Beating the Pain

Story by Aurco on SoFurry

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#1 of INK AN LUV

Life started out simply enough for this young fox, though he had two tails.

Loving parents, although he was an only child he was happy. But his parents died in a car accident. A drunk driver t-boned their little car. The driver was ejected for his seat and killed instantly. His mother and father however weren't so fortunate. They were impaled by a random piece of debris and although he was severely injured he had to watch his parents slip away. This poor foxes name is Cain and this is his story from a life of despair and anger, a new relationship builds and a new life starts from the ashes of old.

Now 18 almost 19 Cain is just about out of his junior year. (Held back for various reasons) he is seen around school as a thug. His reputation comes from, among other things, his look. It also comes from the fact that every fight he's been in ended up with his counterpart in the hospital. He wore a wife beater top or just something sleeveless and always fatigues. Hence were his school nickname "sarge" comes from, though no one would ever call him this to his face. His appearance may be somewhat gruff but he wasn't ugly. He has vibrant red and white fur with black tips on his ears and paws. His deep hazel eyes seemed to stare deep into whatever they were fixed upon. Well toned were most of his features from his daily runs and other exercises, he didn't do this to keep in shape it was more to keep his mind from wondering back to his parents.

A new car to the school parking lot pulls into a spot, the door opens. A gorgeous ferret named Niki steps out. Though new to Endays high school there are guys already falling for her. Who can blame them, her bright, beautiful green eyes, that wonderful brown fur that she took such care of, those toned thighs and well rounded rump not to mention her bust. She was the definition of DROP DEAD GOURGEIOUS.

Niki walks through the front door, looks at her schedule. "Ahh math" she says aloud. She walks into her class, all the happy faces humans and furs alike. This made her happy, at her old school there was always an air of tension between furs and humans. These happy faces soon disappeared as the door opened yet again reveling a large fox. He sat down in his seat, a deep, dull, almost angry expression on his face. To Niki's dismay the only other seat available was next to him.

She hesitated, but then got a little start "Miss Carts would you please take your seat" snapped the teacher.

She sits, but carefully not to disturb him. After a moment, her curious side got the better of her.

"Hi I'm Niki"

He turned his head, gave her a glare, and then turned back to his work at hand. The squirrel sitting across the aisle gave her a little note. "Don't mess with him, the last one to get him fired up went to the hospital for a week"

Niki looked at him quizzically. She doubted it but took heed and let it go for the time being. She found herself wondering what made him so... cold, was the word she could come up with though she knew it was deeper than that.

Cain's new classmate was very good looking, but he knew she was no different than all the others who had tried for him. Scared and spoiled could describe the general populace of the school, scared of him not so much but scared of a real life. How could she be any different?

Then, about one week later, he got a real shock when she tried again.

"You know its rude not to tell someone your name after the introduce themselves to you." Niki snickered

"What the hell? Someone is actually trying again!? This is a new one for me," he thought.

"Cain, my names Cain."

"Oh really well then where's Able?" she joked.

"Huh?" he didn't get it

"You know, the two sons of Adam and Eve. Cain kills Able and from your reputation I think it fits you well."

"Um ok," Cain mumbled.

"Now she's mocking me," he thought, "she's different I mean she's got spunk for a little ferret girl."

"Well I wouldn't know, all I know is its my name."

Niki smiled, "Whatever, I thought it was funny."

Cain looked at her for a second and asked, "What's your name again? The last time you talked to me I wasn't actually paying attention."

"My names Niki and don't forget it," Niki laughed as she lightly slugged him in the arm.

"Now she TOUCHING me," he thought angrily, "the last time someone got that close the ended up like the others; out cold on the floor. She's... wait... no she's just trying to break me like all those psychologists. They didn't want to help me, they didn't the don't and she doesn't and she can't."

His mind was screaming at him, and when he finally broke the few moments of silence, anger flared in his eyes.


Then he saw something that truly disgusted him, not with her but himself. She had a look of pure devastation on her face; hurt, pity, anger as well. Then it hit him what he'd said to her, especially since she wasn't there to analyze him. She was just a kind furson, not some doctor.

Something welled inside of him then he blurted out something that really scared him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean a word of it, I'm not used to anyone treating me like a real fur."

An apology. He'd never apologized for anything in his life and now he could stop himself.

"Please please I'm sorry," he pleaded, though it was to late.

She looked at him, tears coming to her eyes, "You know you're a real fucking jerk. No wonder those everyone hates you, we try to be friendly and you push us away! Maybe you don't like contact but that still doesn't justify the way you live. You live in the dark and that's no place to be!"

A few furs had stopped and watch this unfold, some actually jumped when she stated yelling, not only from her tone, but also at whom it was directed towards. She huffed and turned around walking down the hall in the most dignified way she could muster, tears now running down her cheeks matting her fur.

Cain didn't show up to school for a few days. He knew she was right but why should he care, so what if he lived in the "dark," it was peaceful and it was working for him, wasn't it? Wasn't it...

When he came back most of the school goers had a new face expression for him that of blank stare. Apparently the story of how he been yelled at and not done a thing about it, spread like wildfire. Cain walked into class and there she was. He sat down next to her, started to say something but stopped himself. She just sat there doing her work, not even sparing a glance at him. He felt something tear at him, it was guilt. He felt truly pitiful and small. He had had no right to yell at her like that.

After class he stopped he in the hall. She tried to push past him but he reached out and took hold of her arm. She tried to get away, but his grip was firm. She stopped fighting and stood there looking to the side.

Cain took a deep breath, "I have excuses but there all bull so I won't give them, but all I can say is that I am truly sorry for what I said. You can take from that what you want."

He sighed and let go of her arm, stated to turn and leave. Then he felt something on one of his two tails, a tug. Cain turned around.


A furry fist slammed into his muzzle. Cain felt dizzy; he tipped and hit his rump with a thud. When the world stopped spinning and he looked up, he saw Niki. Standing there with a clenched fist, breathing heavily.

She took a deep breath, "I forgive you now. Since we have that out of the way can we be friends and not have any more of these... these stupid outbursts."

He gave her a shy nod. She put her paw out and helped him off the ground. He winced as he held his paw to the side of his face, but got a smile out as he said, "Hey, I bet your hand hurts as much as my face does."

"Not as much as your pride I think."

Two Months Later

Most had forgotten about the whole incident except for those who "participated." The only change that really went on between Niki and Cain (so far as Cain knew) was how much Niki loved spending time with him and she told him this often* so you know Cain is a bit naive when it comes to real feelings*, the best thing that happened to Cain besides Niki was the fact that he was making friends, mostly through Niki, but they were friends none the less. His nickname of sarge was still hanging around but now it was more of a term of endearment, kinda.

This was actually funny to Cain, he was the last person you'd see taking orders in the military. "Fatigues just look good on me" is all he'd say.

"You can bet your ass they do, particularly on you" Niki would often follow.

"Hey wanna go bowling tonight? I know a great place down town," he proposed, a bit nervous.

Niki thought for a sec. She never really liked it out there; bad things, bad furs.

"Well Cain will be with me," she thought, "I don't have a fear in the world."

"Sure," she answered, "sounds great, hope you're ready to lose."

"Ha! Fat chance! What time should I pick you up?"

"You don't have to pick... oh yeah, that's right, mines in the shop. Damn brakes. Six is good, how bout you?"

"Sounds good to me six it is," he replied, a bit relived.

It was a quiet car trip down town, Cain turned the radio on but it was all commercials and new age crap so he flipped it off. Cain turned his gaze from the road for a moment. Niki looked as if in deep thought, he couldn't help but see how beautiful she really was.

"We may just be friends but DAMN!" he thought, staring at the ferret.

Some slightly, shifty images came to his mind; getting a little stiff he shook them from his head

"No damn it, she doesn't like you like that, your just 'friends,'" he shouted in his head

"Cain, Cain, DAMIT CAIN Watch the road!" she yelled with fright.

Cain snapped out of his little daydream and with a look of deep embarrassment put his eyes back on the road.

With a slight giggle she asked, "what ya stare'n at, wouldn't be me would it?"

Oh thank god for his red fur otherwise he'd be as red as an apple instead of a deep sunset. The rest of the car trip was past by in silence, only broken by Niki's little giggles at Cain's awkward expressions.

They pulled up to the parking lot. They got out and headed for the entrance.

"Hey wait I forgot my bag," Niki said as she went to turn back to the car.

"Oh hey, I'll get it," Cain reached for his key but Niki grabbed them from him.

"No, I got it," and she ran back to the car.

Cain watched how her figure moved and how it (blush) bounced! Images were creeping back to his mind; again he shook his head.

Then he heard a scream, snapping Cain back. Niki, it was Niki. He ran, he ran hard.

A large bear and a weasel had just broken a little junker hoping to find some cash in the bag left inside. Just then, they heard footsteps and a gasp. The bear turned around to see a little ferret standing in front of him hands over her mouth. She made a move to run but the bear grabbed her. She let out a scream, but he put his massive paw over her muzzle.

"Well I think tonight just got better bud," the weasel looked up.

"Yeah but I'm not leave'n without the cash!"

He went back to the car to do his thing. Niki squirmed in the bear's grip.

He inhaled deeply, "Mmm you smell good," he growled, causing Niki to shudder. The thought of what he could do to her made her weak in the knees. All off a sudden she heard footsteps, heavy and fast footsteps. The bear turned to see what was coming only to see two boots coming right at his face.

Cain had drop kicked him right in the head, causing the bear to drop Niki, and fly back a few feet. The weasel looked up from the dashboard to see what the commotion was, only to have his face slammed back into it several times. He was thrown from the car, and landed in a heap. The bear regaining his senses stood up looked at his partner then at Cain who now was at Niki's side trying to comfort her.

"Big mistake buddy," the bear grinned as he reached into his jacket and withdrew what looked like a police baton but larger.

He ran for Cain, taking a mighty swing, but Cain evaded and landed a swift punch to the ribs. He coughed and again attacked this time aiming low anticipating he would duck like before but this time Cain didn't move. The club hit him square on the shoulder, dislocating it.

Cain was also knocked back a few feet. Cain looked at the bear with a look of... a look of superiority, he smiled and pulled his limp arm and twisted it in a way that they all heard an audible "pop" as the bone went back into place. The bear's look was that of surprise then suddenly a smile came across his face.

Cain was about to ask what's so funny when he saw the bears eyes weren't on him but beyond him. Cain trued, face to bloody face with a smiling weasel, a large pipe raised in his paw.

"Ooh shi-" he was cut short as the pipe struck him on the side of the head.

Blackness, a siren.

Cain woke with a start, things were blurry but he could make out images; one sitting next to the bed, others pacing around in the room.

He heard Niki yell, "He's awake he's awake!"

Things started to come into focus. Niki, his uncle and aunt (his guardians) a doctor, and a police officer stood around him. His head pounded though, he reached up to rub his head only to be met with a sharper pain.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you, we took you off the pain killers to see if you would wake up." the doctor looked at him please that he had indeed woken up.

Niki however was the happiest to see that he had woken up. "Oh God I though you were dead when he hit you."

She was slightly sobbing and he reached out, cupping her cheek in his paw. She took his paw and held it tight to her face, nuzzling it. She let go after a bit, the officer needed to speak with him.

"Son," he began, "your lucky I came around when I did. Those two have been linked to countless robberies, as well as two drug related murders."

The two robbers fled but were apprehended a day later in a failed drugstore robbery. Cain's guardians, a fox like himself and a snow-white rabbit were there. They were as worried as any parent would be. Cain was released from the hospital a day later. He was still having some memory issues and his legs were a little uneasy so he stayed home for the next week, luckily that school was out.

Niki came over every day to keep him company. Since he was supposed to stay in bed they mostly watched movies and talked but there was something different about Niki, he couldn't put his paw on it but there was something else there. One day she couldn't come over for family reasons. This gave Cain some time to think, mainly he thought of her. His thoughts trailed to places, desires, even lust. There was no denying it now, he loved Niki, but he didn't know what she thought of him, however that was soon to change.

Niki came over the next day earlier than usual. She rang the doorbell, Cain's aunt (the rabbit) answered the door

"Oh hi Niki. Come in won't you?" she asked kindly.

When Cain heard her, his heart leapt. He missed Niki so much and it had only been a day. She came into his room; she'd brought them some lunch. They ate in silence though, which bothered Cain. She looked over at him on the bed, that look she gave him, what was it? She sighed and looked back at her plate. They finished their meals, and she cleared the plates. He got up to sit next to her rubbing her cheek. She looked at him; in a flash she took hold of his face and kissed him. A bit taken back he felt her lips, he felt her. He returned the gesture.

"Thank you lord!" he thought.

She broke the kiss and blushed "I... I love you, I have for a while now."

"I have as well, but I didn't want to act on it, I was, I was scared..."

He held her for a moment. Her scent was intoxicating. His arousal was apparent behind his sleep shorts. She giggled at the sight. Niki took his hand and lead it to her pert breasts, the scent of her arousal becoming apparent to him now.

"That's it, that's what that look was!" he thought happily.

It was one of longing and desire. She slowly let his hand up her shirt, caressing, cupping, and massaging her tits. She moaned lightly at the attention.

He stopped though, surprised he was able to, "Are you sure you want this?"

She nodded shyly. He started to unbutton her shirt. Before long both were in the nude, on his bed, she cradled his stomach. Suddenly they both heard a call from downstairs, they froze in fear.

"I'm heading out, I've got some errands to run!" his aunt called up the stares.

With that she shut the front door. They smiled at each other knowing full well what this meant. She stared to position herself over him

"As much as I would love for you to have my kits, I don't want to take the chance of it though."

She got the hint and nodded. He quickly got up and went to his dresser to get the condom that came with sex education packet that the school recently had.

He opened the package and was about to put it to his member when she called over to him; "Hey let me try something."

She slinked over to Cain swaying her hips. She took the condom from him put it to her lips. Niki knelt before him put his cock to her mouth and pushed down using her teeth lightly to guide it.

She felt great around him. Niki couldn't quite take all 8 inches of him, but she used her paw and rubbed the base that she couldn't quite fit in her mouth. She bobbed a few times, making Cain shudder with pleasure. She pulled off of him, keeping her mouth on his cock head, using her tongue she played with his member.

A few moments later he was lying on his back, Niki taking him between her hips.

Just as his member touched her nether lips he reached out and grabbed her and whispered, "You're my first, and I would want it no other way."

She smiled, "Your mine as well."

With that she pressed down on him, hilting herself on him. She just leaned down over him pressing her tits against his chest but not moving, Niki was just enjoying being one with Cain.

After she had grown accustomed to him filling her, she started to rock her hips. Sitting up her breasts swaying lightly. Cain started to roll his hips into her eliciting a moan from her. She took his hands and guided them to her breasts. He held and cupped them. There hearts racing as their pace quickened.

Soon she was moving up and down on him. moaning without refrain. He took his hands from her breasts and sat up holding her to him as he rocked her. He took one of her now erect nipples into his maw, encircling it with his tongue she moan louder. she took hold of his muzzle and kissed him deeply their tongue entwined with each other. A quick movement and she was on her back.

He was working into her, pushing himself deeper and deeper. She was holding onto his shoulders, moving to his movements, helping put his member deeper. Now he was really driving into her. Niki's juices coating his now glistening cock. She could feel his warm pre-cum starting to trickle.

She reached up and kissed him, rolling Cain on his back. She could feel it coming now, it was building and she was going to cum soon as well,

"OH GOD DON'T STOP! FUCK ME FUCK ME!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Cain moaned, he was getting close too, "I'll never stop if that's what you want, I love you with all my heart."

With that she came, followed with a silent scream of ecstasy. Covering her thighs and his in her cum. Niki's cunny clamed down on him, milking him for all he was worth. That was all it took to put him over the edge. He came spurt after spurt she felt him throb and pulses. His whole body tensed, forcing every last drop from him.

She slumped over him breathing heavily, holding him as her after shocks passed. She rolled to the fox's side. Cain reached down removed the condom; surprised it hadn't popped from all he'd given. He threw it into the wastebasket beside the bed.

His member retreated inside his sheath. Cain looked back over at her she smiled at him.

He caressed her ears, and Niki cooed at the motion. "I will love you forever Cain."

He smiled back at her, "If only forever was long enough."

They both started to nod off in their splendid afterglow. Asleep in each other's arms they dreamt of their future together.

The white rabbit opens the front door, groceries in paw. She sets them on the counter.

"No noise from upstairs, maybe he feeling good enough they went out," she said to herself.

She walked up stairs to Cain's bedroom and opens the door. Wide eyed at what she sees, but then something hit her, Cain... Cain was smiling. She had watched him sleep throughout the years. He never smiled in his sleep. She looked at the two in each other's arms sleeping blissfully in their dreamland. She slowly stepped back, quietly shutting the door

"Say nothing," she thought as she walked downstairs.

She gathered up the groceries and headed back to the car. She'd let them wake without worry.