The Gift

Story by Sabin on SoFurry

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As Paul sat there in his room, he covered his head, trying to block out his parent's voices that where still yelling in his ears. Hey lay in his bed, this pillow wet with tears, and him curled up, too many tears shed already, he just sat there with a blank stare on his face. He was an average 19 year old, except that he was still in highschool (had to stay an extra year to get into a decent college). His hair was dark blonde and messed, no comb shall conquer it, and mild build, not fat or chubby, but slim.

His family treated him horribly, his younger sibling was always favoured, and he was made to do what his parents waned to do, not what he wanted to do. He didn't want any of it, and suffered. He should have had a job, but he couldn't hold a decent one, not even a part-time one, and able to do school at the same time. His parents always saw him on the computer, talking with "unsafe" people, and thought that he should get "real" friends, not people who never go outside. They didn't understand... No one ever understands, thought Paul, they are always trying to tell me what to do, never paying attention to how I feel about it. As he laid there, he sniffed and curled tighter into a ball, and drifted on to sleep as his parent's voices continued to echo in his head.


The next day went the same as every other day before it. Paul was slowly awoken to the sound of the radio, today playing Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, and he rolled out of bed and try to make his way to the bathroom with his clothed without being noticed. As he closed the door, and slowly removed his loose pajama bottoms that he slept in, a bang me at the bathroom door. "What did we talk about last night?" His step-dad's voice rang through the house "You better find a job today, or else we will take away the internet for good, and your little internet friends. And if you stay out late again doing God knows what, like that little stunt you pulled two nights ago, you can say goodbye to the computer. Be home for 4 PM, mister, or else" At this announcement, Paul's heart stopped for a beat, thinking of how he would be alone if he lost his only friends. Heart sunk, at 7:12 AM in the morning already, Paul stepped in the shower and lathered up his body, getting it all clean, and washing his hair. Finishing up there with 10 minutes to spare, Paul grabbed his lunch and jumped out the door, almost relieved to be out of the house.

After a bus ride, and a good chat with some of his friends in the middle school part of his school, Paul walked into school, and stood just inside the doorway, other peers pushing past him. None of them acknowledged his existence, and he sighed, and made his way to his first class.

For all his two morning classes, Paul worked through them, sitting in his normal seat at the back of the class, doodling, and went down to his normal corner that he sat in, and observed his doodling. He had a thing for animals, and wished he could be one, and always drew anthro versions of his online friends and of himself. This one was alright, so he kept it. He dreamed of running wild and free, away from the hectic life of what he had.

His last class right after lunch was photography, and Paul was in the dark room today, developing. Another one of Paul's antics, he loved it in there, he always seem at home in the darker, damp room. He worked to no avail, someone had screwed up the chemicals, so all his pictures went black as soon as he took it out of the room. Frustrated, Paul threw his stuff in his bag and stormed out of the class. His last class was Study hall, but thanks to the fact the Paul was of age that he counted, at least in the school's eyes, as an adult, he skipped it and walked home, taking the long way, since he loved to walk through the park, and there were some stores that he heard were hiring on the other side.

As he walked through the park, he passed various side paths that led into the forest. Paul remembered running along these paths when he was young, and smiled at the happy memory. Deciding to relive some, he placed his bag under a bush next to a bench for safe keeping, and headed down one of the side paths, one that didn't seem well used, and lead deep into the forest. Walking along it, he lost track of time, and just fell in love with it. He looked all around, taking in the chirping birds, and the running water from the stream that flowed beside the path. Water? There shouldn't be any water here, maybe there is a hidden stream that I can come and meditate at. Paul loved to meditate, it seem to be the only thing that could get his mind off the world, other than talking to his friends online, and cant draw anything.

As he followed the stream, he discovered a cliff face, and stare in wonder up, wondering how this could be hidden in a city park, even one that is heavily forested as this one. The stream lead to a small entrance of a cave, and Paul stared inside with a small smile. Looking around, Paul realized that the birds had gone quiet, and there seemed to be movement in the water, and a different kind of call came out across the forest, like a mix of screeching tires, and the blow of a tuba, severely off-key. Heart beating a bit faster, Paul decided to crawl inside.

As first thought, it WAS dark in there. But as my eyes got use to the dark, which they did fast after being in and out of a dark room for 3 years, he noticed that there was a cool glow coming from no-where, and yet was everywhere. Looking around a bit, he could hear the flow of water getting louder as he reached the back. He had to stoop at some places, but after a few minutes of bending this way or that, he emerged at a giant space, and at the back was waterfall, that seem to have light coming from where the water came out at the top. The walls were covered in a crystal that light up the room, and Paul realized that the entire surface of the tunnel that he was crawling through had been made of some sort of metallic substance. As Paul looked around the shore that had been created, he saw a small crack in the wall opposite to the waterfall, explaining the stream.

Walking along the stone beach, Paul thought he saw some colour on the shore, almost in the waterfall's base, and as he got closer, he realized that it was a body. Running over, careful not to slip and fall into the water, Paul saw that the person was face down on one of their arms, the other spread out, their lower body in the water, almost like they had fallen. Getting closer, Paul couldn't make out what their face was like, since their long dark hair covered their face, but could see that they wore something over their top half of their body, almost like a Native American garb. Their entire lower half of their body was submerged in the water, which from here, shown dark black, and he couldn't see anything.

Paul bent closer to the body, near the neck, to check and see if they still had a pulse, and something in the water moved, slowly, like from an old movie, about sea-monsters, where the body just breaks the surface, and Paul froze. Straining his eyes to see out into the water, he tried to see what had made it, but nothing came into view. Looking back down at the body, he realized that it was suddenly gone, and the idea of it slipping into the water and dying shot through him. He looked around more, and not seeing anything, started to stripe down to his boxers. Throwing all his other clothes into a pile, He slide down the rock that the body was on, and jumped into the water.

Chilled water met pale soft skin, and Paul quickly broke surface, breath escaping him as to how cold the water was. Taking a deep breath, He swam the entire water, which turned out to be very clean, and the water very shallow. He scrounged every square inch of the water, and despair rose up in his chest the more and more he looked. After about an hour of searching, Paul realized the futility, and climbed back out the water, crawling to up to the wall, and began to weep. Someone had just died because he got scared of a little sound, and he hated himself for it. Pulling his legs up against his bear chest, he quickly stoped crying and buried his face in his knees. Silenced filled the room, except the soft tick-tick-tick of his watch that he had with his clothes, and he looked at it. Paul's heart totally shattered at the sight of it being 5 PM, and curled up on his side, realizing that he was finally alone in he world, and no friends or anything to help him.

Paul suddenly heard the sound of the water breaking again, and he sat bolt upright. Tears stung his eyes to open them, and he couldn't see what it was. A soft voice broke the silence, not sounding feminine or masculine, but a blend in between, and almost as a hiss. "What are you doing?"

Paul tried to look around and realizing he had been caught, sucked it up and spoke shakily, "Who's there? There was a body on the rock there, and I think they were dead, I tried to see if they were breathing, but I think it slipped into the water. I cant find them, can you help me?"

A soft laugh returned his request, and as Paul's vision returned, the body appeared out of the water, and all Paul could do was sit there and stare.

The dark hair fell straight as it left the water, down a face that was neither male or female. The eyes were more slitted, and the nose was flatter than a usual persons. The hair fell down to shoulders that flowed from the person's neck, and their arms were longer than a normal persons. They wore a cover almost that hung down in front of the person, covering down past their waist, and just hung there, almost like a loin cloth of the body. Paul couldn't really tell if the person was male or female, but it had no cleavage, so he decided it was male. As Paul stared, he realized how gorgeous the guy was. Paul really didn't care if someone was male or female, and this was defiantly a time he was glad he thought that way.

"You''re alive!" Paul stammered

"Of course, im alive. You risked your life to rescue me by jumping in that water, and I am very grateful for it. Because of this, I want to give you something in return, but you need to promise me, look into my eyes, and tell me that you will not be afraid."

Paul's eyes were transfixed on this person's eyes, as if looking away may end up hurting this person in some way. Nodding dumbly, Paul mumbled "I Promised" and smiled at the guy.

Smiling back, and melting Paul's heart, the person came closer, but not like Paul expected. As he came closer, Paul tore his eyes away from the guy's eyes and saw that after the abs, there was a long serpitine body, that went back out to the lake. The main of the...tail was tan, to match the person's body, but scaled, and the underside was yellow. Paul stared in amazement and aw, and watched as the guy pulled up into a coil in front of him. The person laughed with a his, and looked almost at eye-line with Paul "You do not run, but stand here with your mouth on the floor, good..."

He snaked, literally, closer and wrapped once around Paul, causing him to fall back on the serpent body. "I have been so lonely here, and venturing into the outside world is too dangerous, please, let me thank you for coming to me" Wrapping once more, loosely around Paul, the, well, naga, Paul suppose he could call it, leaned close to Pauls pink naked chest, and flickered his forked tongue out, tasting him. Paul couldn't help but stare into those captivating eyes, who's pupils, he realized, were slit vertically. "What is your name, human?" The tongue touched Paul's lips, and he smiled peacefully

"Paul... and yours?"

"Mine, is Ryoal. Thank you Paul, I can see that my body fascinates you, now let me see if I can be fascinated by yours..." Bringing his tail into the coil-lounge chair Paul was on, Ryoal slipped it between the wet boxers and wet skin, and slowly pealed it down Paul's legs. Looking down at the cock, which was already starting to harden, the naga shook his head and looked at it in fascination. "Oh, this is interesting, but not at all what I can use..." Leaning even closer, Ryoal put his mouth beside Paul's head, and whispered "We need to change this..." He flicked his tongue into Paul's ear, causing him to shiver "May I offer my assistance in changing that?"

Paul's mind was totally on Ryoal's body. It was what he dreamed of having, and now that he had met one... "Please, do whatever you need to do" This caused Ryoal to smile, which literally made his lower jaw look like it wasn't attached to his head. He lowered himself to the level of Paul's member, and drew close to it, flicking his tongue out and around it. Paul groaned and felt it get harder, but Ryoal went straight past it, and to his ball sack. Taking it in his mouth, he slid his teeth over the sack, and Paul closed his eyes, moaning with pleasure. Suddenly, Ryoal pushed one of his canine teeth into the sac, and started to pump a liquid into the sac through the hollow tooth. Pauls entire lower end beck numb, and he fell back into the snake's body. Ryoal raised the boxers and went level with Paul, kissing him on the head, and pulling tight around him.

"Sweet dreams, my human, I am not a dream, I am real, and tomorrow, you will come back, and receive your present..." Paul's vision went dark as his world went out of control and passed out. The last thing he saw, was Ryoal's beautiful eyes, staring straight into his, making Paul wonder why something so beautiful, hurt.....


As life slowly returned to him, Paul slowly awoke, and first thing he realized was that his back was sore and stiff. He seemed to be laying down on something, and he felt around, his eyes still hurt too much to open. He felt planks under his body, of wood, and wonder what the...

His eyes opened quickly, and looked around. He was in the park, and laying on a bench. Looking himself over he realized that he was fully clothed, and totally dry. Everything seemed to have been as he left it, and he bent down to the bush that he had left his bag in, and saw that it had been stolen. GREAT! Paul thought How am I going to explain this to my parents.... As he looked around, Paul saw the path that he had taken into the forest, and quickly looked around to see if anyone was around. Was it a dream? No one was on the path, and the sun was setting, so everyone would be out eating supper. Pulling that waist of his pants out, he slowly reached down, into his boxers, and felt around his sack. Right where Ryoal's mouth had been, Paul could feel a small circle. It felt almost like a bump of skin, where the tooth had puncture, and healed, as if from a long time ago.

Quickly pulling out his had, Paul looked to the sky, to the burnt orange ball on the horizon, and looked at his watch. It was 7 PM, and he knew he was in trouble. Walking home, Paul thought of what had just happened, and how he was going to explain his lateness to his parents. The entire way home, those eyes were always on his mind, floating in and out of focus, but always there, and Paul took comfort in the, feeling his pants push out, making him blush. He left them all the same.

Walking in the door, Paul announced that he was home, and was answered by silence. No one was there, and he discovered why on the counter. On a piece of paper, that was placed on the kitchen counter, a note was scribbled down in his mom's neat hand-writing. We have gone to your grandmother's, it seems she did something to her back. Supply your own supper, will be back in a few days, took your brother with us ~Mom

Paul flipped the letter, seeing if there was anything on the back, and seeing nothing, decided to get some supper. AS he plugged the kettle in for his Mr. Noodles, a wave of tiredness washed over Paul, and he had to grab onto the counter in order not falling to the floor. He was really tired, and had seemed that he hadn't gotten any sleep on that bench. Mixing the water with the noodles, he went to the table and quickly ate his supper - he was starving, no matter how he felt - and sluggishly moved to his room, throwing off his clothes as he went, and stepped into his bottoms. He flopped onto his bed, and closed his eyes. As sleep quickly crawled over his body, he kept seeing those hypnotic eyes of his new friend, and mmm in his sleep, curling up, and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of snakes, all in a ball, with Ryoal and him in the centre.


As he moved in pleasure in bed, Paul slowly woke up to pain comming from between his legs. Moaning as his dream slowly disapeared when he was dragged back to reality, he suddenly realized something was wrong when he moved his legs. Throwing his pants off, he looked down and gasped in wonder at what was happening.

Now, what would normally happen to a human that saw this, is that they would freak and try and shot or cut off what was happening, but thankfully, Paul took biology in highschool, and had dissected a snake for a project. And realized what has happening.

Like usaul, when he woke up, Paul had a stiffy, and beneath his pants, it looked like it was suppose to, but revealed, what he was amazed and shock Paul. At the tip of his cock, there seemed to be three prongs of small scaled extruding from it, each moveable on its own, encircling his bale cock. And all the way down it, scales had replaced skin, to the base, to where, if this had happened when he wasnt sleeping, probably would have make him scream in horror, was a slit between his legs, where his cock protruded from, and it had totaly engulfed his balls and the base of his cock. The slit, again, saw made from scales, like those of a snake, that matched his skin colour, and blended with his skin. This looked exactly like a snake's reproduction area that Paul had saw when he dissected one, except that there were legs, and not a body comming from below it.

Instantly, Paul got excited, and he closed his eyes again, thinking of what had happened, and of Ryoal, and the best gift he had ever gotten.


The next morning, Paul awoke again, for the third time in 12 hours, this time all nice and rested, and not to anything odd. Looking down at his bare legs, his body was the same as he had left it the night before, and he smiled, and got to the shower. It was a Saturday, and Paul knew exactly what he was going to do. Finishing up in the shower - his new skin between his legs seemed to let the soap slid right off it - he threw on a new pair of boxers, and a pair of loose pants, and a shirt. He ran out the door, in a rush, and ran straight to the park.

At the park, he walked along the path he had taken the night before, trying to find the bench he had slept on for an hour or two, and discovered something. At the bench, there was a skin, sitting there, pinned under a rock. Picking the skin up, and throwing the rock away, Paul examined it, and realized what it was, his heart skipping a beat. He looked across the path, and found the off-trail path, and took off at a run.

After a few branch slaps in the face, and a couple wrong turns, Paul came to the rock face, and looked for the stream. It seemed that he had been off a bit, and had to walk for a bit before comming to the opening. Looking at his watch to see what time it was, he realized that he hadnt taken it, or anything else other than these clothes, when he got dresses. Getting on his hand and knees, Paul crawled inside, getting very excited, and could feel it with his new scales rub against his boxers.

Entering the room, the blast of cool air met his face from the waterfall, and his eyes started to adjust. This time the room came into focus much faster, but too slow. As soon as he was on his on his feet, he was suddenly encircled by a tail, the scales rubbing against his exposed skin, and slowly caused him to fall back into it. He felt himself moved around the room from inside his circle of scale, and suddenly stopped. The skin started to move him, and he let himself be moved around. His world of scale slowly positioned him so he was on his back, surrounded by walls of skin and scales, and at the top, there he was, Ryoal, slowly lowering himself onto Paul. He was smiling, and came ontop of Paul's chest, resting ontop of it, and his lower snkae body on top of his legs.

"You have returned for your present, good" His forked tongue worked out and slide across Paul's face, over all his curves. "It is time..."

Ryoal took his hands and slowly undid Paul's buttons on his shirt, going down one at a time, and took it off him, exposing his pale human skin, matching Ryoal's. Ryoal slowly moved downward, to his pants, rubbing Paul's body as he went down, rubbing his sides and chest. Taking his pants and undoing them, he saw the boxers already tented. Hissing in pleasure, Ryoal took one of his nails and sliced through the fabric as if it was soaked paper, and smiled greatly at what was revealed.

"Excellent, I see that my toxins have done an excellent job with you" Ryoal hissed softly, and moved his human portion up again to Paul's lever, moving his body over Paul's cock, and Paul moaned softly.

Smiling, Ryoal reached to his shoulder to where one of his shoulder straps held up his garb, and removed it to one side. Paul gasped at what he saw. He was beautiful, his human portion of his body, mixing perfectly in with his snake part, and right where Ryoal's crotch would be, there was a long slit that led down, and ended about double what Paul's was. "I see you like what you see, lover. Would you like to see what happens now?" Nodding slowly, Paul could feel Ryoal's body heat, as he lowered his snake end of the slit, Ryoal's cock came out, looking like a copy of Paul's, just darker to match his skin. As Ryoal and down and kissed Paul on the lips, the two ends of the two met, and each three prongs slid in between eachother, and Paul's cock inside slowly went from one cover to the other, pushing along the tunnel of Ryoal's.

Moaning with pleaure, Paul kissed back deeply, feeling his lover's thin tongue against his, and softly wrapped his hands around his head, locking them in the kiss. At this, Ryoal lowered his lower body, forcing Paul's cock to shoot straight into his mate's and inside, he could feel it being massaged. This being a new experience for Paul, pleasure came in great leaps and bounds, and he quickly went to thrusting, his ass pushing into the snake bed under him, into the snake hole in front of him. This was wonderful and magical, all at the same time.

Ryoal, sensing his lover's extreme pleasure, massaged quickly, and was rewarded as he felt Paul spray his human-snake seed into him, causing him to hiss low, and grab into Paul's back and chest, drawing blood. Paul didnt care and hissed back as he felt himself empty into his naga lover's body. Moaning as he leveled off, Paul layed back, sweating and breathing deeply, in wonder and amaze at what had just happened. He had loved every moment, and now that it was over, he could feel himself start to shrink out of Ryoal, and back into himself. Their cocks disengaged, a bit of cum spraying out over them, and Ryoal layed his complete weight on Paul's body, in afterglow, and had his eyes closed.

"Never," Ryoal hissed low, "did I think that a human could supply so much pleasure." Paul gave a weak laugh, and buried his face into the naga's dark hair.

"I wish I could stay here with you forever, and never leave you."

"You can you know." Ryoal explained "As you might have guessed, we don't have the sex as you humans do, we are all one, and I can make you one." Paul thought this over and weighed the sides in his mind. "Your life seems so weak and upsetting, let me give you this one present, and make your life anew."

Paul's eyes shot open and his breath became uneven. "How do you know about my life?"

Ryoal slowly raised his head, keeping his snake and lower body on Paul and frowned. "How do you think you found me? Your soul cried out for someone to help you, I can feel your torment that you have inside you, and I want to help. You came straight here, not even stoping for anything, and only someone who really is looking for someone to keep them company will find this lair. You have done that." Ryoal explained, moving his long snake tongue over Pauls face, smoothing out his worry, and calming him, "and no one else could have."

Paul spun this through his mind a few times, taking this all in, and he stared into those smooth horizontal eyes, and he could feel his entire body relax, all worry and care for the world roll out of him, and Paul nodded. "Ok, love. I will accept your present. Take me away from my life, and never let me return to it."

Ryoal squeezed his body all round Paul in a boa hug, and wrapped his arms around him, hugging him more, finding some room to tickle the back of Paul's neck with his tongue, and let his go lightly. "Thank you, we will never be alone again. Now I need to do this one thing, before we continue, it may hurt, but trust me, you will be fine..." Lowering his body back down to hug Paul with just his arms, Ryoal nuzzled Paul's neck and slowly bit into his neck. Paul let out a small eep before catching himself, and grapling onto Ryoal's body, holding tight. "Its alright," Ryoal soothed Paul through his teeth, "you will be fine soon."

Letting the toxins in his hollow teeth go, they flooded Paul's entire body, making him totaly relaxed and calm, loosing control of his body to Ryoal, who slowly let his bite-grasp on Paul's neck go, and leaned up off him. "I am sorry love, but that was necessary. We will begin, as soon as im done the preperation." Ryoal felt his glands in his mouth change, and summoned spit into his mouth, and coated his tongue in it. Lowering himself over Paul's naked chest, he drew his tongue along the exposed chest and started to draw the ancient symbols of his clan into them, the acid etching the marks into the skin. If Paul had not been intoxicated by his love's venom, he would have been writhing in death by now.

As Ryoal finished off the marking, Paul slowly received control of his body again, and started to move his arms, and legs which were still pinned under Ryoal's large snake body. Smiling at his handy work, Ryoal lowered his head down to his almost human lover's head, and hissed in his ear. "You are ready, we shall begin..." Getting up off of Paul completely, Ryoal layed his body next to Paul's and lowered his hands to his slit, where his cock was already out. "You shall proceed inside me, and there you shall be reborn as I am now, a naga. And we can forever survive here, together." He smiled and Paul looked questionly down at the empty cock that he had just been in. "Don't worry, love, is like the rest of our bodies, I can widen to accept you." He leaned in to kiss Paul, and took his head in his hands, and kissed him on the forehead. "Shall we begin?"

Nodding, Paul raised his bare feet - somewhere in that, his sandles seemed to have gone missing - to the hole, and slid them in, the tunnel widening to accept them, as promised. Paul looked at Ryoal with love on his face as the muscles inside the tube pushed against his feet. Ryoal looked back pleased, and curled his body more around Paul's, making it easier for him to push into. He pushed his legs down, and felt the cover take in his legs, taking his shape, as the tips of his feet couldnt be seen as they entered Ryoal's slit.

Something must ave happened, because all of a sudden, Paul's entire body started to slide down into the hungry cock, and all he did was stare at his lover's eyes, moaning as he felt his body massaged as his thighs entered. Now his crotch was being massaged, and Paul's own new snake cock appeared, massaged and being nicely pleasured. Paul was forced to close his eyes at the pleasure, and crossed his arms in front of his chest as his entire chest was swallowed up, leaving his head. By now, his entire lower region wasnt visable outside of the slit, and Ryoal's body was starting to bulge, like he had just eaten a large animal. Pauls head was slowly taken inside, and was close up around as he sunk deeper into Ryoal's body. Paul's entire body was being massaged, and he wiggled around inside as he felt himself grow extremely hard, and Ryoal hissed with pleasure as his snake end started to slightly bulge with his lover's body. With all the muscle walls, Paul felt himself orgasm out, filling the entire length of tube that he was in with his warm seed, and caused himself to climax again, making Ryoal writhe with glee and ecstasy. As Paul reached lower and lower into his half-snake lover, he came to an area where he had enough room to crawl and room on each side with circular objects inside. With what little light that came, he moved to one of these globes, and peared inside. There inside was a curled snakebody, without a head. Trying to get a better view, Pual's body slid into the globe, and he passed through several layers, his own body getting disolved and blended with the globe, all the while the outside of it getting harder and leathery. When the thought of what was happening came into Paul's mind, he was slumbering within the egg, his human DNA slowly getting reapplied to be with a snake's DNA, and his world moved up into Ryoal's upper body

Not moving from the position where Ryoal had taken in Paul, he rubbed his stomach peacefully, at the egg that he had in himself, that would soon become his new lover. Curling up into a ball of snake surrounding human flesh of a torso, he slumbered there for sometime, rubbing and curling around his lover, to be born anew as a naga.