Stay With Me

Story by Aru_The_Death_God on SoFurry

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#1 of Starfox

This is my first time posting something that I wrote.... It's probably garbage, but oh well. Um, there is a lot of Tokyo Ghoul references in here, because I'm trash & I love Tokyo Ghoul, but whatever... So yea... Oh comments will be appreciated, let me know how I can improve, or what you thought about it

The soft hum of the engine filled the seemingly quiet room where a jet black wolf sat reading a book while casually swaying his tail. The wolfs fur was a mixture of red and black, his ears were tinted with red fur as well as his tail, paws and fingers. He had a bright red left eye with a black sclera and a grey right eye. His left eye would always be covered with a medical eyepatch when he was in direct contact with people so they wouldn't have to see his eye. He wore an ivory flight suit with black markings across it that he had picked out the first day he came to the great fox. As he turned the page of his book, there was a knock on his door. "Yes? Who is it" he called out, "It's me, be at the lobby in 5" the voice called back. There was a sudden silence followed by the sound of foot steps growing lighter until the hall was once again silent. The wolf sighed and closed his book and put it on his night stand. He stood up and began to slip on his ivory flight boots and grabbed his eyepatch. He put on his eyepatch and left his room.

When he had arrived to the lobby he noticed that his team was already there and we're waiting for him. "Ah your here, Aru, now we can begin" said the Fox. Said fox was the leader of Aru's team; he was tall, fit, charismatic,and kind. He had yellowish fur with beige features, and had bright green eyes that intimidated many. "As you all know it is the end of our 4th year here on the great fox, and every year we have our annual camping trip where we split into groups and each group goes to a distant planet and camps out under the stars and has fun" said the fox. "Now let's split into groups, I call fox" said Falco, a blue falcon with a strong and intimidating personality. "Damn it" said peppy; peppy was a relatively average looking hare with a beige coat. "Alright so it's settled, it's Falco and I, and slippy and peppy?" said Fox. "Am I forgetting anyone?" said Fox. Everyone replied with a simultaneous "no" and they stayed talking for a bit. Fox lifted his head from the commotion and noticed that there was someone missing. "Crap I forgot Aru again he thought to himself. He quickly dismissed everyone to their rooms to begin packing and headed down the right hallway. He reached the door at the very end of the hall and knocked on the door lightly. "Yes?, who's there" the voice called. "Ah, it's Fox, Aru, may I come in?" he asked. "What, is he doing here?" Aru thought to himself before responding, "Y-yes" Aru replied as he sat up in bed and authorized the entry. "H-hey" said Fox shyly walking into Aru's room, "what are you reading?" the fox asked. "Um, this" the wolf said showing the cover of the book to the fox. "Oh you enjoy reading Horror stories, don't you?" asked Fox, "Yes, very much so" replied Aru. The room fell awkwardly silent as the two stared at each other, Aru broke the silence by asking "Um, if you don't mind me asking... Why are you here?". "Crap that sounded so rude, he probably hates me more now" Aru thought. "Oh, I actually came to ask you why you left the lobby... Do you not like the idea of camping trips? Fox asked. "S-sorry about that, but it's not because I dislike them, it's actually because I'm always forgotten and left here on the great fox while everyone else enjoys themselves" Aru said. "Fuck, we forgot him 3 years in a row" thought Fox, "What?! Are you serious?! So peppy and slippy never take you with them?" Fox said surprised. Aru just shook his head and avoided eye contact with Fox. "W-well not this year, I'll make sure they take you!" said Fox hurriedly. "Haha no it's fine" said Aru nervously, "I swear that I'll make them do it" said Fox. "Seriously it's fine, I'll just stay here, & you guys go have fun, I have a book anyways so I won't be lonely" said Aru. "No I can't let you be here all alone for another year, what about you and I are partners for this trip and the others can go on their own?" said Fox. "No no, go have fun" said Aru, "I am your leader and I say we are going to do it this way and you must obey" commanded Fox. "Y-yes sir" Aru said quietly. "Now get packing and meet me on the flight deck in an hour, in the meantime I will inform everyone of the new groups" Fox said.

"Everyone listen up!!" Fox called out. "The groups have been changed" Fox said, "What do you mean changed" replied Falco. "As in Aru is now on my group and you will be going with Peppy and Slippy" Fox retorted. "What?!?!" shouted Falco surprised. Aru silently entered the room and stood in the back of the group, "Um Fox, sir, is it okay if I take books with me on our trip?" Aru asked shyly trying to avoid eye contact. "Yes that's fine, take what you like!" replied Fox. "Why do you have to go with... Him he doesn't even matter?!?" Falco said pointing at Aru with a look of disgust across his face. Aru turned away and looked at the ground holding his left arm. "Falco!!" shouted Fox, "What?" said Falco, "Apologize to Aru this instant!" Fox said with a stern look. "Yes mom" Falco said. "Haha, please don't, it's okay honestly I'm used to getting insults....haha" Aru said nervously as he scratched the back of his head. Everyone just stared at Aru with a look of pity across their faces. "U-um w-well I'm going to go finish packing... Excuse me" said Aru quickly fleeing the room. "Falco!!" said Fox raising his voice, "He is a member of our team and he deserves to enjoy himself just as much as the rest of us!" said Fox. "But why do you have to pick him over me?!?" Falco asked, "Because, everyone has forgotten about him for the past 3 years, and he deserves this" Fox replied. "Fine! whatever! I don't even care anymore!" shouted Falco. "God, your such a baby, I'll hang out with you as soon as we get back" said Fox. "Okay, whatever" said Falco heading to his room.

Aru walked down the hallway carrying a duffle bag on his shoulder and a suitcase in his hand. He stopped in front of a large silver door that read Fox. He knocked lightly on the door and waited for a bit until Fox called out "Come in!". "H-hey I'm ready" said Aru, "Okay great, now we can get going" said Fox smiling. The two walked out of the room and began walking toward the landing site of the great fox. As they arrived they each climbed into their respective Arwing. Aru started the engine to his Arwing and noticed that fox was requesting a video conference with him. Aru confirmed the call and the screen changed to Fox's upper torso. "Hey, where would you like to go?" asked Fox. "Y-you're allowing me to choose?" said Aru, a bit baffled. "Yes, I am! So where would you like to go?" said Fox smiling. "Um, just follow me okay?" said Aru, feeling excited. He began to drive out of the landing strip and Fox followed closely behind him. Aru began picking up speed as did Fox. They drove for 20 minutes trying to avoid awkward conversation, until they came across what seemed like a black hole. "Follow me" said Aru, "Wait, what?!?" "We can't go in there, we'll be crushed and pulled apart!" Fox shouted. "No we won't trust me" Aru said calmly, "Aru stop!! That is a black hole you don't know what you're doing!!" Fox screamed. "It isn't a black hole, it's safe, look" Aru said as he continued to drive forward. "Stop!!!" shouted Fox as he watched the Arwing being enveloped by the black hole. All connection with Aru was lost seconds later. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, why the hell did I let him go?!? This is all my fault, what am I going to do" lamented Fox. Moments later he got a notification of an incoming message from Aru. "See I told you it's totally safe" said Aru. "Oh my God, I thought you died, what a relief" said Fox feeling a bit more relaxed. "A-are you still coming?" asked Aru, "Yes, so you're sure this is safe?" said Fox. "100% sir" said Aru. "Okay then" replied the Fox as he began to drive toward the black hole. As he entered the black hole he was greeted with a verity of flashing lights and a tunnel that seemed to head to nowhere. He felt something grab his ship and turn it around, then he felt it throw him into the tunnel. When he came to, he realized that he was with Aru as he could see his Arwing across from his own. "Oh good you're awake, now we can arrive" said Aru, "wha?" said Fox groggily. "Yea it's just 5 minutes away, follow me" said Aru excitedly.

"Here we are!" said Aru, "What I don't see anything" said Fox. "O-Oh that's just because we have not entered the atmosphere yet" replied Aru. As Fox followed Aru into the empty void of space, a planet enveloped in darkness suddenly became visible to him. "How is that there?" thought Fox to himself. The two ships eventually landed on the dark planet.

"What planet is this? I never seen it in the Lylat galaxy before?!" exclaimed Fox. "O-oh that's because this planet has never really been... discovered" said Aru quietly. "How the hell did you find this place? This is incredible!" said Fox. "U-um I just f-" "we have to tell everyone about this, this is an amazing find" said Fox cutting Aru off mid sentence. "P-please don't, I don't want people knowing about this place.... It would certainly make it a nuisance" Aru said as his ears lowered. "But, everyone has to know about this, it's amazing" Fox said. "Please, I am the one who found this planet, & I would like to keep it a secret, I brought you here because I felt like you too could keep this a secret, Sir" said Aru to Fox. "W-well, I-i" stuttered Fox, "Sir, forgive me but if you can't keep this a secret then you can leave" hissed Aru. Aru then began to walk away toward the mouth of a cave.

Fox followed quickly behind him, "I-I can keep a secret! It's just that this planet is amazing & more people need to know about it!" Fox said. "If you can keep a secret as you claim then please keep this a secret, this is my discovery, and I have the right to keep it hidden" said Aru as he turned to glare at the fox. "O-okay I guess you're right, I'll keep this a secret, between the both of us" said Fox as he rubbed the back of his head. "Really?!" Aru said as his face lit up. "Thank you so much!! I knew I could trust you" exclaimed Aru as he threw his arms around Fox & embraced him in a tight hug. Surprised about the sudden embrace, the fox blushed and hugged the wolf back. Aru quickly let go as he realized what he did & quickly said "Forgive me for hugging you sir" as he began blushing. "Huh?" said Fox dreamily, "O-oh that's okay, haha" said Fox. The two kept walking deeper into the cave quietly, until Aru came to a halt. The cave was covered in nothing but inky darkness, and barely illuminated by Fox's reflector. "Here, this will be fine" said Aru. "Wait what are we going to?" said Fox. "This is where we can camp, u-um if that's okay with you" said Aru shyly. "Oh okay, yea this seems fine" said Fox looking at the dimly lit cave, "Wait where are you going?" asked Fox. "O-oh I'm going to get our luggage, I-I'll be right back..." replied Aru. "Okay then, be careful" called out Fox. Fox was then left inside the cave alone with his thoughts.


Man it's kinda cold in here.

His hug did warm me though.

He's actually really cute.

His tail sways when he walks, hehe it's pretty cute.

I wish he would hug me again.

Damn I think I might have a crush on him.

Crap! It would never work between us, I mean we work together & it could really damage our friendship.

*sigh* I wonder if he feels the same way.


Fuck! What did I do?

He probably thinks I'm weird.

Things are going to be awkward between us.

God Aru you're an idiot!

I shouldn't have hugged him..

But he did hug me back & he was blushing...

Oh Fox, if only we could kiss...

Sadly that won't happen, he's not interested in me, he never will be

I wish you felt the same way I feel about you...

Enter Aru, carrying the luggage;

"H-here's everything" stammered Aru. "Oh you brought it all?" asked Fox. "Yea, um, well we should get set up" Aru said, "Right" replied Fox as he reached for his bags. "Um I brought a tent and two sleeping bags in case you need..." Fox's voice trailed off as he looked at Aru and noticed him pulling out a brilliant silver & blue object in the shape of a hexagon that illuminated a wide verity of the cave. The hexagonal object had a button in the middle, "What's that?" asked Fox, Aru did not reply. Aru pressed the button and threw the object 5 feet from himself & Fox. The object began to vibrate, it vibrated harder & harder until the floor began to shake & the sloshing of water could be heard in the distance. "What the hell are you doing?" yelled Fox. "Huh? Oh um.. Well" started Aru, but was quickly cut off by a loud ringing noise. The silver & blue hexagon spread open and began levitating toward the roof of the cave and began spinning. Out of nowhere an entire home materialized in the cave. Aru looked at Fox and said "What did you say about sleeping bags?". "Nothing, never mind that how did you do this?" said Fox, "O-oh I invented this, um, well it scans something first then turns it into coding & materializes the object that was scanned into solid material for a period of about a week, it also works as a light & a generator" said Aru. "That is amazing, you're very intelligent" said Fox, "T-thank you" said Aru blushing. "It's kinda cold out here for you to sleep here... Would you like to come in?" asked Aru. "Of course I would" replied Fox as he began picking up his luggage.

As the Fox walked through the door he was greeted by the lovely aroma of coffee. The whole house was completely furnished and was quite spacious. "Wow this is better than I thought" said Fox aloud. "R-really?" asked Aru shyly, "Yeah, this is totally amazing" replied Fox with a smile. "U-um it's getting late, we should wash up and go to bed..." said Aru nervously, "oh yeah, that's true" Fox said. "Um the bathroom is down the hall to the left, y-you can shower first, I'll go after" added Aru. "Thank you, that is awfully nice of you Aru" said Fox, as Aru began to blush. "Feel free to use anything in the bathroom, I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything" said Aru in a low voice. Fox called out; "Okay then" as he began to enter the bathroom.

Aru began to pour himself a cup of coffee & sat alone in the kitchen as fox showered. He took a sip of his coffee and began to dwell on his thoughts. He thought about how he was alone with Fox for the first time and how strange it seemed to be alone with him. Would Fox eventually get tired of him & leave him, it was a possibility that he had always kept in mind. The thought constantly tortured him, he could not let go of the thought even if he tried not to think of it. He looked down into his coffee and stared at his reflection as it distorted slightly in the ripples of the brown liquid. It felt as if he was staring at it for a few seconds when he felt a hand on his shoulder. His ears perked & he turned his head to be met by a shirtless Fox. His jaw dropped slightly as he looked at Fox's muscular torso. He had a very toned body, and his abs were very visible despite being covered in beige fur. Aru felt his face going hot and went to look down at the floor, only to notice that Fox was in nothing more than a towel. His entire face burned as he began to imagine Fox's towel dropping. "Hey, are you all right?" Fox asked. "Huh? O-oh y-yea I'm fine" said Aru evidently blushing. "Oh, okay I just wanted to let you know that I'm finished showering and that the shower is all yours" said Fox smiling. "Oh, yes thank you" replied Aru quickly getting to his feet, gathering clothes from his bag, and hurrying to the bathroom. He closed the door and locked it.

The bathroom was decorated in a Victorian way. There was a large oak mirror hung in front of the sink, which had a silver serpent embezzled on the faucet. The light source being a chandelier and the shower was but a white tub with clawed feet and a shower head. Aru put down his clothes and began to unzip his flight suit and heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Yes?" called Aru, "Um, I was just going to tell you that I'll wait for you in the kitchen" replied Fox. "O-okay then" said Aru, & the bathroom fell silent once again. He unzipped his flight suit, hung it on the door, then took off his eyepatch and put it on top of the sink, and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked at his scrawny torso, he could see his ribs and a large scar on the left side of his abdomen. He sighed and removed his boxers and hopped in the shower.

A while later Aru emerged from the bathroom wearing, his usual white medical eyepatch, & a navy blue long sleeve shirt and a pair of red sweats. He took his flight suit off of the door and took it, along with his dirty clothing, to the washing machine and dropped them in the washing machine, added fabric softener, and turned the machine on. He left his towel in the dryer. He walked into the kitchen and saw that Fox had changed into a black tank top and a pair of red shorts. "Hey" said Fox happily, "H-hey" said Aru shyly looking at Fox's muscular arms. "Oh, um we should probably brush our teeth before bed" said Fox, "Yea, we should" said Aru softly.

After they had finished brushing their teeth they headed to the living room and sat on the couch. "Aru, um I didn't know really know how to do laundry so I just, um, left it the hamper" said Fox quietly, "What? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could have washed your clothes for you" said Aru. "I-I was a bit embarrassed to tell you" said Fox quietly. "Why? You shouldn't be embarrassed, it's perfectly okay, I can wash your clothing tommrow" said Aru smiling at Fox. "T-thank you, you're too kind said Fox blushing. "O-oh that reminds me, um there is only one bedroom & bed, so um, y-you can sleep in there, & I'll sleep on the couch" said Aru. "Only one bedroom & bed, huh, well I can't do that, it's your house, you take the bed, I'll take the couch" said Fox. "N-no, I insist that you take the bed, you are my guest" said Aru. "Hmm, well how about we just sleep together in the bed? I bet it'd be much easier that way, & that way we'd both be comfy & warm" said Fox smiling. Aru began to blush and stuttered "o-okay, t-that sounds fine". "Great" said Fox happily as he got up and grabbed Aru's hand and guided him to the bedroom.

The room was quite simple and spacious, the only contents within the bedroom were a four poster bed with green and sliver curtains big enough to fit one person, an oak dresser, and a large closet on the right wall. Fox smiled at the bedroom and said "I like the bed, it looks cozy". Aru just nodded shyly and looked at Fox. Fox gestured at the bed and then said "After you". Aru lifted the bed covers and got into the bed. Fox walked over to the bed and then began to remove his tank top. "U-uhh, F-fox" said Aru blushing heavily. "Hmm?" said Fox, "oh, um I just sleep in my boxers because sleeping in clothing like that pulls my fur... " said Fox. "D-does it bother you? Because I can sleep fully clothed, if it does" he added quickly. "N-no, not at all, I was just wondering" said Aru blushing. "Oh, okay" said Fox, & he took off his tank top and dropped his shorts. Aru was met with the sight of Fox in nothing but boxer-briefs, he was staring intently at Fox, he felt his face burning. He could not help but stare at the foxes toned body & at the foxes blue boxer-briefs. Fox climbed into the bed and squeezed close to Aru, "I hope you don't mind this" said Fox. "N-no this is fine" said Aru shyly. "Well, g-goodnight" said Aru nervously. "Goodnight" yawned Fox, "um Aru?" said Fox. "Yes?" said Aru. "I-is it okay if I cuddle with you tonight? I-it helps me sleep... It's okay if you say no" said Fox nervously. Aru's heart was pounding heavily, he was sure that Fox would probably hear it, "Y-yes of course you can" said Aru softly, and turned over to face Fox, whose face lit up with joy. He grabbed Aru and brought him close, hugging him and resting his chin on Aru's head. Aru was blushing heavily and he began to sniffing Fox's chest. "That tickles" Fox giggled, "Thank you for everything, and thank you for letting me do this, Aru" said Fox softly. "You're welcome" said Aru dreamily as he inhaled Fox's aroma. "Goodnight Aru" said Fox as he hugged Aru. "Goodnight" said Aru sleepily, & eventually fell asleep.

End of ch1