Der-ra-jin Ch2 Enter Aiennim, The serpent of Desser

Story by leopardofalltrades on SoFurry

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#2 of Der-ra-jin

Der-ra-jin chapter 2. Enter Aiennim, the serpent of Desser.

Desser leaned back in her chair, another grooming session finished for the day, or rather the 20th. Being away from home didn't make her feel very comfortable, especially when she wasn't really sure what she was doing on this side of the Abyss. She was a couple thousand light-years away from the Tressier system and any hope of stimulating action. Grumbling, she picked up and flicked through the holo vid disks and tossed them onto the floor one at a time. "Seen it, seen it, don't want to see it, want to see it but not now. Damn it." She tossed the entire pile onto the floor, "I really need to hit another vid shipment." She stood suddenly, growling loudly. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE! WE'RE GOING HO..."

The intercom beeped in a melodic trill, interrupting Desser's tedium. She almost growled at the device as she turned it on "Yeah?"

"Could you come down to the lab? I think it's time you met your new Der-Jin." Caalep almost sounded excited, or nervous, Desser couldn't decide which.

"Fine, fine. This better not have been a waste of time Caalep. It's been 10 cycles, and I'm about ready to turn this tub around and get back to more business. I can't stand this, not so much as a decent transport to harass!" Desser crossed her arms and let her tail lash fitfully behind her.

Caalep chuckled "Oh, do not worry dear. If you're disappointed in this one, I'll personally eat an entire flank of meat at that bar of yours, whatsit? The Teseckar?" She could barely hear him chuckling softly. "Look, I'll see you when you get down here." The intercom beeped again, ending the call.

"I doubt that," Desser said with a bit of annoyance. She walked over to the chair near the view-port and turned the window opaque before grabbing her armored shirt and slipping it up over her head. She walked to the doorway and slammed her hand into the button, opening the door without complaint. Desser walked into the main corridor and turned towards the lab near the middle of the ship. The ship wasn't the biggest in the universe. In fact it was rather diminutive compared to some of ships in the Messier fleet. Still it took her a good five nin to get to the lab from her room near the cockpit of the craft.

Just as Desser was about to open the door, it swished open in front of her. Caalep was standing in the doorway looking entirely too pleased with himself as he squeaked "Please, please, Come in! You will never guess what's been done with this Der-ra-jin, there is no possible way you can guess!" He reached out and grabbed her hand then pulled her into the room.

More startled than angry, Desser was dragged into the room sputtering and trying to pry the Archturian's hand from her own. She looked around the room initially, but strangely there was no one other than herself and Caalep. As he drew her closer to the main operating table in the center of the room she jerked her hand away from his with an annoyed hiss. "Damn it Caalep, what's the deal? You've never been this damn excited before!?" She rubbed her paw and walked up to the table under her own power and looked around. "Yeah, I guess your right. I would have never guessed that he would dissolve into a puddle of goo." She droned sarcastically, staring at the empty table. "What happ..." Her voice was cut off and replaced by a sharp inhale of air as what happened next nearly stopped her heart.

Inches in front of Desser's face a creature seemed to fade in from nowhere. The creature was not the fur-less freak from before, but something much more startling. As his fur seemed to change color right before her eyes. She began to make out his predominant features. A face and muzzle much like hers, only it was covered by a midnight blue fur, almost black. The sheen gave him purple highlights. She pinned her ears back and growled lowly, getting right back into the creatures face. "If you EVER do that again," her voice slow and deliberate "I'll rip your head off your shoulders and jettison the rest of you out with the garbage!"

Caalep jumped up and down. "I KNEW you'd love it! Isn't he splendid? I guarantee there is not another like him in the entire UNIVERSE!"

Desser took a step back, taking a moment to look at the creature now that he was fully visible. She hadn't even seen him... or smelled him. He had been completely invisible to her right up until he had revealed himself and then he had been right in her face. If she had been the enemy she had little doubt she would have been dead before knowing the face of her attacker. She looked the creature over and crossed her arms. "Neat trick. How did you manage that Caalep? That's a new one on me."

The creature was kneeling on the edge of the table, perfectly balanced on the edge of it. It had two thick tails lashing on the table behind it, kneeling with his knees up to his chest and hands resting on the edge of the table as well. It studied her back with equal curiosity. Sharp birdlike movements as his head trained on whatever his eyes happened across first. From what Desser could see, it was easily a head higher than her. Toned and well-muscled, though a little more on the toned side of the spectrum without losing any definition in his muscles.

"I managed it because this species is a genetic tellic mine. As far as I could tell, his species evolves quickly, and as such, their DNA is readily adaptable and accepted the changes with no perturbations. He was putty in my hands... That little trick is the byproduct of chromatophores in each follicle, along with light producing organs." Caalep grinned, happily lost in his description as he paced around Desser and the table. "He is able to adapt his color and hide his outline from simple eyesight and on several different wavelengths." He chuckled. "That's how it snuck up on you without ever moving."

Desser turned and growled at Caalep. "You know I don't like surprises, even if this is our new Jin. Besides, if that's the only trick he's got, I'm not very impressed. Naruke didn't even have that capability and he was one of the best we had." She looked down at her paw, which was resting on her displacer pistol from the moment she had sucked breath from the surprise. She resumed looking him over as Caalep continued speaking.

Caalep spoke as the Jin let his gaze travel over Desser, looking it up and down one side and the other. "Oh, don't worry! As you can see, I've changed quite a bit! He's stronger, quicker, and smarter! And with your help, he'll be greater than all our Der-jin put together." Caalep walked to the table and looked up at the Jin. "Meet your Doedga, Desser N'rat. Desser meet..." He looked up at Desser. "You haven't given him a name yet?" He asked, trying to prompt her for one.

She shook her head "Not now, I want to see what he's capable of."

The creature's feet where the first notable thing that was vastly different from its previous form. He now had three clawed toes on his foot, with an additional toe that seemed to be joined at the back of his heal. As it shifted its weight slightly, that fourth toe swung back and the other three curled around the edge, gripping it tightly like a bird might. His tails swayed in a way that seemed hypnotic. They didn't look like they where helping with his balance, but rather dancing or swaying to some unheard rhythm. Desser almost became entranced by them.

"Hello, Doedga Desser..." The creature finally spoke. His voice was cool and mellow, as if even after all Desser's threats he was unconcerned with them. He looked down at Caalep, "What is ‘Doedga'?"

Caalep looked up. "It means ‘master' in some tongues. In older tongues it means much more, but we won't get into that right now. She will be your owner and care for you. You will be her Jin, her ‘servant'." Caalep looked back to Desser. "We need to perform the ceremony as soon as possible. You need to pick a name. The sooner we take care of this formality the sooner we can return to our own system. There are no other systems in this area with anything near our technological needs," Caalep crossed his small arms with a rustle of his scales. "Not unless you want to mine asteroids and synthesize it yourself."

Desser sighed heavily, she desperately wanted to get back to her system but Caalep was right. For any Der-ra-jin to be truly effective, it had to become bonded to make the transition to Der-Jin. She shuddered at the thought. The Der-ra-jin where just blank slates, things for the Jarac't to mold to the likings of the Doedga. She glanced up the creature's body, now looking at its arms. Each of its well-toned arms ended in hands that where equally unusual to any species she had seen.

The forearms were covered in what looked like a metallic organic plate covering it from elbow to wrist on the top. Each hand had five fingers, though they were split into three groups. The pinky and ring finger were joined at the third knuckle, as where the index and middle finger. The two groups where split right up to the wrist. His thumb was of course independent as well.

"The armored plates protect him along his spine and arms." Caalep noted as he followed her gaze. "They also have filaments within them that allow for the camouflage effect."

"Caalep, I've never seen a Der-ra-jin with this much change from the original form. Don't they normally retain aspects of their species?" She asked, her curiosity peaked. Rarely did the final product differ so much from the original form. While there were many differences from a Jin and their original species, they rarely changed enough to hide where they came from.

Caalep squeaked again "Oh, I couldn't begin to tell you Desser. There are approximately 375 major changes to his makeup; in essence he is still about five-percent the same species as before. The rest has been altered to a greater or lesser degree." He jumped up and down again, squeaking with excitement "He is my greatest creation ever Desser. I will likely never out do myself in my lifetime," his tone became somber. "Though, I warn you. If anyone else finds this species, it will likely have great consequences."

Desser huffed, "You're joking right? The greatest you say? Well, we wouldn't want our competitors getting ahold of something like this now, would we?" She crossed her arms and chuckled "What am I going to do? Walk into the Messier high command and give them the treasure map to make Jin like this, if he is as powerful as you say." She gave the creature a slight wink, which elicited a strange cocking of his head off to the side. Desser blinked slightly, the creature's eyes where unusual, but she didn't look long enough make it out from where she was standing.

Caalep was walking back with two holo-units in hand. He nodded and smiled, "Yes, well I suppose you're right Desser, I'm just being silly. It's just that it's not right that we took this one against his will and if the Messier found their way to this system, there would be nothing left of their world. As well, they would become the newest soldier, and from what I've seen that's the last thing we want." He handed one of the headsets to Desser, and then to the creature still crouched on the table. "That, and the fact we owe it to this Jin for his sacrifice."

Desser chuckled, "You're too sentimental. I was just concerned that I'd have to start grabbing the little hairless, foul-smelling creatures to supply a new demand." She slipped the holo over her head, just below her ears. The two arms came around and swung forward, two metallic disks now resting on her temples. The creature on the table mimicked her moves almost nuance for nuance. "Still, it learns quickly." She said, raising one brow gently.

Caalep squeaked and smiled broadly, his lips curling clear to the edge of his scales were they framed his face. "Alright, so you want to see what he can do? How about a training simulation? How about the crisis aptitude program?" He walked over to the holo control and looked through the many disks labeled and organized by program. He pulled out the appropriate disk, slipping it into the slot of the small console.

Desser nodded "Yeah, start us off at level two. I'm not in the mood to sit around a boring sim." She crossed her arms again and waited, curious as the creature mimicked her once again.

Caalep grinned. "Level 22 it is."

"Caalep, what? Wait! That's not funn..." Desser's voice was cut off as the holos grabbed her senses away from reality and sucked her into another world. She never seemed to be able to get used to that wrenching feeling of falling back into her own body.

Desser and Caalep appeared above a large room, looking down through a large bay window. Down below, the Jin appeared. He looked around cautiously and then spotting them up in the atrium. Padding forward, he dropped to all fours and gently made his way as close as he could get to look up and spoke softly, somehow sensing that his words would be heard despite being calm and polite.

"What is this place? What am I to do?" He spoke, gazing up at them expectantly.

Caalep nodded and replied, "We'll be testing you as well as beginning your training. Your body is a wonder, if I do say so myself, and it will take you a while to master the extent of your abilities. For now though we can go over the basics." A bristle of motion rustled his scales, sounding something like wooden dakka chips being shuffled. With a wave of his paw he started the simulation.

The room wavered, then solidified with walls and corridors, simulating the ship itself. The creature looked around, not sure what to make of it. "Caalep... Desser?" He queried.

"We are still here. We can see and hear you. However, you cannot see us. Now listen carefully. The testing scenario is as follows. The ship is damaged, communications are dead and in less than 20 nin, the ship's orbit will decay and the ship will be destroyed in the atmosphere of a gas giant. Your task is simple, find and repair the systems responsible and stabilize orbit to complete restoring the systems."

As soon as Caalep finished, the simulation erupted in a flash of light. Red warning lights flashed in long bars along the floor. The lights above began to dim and waver ever so slightly only to flicker and brighten again. Klaxons began to go off, signaling a red alert. Three other alarms were going off as well, indicating various states of danger and things that required immediate attention.

The Jin nodded slowly, not entirely sure how to do what was being asked of him. He looked up and around as the alarms began going off, twisting his head this way and that to examine the situation. Smoke began to fill the corridor with acrid smoke, lazily wafting in but remaing high in the hallway without obstructing vision just yet.

After that cursory look around, he realized he was just outside the med-bay and looked over to see the flashing console displaying the current status. Red Alert, 5-high. He quickly padded over and began to explore the console, pushing buttons and reading the information. At first it was bulky and slow, taking him time to become familiar with the system. As he worked, he caught on until soon his fingers were whizzing over the board; pulling up layouts, schematics, lists of damaged systems abd diagrams of system dependencies and relationships. He took a step back though, pulling up his own hand to examine it, his whiskers twitching a bit as something else entirely clicked in his mind.

Placing his hand against the console again, not to push buttons, but rather with his fingers splayed over it. He could feel subtle connections were being made and the console began to operate just as though he were executing commands manually.

"What you're feeling are the tet'trare, the helpers inside you. They are like a colony of creatures that can come together to help you do just about anything within your limitations and their own. Right now, they are helping you interface with the console, the connection is quicker and intuitive. You'll find after a while you'll prefer to interface via this route. You may also interface directly with the ship so long as you have authorization to."

Lowering his hand, he nodded silently, the console still reading out even as he looked on. It seemed easy enough. One part of him remained scanning, interfacing, and trading data back and forth at such a pace that the rest of the world around him began to slow down as he assimilated data.

"Main propulsion is disengaged. The plasma manifolds are out of calibration. I see one, two... No, five main systems are damaged, including life support, sensors and propulsion." Just as he finished, a small blinking arrow faded up on the screen, pointing back down the corridor.

Caalep was just about to speak when the Jin turned and bounded down the corridor towards Engineering. As he bounded off the walls to make a turn, he circled over the ceiling and back to the floor. The Jin spoke calm and cool as ever as he ran down the corridor towards Engineering, the smoke swirling in turbulent eddies behind him. "Priorities are propulsion, re-establish orbit, repair life-support and then repairs can be completed on the secondary systems" He said, his face wincing slightly as the smoke aggravated his sensitive nose.

Desser nodded in approval but not saying much. She didn't seem to notice as Caalep smiled at her from the side. She looked down watching the Jin. He crawled smooth as silk, traversing walls, and ceilings as if every surface were flat and smooth. Soon he'd made his way to the port down into the engineering section, opening the door just as two creatures appeared in the corridor behind him.

"Halt!" the first creature gruffed. "Jin, you are a prisoner of war, you will stand down and come with us!" They both carried disruptor rifles, both leveled at the Der-ra-jin. They were slightly reptilian in appearance; blunt muzzles with rows of sharp teeth and slits for nostrils. They were covered head to talon in thick, bulky looking armor. As soon as the first had finished, they both began to advance cautiously down the corridor.

The Jin tilted his head in a curious manor, his head nearly upside down by the time he'd finished. "I'm afraid I cannot come with you, I must repair the ship." His tails flicked wildly for a moment, indicating his mind working quickly to appraise the situation, to work out the new development. "Caalep, this is part of the test? What am I to do?"

Caalep responded, "Self-preservation is key to completing all other goals. All you need you already know, though to master it will take experience. Another good reason why you're here."

He nodded slowly, taking a step back and lifting up to his full height. Long lanky legs and a toned trimmed body allowed him to tower over the other creatures easily. Smoke swirled around his head slightly as he looked them over then lowered himself to the ground to avoid the irritating fumes. "I'm afraid I cannot allow that, there are other pressing matters that require my presence here on the ship."

The two creatures stopped for a moment, looking him over. "You will come with us. By order of Deodga Tesh, we are to secure you as our prisoner for the Messier fleet." The one speaking raised his rifle, aiming it and taking a defensive stance. "Take him." He said to the other who began advancing, taking care not to obscure his comrade's line of fire.

The Jin watched carefully, tilting his head this way and that, swaying on his legs in a sort of swaying dance as he continued to watch. The irises in his eyes gently began to widen, cloud like nebula swirling open to reveal the deep iridescent depths of his eyes. Shaking his head, he spoke back over the klaxons buzzing around them. "I apologize..."

Both soldiers stopped and exchanged glances for a moment before looking back at the other Jin. "Sorry for what?" The question was rather rhetorical. One stood between the Jin and the other soldier, roughly four good strides between both. Their demeanor changed though, feeling the change in his stature, sensing that something was about to happen. They shouldered their rifles, ready to fire at any moment as the Jin gently lowered himself slightly. "Don't move!"

One moment he was there, and in the next he simply faded from view. The spot where he stood erupted into flames, smoke and bits of paneling spraying the walls as both disruptors went off a second after he'd disappeared. The soldiers waved their guns around anxiously, trying to locate the Jin amidst the chaos around them. Somewhere among the trilling of alarms and the groan of the ship's bulkheads a mere whisper of movement was all that was heard and the advancing soldier found himself suddenly hefted and flung backwards with incredible force. The soldiers collided, skittering in a heap towards the back of the corridor. They both struggled to untangle themselves in a flash. Only as quickly as they began to move, they slowed and became groggy, grunting as they slumped one over the other and passed out.

The Jin reappeared in the corridor a few feet from the soldiers, fading into view as color washed through his fur. He stood tall watching them carefully for a moment before dropping to all fours once again and gently padded back to the Engineering section. He disappeared as he slipped down into the underbelly of the ship.

"What the hell just happened?" Desser stared wide eyed, her tail twitching as if she'd just touched a power coupling.

Caalep danced. "Yes YES YES yesssss! I told you, perfection! Instinct and quick thinking! His fur is modified, yes, remember? Yes! Before they could even fire a shot, he was behind the other... and threw him! They are at least three times his own weight and he lifted that soldier as if he weighed nothing!" He continued to dance, twisting and twirling. His paws stomping on the ground as he spun with abandon and his scales rustling as they clicked against one another.

"But... they're not moving!?" She shook her head in disbelief. "At this level of the sim, both soldiers are trained and hardened. There is no way that one maneuver could disable them both." She shot back incredulously, arms crossed, tail flicking. She hated not knowing, not being able to figure it out. "And for FLARGS sake would you stop dancing around as if your brain has been eaten by a parasite!?" She shouted, annoyance flared in her voice.

Caalep simply laughed, a quick chittering guffah as he stepped to the observation window. "Take a closer look."He said as he entered a few commands with a few waves of his fingers. The soldiers were framed by a glowing ring, then the image within it was expanded across the window in front of Desser and Caalep.

"What are those?" Desser spotted them immediately. Two thin spines protruded from each of the soldier's necks, barely visible but she'd seen the sim enough times to know they didn't belong there. The one soft spot in the armor, a small gap where it allowed for movement and attachments.

Caalep clapped his hands. "One of my finest inventions yet. The Jin has poison darts that he can shoot from the plates along his arms. Colonies of organisms breed around them, coating them in a toxin. They are poisonous to almost all Der-ra-jin; resulting in paralysis and damage to all species to one degree or another. In some of the more robust Jin; pain and discomfort... Others, the weaker Jin, death or coma. I suspect at level 22, those two soldiers are suffering severe shock and are paralyzed temporarily. While they aren't dead, their Deodga would be quite unhappy with the bill to repair them, if they existed." His tongue lulled from the side of his mouth, a sign of him being extremely pleased with himself.

Desser grunted, a typical non-acknowledgment. She didn't like to fluff his ego much, the cargo hold was only so big.

Both turned as new alarms began to sound in the simulation below, breaking their reverie. The Jin bolted through the doorway at top speed as black ominous smoke bellowed out to follow hot on his heels. He bounded off one wall before he hit the floor and ran down the hallway. His body, made for speed and maneuverability, traversed the entire length of the ship in 5 strides towards the escape pods. Two seconds later, the pod sealed and jettisoned, floating off into space as the ship began to erupt into small explosions all across the hull.

Caalep stood wide eyed, mouth dropped open as uproarious laughter bellowed from Desser's mouth "Oh, look at that. Failed the test... What was that you said Caalep, finest you ever made?" She said, hardly able to contain herself as she took a step back. She watched the sim as the ship suddenly folded, rippling the space around it and sending a shock-wave outward as the entire ship disappeared into nothingness.

Caalep's shoulders slumped suddenly. "There is only so much a Jerac't can do. Some things must be learned, I suppose basic engineering is something he'll have to work on." His chin trembled lightly, disappointment written in his eyes. He'd had such high hopes for this one! With another soft squeak, he reached up and touched his temples. "Exit." His form faded as he was removed from the sim.

Desser was still laughing as she did the same, touching her temples and fading quickly thereafter.

Caalep was just removing the holo from the Jin's head as Desser became aware of her senses again. She was still laughing and walked over to pat him on the back "Aww, it's ok Caalep. We all can't be perfect."

Caalep shrugged her off with a rustle of his scales. "I AM perfect. It is a fundamental flaw that everything else cannot be as perfect as me." He took a breath to center himself yet again, letting it out in an exasperated sigh. He took a step back, looking his Jin over and seeming to lose himself in thought for a moment.

Desser was slowly circling the Jin where he sat on the table. One arm was wrapped across her midsection, the other resting on it was gently rubbing her chin beneath a few odd scars that left furrows in her fur. "Hey Caalep... What was the name of that serpent, the one on Taeless 10?" She said, shooting a glance over at him from the other side of the table.

With a start, Caalep snapped out of his thoughts and squeaked softly. "Hu? Well, ah... it was Aiennim wasn't it?"

Desser nodded with a smirk. "As I seem to remember, it damn near had you for breakfast the last time around didn't it?" She purred softly as she let her eyes glance over at the Jin. He was watching the conversation, not interrupting. His ears and eyes followed the trail of words back and forth between Caalep and Desser. "Very well. You will be Aiennim, the serpent of Desser, the plague of the entire known sector!" She announced it loudly as if the entire universe were to bear witness.

"Sometimes, Desser, I can't be sure if you're flattering me or toying with my frail ego." He sighed softly, looking back at the Jin and nodded. "So be it, Jin, you shall henceforth and forthwith be known forever as Aiennim." He nodded solemnly, it was no small thing to be called as such. The creature of legend from which the name arrived was a wise beast who lived in solitude, millennia old and few had the pleasure of meeting him. If Caalep hadn't insulted the creature, he might not have seen the full fury of power Aiennim showed him. The memory still sent ripples through his scales. "Then I suppose that's it. The bonding is to take place then. How would you like to do this Desser? I suppose you'll be visiting your quarters first?"

The quip snapped Desser sharply from her own thoughts. Instantly she felt her stomach lurch and tighten. She closed her eyes in an attempt to hide how much it disturbed her to think of what came next. She tried to keep her voice steady "Are you sure we can't use the servant's ceremony? I mean... that's all he is to me. That's all he can ever be." She opened her eyes slowly and leveled them at Caalep. Her arms, crossed over her chest now, tightened as her fists curled tightly in her gloves. She already knew the answer, but it never stopped her from asking it, the dozen or so times she'd done it before.

"No..." He shook his head. "No!" He stated more firmly. "We have been though this a thousand cycles. You want that bond to be as tight, as close as possible and only Deodga bonding will suffice if he is to serve you unquestioningly. How many times have you heard of the servants bonding being broken by pirates? Hell, YOU KNOW Desser, you know better than any that such a bond is weak and can be broken by anyone with any knowledge what so ever. Half our business is stolen Jin! This bond, it must be deep, soul deep. You two must become one. One in heart, mind and body." His voice was unwavering as he enunciated every last point.

She swallowed hard, taking a breath till it caught in her throat. She shook her head but his words were all too familiar. Too many times they had gone through the hows and whys it had to be this way, and too many times she reminded herself she'd never do it again, never bond again. "Then you do it" Her voice cracked, strained with anxiety. She swallowed. "Then you do it." She repeated. The quiver was there, she hated to admit, but Caalep knew the issues she had with this.

"Mine is the art, Desser." His voice was quieter this time, tender as he explored each word carefully. "Once a Jerac't takes a Der-ra-jin, he cannot create again. Our Der-ra-jin is the art, the science of the body. I cannot... you know I can't..." He explored his words carefully again, each statement reconfigured each time till the changes became redundant. Ever calculating, he sometimes found it hard to work with the emotional component, though he was no less feeling. It simply got in the way. "Desser... I cannot take away your past, but you know more about the art than any one. I have hid nothing from you."

She spoke, hoping her trembling wasn't visible. "I know," resignation ringing hard in her voice. She wasn't looking at Caalep any longer, only staring fixedly off to the side. In silence she turned on her heel and walked towards the doorway with heavy steps. Slamming the pad a little harder than necessary, the door slid open and she slid out, then there was nothing but silence.

"Something's wrong." Aiennim spoke, his same quite and polite manor. "Her perspiration is up, heart beat, muscle tension. Her body is under immense stress." He turned and looked back at Caalep, tilting his head slightly to the right. "Did I do something wrong Caalep?"

He was still looking at the closed door after Desser as he answered. "No. Nothing you did. Just something she's got to deal with." He sighed softly, "but I do hope you can help her with it at some point!" A sudden change in his tone as he turned back with a smile on his pointed muzzle. "Never mind that for now, everything will be just fine. Come, we need to prepare you for the bonding!"

Desser already had the bottle in her hand. She watched as the dark bitter-sweet fluid gently rolled around the bottom as she slowly swished it around in her grip. Shaking her head, she scowled softly at it. Both hating and loving it, she wondering for the thousandth time how she might escape. Her mind circled, trying to find a way, a distraction, only to come back to it time and time again. At least, at least she didn't have to do it all. Still, a minimum was required and Caalep fought her tooth and nail on that. She seethed for a second, hating everything that Caalep was, hating the Jerac't. How dare they?

"Fucking deviants... who came up with this shit anyway?" Her voice lacked the conviction her hatred lent her. With another resigned sigh, she brought the bottle back to her lips, licking them softly before she suckled the numbing teat and drowned her senses out once again.

She stood, walking over to her closet. Already she could feel the harsh liquid imbue her senses; a slight, scant tilting, letting her be distracted. Everything slowly began to fade into the distance. Operating as if by remote-control she went through the motions. She could feel her emotions churning, memories trying to haunt her, but like distant echoes they seemed to fade before her numbed mind could bring all the thoughts together long enough to cause pain. She was strong; she told herself that. She was strong and this was just life punishing her for her showing weakness once again.

Reaching up, she began to undo the armor. A nice little bit of work that. Advanced armor that covered her from chin to heel in shiny black layered plates. First the cape was let go, wafting to the floor as little more than decoration, though it served an important purpose. She toyed with the smooth plates of armor covering her chest and abdomen. They hid her form nicely, keeping her well away from the prying eyes of others. Each major section was covered by a plate then slightly overlapped it's neighbors. Each joint was comprised of a flexible material that had smaller finger sized plates attached to it as well. As she began to undo the straps holding it in place, she mused drunkenly the many times it had saved her. Taking each blast and impact and dispersing it through kinetic expansion as well as dispersing it as a shimmering light. There the cape came in handy, hiding that light in its thick fabric.

The armor shimmered slightly as she dropped it to the floor with a heavy thud. She reached up, seeing her hand far away in her tunneled vision, reaching for the ceremonial shawl. She placed the shear fabric over her form. Her body was bare, exposed. She could feel the anxiety slip up, somewhere in the shadows of the numbness, begging for attention. Still the fog let it easily slip away.

She rubbed one paw along her body uneasily. Rich black fur covered most of her body, save for the furrows of scar tissue and missing patches. She shuddered softly, feeling her own flesh. She was so soft, so feminine, so vulnerable. She swallowed the feelings she felt rising from the pit of her stomach. Her full thick tail swung in an agitated manner as she quarreled with what she knew she had to do. Her hands idly toyed with the fabric that barely covered her body for the ceremony. Lifting her hand, she ran her fingers over her head and down her neck as she took deep breaths to calm herself. Her ears twitched softly as she ran her hand over them a second time, feeling the tufted rows of fur that extended from her ears down into her collar line.

The shawl covered her backside with a single tapestry, golden silken fabric laced with a wide arching woven pattern of silver. The lines crisscrossed, looping at the ends and coming back on itself to crisscross again. They surrounded a single design. Two circles came together, one on top of the other, overlapping just enough that the shape of an eye could be seen there. Within that the eye it was made complete with an ornate iris made of woven silver.

The fabric hung over her shoulders and extended down to her toes as two separate tresses. The elegant fabric hid nothing underneath; not her nakedness, nor the scars of her past. It wisped over the floor as she turned to walk to the door in a lazy pace. She had no mirrors to show her how it looked, but she didn't care to see herself. Beneath the waves of numbness, questions were asked and never answered. Autonomously she opened the door and began to make her way towards the lab.

Aiennim was standing in the room waiting. Covered by the same thin material, only his was a shimmering red. He watched as Desser walked in, looking her over without comment. He'd been instructed at least in the first part, told that the rest would be handled by Desser. The room had been darkened and filled with sparse lighting. The lights flickered softly, filled with luminescent insects. In the center of the room, where he stood along one side, was a wide thick fabric that covered the floor. The fabric was warm and soft under paw. It seemed alive somehow, adding a dimension of warmth and comfort to the ceremony. Desser approached, her face looking almost soft... No, it looked wearied, no longer tight but hanging loosely, her gaze was far off as well. She seemed to drift slightly as she stepped onto the fabric and hesitated for a moment. He remained silent as she seemed to gather her thoughts amidst the soft chants playing quietly in the background.

Desser spoke, her voice lazy and drunken as she began. "To enter... the circle. To begin, two becoming one." Taking a step, Desser moved into the circle on her side of the tapestry. "We come together, together to resolve two opposites, one into the other. Where two stand, let there be one. One mind, one soul." She looked up to Aiennim.

Aiennim understood, lifting his head as the ceremony triggered a strange feeling in him. He looked at her, suddenly feeling himself drawn to her. "Two. Two become one. One mind. One soul. I had no name, and am now so named. I was nothing and now I am one. There is only service to the will, the will of two becoming one." He took a step forward, a single step gently working towards the center where the circles overlapped one another.

"I give myself," Her voice still seemed distant, "as the guiding hand, as the will, the desire and the spirit." Another step towards the center. The lights flickered, brightening slightly. The tapestries hung along the four walls gently swayed to some unseen breeze.

"I give myself," his voice was strong, confident. He gazed into her eyes, sensing the distance in them. Somehow his heart called out, wanting to cross that distance, to make a connection with her. It was as though his entire being wanted this single thing, the irresistible force, "As the doing, the being. I am the completion of the will, the completion of desire. I am no longer. I am part of the whole, the one. I am the hands of the will, I desire to do work but I have no will of my own. In becoming one with the will, with the spirit, I can be useful."

Both voices spoke aloud as they came together at the edges of the center. Arms stretched out, they took each other's hands and laced their fingers together. His long slim digits slipped between her own as he held them tight. Hers were cooled by the numbing liquid, but still it didn't stop him from stepping into the inner border with her. Their bodies touched, gently pressing together as Desser looked into his eyes and spoke autonomously. "Two become one." He spoke aloud with her "We take two, and exchanging our essence, we become one." Their voices grew softer, whispering gently.

His hearts were racing, pounding in his chest so loud he thought he could hear it above his own rapid breathing. Drawn to her, pulled like a moth to the flame, he could only fall gently as he leaned against her, their lips meeting in the middle. He let his instinct lead him. Some will that seemed to know how to move him, how to make things happen. What must happen.

They kissed. His lips brushed against her own. The life in them was quivering with desire, desire to serve, to slip within her with his very being pouring through his lips. Against them, her lips were cold, uncaring, ungiving, but still the hint of life pulsed beneath them, enough that his hearts leapt. His kiss quickened, pressing hard against her own till he felt her teeth cut into his flesh. His blood gently washed between the pressed lips. As well, he gently nibbled against her cold trembling lips, finding blood that was reluctant to flow but would not be stopped as he tasted it swirling with his own.

The fluids swirled with one another, mixing, filling each of their mouths with the heavy tang of blood. His hearts leapt again, seeming to halt for a second as something clicked, another connection made. He became aware of her, of her body, her every nuance as it whispered to him so quietly. He felt her call out to him, the voice of her body calling him. Come to me... come...

He pushed his muzzle past her own, sliding his cheek along her's as he nuzzled deep into the curve between her neck and shoulder. While her own actions seemed numbed, robotic, his own were passionate; wanting desperately to complete this, to fix himself within the center of her being. To be one with her in every sense. He lowered his muzzle, brushing it gently against her ample bust. He didn't linger there, rather, he fell to his knees before her. His cheek pressed against her soft belly. He smelled her, soft vulnerable scents mixed in with that of a warrior, too many days with armor that hadn't been washed. All this assaulted his senses though, filling him with more and more of her, slowly drawing him into supplication to her very being.

She gently stroked his head for a moment, looking down at him as he gazed upwards, looking into those dark eyes. She dropped down, slowly as her knees parted and surrounded him as she lowered. With him pressed close to her body, she slid down till her knees touched the floor beside him. In his lap she held him close to her, straddling him with her thighs. He trembled and sighed, groaning as he became overwhelmed with the calling. His body responded easily, the warmth and proximity always seemed to do it for the Jin. She could feel him rise beneath her. She looked into his eyes mechanically, carefully reaching between them to feel his length extending into her hand. Warm, throbbing with urgency. The shaft covered in soft ridges, no doubt a gift from Caalep. Bastard. The thought rang softly in the blackness, forgotten before it had finished echoing.

"Please," his voice was urgent, his blood boiled and his body shuddered with laden desire. Like an absolute he wanted this. To finish with her, to lend himself, his very being to her. All of it. Nothing seemed to matter, only this one singularity, slowly drawing him in. His hips gently rocked, thrusting into that hand. "Please...let us be one. One... " Polite but urgent, his voice urged her on.

She took him into her hand and guiding him between her fingers she let the length pulse and gently rest against her own mound. There was no desire there, only ceremony. Only the bare minimum of what needed to be done. With practiced skill, she gently rocked her hips forward along the top of his shaft letting him feel the warmth and promise that would never be fulfilled. She gently tightened her fingers around his base, letting the motion of her hips stroke that grip gently back and forth along it.

"Please!" His voice broke. They felt so intense, all the sensations she was giving him. Still, he could feel there was more that could be done. There was more that must happen, but she continued to tease him as he rocked into her grip, panting softly. His eyes gently gazed back into her own, trembling with desire and emotion, watching her own cold distant gaze look past him, through him somehow. Where was that connection? He searched for it, only finding it in her touch, a distant hint of what his very soul was calling out for. He grunted softly as his emotions grew, as well as his desire. "Deodga Desser... I am your serpent, your servant, your soul. Please..." His voice rasped gently as his thrusts became more and more urgent. The sensations were building, but always teasing him, always teasing his consciousness. How he longed to make the leap to complete it, something was missing. He could feel the barrier she was putting up, not allowing him to take that last step. "Please... Let me in..."

His left hand reached up as he looked into her eyes longingly. He let his long digits gently brush against her cheek. She winced softly, as though his fingers had stung her, and forced a smile as she turned away from them. Fingers quivering, he lowered them instead to the cleft of her neck, following the curve were it met her body. He took her in one inch at a time, looking for a way in through touch, sound, a look. Any way he could try to forge another connection to that part of her calling out to him. She was beautiful to him in every way. Every inch of glossy black fur, every scar that decorated her toned body. Even those he could feel calling to him as he ran his fingers over one deep furrow along the small of her back. She was still grinding him, stimulating him, working his desire to receive pleasure and reward from her.

She frowned slightly at the feel of his wandering paw and reached back, pulling it away from her body "You are mine." She said, her voice wavering ever so slightly with the numbness. "You will belong to me. You are my servant, nothing more. You will be mine and no one else's." She tightened her grip slightly. "Finish it. Finish for me. I am your will, your desire, and you will finish for me." Her command was cool, distant, lacking emotion but she knew her words could hardly be ignored at this point in the ceremony. Even she could feel the connections being laid. She could feel him, feel the urgency and the need in that connection. Despite being numbed she could feel it. It called to her, to her very soul. The voice was so loud, so commanding, she felt the need and draw of it. She wanted to give in, wanted to allow it control over her emotions. But the distant memories still echoed gently in the background, clouding that call.

Weakness, I can't be weak, I can't show this... thing my weakness. I must be strong. Her voice wavered in her head, trying in vain to fight the call. This call was so strong! Never before had she felt this intensity, this depth of a connection. The numbness in her body was being eroded, torn down bit by bit by the sensations. They touched her, touched her core. Her voice wavered as she spoke aloud again.

"P...please. Please finish for your Deodga, please finish." She couldn't help the quiver in her voice. Nor could she help the lone tear that escaped her eye and fell down along her cheek, following the scare there before dripping down between the bodies to be forgotten in their heat. Pained moments passed as she stared into his wide eyes. So deep, so curious and longing. She sensed her own desire to give into it, and then the panic that rushed in to fight that desire.

Aiennim grunted softly, almost impossible for him to ignore her words. He sensed it, the darkness behind it, the sadness and need. He knew he could push, but in that knowing he also understood that pushing would only hurt her, hurt his very soul. Her warmth rubbed along his length, so many emotions fueling his desires that he let the resistance fall away. Her touch was all he needed, even though he knew there could be more. With a soft grunt, he wrapped his hands around her soft body, the body only he could see. His hips rocked as his essence spilled from inside him as his member jerked between her thighs. Warm and wet, it dripped to the cloth floor and forever missing opportunity to mix inside her, to forge the final deep connection.

Trembling softly in her arms, Desser could feel his release between her thighs. She quivered gently as her own mind reeled. Through the haze she could feel her emotions warring between disgust, desire, hatred, loathing, and longing to let go. She squeezed her eyes shut, to staunch the flow of tears before they could get away from her. She pushed Aiennim hard, forcing him back and away as she stood suddenly. Without a second word, she rushed from the room, her robes trailing through the air behind her as she slipped through the doorway.

Aiennim watched, his eyes wide and confused as he looked after her. He stood quickly, feeling the anxiety within her, calling to him. He rushed towards the door, a mixture of a gallop and a leap. As he pawed the door pad. "DESSER!" The anxiety in his voice reflecting her own that he could feel as though he were there in her own mind. He bolted through the door as it opened, only to find himself tripping over something. He hissed and snarled, scrambling to his paws as fast as he could.

"Leave her be!" Caalep's voice and the rattle of his scales filled the small corridor as he grappled with Aiennim. "She'll be fine, just give her time and space. You can't help her, not now. Just give it time."

Aiennim struggled for a bit longer, surprised by how strong Caalep's stubby arms were. "But... She's in pain, she needs me!" He lunged one last time, pulling Caalep's small body along with him as he leaped a few strides down the hall. They both landed in a heap.

"No.. .Aiennim, I know how you feel but trust me! You being there right now will just make things worse. Calm down. Peace Jin, PEACE!" He commanded softly but forcefully.

"But!" Aiennim protested, but somewhere he felt it too. His being there, the ceremony... it was all part of something bigger that was causing her pain. A pain he knew would only get worse if he tried to be there with her now. He felt a pang in his chest beat loud and strong as the conflict began. How do you get close to your soul when you're the thorn in its side? "But..." The fight left his voice, and he slumped gently against Caalep. "What can I do?"

"For now, just leave her be. I know you can feel it, but it's hard for her too." Caalep said.

"I can hear her..." He said, shaking his head softly. The sound of her voice eched in his head, gently calling out to him with her pain and suffering. "She's suffering!." He suffered along with her there, unable to move. "I'm part of it, that suffering. She can feel me. I'm hurting her!" He shook his head, unable to resolve the mess of emotions he felt, his and hers gently whispering within his being.

"The bonding, that's part of it. You are part of her, just as she is part of you. Der-Jin do not speak of that link Aiennim, keep that in mind. Keep what you feel to yourself. That link is sacred, between you and her. In time you may be able to help, but for now you must learn your place. The sooner you are by her side, the sooner you can begin to help her." Caalep gently rolled out from under Aiennim, knowing how hard it was to deal with it. He puzzled silently though, because he'd never seen a bonding so fierce after the ceremony. Certainly she hadn't gone all the way through with it? Had she done the full bonding?

He shook his head. Certainly not. Not her. Not after what she'd been through. He looked down "Come Aiennim. You'll need to rest and then tomorrow we start training." He turned towards the aft ship and began to waddle down the corridor.

Aiennim stood, looking down the corridor towards where he knew she was laying in her own bed. Caalep was walking in the other direction. He sighed softly, tilting his head as he felt his heart longing to follow her rather than him. In the end he turned and walked with Caalep.

They passed the lift section, as well as aft storage. In the back, the very rear of the ship there was one more room. Caalep pawed the control console and the door slid open. A wide section of the sloping rear wall was occupied by a large transparency. Out behind the ship, a sea of stars could be seen, next to the large dark gray sphere of the Earth's satellite.

"We've equipped this room with furnishings for the Der-Jin. It's not much, but as soon as we return to the Tressiair system, you'll be too busy to spend much time here in the hold. The time you are here will be spent either sleeping or training on the sims" He motioned off to the side to a sleeping nook, where there was also a holo sitting.

Aiennim looked around. The room was rather spacious, all of four walls and the sleeping nook on one side and a head on the other. He nodded softly, looking out the window with a jerk of his head. He walked towards the window slowly, placing one hand on it as he splayed his fingers. Spreading out his hand, he lined up several stars on the tips of his fingers and thumb.

Caalep sighed softly, as a Jerac't he could easily sense the dis-ease in his creation. "Aiennim... I know it's hard to ignore what you feel. It will pass in time. For now, what you need to do for Desser is get yourself straightened out. What you feel you cannot let affect you. As strong as it is you must remember that they are not your feelings." He said, as he clasped his pudgy hands before him. "You are no-longer a Der-ra-jin, hands without will; now you are Der-Jin, the hands of destiny." He stated proudly.

Caalep paused a moment longer, then turned and walked back to the doorway. "I'll give you a few decans to get clear, then I'll be back to check on you and we can discuss your training over the next few cycles." He activated the door and walked out, not bothering to turn around as he spoke. "Be strong Aiennim. For Desser." The door slid shut with a soft hiss.

Aiennim looked back out at the vast expanse of space. So many questions. Today had been his very first, his birth, and he felt the sense of newness of it all. He turned, his head leading before the rest of his body followed. Every sense was keen and clear. He could feel the hum of the power couplings under the decks of the floor. He could hear the soft his of the air circulators as well as Caalep on the other side of the ship cleaning the lab, and even Desser pulling the covers over her shoulders.

The first day of the rest of his life? His flesh felt new, alive. It wanted to be used, to be put to work. He himself felt the need gnawing at him. The need to be useful.

He walked to the doorway and placed a hand on it, the call still tugging softly within him. He cast his eyes down, gently leaning against it with his forehead. He slid down, crouching and leaning against it. There he let his soul be battered by the constant sorrow that tested him through his new bond.

He could feel the soft current of emotions gently tugging at his being. He let his mind wander among the images they brought up, letting them come into focus and then fade away. A time passed while he did this and slowly he began to make sense of it. He could feel them, but their feel, their flavor was different than his own. He rolled over, leaning against the door as he looked back out into space.

He decided after another half decan to hit the grooming room. He gently stood on his four paws and gave himself a good stretch, the fur on his back bristling as the color washed in softer shades of blue and purple. His tails snapped as he gave them a good shake and paced sullenly towards the head. He took his time with the grooming tools. Combs and cleaning brushes made short work of his fur since it had only been a few hours since his waking up in the lab. Thought he took care to clean his groin of the remains of the ceremony. Some things it seemed he still had to learn, others came easily, instinct guiding him as he made himself familiar with everything in the head as well as in the room.

Back in the compartment he paced around as he gazed out into space. His thoughts still churned slightly, as he worked through them a bit at a time. Nomatter how hard he tried to work on it, the turmoil seemed to be too deep. Too troubled. Her thoughts and emotions tended to sneak into his own, tricking his senses and slipping in with his own thoughts. He retained enough of himself to realize this however, but it deepened his pain to know the extent of her own troubled thoughts. He endured the desire to turn and run to her quarters.

Caalep showed up a decan later. As he waddled through the door he smiled at Aiennim and clasped his hands together "Better?"

Aiennim shook his head. "Not much, no."

Caalep nodded solemnly, walking towards the sleeping nook and waved Aiennim over. "Then, for tonight you'll need to get some rest. The bonding takes its toll and your well being is very important. Desser will get better... eventually. So tonight sleep. Tomorrow you can begin training." He picked up the holo and handed it to the Jin. "Desser has created a set of holo-sims that will help train you in combat and fighting. I've also created a set of sims that will train you in ship's operation, engineering and various other technical issues that I need you to be aware of. It's best you get in as much training as possible. When we return, things will get busy and you won't have a lot of free time on your hands." He smiled softly, his eyes scrunched up to thin lines as he beamed momentarily. "I have no doubt you exceed all expectations!"

Aiennim toyed with the unit for a second or two, watching as the memory material deformed in his hand and held it's shape. It was a simple black band with two silver arms with disks attached to fit over someone's temples. His ears swiveled forward as he looked back at Caalep. "When will we be returning?"

Caalep sighed. "In a few cycles. We were low on supplies when we came here, but it would be risky to cross the Abyss during your conversion." He nodded. "Now that the bonding is finished," the last word he seemed to hesitate on, "I suppose we can head back to the Abyss and get back home." He stood up and walked to gaze out into space again, waxing stoic for a moment. "It's an amazing place we live in, amazing times as well. I can't help but think that you will help us to achieve greatness like never before."

Aiennim managed to smile. "I hope so. I want to make her proud."

Caalep shrugged his shoulders and nodded, stepping away from the window and turning towards the doorway once again. "As every Der-Jin should, it is your right, your duty to make your Doedga proud." He walked over and pressed the pad, letting the door slide open and pausing for a moment. "You know. Normally, the Jin I've created in the past. I made them as servants, weapons. Things to fill the tasks that Desser and I needed. Tools. But you? You I made with more in mind." He smiled softly, his thin lips lifting right along the sides of his thin muzzle. "Follow your hearts Aiennim, I gave you more than one for good measure."

Aiennim looked over at Caalep, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Caalep stepped through the door with that same wide-mouthed thin-eyed smile. "Ship's operation sims first thing, Aiennim." The door hissed gently as it slid shut.

Aiennim let the words roll around his skull for a short while. He could feel the drain the day had put on him, as well as the tenuous bond between himself and Desser. He let his whiskers bristle briefly before he slipped into the sleeping nook. As the material conformed to his body the lights began to dim and the large window darkened slightly. Sleep came quickly, words slipping from his lips as his consciousness faded. "Desser..." Troubled dreams soon followed.