A Dear Pet (Part 1)

Story by Loonz on SoFurry

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Lucy, tuckered out from a long day of classes, finally shut her laptop down and yawned. She stretched in her chair, lean body overcome with exhaustion. This research paper was kicking Lucy's ass. If only she could somehow sweet talk her way out of it... Lucy chuckled, chastising herself for even thinking that. Mrs. Young was a hardass and would never stand for such a thing. Shaking her head to herself, Lucy stood up and gave her body another stretch. Her slender black tail gently swished close to the floor as she headed towards the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and making silly sleepy faces at herself in the mirror, the little neko peeled her skintight jeans off, kicking them off to the side, leaving her lower half clothed only in purple panties. Living alone certainly had its perks. She knew no one would ever walk in on her when she didn't have any pants on. Without even removing her blue button-up the front shirt or white tank top, she collapsed into her bed and pulled the fluffy comforter over her body. Her head had hardly touched the pillow before she was fast asleep.

Unbeknownst to the neko, her window opened from the outside. Quietly, a nimble fox slipped into the slumbering girl's room, hardly making a noise as he dropped down from the window ledge. He was dressed all in black and wearing a backpack full of who knew what. This fox did not know Lucy, but he had seen her around. More importantly, his boss had seen her around. Careful not to bump into anything in the dark, the fox crept closer to the sleeping female, one paw already dipping into his opened backpack. Upon reaching Lucy, he pulled out a small syringe. In it was a liquid that would ensure that she stayed asleep for at least an hour. That'd give the fox enough time to transport her to the compound.

The fox looked at the peacefully sleeping neko. She looked so innocent and sweet, her hair all strewn about and cheeks flushed a warm rosy pink. He almost felt bad for what he was going to do. Almost. What the boss wanted, the boss got. And hey, maybe he'd get a piece, too. He wouldn't say no to that; he could see exactly what the boss saw in this girl. There was something about her innocent features and small frame combined with her bangin' body and full luscious lips that made a man want to do terrible things to her. He wondered if he could chance having a little fun with her first before bringing the neko to the boss... But no, that wouldn't do. Vin would know. He always knew.

Resisting the temptation to pull the blankets back and have his way with the sleeping girl, he instead slowly put the syringe to her arm. Pressing firmly, the needle slipped into her vein. The snoozing female let out a sleepy groan and moved to swat at her arm as though she were trying to shoo a bug away. Before she could reach the syringe, the fox had plunged the liquid into her and removed the needle. He patiently waited for ten minutes to be sure the chemicals had enough time to work, staring at her all the while. Checking his watch, he zipped his bag up, hoisted it over his shoulder, and picked the unconscious neko up out of her bed. Seeing that she had no pants on made him swallow, but again he resisted the urge and headed toward her back door and his waiting car.


Lucy awoke with a headache. Had she been drinking? She couldn't remember very well--the last thing she recalled doing was getting ready for bed. The neko could hardly bring herself to open her eyes. When she finally convinced herself to actually open them, she wished that she hadn't. Lucy found herself looking at a totally strange room. Frantically pushing back the rough blanket that had been thrown over her, she put her feet to the cold cement ground and ran to the only door she could see in the room. After trying the knob over and over again, she began to beat against the metal door.

"Hello? Somebody help me!" she bellowed.

Half an hour later and still no sign of anyone around, she gave up and rested against the wall. Feeling the uneven layer of paint against her bare legs, she sighed in frustration. Of all the ways to be kidnapped, of course she would be kidnapped while not wearing any pants. Head still aching, she tried to think of who would want to take her from her house. Had she made someone angry? Did she know the person responsible? She racked her brain, but couldn't come up with anyone. With a groan, she stood up and made her way back to the lumpy mattress she had woken up on. The headache she had was beginning to convince her to close her eyes again. As soon as she did, she was asleep again.


The feeling of something touching her forehead made Lucy jolt upright. With a gasp, she realized she was no longer alone in the room. Before she could utter a sound, a paw was placed over her mouth.

"Please don't scream. This doesn't have to be unpleasant," the wolf in front of her said.

He was huge, at least six and a half feet tall, and built with threatening muscles. Her green eyes were wide with fright and she shrank away from him. She considered biting his paw, but thought better of it. He looked like he could snap her in two without even breaking a sweat. Instead, she simply stared up at him with pleading eyes. He looked back at her with cold blue eyes and removed his paw from her mouth.

"Please..." she whispered. "I just want to go home..."

The wolf clicked his tongue and pushed a lock of hair out of her eyes.

"Hush now, Lucy. You decide your fate. If you serve me well, I'll eventually let you leave if you so wish to."

Lucy nervously bit at her lower lip and crept towards the far end of the bed until she was pressed against the wall. Though his voice was gentle and soothing and he had not once made a violent movement towards her, she didn't trust him. Anyone who would take someone from their home in the middle of the night against their will couldn't be any good.

"But... But why? Who are you? Why am I here? I don't understand," the neko said, a quiver in her voice.

"How rude of me not to introduce myself. Pardon me, Lucy. My name is Vin. I run a very stressful business, Miss. Lucy, and I've no time to hunt for what I need everyday. You are here to help relieve that stress. You're to be my pet, to put it simply. My play-toy to use whenever I want," the wolf said with a handsome grin.

Lucy felt her cheeks instantly heat up with a blush.

"You-you... You mean... You're going to..." she stammered. "But I don't even know you! Why me?"

"A fair question, I suppose. I like the looks of you, Lucy. I very much like the looks of you," Vin said, putting a paw on her bare thigh. "That's all the reason that I need. I saw you walking across campus and had Brian look into you so he could bring you to me. Speaking of Brian..." Vin said, glancing behind his shoulder at the door. He whistled sharply and then turned his gaze back to Lucy. She looked down at the paw that was still on her thigh. He stroked her skin gently, casually, and didn't seem to mind how uncomfortable it made her. Lucy almost couldn't accept that this was happening to her. She was going to be some wolf's plaything? All because he thought she was hot? And he had guys willing to kidnap people for him? Just what kind of business did he run, anyway? Lucy kept these questions to herself for the moment, still in shock. A fox pushed open the door and walked over to Vin and Lucy.

"Yeah, boss?"

"I think our newest addition to the family could use a glass of water and an aspirin. I also need you to clear all of my appointments for the night as I'll be otherwise occupied," Vin said with a pointed glance at Lucy.

"You got it, boss. Be back in a flash," Brian said before dashing off. As soon as Brian left the room, Vin reached over and softly pet one of Lucy's ears, an emotion almost like affection on his face. Lucy tried her best to stay strong and not recoil from his touch, not wanting to anger him just yet.

"So, Lucy, my dear. The million dollar question is this: are you going to cooperate? I would hate to have to hurt you, but I will have complete obedience from my pet."

Just as he asked that question, Brian showed up with a glass of water and two aspirins. Instead of answering Vin, Lucy gratefully downed the pills and sipped on the water, trying to sort out her thoughts. After dismissing Brian, Vin did not prompt Lucy to answer. He simply watched her, his eyes slipping and sliding all over her body and lingering in ways that made her blush all over again. Lucy wasn't sure there was any way that she would come out on top of this situation. She either did what he wanted or resisted, earning herself a beating before he forced her to do what he wanted anyway. Neither option sounded good to her, but she was too afraid to stand up to him. Maybe if she cooperated right off the bat, he'd realize that all of this really wasn't that fun and let her go sooner. Gulping down the rest of her water and setting the glass down on the bed in front of her, she timidly met his eyes.

"I'll cooperate," she said in a voice barely above a whisper. Lucy squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, willing herself not to cry.

"Excellent. I'm so glad you chose that option, Lucy. Now let's get you to your new bedroom, shall we? And please don't think about running away, darling. That will only make me angry."

Vin lead Lucy out of the room and down a twisting hallway until they reached two doors.

"This door here is the door to my office," Vin said, pointing at the one on the left, "And this one here is your bedroom." He pushed the door open and ushered her inside. It was a room two times the size of the one they had just left and it was tastefully decorated with modern furniture in jewel tones. The bed was in the middle of the room, a giant king size covered in an ocean of peacock blue blankets. Even though she was scared out of her wits, Lucy had to admit that this room was beautiful. Before Vin had a chance to say anything more, Lucy found herself walking towards the bed and hopping up onto it. Vin chuckled and shook his head.

"Make yourself comfortable. I need to go take care of one small thing and then I will be back to join you. If you're good, perhaps we could have dinner together. Behave, little Lucy," Vin said with a grin before disappearing.