My Pain

Story by Cherry196 on SoFurry


#4 of Poetry

The first gasp of pain as you try and breath but your tears fall

too fast and you can feel yourself slowly crumbling as your

hands shake and your silent cries turn into sobs as your tears

plop onto the floor with a soft tap as your knees give way making

you kneel causing your hair to fall and cover what has yet to

happen. "Why Me? Why couldn't I fit in? I just want to be liked."

Your sobs turn into gasps as you feel light headed and the world

flashes and swim as you fall and stare with your head on the floor

numb as morphine yet still as stone with no energy left you fall

and stare with your head on the floor numb as morphine yet still

as stone with no energy left you lay there in your tears waiting

for the pain to leave you and resume it all again.