The Mourning After - Chapter 7 (Moving On)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#7 of Malakye's Story - Part 3 (The Mourning After)

And now we begin the next arc, and we start with Callidus Valelor, Lord of the Valelor house of Zangar.

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol () depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism.*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

"You are looking better." Callidus said. "You looked rather unwell at dinner last night."

"And you are looking as smug as always." I retorted. "I just had a little too much to drink... trying to drown out Ortavia." I explained and returned to reading the document that Callidus had given me moments before.

It outlined the plans suggested by the General and Callidus on where to focus our patrols. The General was not happy with the fact that we had several groups of warriors, led by Warlords, were patrolling the more isolated areas of the mountains in search for the wolven packs that were attacking the trade caravans.

The General wanted to send the trade wagons out with as large an armed force as possible to deter ambush. I was to weigh the decision fairly, because part of me wanted to side with Callidus and keep the hunting parties just to spite the General. But this wasn't a time for petty disagreements, this was the safety of Zangar.

Callidus had pulled rank and had instigated the patrols during my absence. I won't lie, I was quite pleased that Callidus had upset the old fart. Normally that was my job, but it seemed Callidus was capable of doing it as well.

"I really don't know what to think Callidus." I said with a sigh as I pinched the brow of my muzzle, tossing the document onto the table. "Are the hunting parties actually achieving results? There has single report of wolf packs having been spotted since they started four moons ago."

"True, however they have found evidence of wolven activity in the mountains. If the wolves are planning on trying to sneak up on us through hidden routes they are our best chance of stopping them." Callidus said with his usual matter-of-fact tone. "If the wolves were able to find a way to sneak into Zangar, with sufficient numbers they could cause a great deal of harm, particularly if timed with a frontal assault."

I stared at the discarded document on the table and grunted my frustration. No matter which choice I made there was no real way to ensure that either plan would work better than the other.

"Just keep the damn hunting parties! But unless there are any results in the next two moons I'm going to call them off and implement Ortavia's plan."

"Why Kaldor!"


"That was actually a very diplomatic solution. I'm very proud of you." Callidus grinned smugly.

"Shut up!" I spat, not enjoying at how amused he was at my expense. "I can be diplomatic when I want to be."

Truth be told I was little impressed at myself. I had made a decision that hadn't been simply to spite the pompous ass General.

"So now there is the issue of the festival." Callidus said as he handed me yet another roll of paper.

"What about it?" I asked.

"Are you sure it's a good idea? We have cancelled the last three festivals due to the war."

"And Zangar is as miserable as I've ever seen it!" I stated bluntly. "We need to raise morale or who knows what will happen."

"I suppose you have a point. But you also want to stage a tournament?" Callidus asked with a tone of concern. "It will be difficult to maintain the patrols since we have doubled the number of warriors posted at each of the outposts due to current wolven activity."

"I'm sure that you will be able to work with the General, a way that as many warriors are able to participate as possible." There was less than two weeks until the first full moon, so we only had that much time to prepare. Tonight the eclipse would end and the moon would grow night by night until it reached it's full glory, that's when the festival would be held. The festival of Lunas, to beg the moon deity for her divine light as the nights begin to grow longer.

Callidus signed.

"Kaldor... I want you to promise me that if I do this... you are doing it for the citizens of Zangar and not as a way to get at Ortavia with this difficult request."

I couldn't help but grin knowing how furious Ortavia would be when Callidus broke the news to him. Sure I was doing this for the citizens of Zangar. Moral was low and needed an almighty push and nothing did that better than the annual tournament. Callidus was right about how difficult it would be to arrange the patrol schedules for those wanting to participate in the tournament, he was understating just how much of a job that would be. In the past nearly half, if not more, of the warriors wanted to participate in at least one of the tournaments, but with three quarters of our warriors on active duty at any time it would be impossible to accommodate all of them. But if anyone could arrange it, Callidus could. Could I help it if I took a tiny amount of pleasure knowing how much the request was going to annoy that bastard drake Ortavia?

"I promise you, my intentions are entirely noble. Zangar needs this or we risk yet another exodus of the population."

"I know..." Callidus sighed. "We are stretched thin as it is. We can't afford to have Zangarians leaving. I will do as you ask old friend... but don't try and hide the fact that you're enjoying this."

"I'm not enjoying this..." I grinned, Callidus arched his brow. "Not yet at least." I chuckled.*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************





Well that was most unpleasant. But after six long hours we came up with a compromise which would allow up to thirty warriors participate in each tournament, but the real work comes once the participants are chosen. That task will be left to the Warlords.

I can see why Kaldor hates Ortavia the way he does, the elderly drake is incredibly stubborn and resistant to change. Not exactly qualities I would choose to have in the leader of our armed forces. Not to mention his stubbornness is just like Kaldor, so when they disagree I have more chance of turning water into wine than getting them to agree!

But for all his faults Ortavia is smart and knows how to play politics. He has a large amount of support from the few remaining high born families that remain here in Zangar. Without their support I could have replaced him with a more suitable candidate... but alas until either he dies of old age or he loses his support we need to wait for him to decide to retire. Knowing him he would probably out live us all out of sheer stubbornness. If that was the case he and Kaldor would live forever trying to out live one another... a truly terrifying thought. I couldn't leave Kaldor to run Zangar on his own. While he was kind hearted and truly understood the needs of Zangars citizens in ways I couldn't, he would ruin Zangar in trying to appease all of them.

I slumped down in my chair in the family room of my home. The Valelor home was large, larger than any of the other houses; if you included the extensive library. Somewhere my wives were busying themselves, more than likely doting on my grand-cubs with great glee. Garrel and his wife Valla had just recently had another, making that my seventh grand-cub Only Vizimaar, my youngest, had yet to marry. But there was plenty of time for that yet, he had just started thinking about females.

I never did like giving the 'talk' to any of my sons, but it was my responsibility as his father. My wives were responsible for giving that talk to our daughters. Thankfully Vizi is a very smart drake, smarter even than any of his brothers. I can see him inheriting the responsibility as the keeper of records, not the most glamorous role I'll admit; but one that was important none-the-less. Getting back onto topic he listened to the 'talk' and with his usual curiosity started asking question after question. After about an hour of his questions I figured it was best if he learn it for himself.

I already had two of the Zulun'lungrer, more commonly referred to as the Zu'grer among those who know of their existence, as maids in the house. They would more than happily teach my son a few lessons about the opposite sex. And if they fell pregnant... well they knew what they were getting into when they were stationed here. The Zu'grer main responsibility is to serving the Zangar houses and ultimately siring new drakes to expand their ranks.

While an exceedingly outdated, and in many respects immoral, system that our forefathers had kept in practise only to satisfy their own sordid desires, I had to grudgingly agree that we would not have the number of warriors to protect Zangar we do without it. After Zangar had been sacked nearly two decades ago and most of the populace left to form a new settlement, the only reason we had enough warriors and workers to rebuild what was left of Zangar was by the drakes the Zu'grer had procured for us through these outdated practices.

Which reminds me, I should go and carry out my duties and pay the harem a visit...

As if three wives aren't enough trouble to satisfy! I had a literal endless supply of dragonesses who were used for little more than breeding! It was the responsibility of the head of each house to use the harem to not only keep their sordid deeds out of the public eye, but to aid in expanding Zangars ranks of warriors.

The existence of Zu'grer was little more than an urban myth now. They were essentially a secret society protected by a small army of warriors who were born, raised and trained for the very purpose of protecting it. Jovani himself was raised there. Now there was an exceptional drake if ever I had been one! Smart, much smarter than he lets on, and strong with impeccable manners. A fine warrior and bender besides. If he had been born outside of Zu'grer he would easily be a master ranked bender! It was a shame that they basically neutered him... another one of those outdated practices I didn't agree with. But in saying that Kaldor's sister probably would have fallen pregnant if they hadn't neutered him. He had been used to curb her sexual curiosity the way I was using the maids to do the same with Vizi.

What surprised me the most was that Jovani willingly took the position of steward. Even at a young age he willing underwent the procedure... I shudder at the thought of it. To be appointed steward to one of the houses is apparently a position of the highest honour given to one of the Zu'grer. Was such an honour worth mutilating ones self worth such and honour? To give up the chance to have a family? Why would Parthax allow a young drake to do that to...

Why am I questioning the logic of Kaldor's father? What use was it to question the logic of the dead? Why am I sitting here in the comfort of my own home pondering that which can not be undone?

I hate when my thoughts run away from me... I need a drink.

I rose from my seat and headed over towards a locked cabinet in the corner of the room where I kept my favoured drinks, locked away from the paws of servants and grand-cubs both. As I opened the cabinet the door opened and Veris, my first wife, enter the room wearing a beautiful blue dress that flowed like a river with each step she took.

She'd been to Garibaldi's again.

"I heard you were home." She smiled. "How was your day?"

"Don't ask." I snorted as I finished pouring a drink of Erythean brandy and gulped it down in one go. It was sweet and sharp and left a pleasant burning sensation as it travelled down my gullet. "And please don't arrange any dinner parties where Ortavia has to attend. At least not until the festival is over. I don't need him to come to my home and whine to me about Kaldor." I poured myself another drink and closed the cabinet.

"Oh dear... are they still fighting?"

"Oh better than that! Now they have me caught up in the middle of it all!"

I slump back down into my chair and sip at the brandy, the sweet taste helping to dull the edge of my irritation. I let out a sigh as I feel Veris's paws begin to rub my shoulders. She was always very good with her paws, and she was always the one to listen to my hardships and make me feel better. She was beautiful and smart. There was so many reasons I loved her. If she had one flaw it was that she spent too much coin on clothes.

"Well I'm sure you'll help them work out their differences. You always do." She smiled down at me.

"Probably... but it will only be a matter of time until the next argument." I sighed. I want to stop talking about Kaldor and Ortavia so I change the subject. "So what have you been doing all day?"

"Well we had the grand-cubs round today." She gushed. "Mandil is getting so big now!"

She gushed over each one of the grand-cubs in turn, all the while her paws massaged my neck and shoulders as I nursed my drink and the heat of the fire warmed the room, telling me stories about who did what to whom and how she had to give Kiri a time out because she wouldn't stop teasing her cousin.

"You need to talk to Vizi!" She said sternly.

"Why? What's he done?"

"Well... I know you had the talk with him but did you have to insist he takes his urges out on the help? He keeps stealing them away to... well you know... and their chores aren't getting done!"

"Well it's not like they didn't know what they were getting into." I said. "I promised you I wouldn't bed them but I didn't promise anything about OW!" I yelped slightly as she dug her talons into a certain spot around my collar bone. The pain made me sit bolt upright and had ruined my relaxed mood. "Fine... I'll talk to him. I'll at least get him to limit how much he steals them from their chores!"

I don't see what the harm is. It's not like the place is dirty, although Veris always was a perfectionist. Truthfully I was a little proud of the fact my son had such a sexual appetite, and for females at that. I don't have any issue with tail-raisers or tail-chasers, and it's not like I've never experimented myself. But I never could understand how some males preferred it.

"Now... dinner will be ready shortly. Are you going to join us or shall I have something brought to you?" She asked sweetly, almost as if she hadn't just lost her temper with me mere moments before.

"I think I'll join you."

She stared at me intently as if to imply something. She wanted me to say something... do something... of course... I should have seen that coming.

"I mean... I'll join you after I speak to Vizi."

"Thank you sweety." She kissed my snout before sauntering off.

Well I guess I'd better go speak to Vizimaar if I want any dinner tonight. That and if I don't I'd better pick one of the spare bedrooms for the maids to prepare for me to sleep in tonight. I wonder if this is the reason that some males don't mate with females.


"Vizi?" I called as I pushed open the doors to the library.

One of the servants had informed me that my son was last seen in the library. The smell of books and wood filled the air, the large cavern was lit by numerous well placed lanterns that cast a faint light so that you could easily navigate the practical labyrinth of book cases. My best bet was to head for the reading area at the center. If he wasn't there I would have to resort to calling out until he responded. If I wanted to feel the comfort of my own bed tonight, and the warmth of my wives, I needed to have a chat with my son.

As I stepped into the reading area, all of the tables were completely empty. I looked round and was about to call out when I heard a noise above. I turned round and looked up, searching the balconies of the upper levels for the source of the sound. The source I found within a matter of seconds.

Vizimaar was currently doing one of the servants from behind as she was bent over the railing, her body shaking as my son fucked her roughly from behind. From here I could see her tits shaking as he fucked her.

I guess Veris had a point... our son really can't keep it in his pants.

I headed for the stairs, considering what I was going to say... and if it would be more awkward to interrupt them or to wait for them to finish. Truthfully I was a little disappointed in him. He was desecrating my sanctuary, not just my sanctuary, but the place where the legacy of the house of Valelor was recorded. We shall be having a discussion on proper boundaries and how to at least keep his carnal activities isolated to his own room.

In truth he really does take after his mother, his birth mother, Aurora was always quite voracious when it came to sex. But I never allowed myself to indulge myself while in the library, this place represents the achievements and legacy of both Zangar and the Valelor house. Centuries, nay millennia, of knowledge and history was chronicled here.

It didn't take long for me to reach my destination. I stood about five yards away and watched as my son drilled the servant girl with vigour and gusto. I took a moment to admire his body, since he started training in the dojo he had begun to put on some decent muscle to go with his sudden growth spurt, but he was still a little on the thin side. He had never been very physical, more of a thinker, spending most of his time with his snout in one book or another.

She was the first one to notice my presence. Her gasp of surprise made Vizi's head snap round in my direction and the look of surprise and fear that initially graced it was quickly replaced with shame. The separated, both of them quickly gathering their discarded clothing in order to cover themselves and regain some amount of modesty which was all but gone.

I stared at my son for several long moments. He dared to look me in the eye for all of a second before casting them to floor, shuffling his foot-paws nervously, holding his pants bunched up over his groin.

"Leave us!" I commanded, using as stern a voice as I could muster.

The naked servant girl scurried off leaving me alone with my completely naked son. I'll admit he was attractive, not that I was that into males, and he now came up to my shoulder and in just a couple of short years he would be fully grown and ready to leave home. But until then he was my responsibility and I was just as responsible for his action as he was.

He was the first to break the silence. "Father I'm..."

"Sorry?" I asked. He visibly shrank into himself, nodding meekly. At least he knew he was in trouble. "Your mother wanted me to speak to you. She does not approve of you distracting the servants from their duties."

"But you said..."

"That you can fuck them?" I used the course language to drive home how serious this was. I never swore, but sometime it had its uses. "I don't care who you sleep with Vizimaar! But I do take offence to you fucking them in the library!"

His eyes widened in realisation.

"Not to mention the sheer disrespect of doing it in the library, but some of these documents are centuries old and are easily damaged!"

"I didn't realise... I didn't think... I'm so sorry father!"

At least he seemed sincere, but I needed to punish him to drive home the fact that his behaviour was not acceptable and would not be tolerated.

"First, you will go and apologise to your mothers for your behaviour of late. Second, once you have apologised you will go to your room, 'alone', without supper until I come and get you tomorrow morning where I will serve you the rest of your punishment."

He looked flabbergasted, and for a moment he looked like he was going to object but wisely swallowed whatever he was about to say. He looked at the floor dejectedly and grudgingly nodded his acceptance of his punishment.

"Now get dressed! We will talk about this in the morning."
