Meeting Love - Chapter 2

Story by airforceWolf on SoFurry

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Chapter 2 Hitting the road

They say that first impressions last forever... I hope mine doesn't... Having waited five years, I can't possibly have messed it up that quickly, can I? As my mind wanders through the depth of my anxiety and worry, I suddenly feel something warm and soft.

As I snap back into the world, forgetting my worries, I see that he has his arms wrapped tightly around me. His little, feminine body pressed against mine, his cute arms wrapped around my sides and his cheeks nuzzling against my neck. As it hits me, that we're finally together, I too begin to hold onto him. My eager hugging pulls him closer, making him let out a little happy sigh.

The feeling of having someone so longed for so close is indescribable. Having his warm, loving grip around nobody but you is an amazing experience. For once, I felt somewhat loved. For once, I felt somewhat special. For once, I felt somewhat happy.

For he'd chosen me, not some other person, someone far greater than me (and believe me, most people are). The emotion and feeling of love is something I'm somewhat unused to. Never really being held, kissed, or even told that I'm special to someone.

I think that people who are regularly in relationships, or are surrounded by close people, take it for granted. I think they don't realise how important it is to them until it's not there. Until they're alone even when they're not. Then they will truly feel like me. Then they will truly understand how it feels to be in this-...

A soft, warm pair of lips against mine. I must've been redder than a Russian in the cold war. My legs turned to jelly. My stomach turned to butterflies. My lips turned to butter melting into the kiss. It seemed to last forever, minutes, hours, days, even weeks ticking by. I open my eyes slowly to see a dark, glass pair looking right back at me, deeply, lovingly.

The kiss slowly breaks and we're left with our foreheads gently touching, still looking deeply into each other's eyes. "W-welcome to England!" I say goofily, hoping my joke will pass and not end up a soggy failure, moping around the polished floor. Thankfully, he giggles in return, true joy filling his eyes.

I slide my paw into his slowly and give it a soft, loving squeeze. I reach behind him to grab the handle of his case, tugging on it as I turn to walk with him. The wheels clicking and clacking between the edges of the tiled floor, our journey together being set in motion. My paw stayed tight in his, holding us together, walking side by side.

We snake between the others who had fought in the 'fearsome battle' earlier, receiving smiles as if to say "Well done!" "We knew you'd pull through!" and "Victory!" I returned those smiles with a simple, yet clear blush, even my ears tinting red a little.

God how I was in love...

As we stepped out of the fancy glass rotating door, the cold, English, air swept over us. I had somewhat expected it and, while sporting my smart jeans, jumper and jacket, braced the force. However, my fuzzy companion had not planned for such an occurrence. Despite wearing similar clothing to myself (regarding thickness and layers), he latched tightly onto my arm, seeking warmth even closer to my side. I smile a little as the shaking fox tried to hide away in my jacket, pulling the jacket and my arms around him.

Those living, or even spent time, in England, I'm sure you'll be aware at the phenomenon that classes as spring. A lovely nine degrees, clearly warranting the removal of jackets and the discarding of jumpers almost! However, in Colombia, with the average temperature lying close to twenty degrees, this expectantly warm, weather had knocked him back a little.

Together, we shuffled around the car park, over bus lanes, around parking hire cars to my set of wheels. A stock, shiny, black Volkswagen Golf. The locks clunk and indicators light up as I push the button on my keys. I pull the door open for the chilly, shaking little fox. It was like a flash that he disappeared into the car, pulling the door shut behind him and giving me a goofy look from inside the warm enclosure.

I make my way around, leaving the case in the boot of the car and hop into the driver side. Very quickly the engine is on and the warm blowers aimed at the goofy, cute thing sat in the passenger seat. After buckling up, we soon hit the road. It would be more than a car journey that we now embark on...