Introducing Aki Sumoku (Smoke)

Story by A_Mouse on SoFurry

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A story about Smoke from tapestries muck.

Story about Smoke from Tapestries. This is not about the character '_Smoke_' that is someone else entirely

"Aki" a voice called from down the stairs, drifting up through his cracked door and reaching his ears.

"Aki if you don't climb you butt out of bed right now and get down here your breakfast will get cold." the voice of his mother carried a loving but scolding tone to it. Aki Sumoku groaned and pushes his covers back. He didn't want to get up. He never wanted to get up, the bed was so comfortable.

Light flooded the room as his mother poked her head in and turned the ceiling lamp on "Aki, get out of bed mister you have to go register today." she says and vanished leaving the light on.

Aki slowly pushed himself out of bed and walks into the bathroom to freshen up for the day. He turned the cold water on and splashed some in his face before taking the towel and rubbing himself dry. As he put the towel back he stopped and posed to look at his form in the full body mirror on the wall.

Aki was 18 years old and stood about five foot three. He was a lizard and had radical colorings of red and black. The lizards left and right sides were this bright red. With his body divided in the middle by a black stripe. The red was so prominent and the black so dark some of his friends would tease him, calling him corvette as he looked almost like a red paint with a racing stripe. The black never touched the insides of his legs it v'd between them and flowed down the underside of his tail.

On his head he had like hair small tendrils which were black fleshy appendages with limited mobility. They were boneless so they could be laid back against his head to express emotion much the way a cat would their ears. There are only about five of these per side and they started just behind his eyes and went back over his head. The first one on each side had a base of about an inch in width and extended to a blunt point of about three inches in length. The second set were the same except they are about five inches long and the last three one each side were the same length being about eight inches each.

His hips gave a flair making him appear almost girlish and behind him, his tail was about five feet long. He shifted against and looked at himself, his crotch was smooth, a slit hidden in his black scales all but hiding the truth. He made a girly pose looking over his shoulder at his rear and then giggled to himself.

He posed and flexed a little more, not that he had much for muscle, he was toned for sure but more thin and smooth than muscular. He took a deep breath, 'a new school new friends and new rumors.' he thought to himself and stepped out of the bathroom before grabbing a pair of black lace panties, shorts and a t-shirt. He pulled his clothing on and headed down to breakfast.

In the kitchen his mother greeted him with a kiss to his forehead which he waved off but did hug her and then sat at the table to munch the food prepared for him. While he was munching his mother was talking about the things she had gotten him, supplies and the like, what he needed to do and then she turned to him.

"I have also informed the school nurse of your 'condition'." she says and looked him in the eyes. This caused him to almost choke on a mouth full of juice.

"MOM! You can't just go around telling people that." he said feeling a little betrayed that his deepest secret was given away so readily.

His mother looked at him, "Dear she called this morning to ask about your medical records, believe it or not that sort of thing is listed there and anyone that has access to them knows." she said with a stern tone, "now don't talk back to me. It's been a long week, we are still getting moved in, i didn't want to have to move out here but work demands it so you will have to adapt." She stopped and took a deep breath, "It's just because I care for you and I want you to have a good life.. Alright hon?" she asked and smiled at him, "now put on a brave face for me please?"

Aki rolled his eyes and sighed before looking up to his mother and putting on his best fake smile. She seemed to understand and hugged him, "Well I am off, you know where the school is You can take your bike and please be safe." she said before grabbing her things and heading out the door.

Aki watched her leave and sighed, his senior year of highschool and he had to change schools, he knows no one. He finished up his meal and walked to the living room. He had to take himself, he is just glad that his mother let him keep his bike, she never liked it, but he loved it.

Pants, jacket, boots and finally special helmet. He stepped through the door, locking it behind him and all but bounced out to his motorcycle. It wasn't a huge bike, only 500cc but that was big enough for him. It was a sport model so he was leaned forward while riding and it was fast. Likely too fast for his own good but he loved riding it so much. Keys in, legs over and a button. The starter whirred to life before the engine caught and the vibrations started to work their way up through his form. He shivered a little as he pulled the throttle and let the engine spin up.

"Maybe today will be a good day" he said to himself, pulling the clutch before shifting down and heading out. The ride to his school was fairly lackluster, all the streets between his home and the school were low speed residential zones that he really couldn't get up to speed on. He did make it to the school and found a place to park before heading inside.

The day was mostly boring. Paperwork tha the had to fill out, meeting of teachers, making sure he registered for parking. He tried to make out who was who as he wandered the halls trying to learn the layout. He took a deep breath. It was all a bit overwhelming. He decided the registering went on for a few more days, he could come back and try to learn more as things went on, he would have to bring the paperwork that his mother had to fill out back anyway.

He made his way back to his bike and was just getting ready to put his helmet on when he heard a voice yelling, "Hey,, hey you, on the motorcycle, you!" he turned to look and saw a wolf running toward him. He waited till the wolf got closer and looked him up and down not really saying anything. The wolf continued, "Are you Aki?" he asked with a few deep breaths to catch his fromt he run.

Aki blinked that anyone knew his name yet and he nodded, "Yeah, I am. You know me apparently who are you?" he asks trying not to be direct in his wording but he was frustrated with the whole day thus far.

"Whew." the wolf said catching his breath, "Names Trevor McBeth." he said with a smile, "I heard you would be joining the school and wanted to say hi, it isn't often we get new faces here." he said and offered a hand. Aki looked at the hand and accepted it in a shake.

"Nice to meet you, Aki Sumoku, but you know that. Most of my friends call me Smoke." he said with a nod, "Now if you will excuse me, I am heading home." Aki said and started to ready his helmet. The wolf seemed to stammer a little and continued.

"Hey um.. Look. I was hoping that I could get to know you a bit, I mean, You don't have any friend here yet right and well I'm trying to be, well a friend." he said with a smile.

Aki looked at him and then up the road, "Look I have to go really, I guess if you wanted to talk or something you could come to my place." and he straddled his bike.

The wolf took a breath and looked him over, "C.. could you give me a ride maybe?" he asks his ears seemed to flush a bit at asking that and he looked at the bike, staring at it intently, or was he staring at Aki's rear.

Aki looked back at the wolf and then up the road, "I guess, I don't have any gear for you, but it's not far and mostly residential roads so you just have to um,, hold on. Do you know how to ride?" he asked Trevor.

Trevor nodded his cool blue eyes looking over the lizard and his bike, "Y.. yeah,, I know how to ride, I used to a little." he said with a friendly smile.

Aki pulled his helmet on and looked at the wolf, "Well get on then" he said as the wolf pulled himself onto the passenger seat. This forced him right up against Aki's back. Aki started the bike and backed out of where he was parked before taking off. The ride to his home was again boring and uneventful, aside from the wolf clinging to him as if he were going to die.

Trevor on the other hand had his eyes closed and was all but grinding himself into the lizards rear. He had managed to get a look at his files and knew the secrets he had. One at Aki's house Trevor was quick to get off the bike and chucked, his dark gray fur was a bit mussed, but his jeans and white T-shirt were still in good shape.

The Pair went into the house and aki stripped out of his riding gear before looking at all the boxes in the house, "Sorry it's a bit of a mess" he said heading to the stairs, "my room is up this way, if you want to come up" He had to admit he was a little excited about making a new friend, it was good to have met someone the first day.

Trevor followed Aki up to his room, "This house used to be owned by a family of fenic, but they moved out a few years ago" he said as if lamenting but he was watching Aki's ass all the way up the stairs, "So, I assume you moved in with your parents, mom and dad?" he asked as they reached the upper floor and headed toward Aki's room.

Aki looked back, "Just my mother, my dad well who knows. Mom says he split soon after I was born. Mom is out at work she will be back later, I have money for pizza and was told I could have company so all is well." he said with a grin and pushed the door to his room open and stepped inside.

Trevor followed him and stopped just inside the door closing it behind him, "So it's just you and me here?" he asked feeling his heart quicken and wondering if his plan was going to work.

Aki nodded, "Yeah just you and me, why?" he asked tilting his head slightly. And looked at the wolf.

Trevor smiled, "Well I think it's time we have a little talk." he said getting an almost devious grin on his muzzle, "So I happened to fall into some paperwork." he said turning and looking up with a grin.

Aki furrowed his brow a little and the tendrils on his head laid back, "What are you getting at?" he asked a little confused now.

Trevor turned his head, those artic blue eyes suddenly felt cold and piercing, "Oh nothing, except that you're not what you pretend to be." he said as Aki's eyes went wide, how could he know, how did he know, maybe he doesn't know, maybe he is bluffing. Trevor continued, "You're not even a guy. The records I say, was you basicly a female with no tits." he said with a grin, "and you if you want that little secret kept, your gonna be accommodating."

Aki swallowed, realizing that he indeed did know and just want he was after. He turned his head a bit his lip. Maybe he could yell rape, but the wolf would tell everyone his secret. He looks up at the wolf and growled a little, "Fine. what do you want?"

Trevor grinned and hadn't thought this far ahead. He was almost sure it was a typo and the lizard would call his bluff. He seemed stunned and looked him up and down, " me.." he all but stammered looking Aki over.

Aki frowned and pulled his shirt off, then dropped his shorts, having only the black lace panties covering his ass. "That enough?" he said looking at Trevor.

Trevor's eyes wer glued to Aki's crotch watching it, 'he was wearing panties' he thought to himself and he looked around the room. "On the bed, sit" he said trying to maintain his composure.

Aki did as instructed and Trevor kneeled pushing his legs open and pressed his nose in inhaling the distinctly female scent and pressed a finger into the panties causing that black slit to pucker and spread from the pressure. "Holy shit" he mumbled to himself and looked up at Aki's face.

Aki was embarrassed and getting his pussy teased. He wanted to kick the wolf in the teeth but he didn't want everyone to know, he didn't have any reputation yet and starting off with that wouldn't be bad.

Trevor looked up, "Tell you what." he said with a smirk, "You and I are friends, I'll keep your back and if I want to fuck you, no questions?" he said with a smirk, "And I promise no one at school with fuck with you."

Aki sighed, this is not the way he pictured starting school, he decided to see if he had any say so here at all, "Well show me what you have wolfie, your dick could be the size of a matchstick and I might not feel a thing. Trevor pushed back and stood up opening his pants and letting them fall. He wasn't wearing anything underneath and his black flesh member was fully erect and throbbing. Aki blinked at the cock it had to be a foot long and was as thick as a flashlight. He looked up and down the wolf's cock, there was a clear knot at the base forming. Trevor grinned and stepped forward, a hand on the back of Aki's head, "Suck it!" he said pulling the lizard into his member.

Aki found himself nose to dick with the wolf and looked up the large shaft drooling pre already. What choice did he have. He pulled back and took the cock into his mouth gently sucking on it. He started to gently bob his head up and down rubbing his tongue over it. The member throbbed in his mouth and drooled more of it's thin iron flavored pre.

Trevor was both surprised and as turned on as he could possibly be, his member throbbed as the warmth of a mouth washed over it, teasing his glans and causing them to throb more.. He gently used his hand on the back of Aki's head to start rocking and pressing the lizard's mouth down on his shaft. "Ohh fuck.. Your amazing" he almost wined.

Aki pushed himself back and looked up, "Look if you're gonna make me do this. Let me do it" he said with a smile. The idea of a well endowed fuck buddy suddenly sounding a bit better, plus the wolf was muscular.. Rather toned and he was sure he would keep on his word. He gently licked the underside of the cock, his tongue was black and thin, about as thick as a pen and forked at the tip. He used the forked tip to tease at the wolf's urethra and then suddenly pressed his tongue down the throbbing cock. His tongue was long, likely 9 inches or so in length and he pushed it all into the wolf's member wiggling and licking inside.

Trevor had never felt anything so intense. It all happened so fast, suddenly that tongue then the building and he howled his member swelling and the force of the seed pushed that tongue free, he started spraying his hot load over Aki's face and chest. Some of it got caught in the tendrils on his head. Aki seemed more than happy to open his mouth and try to catch what he could.

Trevor panted as he finished his climax and looked at the cum coated Aki, "Ohh, t.. That was hot" he says panting a little. Aki had other ideas and was already turned around and had pulled his panties to the side revealing his now drooling sex, "You have more work to do." he said to the wolf grinning.

Trevor wasn't about to say no as he slipped in behind Aki, lined up his member and thrust hard, sliding his shaft into the lizard's hot sex all the way up to that swollen knot. The lizard's pussy was warm and slick, far more damp than the last female he had been with and it was so tight.

Aki moaned and clenched his passage as the wolf slid in, not even giving him a moment to adjust before he was thrusting wildly. Aki's body jerked with every forceful impact that threatened to shove the wolf's knot into his passage.

Trevor was going just for that, he grabbed Aki's hips and started hammering his member against the lizard's folds trying to force that knot inside. With a powerful thrust and an audible plop sound his knot stretched the black lipped passage open and popped inside.

Aki's eyes went wide and he leaned his head back. The knot filling out his passage was the largest thing he had ever had in there and it was swelling to lock itself inside.

Trevor growled and rocked just a little more before his member swelled larger and a second torrent of hot seed started flooding the lizard's passage.

Aki couldn't contain himself, his massage was clenching as the hot seed flooded it and he threw his head back moaning loudly. His passage spasmed and clenched before his hot nectar sprayed from his folds coating the wolf that was pounding into him. He rode out his climax and shared it with Trevor the pair resting a little after the intense peak.

Trevor leaned forward and licked at the tendrils on Aki's head, "You and I will be good friends." he says with a soft chuckle

Aki grinned, "Smoke." he said softly, "Most people call me Smoke." he said again and took a deep breath, "So you mean it, you have my back at school, right?"

Trevor chuckled, "No worries, you're in with me.. Or I'm in you whatever." he said and hugged Smoke from behind.

A noise rang through the house of a door closing and a familiar voice called out, "Aki, are you home already?" his mother's voice echoed.

Aki froze and looked back at Trevor, how would they explain this?