Blue: Chapter 14

Story by xXAnonymousBunnyXx on SoFurry

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A/N; Here's a special one, just for you guys...

Freddy looked around, still holding the fox in his arms. She was so innocent, so fragile. He hated to think about how she must have ended up in a place like this. He gently set her on the ground and curled around her protectively, doing his best to keep her warm. She was hurt, badly, and although he had managed to stop the bleeding he was still worried about an infection. He closed his eyes and slept, dreaming of his brothers and friends, dreaming of the outside world. How long had he been in here? Were they still looking for him? He had to find a way to escape. If not for himself, then for Cassie.


Red grinned to himself. This would be all too easy. The enemy wasn't expecting them. He pressed a button on his intercom and called Vio and Gold to his office. The three of them would lead this operation, and he wanted to go over the plan once more with them before they began. Everyone was already outfitted with the gear they would need, and they were waiting. Gold smiled patiently as he entered the office, followed by Vio.

"I take it you want to go over the plan?" he said, smirking slightly. This was the first operation he'd had in weeks, with Green refusing to let him out again, and Red not wanting to. Red smirked back at his brother, and Vio chuckled nervously. The rabbit was the only one who seemed to be nervous about this, though, they were all nervous. They were just really good at hiding it. Red began, needing no introduction.

"We'll send team A to this location here, led by Gold." He pointed to a small gray square on the map. "Their job is to infiltrate and create enough of a distraction for the rest of us so we can slip in unnoticed." He pointed to another square "Team B will go here, lead by Vio." He nodded his head toward the rabbit. "Your job will be to sneak in and snoop around in their network. Make sure you get yourselves noticed before you slip out, as this will create even more of a distraction." He pointed to a third and final square, though this one was green "I will lead team three here. This is the A.I.D central HQ, and the place they're most likely holding Brown. Our job will be to get him out and destroy the base if possible, crippling them severely." Red lowered his arm and stared at the other two "Got it?" Both nodded, and the three of them left the room, leaded by Red.


Freddy woke up to the grating sound of metal on cement as the food was once again pushed under the bars. He got up and crawled over to it, leaving the fox in her position on the floor. He grabbed one of the biscuits and crawled over to the fox, gently shaking her awake.

Cassiel awoke with a groan, her chest hurt, as did one of her arms, and she was tired. She opened her eyes slowly, and saw a large bear staring down at her. She gasped in surprise, the memories of last night coming back to her in a rush.

"Who are you?" She questioned groggily, fighting to stay awake.

"Call me Brown." The bear smiled, which for some reason made her feel safe. "Here," He said suddenly, holding up a biscuit "you should eat something." Cassiel took the biscuit gratefully, and bit into it. It was stale, but not as bad as it could have been. She was just happy to have something to eat. She sighed contentedly after she'd finished, and the bear brought her a cup of water. She drank, and, becoming tired once more, curled up and fell asleep.

Freddy smiled at the sleeping fox. He'd make sure she got out alive, he promised to himself, even if he didn't.


Black smiled as he sat in the truck bed. He hadn't been on a mission in so long, and it had been even longer since he had gotten to go on one for the pure purpose of causing mayhem. He had been put on A team along with Orange and Gold. Gold, who was driving, glanced back at him and smiled. They were going to have fun with this one. Orange sighed at the two younger agents. They needed to be serious about this. He supposed he shouldn't worry, though. There was a method to their madness. Gold had stayed up half the night planning out which spots they could blow up to make for the most confusion. He ducked lower as they approached the enemy compound.


Clyde frowned in concentration, going over the plan once more in his head. He, Green, and Vio made up B team. Their job was to cause even more confusion after A team made their strike. They had secondary orders to grab as much information as they could while they were still inside the enemy network. It was the easiest part of the mission, which is why White was even allowed to come along. Clyde shivered with nerves. Would they be alright? He glanced over at Green, who was staring straight ahead. Clyde followed his brother's gaze to find that they were coming very close to the enemy compound. Dylan sighed. He and White would be providing backup, while Blue and Vio entered the compound and attempted to get into their server network. He grinned a little bit, thinking about how easy it would be. He suddenly frowned once again. Would Gold be alright?


Red grinned to himself. Just a few more minutes and revenge would be his. He'd showed them what happened when you messed with him. He'd make them pay. He parked a few miles away from the enemy's main HQ and waited, keeping his radio close to his ear. He was listening in on the enemy comms, waiting for the chorus of voices that Vio would broadcast to signal that they were good to go. He glanced into the backseat of the car, where White was sitting. The rabbit would keep him up to date on both of the other teams' statuses while he was inside. He smiled to himself once more as he looked at the HQ that was looming in the distance. They wouldn't know what hit them.

A/N: God this felt awesome. The next chapter will be out soon. I'm just loving that Frangle ship by the way. They're perfect together. Anyway, until next time~

Blue: Chapter 15

**A/N: And so cometh the action!** Freddy frowned as a sudden alarm went off somewhere in the complex. That wasn't good. He had no idea what it could be though. Had a fire started somewhere? Suddenly, a volley of prison guards rushed past their cell,...

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Blue: Chapter 13

A/N: NEW CHARACTER! Mangle is introduced. Her codename is Cassiel, but we'll also call her Cassie. Anyway, let's begin... Freddy was jolted awake by the sound of his cell door opening. He squeezed his eyes shut and began to mentally prepare himself...

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Blue: Chapter 12

Freddy groaned as he turned over in his cell. His body was wracked with pain after thee interrogation yesterday. He maintained his pride, though, as they'd once again failed to break him. He slowly sat up, just in time to see his "breakfast" get pushed...
