Story by Kyzen on SoFurry

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#1 of The King's Request

Wren, a member of the King's royal harem, is summoned by the King on his 25th birthday. It's about to get hot behind the door's of the King's chamber, so grab your lube and get ready to spill your seed. Read on for a lust-filled adventure.


The doors to the King's chamber were guarded at all times by two members of his royal guard, but this didn't phase me in the slightest. His Majesty would have informed them that he would be having a visitor. It was his 25th birthday, after all.

I halted before the two guards. "Tobias, darling," I purred at the wolf on the right side of the door. "You're looking absolutely stunning in your armor this evening."

Tobias -- sweet, adorable Tobias -- blushed something fierce, the white fur of his cheeks flushing with warmth. He cleared his throat and, like a true gentleman, reframed from drooling over my silk and jewel-covered body.

Instead, he grinned at me and kindly said, "As do you, Wren."

"Thank you, love," I said sweetly and turned my attention to the hulking bull beside Tobias. "His majesty deserves only the best. Wouldn't you agree, brave Bastion?"

If I caused the bull to blush, then I couldn't tell. Bastion's sleek onyx fur hid everything from me, leaving me without any friendly ammunition. I did get him to smile, though, and it was quite adorable. He was an extremely handsome bull who had an extremely handsome smile to match his physical perfection. I would have to ask for the King's permission to visit him some night soon. His bulging muscles had me simply salivating with lust.

Bastion nodded. "Absolutely, Wren." Then: "You are, after all, very beautiful. The King chose wisely." The temperature of my blood skyrocketed instantly. Holy fuck. I wanted him to take me, then and there, forget about witnesses. The bull simply oozed with charm and sex-appeal. I bit my bottom lip to keep from moaning like the slut I was.

I would have him, come hell or high water. Just mark my words.

Tobias stepped from his post and shifted his golden shield to his back. He came to rest before me, still blushing furiously. Poor dear couldn't even look at me. I mean, who knew what would pop up beneath his armor if his gaze got caught upon the silk pouch that held my manhood or the thong laced intimately between my ass cheeks. A hard cock trapped beneath armor isn't at all comfortable. At least that's what I'm told.

"Please, raise your arms for inspection before entering the King's chamber," Tobias said, his voice warm like fresh honey. I complied and -- quite sensually -- lifted my arms above my head, my wrists crossed, fingers dangling beneath the weight of jewel-encrusted rings. My long locks fell down my back and chest like a waterfall of polished gold. Tobias, now in guard mode, watched my movements with hawk-like eyes.

"Please, remain still," the wolf grunted before beginning his examination. With practiced precision, he patted me down, looking for any hidden weapons or anything else that could bring harm to the King. With most of my fur on display as it was, it was obvious that I wasn't carrying anything. Besides the jewels that adorned my ears, throat, fingers, wrists, and ankles, I only wore the red silk thong. There was a diamond stitched into tiny strap above my tail. How his Majesty liked to spoil me so.

Tobias finished his inspection after only a few moments. "You're good to go, Wren. Please, show the King a good time, yeah?" he said before knocking twice upon the ornate doors.

A deep, husky voice that radiated power came from the room beyond. "Enter."

Both guards nodded at me and smiled wide before gripping the polished bronze handles of pulling the doors open for me. I thanked them and winked before stepping into King Adam's personal chamber. I'd make sure they'd be able to hear ever moan I made. They deserved a treat for being so nice towards me. Some men think we of the harm are repulsive sinners. Those men could jump from a cliff for all I cared. I was the King's to do with as he wished, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

The doors closed silently behind me.

I instantly dropped to one knee and bowed my head. "You sent for me, my King?"

A rumbling purr filled the air and sent shivers racing down my spine.