The Summer of a life time: Chapter 5 - The Fire Festival

Story by Gentaro on SoFurry

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Rushing out of the door quickly they all hurried off down the road towards the town, James immediately sighed thinking about the long walk back along the hills they had to walk over to get to Laura's home. The amount of effort that he had to use Just to get to hers on its own was bad enough, let alone heading back into the town. Slowly they made steady progress down the steep slopes heading back along the same path they all took to get to Laura's. Practically making small rests along the way the two had to stop at almost every hill to wait for James to catch up with them, but then again Laura was always in a hurry somewhere, especially when it was something special like this. Making there way up the next hill James picks up some speed trying to force himself to the top faster than the girls, at one point he actually managed to over take them. Stopping to rest on the top of the hill the girls instantly overtake again and leave James straddling behind once more. "Come on James, we'll miss it at this rate?" Laura was beginning to grow impatient by this point. "Uggh! We should have left sooner!?" Bekki looked like she was going to collapse, but she'd spent a long while working on her outfit for this one night, so that wasn't about to happen as frequently as she does fall over. Catching up to them both, James breaths out with heavy relief knowing that he wasn't far off being that the festival was only one last hilltop away. Looking up into the darkening sky they could see a huge glow over the top of the hill slowly begin to show as the night grows darker. "Well? Don't just stand there looking at it? Let's go! Over the hill." Laura again wanting to press onwards broke what was slowly turning into a staring contest with the sky into an actual attempt to make it over the last hill into the town and the Fire Festival that awaits them. Climbing the hill with everything they had left in them they all made it to the top! (Not that it was high or anything, there just too lazy to want to climb things) Looking down the hill they could see small crowds or fur's in costumes of gold and red heading into the town. Standing at the top of the hill they tried to see into the town itself to see what awaits them. But a large group of trees on the very edge of town block the view and the fiery glow that can faintly be seen through the gaps in the leaves. "Well, were not going to see much more from here, let's go!" Laura Seemed more anxious than ever to see what could potentially hold the makings of one hell of a great night. Moving quickly in a mad rush down the hill and around the final corner they stop, standing so still that you'd hardly notice there presence. Staring in complete amazement at the transformation from what used to be the town center they'd usually hang out in; there jaws practically fall off with complete astonishment at what lay in front of them. The entrance to The Fire Festival was there, it was two largely thick bamboo poles placed apart from each other with more crossing over along the top into an archway, Holding on a red silk banner with Fire Festival, Embodied on using golden thread with a pattern of lotus flowers spiralling off the name at different points. Two clay rounded dishes sit at the top of the two thick bamboo polls with a fire burning inside them, lighting up the entrance. Looking down the middle of the bamboo archway you could see crowd's of furs in Fire costume's of the gold and red colour. Shopping at market stalls buying things on sale or standing in groups watching exotic stage shows ranging from stunt magic to live band's, and even fire dancers performing at there very best to put on possibably the most spectacular shows on earth. The sight of people walking in and out of the crowds talking and socialising with each other so easily was breath taking, as on any normal day none of this would be possible, but tonight they were all gathered together as one united group, the people of this town, country and even some from all over the globe, gathered together for one big celebration. It was a very special night indeed, and three of them planed to live out every second of it. "Well, as amazing as it is, I didn't come here to just stand at the entrance and watch everyone else have a great night? So let's go inside already?" Laura just couldn't wait anymore, she was there, ready, and wanted to go have some fun. "Huh? Oh yea! Let's go, come on James!?" Bekki reached over to James and grabbed him by the arms and started to shake him back and forth "Come on! Snap out of it........" "Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa............ Stop!?" Bekki let go of his arms leaving him unbalanced, within moments James fell backwards and landed on the ground with a thump. Bekki Gasped before moving over to help him up. "Oh, I'm sorry, are you alright?" she grabbed his hand as he extended it out to her. Pulling roughly James instantly flew to his feet without warning, only to fall flat on top of Bekki on the landing. "Huggh......... If you two are quite finished down there, you wanna actually stand up this time and join me inside the Fire Festival?" Laura looked at them both as they lay on the ground slowly making it onto there feet again. "Ohh, Ha-ha? Come on, lets go inside" James said looking at Laura with a slightly agitated look on his muzzle. Walking along the road that would normally be rushed by cars on any normal day they headed towards the archway that lead into The Fire Festival. James couldn't help but look up when they passed under the archway to take a better look in at just how high the thing was. Pushing there way through the crowd's of furs around them James notices that everyone around him is wearing some sort of mask, each one with its own individual pattern of gold across the Fiery red mask. He also noticed that each one had a Japanese insignia on the top that he didn't understand, but he was sure he would find out soon enough. "Well, we don't want to look out of place, there's a mask stall over there, lets check it out." Laura and Bekki grabbed one of James's arms each and pulled him along. Looking over the market stall they weren't too sure what was going on until someone from out back walked through. It was an old grey snow leopard dressed in red and gold robes; he stepped forwards towards the desk at the front looking at them with a smile. "Ah, I see you've come to claim you're masks? Step inside and have a browse at what one you want." Walking into the stall they went through the shelves looking at the different masks that were available to them. "Wow, these are all very well designed, how much are they?" James asked curiously. "How much? Ha! There not for buying, they are free, but you may only take one." He said with a rather mysterious tone. "Oh, can I ask, what's the Japanese symbol embodied in gold mean?" James was unsure of its meaning and thought if anyone was to know it might be the market stalls man that knows. Waiting unsteadily he looked over to him as the stalls man approached him, taking the mask from his hand and looked at its symbol. "Ah, well let me tell you a little story. Those masks are all different from each other, each unique in there own way, Not a single mask of its kind anywhere in the world. But, every mask carries a symbol or a mark as to say? Now each mark in here might be different from the rest, there truly is no telling what one is what. But, it is said that each mask has a twin, and for every mask that is made that is given its symbol, another is made with the same symbol, only it's a different mask. They say that who ever has the mask which carries the same insignia as the one you choose, they are destined to be you're true lover." "Wow that sounds amazing?" James was astonished with the story he'd just heard from the old man. "That sounds Impossible? Like that would ever happen?" Laura looked over with a questionable face. "Yes, sound impossible it may, but for the last 4 years running I have had my own mask made for me with a different symbol each time, and my wife gets her mask from another mask stalls man on the other side of the Festival every year, and every year we have the same symbol, it's not chance, just true love." The stalls man smiled at James handing him back the mask. James just looked at him with a facial expression of pure amazement that may not yet exist. "Anyway, you may choose you're mask and leave, but choose carefully." The old man walked away heading behind a curtain into a back room. "Well, we've got ours? Are you going to have that one?" Laura asked. James looked at the mask in his hand and felt something special coming from it. Raising it towards his head he placed it over his eyes and secured it on. "Wow, you look very nice, I'm sure you'll be the star in the crowd's looking like that?" Bekki said, looking at him with a light smile. James was now ready to continue on and live out the rest of the night as best he can. Leaving the stall they headed out onto the roads again walking along through masses of crowd's. Pushing there way through another group of people they walk out into the open and James suddenly recognises where he was standing. Almost in shock at the difference with what they were staring at, they walked over to fountain that they usually hand out around. The fountain was switched off but inside it were loads of small clay dishes floating on the water with lit candles inside and pink rose petals left to float on top of the water. It was a truly breath taking sight to see the fountain looking so nice, like a picture worth painting. "Hey you guy's! Where you been!" A voice shouted over to them. Looking over they see Steven, Drake and Cody walking over all dressed in the same design of cloths with the red and the gold colouring. "Hey! Wow, you guys look great, especially you Steven, red is so you're colour" Laura just laughed at him. "Oh Ha-Ha? Because we've never heard that one before?" Steven just looked at her with an overly annoyed expression being as he usually wears nothing but Black because it goes with his fur. "How you been Cody, you ok?" Bekki knelt down to see Cody who was standing by Drake before he moved over to see her. "Heh, He's been good, he went to a theme park yesterday didn't you?" Drake Said to her before he had a chance to tell her himself, Cody just looked back at Drake and nodded "Then he watched the fireworks down at the lake with me. We saw you, but you looked like you were leaving so we didn't head over." Bekki stood up and walked over to Drake, holding Cody's hand as she did. "Oh, you did? Hmm........ I guess I was sorta busy, surprised I made it there to see them to be honest" She just smiled at him with a shy sort of look spreading across her face. "Hey, James, Haven't seen you since we met the other day? Where you been?" Drake walked over to James making sure he wasn't left out. "Huh? Oh, I was hanging out with Tom; we went to that new mall that opened up recently." James stood up having sat down on the side wall next to the fountain thinking he'd be left out. "Huh? No kiddin, was it good in there?" Drake looked at him interested to hear what it was like. "Yea, they have everything in there, if you want to buy anything that's hard to find I'd recommend that mall because there isn't anything they don't have." "Wow, did you see the fire works then?" "Yea, me an Tom watched them from on top of the hillside next to the lake." "Heh, that sounds pretty awesome." Drake smiled to him before turning back to look at the others once more. "Hey! There's a Fire Dancing Show on just over there going on in a couple of minutes, who wants to watch it?" Drake called out expecting everyone to reply with a yes and as per usual Cody was the first to want to go with him. Not long after Cody went over to Drake Bekki, Laura, Steven and James All ended up walking over to a set up stage to watch the show. "I wonder what'll happen." James said to himself "With luck he'll burst into flames" Steven just chuckled at thoughts of something going wrong. "Steven! That Cruel!?" Laura hit him in the arm after telling him off. "What? I think it'd be funny?" Steven looked at her confused? Everyone just looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You're Soo violent?" Drake just chuckled the face Steven was making seeing him when he's been told off. "I think it'd be funny if he fell of stage and landed on Steven?" Bekki said out loud before everyone joined in laughing. Steven on the other hand just stood there with a serious face trying his hardest not to let it get to him. Hearing a Drum beat start they all looked towards the stage to see two cheetahs step out onto the stage standing at the two sides with sticks that have something wrapped around the ends. "Why are they holding giant cotton buds?" "Steven, ShhhSh!" Laura whispered, nudging him in the arm again. They looked on in awe at the stage show that was about to start. With a sudden motion the curtain at the back shot up and from the darkness behind it a third cheetah stepped out onto the stage. He looked a lot younger than the other two but you could tell he was the main dancer. The three of them were wearing barely anything at all other than a loin cloth that was designed to cover everything to be sure nothing underneath was seen. The two at the sides were slim but firm, there chests being slightly muscular and showing off a little bit of tone, there fur being a rich golden colour that looked emasculate. The third was the same build only a little bit shorter that the other two, he had his golden fur with red lines painted across his chest and face in a strange pattern. James looked at him, his eyes being an emerald shade of green that looked almost mystifying. The cheetah looked at James and smirked, James looked back confused until he instantly went blind. As suddenly a burst of Flame shot up through the stage lighting the staffs that the three cheetahs were holding. Lighting the staffs at both ends the show quickly begins with the drum beat in the background adding that final effect to the show. Once his eyes had re-adjusted he could clearly see the show begin as the two cheetahs start moving around the outer edge of the stage before they begin performing jumping stunts as they go, at one point switching staffs and even switching sides of the stage by cart wheeling. After a short display from them both the drum picks up and the third cheetah begins fire dancing pulling off some of the most incredible stunts ever seen. Running through routine they continue the dance until its break point when the two follow up cheetahs stop and leave the main dancer left on stage to finish the show. With a Fast display of movement he twists the staff through his fingers and around his neck keeping it going about 4 or 5 times before catching it ant throwing it into the air. Flipping around a wire that was placed over the stage to spin the staff during the last trick of the show, it continues for about 2 seconds in the air before he catches it again. Spinning it behind his back instantly and out through the legs, he ends the show with a final step before breathing the fire outwards in one final burst right above the crowd. Hearing the drums stop he looks at the crowd around him before standing up straight and bowing to them, then exiting the stage. "Wow that was amazing!?" â€" Bekki "Tell me about it?" - Laura "I know wasn't it just epic!" â€" Steven "Damn...... that looked tricky?" Drake "Wow, Wish I could do that" â€" Cody "Yea, It was quite something?" â€" James walking off in different directions the crowd faded into the Festival and so did everyone else. James on the other hand was about to walk off before he noticed the cheetah that was on stage walk across the back area behind the stage. Wandering over to him James looks about nervously unsure if he should be where he was. Looking back to where the cheetah was all he see's is an empty chair. "What? But he was there just a minute ag......" "You shouldn't sneak around? It's Very impolite" A voice came from behind him. "What!? I wasn't? I mean, I...... uh?" James was stuttering out of shock form being caught so easily when all he wanted to do was say hello. "Haha........ That's a good one, I could hear you padding you're way over to me before you started to make sure no-one could see you, I could almost hear you blinking too. Ah, the name's Theo, nice to meet you? Erm?" Theo just looked at him confused about who exactly he was. "Oh, Err, I'm James, I saw you sit down and wanted to come over and say hello but you moved and then startled me?" James looked at him. "Ha! I think I did more that just startle you, but I'm not so easy to catch off guard? Anyway, come, sit with me..........." the cheetah led James over to a small red tent that was pitched up behind the stage. "Wow, thanks" James sat down on some bean bags that were placed in a corner. "So, what brings you here?" Theo asked "Well I only wanted to say hello? But now you've invited me into this, Erm? Tent, I guess I can say more than just Hi." James smiled talking to Theo "Well that's nice, so, did you enjoy the show?" "Very, it was just brilliant, No perfect even." "Perfect? Wow, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, there's another one on in about 5 if you want to watch?" Theo looked at him with a light smile before they looked over as a white tiger walked into the tent. "Hey, I got you that drink you wanted O Grand Master of the fire, is there anything else you wan............. Josh? What are you doing here?" Scott said looking at him confused? "Uggh! It's JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Oh? Well, I was close?" "Right? If you say so dear?" Theo giggled lightly "Oh, so you wanna joke with me now sweetheart?" Scott said grinning at him. "Maybe? Depends what you're going to do about it?" Theo smirked at him "Hang on, what's going on here??" James was more confused than ever. "Oh......... Erm, well, don't let this freak you out, but I'm gay?" Scott looked at him a Smiling sarcastically about how he might react. "Yea and he's all mine" Theo said with another smirk. "Hang on, you're Gay as well?" James was completely struck with shock by what he'd heard. "Sadly yes, I'm gay, why? What's you're problem with it? It's not illegal!?" Theo was starting to get angry with the wolf sat across from him. "Whoa, chill it Theo, he's Gay too........ Caught him making out with my little brother yesterday, Haha" "Heh, Thanks, Tell the whole World why don't ya!?" James looked at Scott very annoyed. "What? You're gay too? Well, if I was a couple of years younger or if you were a couple of years older maybe." "Ohh No you don't, you're mine!" Scott was the one smirking this time. "Yea I know silly, I'm just joking?" Theo patted his lap lightly and Scott walked over and sat down resting with Theo hugging him from behind with his arms. "Oh, damn that reminds me, Tom was looking for you?" Scott said "What!? When?" "Well he gave up looking about 10 minutes ago because of all the furs here in costumes and masks, he should be finishing his bands gig over by the shops, there only doing a few songs because there down a guitarist." "Thanks, I'll see you later, Oh and It was nice to meet you Theo" James rushed out of the tent with not a moment to spare running towards the stage where Scott said tom would be. "What a nice kid?" "What a nice loincloth?" Scott grinned before kissed his lover............. (But then suddenly! the story continues and you don't get to see what happens to them till later.... x3) James pushed his was through the crowds of furs making his way to the stage, hearing the music in the distance stop he feared that Tom might move on somewhere else before he could find him. Rushing faster than ever he made it to the stage and saw the band walking off the back. Hearing the usual chuckle that he remembered to be Tom he looked to his left and saw him standing around Laura and the others. Running over to them he makes his way through the crowds again until he gets to the same group of friends he's come to know and love over the past few days he's been there. "Hey, look, James is back?" Drake said "Ohh, That's It! GROUP HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Laura shouted out and with in seconds everyone was squished together in a giant bundle. (I'm surprised that they didn't struggled to breath in there?) Letting go they all stand around in groups talking to who ever. Tom was quick to grab James's hand and run off with him into the crowds again leading him away from the others. Wandering through the masses of furs there they stop at a fence. Pushing through a gap in the fence Tom leads James around the outside of the Fire Festival taking him to a hill that overlooks the entire town center. (Right now James must be thinking "Oh god, not another Bloody Hill!?") Climbing up the hill together the two holding hands still Tom pulls James in close and kisses him passionately before they both fall back in each others arms laying on the soft grass beneath them, enjoying every waking second of each others loving embrace. "Ah, I missed you?" James smiled to him. (You think he'd be sick of smiling by now wouldn't you?) "I missed you too" Tom smiled back. "I missed you more!" "Prove it?" Tom smirked Leaning up and laying over him James leans down and Kisses him on the lips gently, still holding him close as there chests rub up against each other in a sensual feeling of love, rolling off of him they lay together looking at the stars enjoying every waking moment this night holds. End. * * *

Hey All! I'm back and better than ever, my recent incident that left me laptopless is now over as I finally have a new one, and although I've not been able to write anything in a long time It has given me time to think up some awesome twists and plots for the series, so Even I don't know what could be coming next? But with my laptop fixed and my ideas unleashed I could finally start writing again! And so, the creation of this story came to be............ Well, it's so far so good, I've now written 5 parts to this story series that I hope to make a finished series one day. So that I may look back on it all from the beginning to the end and know that I've finally achieved something great in this world. Not only for myself but for those few Great people out there that read my story series following me to the very end and Think the same............. (Well, at least I like to hope that you all think the same) But here it is part 5............. Part 6 however may or may not be around some time soon, we'll have yet to find out? And by we obviously I mean me......... haha anyway I hoped you all enjoyed it, because this one in particular I Really enjoyed thinking up and writing everything out, Great fun, hope to do it again with part 6, but until then peace.................