
Story by Kaminari Kitsune on SoFurry

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#5 of Josh Bureon

I'm beginning a short arc where Josh tells of how he got each of his core team. First up? Sebastian, the extremely powerful shiny zoroark.

"Professor! He blew up a building! Are you covering for him? " Jenny was furious, and I have to admit, that mad her look even more cute. "Kare wa f?rigandesu, professor!" He __is a hooligan. Wow, I didn't know that Jenny had that much faith in me. Hooligan is much better than criminal.

"Jenny, it's rude to talk about someone as if they can't understand you. Japanese is the native language of Sinnoh, too. Now, Josh my boy. Come with me. We have much to talk about."


A few hours later, I was out of the town. We had arranged things with the police pretty well and I was on my way to the first gym, out in Violet City. "Don't forget what I told you, Josh!" The Prof. shouted by way of goodbye.

On the way, I released my zoroark, Sebastian. His purple (yes, purple) hair and claws practically glowed in the light, but I'm sure that it was just an illusion. You see, Sebastian is a shiny. Sebastian was my second Pokemon, after Angie. When Angie was just an eevee, and my parents were... Anyways, family introduced me to a tradition: at eleven, a Bureon is supposed to get an eevee, his parents' eeveelutions' oldest, and pick a region to start their journey in. I picked Unova.

_"Eevee, use dig on lilipup!" Angie was battling, and I was shouting commands. I dodged an attack myself as I wondered why this dog was so vicious. Then, Angie hit it, and it... transformed somehow. Instead of a yellow dog, it turned into a grey fox with electric blue paws and a gift if fur on it's head in the same shade. "Whelp. I had better not waste this opportunity," I thought to myself. I threw my last pokeball at the fox, caught it, and took it to the Pokemon center to get it healed up. As I walked in, carrying the fox, I was stopped by officer Jenny. . "Where did you get that?!" she demanded. "I caught it off of route four," I stammered. Back then I was afraid of the law. How funny is that? Anyways, Jenny answered me. "A local trainer was missing his zoroark. She was kitting, but she ran away before he could get her here. She came back, but not without her eggs," The Jenny looked at me suspiciously. "So, did you steal an egg?" _

"You are speaking English, right? Because English and Japanese are the only languages I know. What's a zoroark?"

_Jenny pulled a picture up on her phone. "This. You have its younger form, zorua, but that one is special," she said. _

"I'm sorry ma'am. I've never seen a Pokemon like that in my life. I just caught this," I said.

Later, I saw a trainer. The zorua had healed and open its eyes. The trainer came in with his zoroark. Maybe it was the look in the zoroark's eyes, maybe it was the grin on its lips, but when it saw me, it seemed to say "Take care of my kid, alright? I won't tell my master." As the trainer left, I caught his name: Sebastian. Everything after that had been a blur for most of my life. I traveled around the region, getting new Pokemon: cryoginal, chandelure, zebstrika, garbodor. But none were more precious to me than my little blue fox, Sebastian. He was my partner in crime when I needed money. My best listener when I needed one. My best Pokemon on the battlefield. But most of all, he was my best friend in all of Unova. Is it a wonder that I chose him for my Champion team?


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**Laelaps- Canis Major** Before I say anything, I just want you to know that I have the power to break the fourth wall. No one else does. They, despite talking to you, have no idea you exist. Some would say that I'm insane for talking to you, but I'm...

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Pokemon: returning champion: New Bark Town

**Josh** **Me being me, I entered New Bark Town with a bang. They had just built a new Pokemon Mart, and everything was priced at a steal!** **"Where the hell did you get explosives?" Officer Jenny demanded. "And why did you take everything from the...

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Kami," my sister whispered furtively. We were in English, and our teacher, Ms. Hare was a nightmare to whisperers, but a death sentence to note passers. So we whispered. "Is everything alright?" She continued, after a pause to check for Hare's stink...

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