My loving mother

Story by james mikoto on SoFurry

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#26 of love

It's sad to know that many people in the world do not have a mother with them to even speak of.....a very touchy subject indeed....

Thank you...

For standing by me through thick and thin

For not giving up on me when I needed a twin

For your patience when I kept pushing you away

For caring when I said I didn't need you anyway

I am grateful knowing...

I can count on your strength

Ask for your support, and know you'll go to any length

When I lose my way

You help me get back on track

When in pain

Your comfort soothes and brings me back

I am lucky because...

When I was sad you gave me faith and hope

When I was confused you taught me how to cope

When I felt I couldn't go on

You carried me long miles

When I didn't believe

You restored my smiles

Mom, thank I you!

Some day

Nothing today my mind is in a transient blank... not today not tomorrow but later someday I'll find my borrowed life's holy water's rain that has been drained....

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A never fading thought

If I thought for just one moment that this would be my last breath, I'd tell you I'll love you forever, even beyond death. If I thought for just one moment that your face would be the last I'd see, I'd take a million pictures and save them just for...

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my brother is leaving or being kicked out of the house soo I won't be here for a long while or week unless he stays reason y he pays for the internet so if he leaves so does the internet and helps with most of the bills here family...

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