One of Those Days - Part 1

Story by Izak on SoFurry

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This is my first story, so, wish me luck!

Same old mumbo-jumbo:

This story countains sexually explicit material of a homo-erotic nature. If you are under the age of 18, or this sort of material offends you, I suggest that you not read this story.


One of Those Days

by Izak

The morning sun came shimmering through my window, bringing me forth from sleep. Not my favorite way to be awakened, might I add, it causes temporary blindness. My eyes cracked open, and just as I had expected, I was left blinded for a moment. "Morning already?," I wondered to myself as I gave a yawn and a stretch, but my arms were yanked back, leaving me confused. Shaking it off as grogginess, I tried to stretch again, startled to discover that my hands were cuffed to the headboard. I began to panic as I looked over to my right. No Wolf. Where'd he go?! I began to thrash I as I went into worst-case scenario mode, fearing that someone had broken in. My heart raced and I started to shout, hoping to rouse some help from a neighbor. Just then, my lover walked in the doorway and hushed me.

"Good morning, my little lizzy. I hope you slept well last night, because that tight green ass of yours is mine today..."

I looked at the black wolf with desire, smiling as my desire-filled eyes traced his tall, athletic frame, his built arms and ample endowment. "Good morning to you. I slept very well, love, and this morning, I awoke to the sexiest thing I have ever seen...," I murred back at him.

He laughed a little and smiled at me lustfully. "Good, because it's going to be a fun day for my little lizard...," he chuckled, "And plan to yiff you like there's not

tomorrow..." He slid his paw down his side and grabbed his sheathe, and ran his paw down my chest. "I plan to use this on every hole in your body. Today you're going to be my little sex slave, Izak.," he said, growling lustfully under his breath.

"Hmmm... I think I like that idea...," I murred back at him, arching my back slightly, feeling the chills all over my scaly body at his caress.

I closed my eyes and clenched my fists as he brought his tongue down onto my chest and licked straight down, stopping at my navel and kissing it lightly. He licked back up my chest, sending another chill through my body. I close my eyes, murring as his tongue worked across my smooth scales, exploring each one. He stopped at my neck to kiss it and lick it a few times,before licking back down my chest again, this time going down and kissing softly across my waist line. My toes curl up and my stomach tightens as each kiss flutters across the sensitive area, the gentle pleasure causing my tip to swell and poke from my slit.

"It looks like someone's having fun...," he said playfully, climbing onto the bed and licking down from my waist, letting his tongue pass over my sheathe several times, then proceeding to take my balls into his muzzle and licking his tongue over them, sucking them gently in his warm muzzle. My member was now fully emerged, pulsing slightly as it grew hard.

All I could manage was a gasp as my balls were emersed in his soft, warm muzzle. My member grew into an erection as he let my balls drop from his maw and licked around my inner thigh, then back across my balls and down the sensitive skin to my tailhole. He lifted my legs onto his muscular shoulders and licked around my tight pucker, making circles around my entrance with his soft, hot tongue. I began to moan softly as he traced around my tender tailhole, slowly centering around the aperture. He pushed his tongue in, eliciting a loud gasp from me as I squirm around, clenching my fists and breathing heavily. He explored around inside of me with tongue, lapping at my tightening hole, evoking a hip-buckling response from me.

He continued to lick down my inner thigh now, kissing it gently occasionally, stopping at my feet. He grabbed my ankles with a firm grip and made a long lick up the sole of my foot. I squirmed and giggled a little, my erection throbbing a little. He smiled at my reaction, his cock already fully erect. He put my feet together, creating a crevice between the soles of them. His hot erection slid between my feet quickly, catching me off guard and causing me to gasp and giggle a little more. He thrusted into my feet, grunting and moaning lightly with each thrust. He stopped momentarily to lick my soles, to lubricate them, and then continued fucking my feet, making me giggle wildly as pre dripped from my tip. The wolf increased the force of his thrusts, moaning rather loudly, jarring my body with each push from his hips. Without warning, he pushed hard into my feet and his seed spurted over my face and chest, coating me in his hot, sticky wolfcum.

My mate sat there, squeezing my ankles for a second, panting. He smiles and looked at my red face, and glanced down at my raging-hard member throbbing in the air. "I see you're nice and teased up now," he chuckled before pulling his cock out from between my now sticky feet and letting them drop down to the bed. Oh his way back up to me, he licked all the cum off of the soles of my feet and my chest, holding it in his mouth and meeting me in a kiss. I opened my muzzle to meet him in his kiss, and he pushed his tongue into my maw, sharing his cum with me. I murred happily and sucked on his tongue, swallowing down his delicious seed.

The wolf broke the kiss, and I said into his ear, "Ian...I love the way you taste..."

He simply smiled at me before saying, "Good, that way you can enjoy what you're about to do.," he grinned at me toothily, growling playfully in my ear. He lifted my by my shoulders and put me on my knees on the floor beside the bed. Then, he slid over to the edge and spread his legs, exposing his still pulsing erection.

"Now suck it, my little bitch.," he said dominantly. The role-play was even more arousing, the thought of being dominated turned me on so much. And he knew it. My cock was dripping pre again as he grabbed the back of my head and forced my face into his groin, the wolfcock pressed hard against my face.

"I said suck it!," he growled at me. I licked one of his balls and he released the pressure on my head so I could lap at it, suckling it gently before I moved to the other and took it into my muzzle, rolling my tongue all over his sensitive orb. I let it out of my muzzle and lapped up from the base of his cock up to its tip and then back down, provoking a moan from my lover as he squeezed the back of my head. I closed my mouth over the underside of his member and turned my head sideways, bobbing it up and down his length and rolling my tongue over it, responding to his constant moans and grunts.

"That's a good cockslut..." he said, playing of course. I took the tip of his cock into my muzzle and sucked it in my muzzle as I slowly worked completely down his shaft with his cock in my muzzle, continuing to suck it as it hilted in my maw. I tried to loosen my throat muscles to let his tip in without gagging, and once it was in, I tightened my throat around it before pulling up, still sucking to stop at the tip. He placed an encouraging paw on top of my head and laid back, pushing a little as I pumped my head on his member at quick pace, flipping my tongue around the underside of it, still sucking steadily.

I knew he couldn't handle much more, as he began to bob my head faster with his paw, gripping the sheets with his other. Abruptly, he pressed my head all the way down his shaft and spurted his cum down my throat as I tried not to gag on his thick load. He then pulled my head off and let his seed shoot all over my face and chest. In the blur of this quick movement, my teeth had accidentally scraped his shaft.

"Ouch!" he shouted, shoving me backwards. "You just can't seem to be a good bitch today. First you ignored me when I gave you a command, and then you try to bite my dick off!"

"I didn't mean to..." I said, looking at him apologetically.

"I'm sure you didn't..." he said, skeptically, "and now you need to be punished. Come lay across my lap." he commanded. I headed over toward him and he pulled me down over his lap.

"Maybe a good spanking will teach you a lesson." the wolf said dominantly, raising his hand and bringing it down sharply across my rump with a loud "smack!" I let out a yelp, and began to tear up as he brought his hand down again, smacking my ass over and over, until it turned a fine red.

Between blows he scolded, "'" his boner pressing against my stomach, covering it in pre as my pre dripped onto the floor. Tears streamed down my cheeks by the time he was finished, my rump glowing red.

"Now, do you think you can control yourself?" He asked, glaring at me threateningly.

"Y...yess sir...." I said, crying slightly. I loved it.

"Good," he said, "and now you're nice and ready for me to fuck that tight lizard ass of yours..." That lusty grin crossed his face as he lifted me on the bed and laid me on my belly, handcuffing me to the headboard. He rubs his hand across my face, collecting some of his cum from earlier and smears it over my hole, rubbing some of it on his own cock. He puts me up on my knees and them slid them up under me, so I was sitting on my shins, spreading my rump wide open.

"Now, I'm gonna fuck you pretty had, and I don't want to hear anything but you moaning and begging me to fuck you harder. You're not to cum until I say so, understand?"

I nodded and sniffled, my still red ass throbbing. He ran a hand over my rump and then slapped it again, causing me to wince. He attached a cuff to my tail and clipped it to my collar, holding my tail up, and, in this position, making my tailhole very visible.

With a sudden jar, he forces his cock into my tight hole. It felt like he was splitting me in half, as I managed to disguise a scream as a loud moan. He began to slam into my ass relentlessly, creating great friction on my prostate.

I moaned loudly and stammered, "Ohhh... harder master! Fuck me harder...."

After I said this, he did just as I said and began to pound into my pucker, forcing his cock deep into me, and I could already feel his knot pressing against my hole each time he hilted. Each of his powerful slams brought my closer to orgasm until I found my entire body contracting, trying to hold it in.

"Don't you dare cum, bitch!" he growled at me, squeezing my balls tightly. I let out a loud moan as he did this, trembling under the intensity of his thrusts.

With one powerful thrust, he forced his knot into my tailhole. I practically screamed, and as I did, he slapped my ass hard, and squeezed my balls tighter. Tears ran from my eyes as he shouted, "I told you not to scream! Don't you dare cum yet...."

He forced it in and out of me several times before he finally tied his swelling know into my screaming tailhole, and he came, flooding me with his hot seed. After several minutes of heavy panting and his paw teasing my erection, keeping me dangerously on the edge, he turned me over and began to roll his hips around, his knot rolling against my prostate. He continued to do this, occasionally pushing in a little deeper or tugging at it a little, until I let out one last moan, my cum squirting all over him.

"That's my lizard..." he said, now tenderly, uncuffing me, "now, one last thing. Lick this cum off of me, and we'll cuddle for a while.

I do as he says, gripping his shoulder and lifting myself weakly up to lick his chest and face off, tasting his bittersweet essence once more. Afterwards, I collapse onto the bed, and he lays atop me, nuzzling me and murring over my panting body.

"Oh, Ian, you are so amazing...." I mutter weakly.

"I couldn't help it. It's was just one of those days where I wanted to tie you up and fuck your brains out. You're so sexy."

I smile and laugh weakly, before he moves in and kisses me, pushing his tongue softly into my muzzle. After the kiss was broken, I looked in his eyes and said, "I love you so much..."

And my love replied, "I love you too, little one..."


....And there it is. Give me feedback here, or email me at:

[email protected]