Getting Closer

Story by mkcompy on SoFurry

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#7 of Cats and Wolves

August 19th

Broke down yesterday. Cried in Brandon's arms for nearly ten minutes. We went back to his place and he pampered me and tried to make me feel better. It worked, a little bit. He's so nice. I love him so much.

At least I feel better today. I guess I got everything out that needed to get out. Even told Brandon I was a werewolf... Not directly of course. There was a lot of bawling and I said something along the lines of "I'm a monster!" God, he probably thinks I'm such a wuss now.

Dad isn't talking to me. He found out I'm bisexual... well, no. He thinks I'm gay. It's fine with me. As long as he still knows I exist and need food and shelter I'll be okay. I'll talk to him later.

August 20th

Talked with dad this morning. Got a few things straightened out. I can tell he still doesn't like it, but tough luck for him. I'm going out with a beautiful male, and he's just going to have to accept that. He wants to see Brandon, although he certainly made it obvious to me that it's only for my "safety". Yeah right. He just wants to see Brandon so he can try to rip us apart I bet.

August 21st

God, it's getting closer and closer, the full moon. I've calmed down a bit, learned to accept it for now. I just hope nothing will go wrong on that night. Probably just jinxed myself.

Anyways, got a date with Brandon soon, in about an hour or so. I wonder what we're doing tonight? Brandon wouldn't give me any details. He told me it'd be a surprise. He wants me to meet him at the park though.

Alex sighed, tapping the pen to the paper a few times, then standing up and closing up the notebook with the pen inside it. He stuffed it in his drawer and locked it up, then headed out to the hallway. "Going out with Brandon?" A voice said behind him, his father's. Alex didn't look back, but nodded in response, walking to the bathroom to check himself in the mirror. Those green eyes of his were getting brighter and brighter it seemed. He headed back into the hallway and waved to his dad without looking as he started for the door. "Bye." His father replied glumly.

At least waiting for Brandon at the park wasn't too bad, and when the white feline showed up, Alex instantly launched himself into his arms, nuzzling against Brandon lightly. "C'mon, what's the surprise, what's the surprise?" He asked anxiously, looking up into Brandon's eyes.

"This." Brandon said, worming an arm free of Alex's grasp and digging in his pocket, pulling out a small blue square wrapper. He waited quietly for the thought to dawn on Alex. Alex stared at the blue square, somewhat confused, Then he started to notice the writing on it, as well as the tell-tale circular bulge. He blushed furiously and Brandon laughed heavily. "So? Do you want to? If not I've got other things we could do. I just thought, you know, since you were so down a few days ago, maybe I could hump-, I mean bump, your spirits up?" He suggested with a grin that said the slip of words was not entirely by accident.

Alex didn't answer for a moment, then smiled. "I... yeah, lets do... that." He said quietly, being bashful.

"Do what?" Brandon asked, grinning evilly.

"You... you know." Alex said quietly, shuffling his feet and staring at them.

Brandon rolled his eyes and put his hand under Alex's chin, pulling it up to stare him in the eyes. "Do what?" He asked again.

Alex didn't answer, standing still as a statue in Brandon's hand for a good minute. The silence was becoming increasingly awkward, and Alex finally spoke. "Sex." He whispered.

Brandon let him go and grinned. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you over the bee buzzing a mile away. Could you speak up? What do you want to do?" He asked, teasing Alex more.

Alex, unfortunately due to his new curse, was becoming short tempered, and felt a growl building in his chest. He suppressed it quickly though with thoughts of him and Brandon in a bed, his virginity being taken. "Let's, let's have..." Alex paused, looking up at Brandon again. "...never mind." He said, sighing.

Brandon looked a little disappointed, but shrugged and smiled regardless, sliding the condom back into his pocket. "Maybe later sweetie." He said to Alex quietly, tousling his boyfriend's hair a bit. "Well, what do you say we go eat then? I'm starved, and maybe some food in your belly will loosen you up some." He started walking towards a diner just across the park, and Alex quickly caught up, wrapping an arm around Brandon's. Brandon smiled and looked down to Alex, "Oh sweetie, you've never done that before. I knew I'd get you to open up eventually. Now we just need to get you a liiiittle bit more outgoing and we're all set to go.

They stepped through a group of trees in the park, and suddenly Alex looked up to Brandon. "Let's, let's h-have sex." He said boldly and suddenly, still walking with Brandon.

Brandon on the other hand, nearly stumbled, and looked down at Alex wide-eyed. "Who are you and what have you done with my sweet, shy boyfriend?" He asked incredulously.

Alex blushed deeply again and looked down. "Never mind." He said again, studying his feet once more.

"No no no, you said you wanted to have sex. Do you really want to or not? I can totally wait if you want me to you know." Brandon said, stopping at the edge of the grouping

of trees they were passing through.

Alex stood there for a moment. "Yes. I do." He said, nodding, still not looking at Brandon.

Brandon grinned and laughed a little bit. "Say let's have sex one more time for me, pleeeeeease?" Brandon begged, still grinning widely.

Alex felt himself blush heavily again and shook lightly. "L-let's have..." He paused for a moment, looking up at Brandon, then away again. "Let's have, sex." He said, quieter this time.

Brandon made a short, high-pitched squealing sound and wrapped his arms around Alex tightly, squeezing him tightly for a few seconds. "Oh my god I can't believe you said that for real! I'm so proud of you! You've gone from little shy boy to big, bold man in only a few weeks!" He said, sounding almost like a father to Alex.

Alex groaned and pushed away from Brandon. "Stop it." He complained. "I just... All I did was say... that." He said, muttering darkly to himself for a moment. "C'mon, stop. Let's just go eat." He said, pulling on Brandon's arm to get him moving again.

Brandon laughed and let himself be pulled along. "So sweetie, what do you want to be? The top or the bottom? Have you had sex before?" He asked, suddenly aware that he might be dealing with a virgin.

Alex sighed and didn't respond for a moment, but finally spoke again as soon as they stepped out of the trees. "Bottom, and... no." He said, the second part quieter than the first. He really did want to be on bottom, submissively taking it from Brandon, just like in his dream about a week ago. He wanted to be fucked, he just felt that it was his spot to be. Maybe some other time he'd be "on top" but for his first time, he wanted to take it.

Brandon cooed and pulled Alexander closer to him, hugging him tightly as the two walked to the diner, which was now in view. "Aww, that's so sweet. Well I'll try to go really, really easy on you, okay? I'm kinda... big though, I hope that's not a problem?" He asked.

Alex blushed again and shook his head no, remaining silent as the two crossed the street and entered the diner. They quickly took a spot in a booth near the door, taking opposite sides on it. Alex was further from the door, Brandon had his back to it.

Alex, not wanting to continue the blatant sex conversation in an area with the people around, started to bring up a slightly different topic. "So, are you... safe? Like... no, uhm... diseases or anything?" He asked.

Brandon nodded. "Alex, I'm a nurse, you think I wouldn't at least remotely be health conscious? That was more to suggest the idea to you than anything else, and yes, I'm clean. Tested just a few days after meeting you actually. Though if you want, I can use that, if it will make you feel better." He offered, smiling. "I've got no doubt that you're clean, since you're virgin and all. Though there are things you can be born with. I'd like you to be tested before I let you top me without a rubber on." He said, nodding.

Alex nodded, still not too comfortable with the topic at hand. "You don't have to use it if you don't want to. I've heard it's... uhm... that it, dulls the fun." He said quietly. "And, okay, I'll get tested, I promise." He said, nodding once more. He changed the topic once more, "By the way... My dad, he wants to meet you." He said.

The waitress came over and handed out menus and silverware to the two gentlemen and smiled, "Hello gentlemen, what can I get you to drink?" She asked.

Brandon answered first with a request for Dr. Pepper, but unfortunately the diner didn't have it, and he ended up ordering lemonade instead. Alex ordered Sprite, then started looking through the menu. Once the waitress left, Brandon spoke up again. "I know he does, you told me over the phone. Let's go to my place first so we can have some privacy, then we'll head over to your place once we've recovered and cleaned up a bit. Unless of course your daddy wouldn't mind hearing your lustful moans of passion and your bed rocking." Brandon said, laughing a little bit.

Alex smiled, but shook his head. "Not funny. I think he'd definitely consider pointing that gun of his at the both of us if we did that." He said. "I'd prefer not to have a bullet hole anywhere on my body, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't either." He added.

"Oh I dunno about that. It might be a good conversation starter, you know?" Brandon answered, grinning mischievously. "Get one through the ear or something." He added, making Alex laugh a little bit.

Their drinks were brought to them and the two ordered their meals, talking more on random things. They learned very little about each other really, other than when each others birthday was. Brandon insisted on paying the check, but finally agreed that each would pay their own after a bit of argument from Alex, as well as some under-table kicking.

"Damnit you kick hard for such a scrawny boy." Brandon complained as they made their way back to his apartment, arm in arm, snuggling together as they walked.

"Waaaa waaaa." Alex mocked, sticking his tongue out at Brandon, who promptly stuck his own tongue out at Alex. They both laughed a bit. It wasn't far of a walk to get to Brandon's apartment, and after finishing up a discussion they started to get ready for their little romp in the bed. Much to Alex's surprise, Brandon insisted on giving him an enema. After much embarrassment and teasing, the two boys laid naked on Brandon's bed, lips locked together in a passionate kiss. It lasted for a while, and Alex didn't want it to stop, which was apparent when Brandon tried to pull away and Alex followed with him until he was pushed back onto the bed.

"I see someone likes. Well, we'll have to do something more fun... This is your last chance Alex. Are you sure you want to have sex?" Brandon asked, making sure for the third time since they'd gotten to his small home. Alex nodded in response, and Brandon smiled. "And are you sure you want to be on bottom, even after seeing this thing?" He asked, one hand displaying his somewhat larger than normal cock. Alex guessed it was in the range of seven or eight inches long, and when he'd gotten a chance to play with it, he hadn't even been able to get his fingers to touch when they wrapped around it. He thought for a few seconds, then nodded again. Brandon nodded in response and grabbed a large bottle of lubricant he'd placed on his bedside table. "And do you want me to use the condom, or would you prefer to go bare?" He asked.

Alex remained silent for a while, then answered, "Bare," in a nearly silent voice.

Brandon nodded and flicked the blue wrapper off the bedside table onto the ground, pumping a squirt of lube into his left hand. He stroked his own cock, then got a few more squirts and rubbed those in, coating his cock in the slick liquid. Once the thing was nearly dripping lube, he looked towards Alex. With his right hand he lifted Alex's legs and then spread the right one. "Spread ‘em." He said, and Alex complied, lifting and spreading his legs to reveal the tight entrance that Brandon was meant to fit in. Alex's tail twitched left and right in nervousness, he was unable to control it as it writhed. Brandon's left hand touched to his hole and surrounding area. He slid a finger around, twirling it about Alex's hole, then suddenly plunged a digit inside the hole. Alex gasped and squirmed a bit as Brandon started to wiggle the finger, then drew it out. Alex almost relaxed, but gasped and was put on edge again as Brandon stuffed two fingers quickly into his hole. This time Brandon spread his fingers as far as he could while drawing out, then repeated his action with the two fingers a few more times. Alex slowly felt himself adjusting to the sensation, but before he could get entirely accustomed, three fingers plunged into him, spreading as wide as they could as they pulled out of him, then spearing into him again to repeat the action. They hadn't even officially started yet, and already Alex was hard and pleased. A light purring started coming from him. Brandon laughed, "Already?" He said, repeating his stretching with his fingers a few more times. He squirted one more dollop of lube onto his hand and spread it in Alex, then wiped his fingers on the bed sheets. "Ready?" He asked, hoisting Alex up by his butt lightly. His tail went off to the left and continued twitching back and forth.

Alex nodded and kept his eyes closed, not wanting to see his lover entering him. He felt it slide against his tailhole, then start to press against it. It pressed more, and more, and then Alex felt it sliding in, slipping ever so slowly into his tight butt. He gasped lightly and Brandon told him to relax a few times before he started pressing in again. A very slight pain started to buzz around the ring of muscles, but he tried hard to just relax and let it happen, the pain hovering at about the same magnitude. He felt a little bit of a sliding action, and then the penis stopped moving. "Okay sweetie, the big part is all in. Are you alright?" Brandon asked.

Alex opened his eyes, looking past his own hard cock at Brandon's chest, as if he could suddenly look through his own stomach and see the cock pressed into his ass. "Yeah." He said with a nod, laying back again.

"Tell me when I can go on." Brandon said.

It took Alex a minute, but he nodded. "Go, go ahead." He said, and felt the cock slide further, further into his hole. It kept going at its slow pace, making Alex's mind go nuts as he tried to imagine how much of it had actually gone in him. After what seemed like forever the sliding stopped, and Alex felt something bumping against... something in his body. It felt like the dick was way up into him, way longer than it should be, and Brandon gave a small hump that made Alex squirm, then slowly pulled out.

During the second slow slide in, Brandon paused about midway in. "Alex... You didn't tell me you were mixed." Brandon said, staring down at him.

"What? I'm not mixed." Alex said, opening his eyes.

"Yes you are. You're part inu. You must be, to have a knot..." Brandon said, reaching a hand out to touch it.

"What?!" Alex said in surprise, sitting up quickly, ignoring the unpleasant poking of a dick in an awkward position as he saw for himself the small knot starting to form just barely.

"It's no big deal. I've just never seen one before. It's cute." He said, stroking it lightly. Alex felt pleasure burst through his head and he laid back, moaning loudly. "Oh! Oh my! Sensitive." Brandon said, smiling devilishly.

Alex didn't have time to panic, and once the fog of pleasure passed from his mind, he worried lightly, but reasoned quickly that Brandon thought he was just part inu. There was no thought that Alex was a monster gladly. Brandon merely continued the slow fuck with a slightly bigger smirk on his face, looking at Alex's slowly inflating knot as he did, instead of Alex's face. Alex laid back and shut his eyes, relaxing as best as he could for now, since the fucking wasn't going to stop. He felt the full feeling again, and moments later soft fur brushed against his own on his butt. Alex's eyes shot open again and Brandon was smiling at him. "All in. Ready to start?" He asked.

"We hadn't started yet?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not with the good stuff." Brandon answered, drawing out once more. "Ready?"

Alex nodded, and then felt as Brandon almost violently slammed into him, making him arch his back and moan loudly. The pounding didn't end there, Brandon pulled out and thrust into his kitty's bum again and again and again. The smaller feline mewing and moaning in pleasure. A few twinges of pain here and there were nothing bad compared to the great joy of having a big male stuffing him so full. A big male that he could readily say he loved. After a couple minutes Alex didn't even feel pain. There was only Brandon, thrusting into his ass quickly, drawing out just as quickly. The thrusting went on for what felt like forever until Brandon seemed to be getting more erratic, more violent. A few more humps, and then Brandon pulled himself far into Alex, his cock throbbing wildly. Alex felt it pulse, and then there was a sensation that he was being filled up. Brandon was cumming, filling him up. Then he didn't even feel that as two fingers stroked the thick knot that he'd formed, and within a minute of Brandon's release, Alex shot his own load. He gasped and moaned in pleasure, thinking they were done afterwards. He shut his eyes and sighed contently, and felt Brandon slide out of him slowly. "Ready for round two?" Brandon asked. Alex's eyes shot open.

After they had their very long romp in bed, the two lovers laid exhausted next to each other, Brandon was still panting lightly. Alex was quiet, but looked like a total mess. His bum was just barely leaking Brandon's fluids onto the bed after multiple orgasms. His chest was covered in his own seed, having done just as many orgasms as Brandon had. The knot on his dick was somewhat swollen still. "So? You're part inu?" Brandon spoke after what seemed like forever.


"Then why do you have a knot?"

"It's... complex. You wouldn't believe me."

"Do you just not want to say?"


"Okay, well, let's get you cleaned up, and me too. We'll need to hurry for your daddy." Brandon said, grinning evilly.

"Oh shut up." Alex groaned, sitting up. He sighed contently and stood up, and Brandon followed suit on the opposite side of the bed.

"Well, you can shower first, you're messier." Brandon said, waving Alex towards the bathroom.

Alex didn't complain, making his way to the bathroom, where he cleaned up, showering off the cum he'd acquired over their two hour fucking. He didn't expect it to be that long, but Brandon sure had stamina to spare it seemed. The bigger boy was wanting to continue, but Alex finally had to say stop, he was exhausted. He hurried up and got out, drying off thoroughly before he got dressed again and went back into Brandon's bedroom. He inspected the mess on the sheets from their various positions, then walked out into the living room, seeing Brandon still naked and waiting with a towel over his shoulder.

The two walked to Alex's house in near silence. Alex was dry by now, but Brandon was just slightly damp still. They walked inside, and Alex instantly let go of Brandon's hand, searching for his father. "Hey dad! Brandon's here." Alex yelled. "Let's go in the kitchen." Alex said, grabbing Brandon's hand again and leading him into the kitchen.

August 22nd

Oh... my... god... We had sex!!! Real sex! I didn't dream it this time! We fucked and fucked and fucked for like two hours! It was so wonderful! Though my bum is a little sore at the moment... Oh well, it was wonderful! Me and him were meant to be! And I think dad sees it too, he talked with Brandon for a while, and then let him go when he needed to get gone. He hasn't said any jackass remarks the entire night. Oh I'm just so happy!

August 25th

Whoops, forgot to write in here for a few days. Not much has happened really. I want to have sex with Brandon again, but he says that I have to be tested before he'll do anything else with him. I'm going to do that tomorrow... Maybe.

August 26th

I'm clean, and to celebrate that, we screwed again! Second time! I got to be on top this time... I didn't know what I was doing until Brandon pointed out that he'd prefer not to be knotted to me. Heh, guess I got a little carried away. He says I'm okay, but I dunno. I'm kinda doubting that. Maybe I'm just being nervous or something. Well whatever, we fucked again, and we switched places too. I stayed over at his place. We both fell asleep in the middle of some movie he wanted me to see. Some weird show about an evil scientist or something.

August 29th

Whoops, forgot yesterday. I'm getting kinda nervous now. The sex has kept my mind off it, but I've always remembered it. It scares me to death... I'm going to have to figure out something. I think I'll talk to that one lady again. The stupid bitch that bit me. Whatever her name is.

September 1st

Oh god, oh god. It's tomorrow. She wouldn't tell me anything when I went to visit her a couple days ago. She just told me the same old bullshit from the first time I met her... and she gave me some weird plant and told me to hold it by my nose when I started to change. Dunno what it is. I'll try it though. As for the battle plan, I'm going to stay in my room after five tomorrow. I had to decline a date with Brandon. He sounded worried about me. I'd told him I had something planned, but he saw through it I think. Maybe it was the tone of my voice. I hope tomorrow won't be too bad. An hour or so ago my body started to ache. My head hurts and I feel...

The writing got more scratchy afterwards, and Alex eventually passed out at his desk. To be expected, considering he'd been sitting there awake since eleven o'clock and it was nearly nine in the morning now.