhythm.

The rabbit girl moaned loudly at pounding she was taking, the tip of the Wolf's cock rubbing her throbbing clit with every thrust. She dug her claws into his back as he hunched over her, his hips thrusting hard and fast-his tongue dancing about her face and neck. The rabbit lifting her head to lick back wherever she could reach. Her small pink tongue caught his chin or muzzle, every time his thrusts brought him within reach, loving the feel if him and the tenderness he was showing.

They kept their rhythm until the rabbit girl gave a cry, squirting all over both their crotches. Holding himself back Corbin quickly slowed down his thrusts. Finding himself tired from solely supporting the weight of their love making, he rolled them both over. Now she was on top-he lying on his back starring up at her breasts. He admired them, their roundness, the way the fur looked about them. He reached a paw up and tweaked one of her hidden pink nipples, causing her to squeal and hop on his still hard erection. Giving her a smile he rolled them once more this time rolling on to his knees and pulling the girl with him.

Now they were in anew position, his favorite and a classic for his species. Doggy-style. The rabbit girl rested on her paws and knees, Corbin having pulled out of her to get himself into mounting position behind her. His paws felt over her thighs and back, smirking as he could feel her limbs and muscles shiver from the intimate contact of his sweeping paw. Lining himself up with her drenched treasure chest, the little bobtail flickering once more, making him grunt in adorable lechery.

Grunting Corbin gave a short and quit thrust, spearing the rabbit girl. Both her and the wolf giving a short bark at the short pain of the piercing. The wolf's hips now flush with the rabbits. Giving her a second to adjust, he could feel the way her inner muscles clenched and un-clenched around his throbbing member. Deciding it was the right time he began to thrust once more, in and out, in and out, his balls starting to slap against her thighs as he rested a paw on her back, the other gripping her side. undulating his hips in the air, he thrust in and out, rolling his dick in clockwise motion to help his wolf cock explore her insides. Their combined sexual fluids dripping from their union and onto the sheets. Her hips in tandem rocking as well as her moans (and his growls) began again.His large paws gripped her tiny waist helping her body bob back and forth on his red spire. She practically shook every time her hips came flush with him. Thinking she might be uncomfortable, he hauled himself up into a sitting position, the rabbit seated now in his lap. Flipping her around, making sure she didn't leave his pole, they came face to face. The rabbit girl smiled sheepishly at the handsome wolf who only grinned back at her. Now seated together, her small foot-paws and slender legs wrapped around his middle, he started thrusting up and she began making circular motions with her hips. Soon her cries of pleasure rang in his ears as his teeth bit gently into her shoulder. Licking and nibbling on her furred shoulder while one of his paws tenderly stroked over her ears. Tweaking and caressing the floppy appendages.

Corbin was large for even his species. A blood mix of Timber and Grey wolf ran through his veins. This combined heritage had bestowed him with his large build and his strong able body. A body that was now bucking the rabbits brains out while he wrapped his arms around the girl. His large paws and broad chest now supporting her slender frame. His course white fur contrasted her dirty brown, as their bodies fitted together, sliding and grinding against one another until their fur meshed together, dampened by sweat. His fevered grunts and thrusts soon succeeded in drowning out her panting mews, and broke her emotions across his lap.

In response to his advances the rabbit girl began draping herself across his chest, her paws either clenching fistfuls of his shoulder fur, or petting softly through his back fur. All the while her small buck teeth were nibbling on his chest, or in the crook of his strong neck. Starting to bounce down to meet his thrusts with her hips as she rocked up and down his pole.

Corbin was nearing his peak unable to hold off his orgasm this tine-and unwilling to try and hold it off any longer.

"G--Good g-god sire, are you close?" moaned the girl as her paws tightly gripped his chest fur.

"Right there baby...keep thrusting!" answered the wolf, shivering from the pleasure building in his loins.

Corbin felt as if all the heat and seed in his body was pooling in his balls-the furred orbs bouncing in unison with his thrusts. His fully formed knot made its presence known slapping against her simmering woman-hood. With a loud slap and a forceful shove he drove that ball of flesh up and in her warm tight treasure chest.

"Oh shit Wolfy!

"Oh fuck me darl'n!"

"Awooooooooooooo!" howled Corbin as he released the flood gates and fired a massive succession of hot spurts into the rabbit girl's womb.

The rabbit barked as she felt the heat and wolf goop splash inside her deepest place. Her mind feeling fully satisfied and her limbs turning to jelly-flopping down on the wolf's chest. His paws embraced her, stroking her back reassuringly as she gasped through her second orgasm, his own still ebbing slowly as he still could feel a few spurts coming from his prick.

"I think I'm dry now," gasped Corbin even as he felt the rabbit weakly spurt the last of her own cream against his thighs. "At least from the beer" he added sheepishly, causing her to giggle.

After resting for a few minutes both furs quickly dressed, Corbin placing a few gold coins in her paw and giving her a wink and a quick lick between the ears. The rabbit girl left first intent on returning to her shift, Corbin deciding to wait a few minutes (to not look suspicious-though everyone had seen the two leave together). Not too mention they would have heard that howl of his.

As the white wolf opened the door he came face to hood with a cloaked figure. Just a little shorter than him the figure came up to his neck, and was not nearly as built as him.

"Who are you? What do you want?" He questioned hotly. He was tired and ready to head home...and this looked like more headache and trouble. The figure did not move but responded with a curt nod of their head.

"I'm someone who can appreciate a wolf of your qualities," responded the stranger.

Corbin thought he detected the sound of a feminine voice, however, it sounded distorted from a low echoing effect.

"As too the reason I am here before you? Well I just want to talk to you...maybe over a drink?" offered the hooded one.

The wolf's head groaned at the thought of seeing let alone consuming any more alcohol. Shaking his head he dismissed the offer.

"_Sorry_but no. I have to return home to my family. My wife is going to kill me as it is," Corbin finished.

The figure seemed to waver for a second. It was looking like they were shifting weight from one paw to another, before they finally stepped aside.

"Very well, but just remember are more than you think, or your wife thinks."

"How do you know my name? And what do you know of my wife?" He asked trying to mask the surprise carried by his voice.

The hooded one just gave a shrug and gestured for him to leave. Though as Corbin slid past her he felt a sharp sting in his wrist as a stout hand gripped his flesh.

"When you can no longer stand it, come and find me. Your pain will lead you in the right direction," the figure hissed at him as

he pulled away, sneering and baring his fangs in warning.

As he walked on he rubbed the aching spot on his wrist. He winced when he found a throbbing heat suddenly extending through his entire body. Giving the hooded figure a lasting glance he turned his body around and headed out of the inn. Stopping at the edge of the road outside, the wolf checked his pocket watch (glad the rabbit girl hadn't pilfered it).

He checked the time making sure how much time he had to wait for the evening coach to take him home. Standing there alone trying to ignore the slowly growing throbbing heat in his arms and legs. He was on his way home no matter. Home where brand new hell's awaited him. This time from his wife, as he realized while he did not stink of booze, he was still drenched in essence of rabbit.

Next chapter: The Vixen Viper