Blue: Chapter 12

Story by xXAnonymousBunnyXx on SoFurry

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Freddy groaned as he turned over in his cell. His body was wracked with pain after thee interrogation yesterday. He maintained his pride, though, as they'd once again failed to break him. He slowly sat up, just in time to see his "breakfast" get pushed under the cell bars. The prisoners here were severely underfed. Not that they could talk about it. A.I.D kept all of its prisoners isolated in an effort to demoralize them. It was working. Freddy's stomach growled loudly as he stared down at the two stale biscuits and the cup of water that made up his meal for the day. He sighed sadly. It had been so long since he'd had a real meal. He thought back to the last one he'd had, which had been when he and Red were discussing who Blue should go with on his first mission. Red had wanted to send him with Gold, only because Grey was unavailable, but Freddy insisted they send him with Black instead. Black was better trained than Gold, and the mission was more likely to be successful because of this. He sighed again, wondering how it had gone. Freddy had become quite fond of the little blue rabbit over the years, they all had. He let out yet another huge sigh and, after eating his meager meal, lay down and thought about his brothers, as he did every day. His eyes filled with tears as he thought about the betrayal that they had been tricked into believing. Had he failed them as a brother? He pushed the question out of his mind and closed his eyes, falling asleep.


Red sat in his office, thinking of Brown. It just didn't add up. Why would his brother betray them like that? It was completely out of character for him. Red frowned more and more as he thought of his brother. At that moment, Vio walked into his office holding two manilla folders.

"Call Gold," the rabbit said "I need to talk to you two."


Gold entered the office cautiously. Green had told him that Red wanted to see him, but Gold had no idea what about. He found both Red and Vio waiting for him.

"Red? What's this about?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to ask Vio. He refused to tell me anything until you showed up." Both bears looked at the rabbit questioningly.

Vio cleared his throat and began "It's about Brown."

Red sighed in frustration "Vio, you know I don't want to talk about this."

"Red, I have reason to believe that he's alive." Both brothers stared at him in wide-eyed shock.

"W-what?" Gold managed to force out. Red suddenly became angry.

"Vio, you'd better have a damn good reason for putting us through this!" Vio stared back at him calmly.

"You know I wouldn't unless it was important." Red stared at the ground guiltily. He shouldn't have yelled like that. He looked up again when the rabbit suddenly slapped one of the folders down on his desk.

"This" Vio began again "is our file on Brown. All of his missions, his DNA, even his lunch preferences- it's all recorded in this folder. This on the other hand," Vio slapped the second folder down "Is the DNA test results taken from the autopsy performed on Black's attacker."

Gold growled suddenly at the rabbit "Call him by his name. He wasn't just some random assassin, he was Brown!"

Vio's eyes flashed for a second. This was the moment the rabbit had been waiting for. "Oh contraire my golden furred friend, the bear in question was in fact, AN IMPOSTER!" Both bears jumped at the rabbit's sudden outburst. Red was that first to speak this time.

"Vio, what are you talking about?" Vio placed a paw on each of the envelopes.

"The original DNA samples we have on file for Brown do not match the samples taken from the cadaver in question. The bear who attacked Black couldn't have been Brown." The three sat in silence for a moment before Red spoke again.

"This is a lot to take in. You'll have to excuse us for a moment Vio, I need to talk to Gold." Vio nodded and left the office, leaving the brothers alone.

"He's alive." Gold said at once.

"Possibly, though if he is he's probably in the custody of either Saraph of A.I.D. Either one might have killed him by now to save space." Red's eyes filled with tears at the thought. Gold walked over to his brother and hugged him.

"He's alive, I just know it."

Blue: Chapter 13

A/N: NEW CHARACTER! Mangle is introduced. Her codename is Cassiel, but we'll also call her Cassie. Anyway, let's begin... Freddy was jolted awake by the sound of his cell door opening. He squeezed his eyes shut and began to mentally prepare himself...

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Blue: Chapter 11

Gray came to the breakfast table groggy and tired. He swore if he listened closely he could still hear the bedsprings creaking. He sat down and proceeded to faceplant into his food, at which point Clyde walked in supporting White. Clyde looked at his...


Blue: Chapter 10

Dylan melted into Gold's embrace as they stood in the bedroom that he shared with Gray and Blue. The other two were out at the moment, leaving he and Gold alone for a while. He slowly nuzzled Gold's chest, as the larger bear nuzzled his head in turn. ...
