
Story by Shakarri on SoFurry

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#4 of Ashanti's Advantage

Shakarri once more! A few poitns to hit first: story, characters, and situation is mine. No likie the sex or too young, buzz off. Go read the three previous stories first. Everyone else, enjoy!

The yiff in this one is a bit shorter than the last chapter, but this is sort of the mid-point of the series.

As I'm writting these stories, I can't help but think about the other characters. maybe I'll write a few spin-off stories about some of them after this sereis is over.


The Sun was starting to hang low in the sky, the shadows of the trees reaching out over the court, offering the two combatants a form of shade from the heat. However, it would seem that exhaustion had already started to wear upon the girls, their once radiant fur now dull and damp with sweat, their tongues hanging from their muzzles.

Ashanti had recovered from her injury, the adrenaline pumping through her veins blotted the pain from her mind, allowing her keep up with Keisha once more. But, perhaps now keeping up wasn't enough as the lioness was a full two set points ahead of her, giving Keisha a comfortable space to win with.

A good number of the other girls had gone home, claiming that they had other things that needed to be done rather than watching these two. The only ones that remained were Tonia the she-wolf, Jasmine, and Erin, a zebra who claimed to be Keisha's friend.

Ashanti stood at the base line, holding the ball in her paw as she stared at the ground. Her arms and legs felt like jam and she could feel her body attempting to keep itself standing up straight.

Jasmine grew concerned as she watched her friend deteriate out on the court, Mrs. Robertson refusing to stop them before Ashanti collapsed. Reaching into her duffle bag, she pulled out her cell phone and quickly dialed a number.

"Hey, Jordan," she spoke softly into the phone, trying to do so discretly, "Yeah, it's Jazz. I think you should come on over to the school tennis court. Yeah, Ashanti isn't doing too hot. I think you should come out and support her."


Ashanti sat in her seat during the Algebra class, barely able to stay awake. It wasn't because the class was absolutely boring to her, even though it didn't help, but the hyena simply felt drained, both physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Keisha had kept her word that she would call upon Ashanti to service her whenever she felt the need for it. Never in Ashanit's life had she ever known of any female with such a raging sexual appetite. It had only been two weeks since she became a "cock-on-call", but she had been summoned twelves of those days, three of those days she got a call from Keisha more than once, usually after school or in the middle of the night. The lioness didn't need a cock on call, she needed an exorcist.

Ashanti's body felt limp and tired, her crotch aching, as she tried to pay attention to the lesson. The hyena moved her pencil across the notebook paper in front of her, attempting to transcribe the lecture, but her tired brain could only muster a solid, wriggling line.

She must have fallen asleep at some point during the class because the next thing Ashanti remembered was waking up to a small tap upon the back of her shoulder. Snapping awake quickly, she spun her head back around towards Jordan who held a folded slip of paper out at her. Taking the paper, she opened it up and read it as the teacher continued to talk.

"Where ya been? I haven't seen you in forever!" he wrote. Ashanti glanced up at the blackboard before grabbing her pencil and wrote back, "Busy with stuff. I can't really tell you," and quickly passed the note back. She heard the sound of writing then the paper appeared over her shoulder again.

"I miss hanging out with you. Aren't we still friends or what?" Ashanti gave a small sigh before leaning over to reply when she felt a buzzing vibration in the pocket of her jeans. She already knew what it was, but she couldn't believe that it would happen now of all times. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the cell phone before she read the text message that flashed upon the screen.

"Meet me in the bthrom in sci hal."

Ashanti rolled her eyes, a small whimper escaping her. What the Hell was wrong with this lion? Was she trying to kill Ashanti? That had to be it. But, then again, it could be that she wanted to meet with her about something else.

Always the optimistic one, Ashanti rose her paw, cutting her elderly panda bear teacher off in mid-sentence.

"Yes, Ashanti?" he mumbled in his usual drone, pushing his glasses up higher upon the bridge of his snout to get a better look at her.

"I need to use the restroom," Ashanti muttered, dipping her head down as she glanced about at her other classmates, all of their eyes upon her.

"Well, I'm sure that you can hold it until the bell," he started back up, turing away to face the blackboard again.

"It's not kind of emergency, sir," she said, feeling embarassed having to talk about this, "It's more of a ....female emergency."

The panda bear glanced over his shoulder, giving her a puzzled look, not catching her drift at all.

"She's bleeding form her cooz, Mr. Tao," a male fox blurted out, a grin on his face as the other students of the class shared in on a small snicker at Ashanti's expense.

"Oh," the old fashioned panda huffed, a bit taken by the sheer vulgarity of the fox's words, "Well, in that case, you are excused, Ashanti."

Grabbing for her backpack, Ashanti made a beeline for the door, her face blushing red beneath her fur. The things she did to keep her hermaphrodite nature a secret.

Walking through the halls of the school, Ashanti tried to walk as quickly as possible without drawing attention to herself. The last thing she needed was a teacher stopping her and asking what she was doing so far from class.

As Ashanti passed by the math wing's drinking fountain, a couple of female students stood around, talking to each other about something. When they noticed the hyena, they both stopped and stared at her, watching her walk past them before turning back and giggling loudly with plenty of "Oh my gawd!"s being tossed back and forth between them. Did they know something about Ashanti that was so funny? Had Keisha broken her promise and told somefur about her?

Shaking the thoughts from her mind, Ashanti turned down into the science wing, slipping up against the bathroom door before sliding in.

Ashanti was surprised to find the bathroom empty. There was a very distinct smell of piss and cigarettes, but she didn't see a sign of Keisha anywhere.

"Hello?" Ashanti called out, peeking around from near the bathroom's entrance. Maybe she got lucky and Keisha changed her mind.

"Over here," the familiar voice called out, a small whimpering tone to it. Following the sound of the voice, Ashanti stood in front of a bathroom stall and pushed the door open a bit.

Inside, Keisha had her legs spread open lewdly, her skirt pushed up and her panties wrapped around a single ankle as the lioness wantonly rolled her swollen clit about with her fingers. It seemed that she simply couldn't wait for Ashanti any longer.

"What took you so long?" Keisha snarled through her clenched fangs, staring at Ashanti with one barely opened eye as she continued her self-induced pleasure, "Whatever. Just get in here and close the door."

Slipping into the stall, Ashanti felt a bit cramped in the confined space. Keisha didn't miss a beat for, as soon as the stall door was closed and locked, she left herself alone and lunged for the hyena, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close before fumbling about with the fly of the jeans.

It was so disgusting. Of all the places Keisha could have picked for them to do this, why did she have to pick a bathroom? Ashanti felt her stomach lurch at the thought of what could be covering each and every surface of this room, let alone this stall.

Finally figuring out the trick to the pants, Keisha quickly tugged and pulled the jeans down off of the hyena, jostling Ashanti in the process. Already, despite the horrid conditions surrounding her, Ashanti's cock had begun to raise out from the fuzzy sheath that held it. Taking Ashanti by the hips, Keisha tried to speed up the process as she licked and lapped at the exposed pink piss-slit while rolling the heavy balls about with her paw, urging the cock to fill out faster.

Ashanti's face contorted in a mix of pleasure and discomfort. The eager attention of Keisha's mouth did stir the hyena's cock to spill out from its hiding place. However, the lion's tongue was rough and painful, causing Ashanti to wince and suck in air through her teeth as the sand-paper tongue brushed over the underside of her still mostly soft and sensitive member, but she didn't stop the lion from her action, she learned her lesson from her bloody snout, but rather looked up at the ceiling. Her time being with Keisha had taught Ashanti how to separate her mind from her body, to find someplace else to be while the lion used her as a tool.

Watching the smoke detector's light blink on and off, Ashanti wondered to herself if that thing actually worked.

The hyena's attention was brought back to the present as she felt Keisha wrap her mouth around the now fully erect phallus, her tongue lapping around the veined flesh as she bobbed her head over the mass, forcing inch by inch down into her throat with each downward motion. The first time Keisha did this, Ashanti could hardly believe that she had stuffed all ten inches of cock into her muzzle, but now it was just another thing that Ashanti had come to expect.

The lioness gave a soft moan, her throat rippling around the embedded cock, as she resumed the teasing of her own clit, rolling the exposed nub with the pad of her fingers. The sounds that Keisha made as she worked the fleshy length was rather nauseating; the wet, slimy squishing sound that one would think to hear from punching a squid. But, what it lacked in grace, it more than made up in pleasure as the tight passage of Keisha's throat coaxed the hyena towards the need to rut.

With a loud pop and a desperate gasp for air, Keisha released her hold on the hyena cock before leaning back in the toilet seat, pressing her legs against the frame of the stall's door. Holding her sex open, she looked up at Ashanti with a small glare, showing her need to be fucked.

"But, what about a condom?" Ashanti asked, surprised at the sudden change of tactics.

"Didn't bring one," Keisha huffed, obviously annoyed with the hyena's hesitance, "It's fine. It's just this one time, so hurry up!"

Guiding herself into Keisha's cunt, Ashanti once again made herself at home in the lion's wet folds. In the stall, it was so cramped and they were at such an odd angle, but they somehow made it worked as Ashanti was soon rocking her hips back and forth, stroking the lioness' deepest walls with her ridged girth.

"Oh shit, yes," Keisha panted, placing her paws against the adjacent walls of the stall, propping herself up higher to aim the head of Ashanti's length at her sweet spot, "Aw fuck, right there."

Ashanti could feel her own cunt weeping at this point, the feminine juices trickling down the inside of her thighs. What she wouldn't give to have something fill her right now.

The two fed off the other's sexual inferno that raged inside each of their loins. Holding Keisha tightly by her waist, Ashanti sped up her thrusts, a series of loud, wet slaps echoing off of the tiled walls of the restroom.

The metal walls of the stall proved to be tricky to hold onto as Keisha constantly lost her grip upon them, even with her claws raking against them, peeling the green paint from its foundation. Left with no other option, Keisha reached out and grabbed two pawfuls of the hyena's clothed chest, holding onto them to give herself the leverage that she needed.

"Ooooh, Gooood," Keisha mewled, her beaded hair clattering in time with each bump of her thighs, "Yeah yeah yeah!"

Ashanti was in agony. She had already brought herself to the threshold of her own orgasm, but she didn't dare let it happen before Keisha's. It wasn't like she could just stop and wait for her body to relax, that would be worse than just cumming now. The only option left was to try and will her body into submission, parting herself from the moment as she tried to think of something else, anything else other than the warmth that milked at her shaft.

Keisha suddenly feel silent as her jaw and her eyes clenched shut, her entire body going stuff before shuddering with relief as her climax washed over her.

Seeing that the lioness had come, Ashanti finally pulled down her mental block and allowed herself the same pleasure, burying her length fully into the lion's slick vent before unleashing several calming shots of her male-essence, groaning from the sudden and pleasant release.

"You fucking freak!" Keisha screamed, her eyes bright with anger as she used her legs to kick Ashanti out and off of her, slamming her against the stall door. Picking herself up, the lioness raced out of the stall and towards the sink, her panties and skirt still out of place as hyena cum dripped from her sex.

"I swear, if you get me pregnant with your God damned mutant child, You won't have to worry about me telling anyone about you," the lioness snarled, cupping her paw under the running water before attempting to flush the white payload from inside herself, "'Cause I'll just fucking kill you instead!"

"Don't be stupid, Keisha,"Ashanti gave a small snort as she stood up and pulled her pants back up, quickly buttoning up the fly before walking out of the stall as well, "I cant get you pregnant. I can't give nor have babies at all. That's the price I get for being the way I am."

Keisha shot a dark look at Ashanti, trying to figure out of the hyena was telling the truth or was simply trying to save her own fur. Finally turning off the water, Keisha bent down and slipped her underwear back up into place and smoothed her skirt out, removing any sign of her ever matting except for the slight blush to her ears and face.

"Get the fuck out of my sight," the lioness snarled, still a bit pissed that Ashanti didn't pull out.

Without having to be told twice, Ashanti grabbed her backpack and shoved the door open before storming back out into the hall. Wandering back into her classroom, Ashanti stood in the doorway as she noted that all the students in the room where different now. Her teacher and the room where the same, but she didn't remember any of the other face.

"I'm glad that you decided to return, Ashanti," Mr. Tao muttered, a small scowl upon his face, "But you're about ten minutes late. The bell for the next class rang a while ago."

Stamping her paw against the ground in a small temper tantrum, Ashatni nodded towards her teacher and started to turn away.

"Ashanti," Mr. Tao called out to her, "Pull another stunt like that to get out of my class again and I'll be sure to meet you later for detention."

"Yes sir," Ashanti mumbled, her head dipped in obedience as she heard small giggles spread throughout the class.

The rest of the school day went on without a single problem. However, Ashanti couldn't help but think about Jordan and how she had been neglecting her friend this whole time. Someday, she'll make it up to him, just not now. She had far too much to worry about right now.

Returning home from school, Ashanti was met by both of her parents waiting for her at the door. She glanced at the two of them, not knowing why they were waiting for her, but she suspected that it wasn't at all good news.

"Mr. Tao called," her father grumbled, his arms folded across his chest. He was still dressed in his blue collared shirt, most likely having raced home after Ashanti's mother told him about Mr. Tao's call, "He told us that you have been starting to slack in his class, falling asleep during school, and you that you even tried to skip his class."

Ashanti gave a small sigh as her father lectured her. How much she wanted to tell him the truth, to just toss her arms up into the air and tell them both all about Keisha, the shower room, the late night calls, the abuse. But, she couldn't. If she did tell them, she knew that they would try and take matters into their own paws, forcing Keisha to make her move.

"I've just been tired after practice," Ashanti claimed, "That's all. I just need to sleep more at night."

"Sweetie," her mom chimed in, "Your father and I know that you love tennis, but if it's effecting your education this much, maybe .... you should drop it."

" I have homework to do," Ashanti muttered, not even bothering to reply to that statement as she walked towards her room and slammed it shut. She spent the rest of the night in there, staring at herself in the mirror. What had she become? What will she do in the future? Does she even have control over her life anymore?

The next day was surprisingly great. It was the same boring school with the same boring lessons, but Keisha did not call throughout the whole day. Perhaps the lion was giving Ashanti a day off. Whatever the reason, the hyena was enjoying not having to be on constant call. She even managed to meet up with Jordan after school and hang out at his house for video games.

"Hey!" the wild dog barked, a wide grin upon his face, "That's cheating!"

"It's not cheating if the game lets me do it," Ashanti snapped back, leaning her body to the right in an attempt that her character would do the same.

"Ok, fine," Jordan chuckled as he leaned over and pulled Ashanti's controller from the consol, giving him the advantage that he needed to win the game.

"Now that's cheating!" Ashanti yelled before rolling over and punching Jordan in the shoulder.

"Hey, the game allowed me to do it," he giggled, rubbing at his shoulder.

"Yeah, well, the game allowed me to do this!" with that, Ashanti lunged at Jordan, tackling him to the ground as the two of them attempted to tickle the other into submission.

"Ok! Ok!" Ashanti finally shouted out, whooping with laughter, "I give! You are the king of the ring!"

"Heh," Jordan snickered, his body still laying on top of his friend's, "And don't you forget it."

It took the two of them a second to realize the position that they were in, Jordan on top of Ashanti, her legs wrapped around him. The both stared at the other in a bit of an awkward silence. Deep in her chest, Ashatni's heart raced as she felt her emotions surge.

"I....uh..." she started, lost for words, but not wanting to say nothing. She was cut short as her cell phone went off. Seven thirty-six. That's the time at which Ashanti's vacation ended.

Pulling herself out from underneath the canine, Ashanti grabbed a hold of her phone and read the message, "My house."

"Hey," she sighed in reluctance, "I... gotta go."

"Are you sure?" Jordan asked, his head tilted to the side just a bit, "I mean, if it's your parents, they can probably wait for another hour. You don't have to leave right now." Ashanti couldn't bear to look Jordan in the face, his eyes and ears giving him the sad puppy expression.

"I can't. It's an emergency," she said drily, picking herself up and grabbing her backpack.

"An emergency? Is everything ok?"

Ashanti could only give him a small glance from over her shoulder before shaking her head.

"No. It's not."

Finding her way towards Keisha's house, Ashanti walked up and was about to ring the doorbell when she heard a small "Pssst!" She glanced about and saw Keisha's head poking from around the corner of the house, flagging her over. Following after, Ashanti was led into the small backyard as Keisha locked the gate.

"I don't want my dad to know that you're here tonight," Keisha growled, her left eye a dark blue and swollen shut.

"What happened to you, Keisha?" Ashanti gasped out, concerned for her captor. However, deep down in her heart, Ashanti secretly felt glad that the lion had gotten such a bruise.

"Nothing, just got caught with another one of my boys, that's all," Keisha snarled before grabbing Ashanti by the wrist, "Now, c'mon. I gave you all day to yourself so now you need to work for that time off."

So, the lioness dragged her hyena toy towards the work shed that rested along the fence, pulling her inside before closing the door. Was this all that Ashanti had to look foreward to in life now? This couldn't be how it ends. One way or another, she had to find some way out of her enslavement.


Ashanti was worn out, but it was all part of her plan. She knew Keisha's weakness. Keisha was a beast who used raw power to roll over her opposition, good for a short game, but in longer matches, it would be her undoing. She was far worse off than Ashanti since she was putting her all into the game early on, attempting to take the hyena out fast. Watching the lion from across the court, she saw how Keisha's posture was off, standing on her full paws instead of the ball of them. The lioness couldn't even keep a proper grip on her racket. Now was Ashanti's chance to tie the game back up. With the lion slow and weak, Ashanti could easily control the game from here on out as long as she didn't wear herself out much further in the process.

To be continued...