Husky Had It Coming
Husky Had It Coming
A birthday commission for HunterKaiser - and even with
Gruffy giving him a birthday present...heheh...In Bed With Gruffy time ahead! This has been delayed like much of my work, wish Hunter a happy birthday, anyway.
Hope you have a good time, and I shall be looking forward to the feedback! Cheers!
Hunter's ears drooped a little at the tiger's cheerful giggle.
"Hsss!" the husky hissed from the corner of his muzzle.
"What is it?" the tiger on his tail questioned.
"Bah," the husky rumbled, "might wake up the parents!"
The tiger quirked his brow.
"So that's why there's so many cars on the driveway..." the striped cat said.
Hunter grumbled.
"Don't start!"
The tiger winked.
"It's not a problem for me," the cat said. "Are you planning to find the right key any time soon?"
Hunter looked at his paw that had been in the process of twisting a key in the lock to the front door. The husky snorted.
"Shit," he muttered, "work keys..."
"Heheh," grinned the tiger.
Hunter swapped the keyring and managed to find the familiar key within seconds. He opened the door as quietly as possible and peered in, ears perked for any trouble that could be heard.
"All quiet," he told to the cat still standing on the porch, "think they're in bed."
"Good," the tiger said. "Lead the way."
Hunter tiptoed into the living room and was glad to confirm the non-presence of any parental units. The silence permeated the house and gave him hope that he had managed to snuck in undetected.
"Okay," he said, "don't slam the door!"
True to his feline nature, the tiger managed to operate the door without causing the entire house to shake with the motion of it being shut. After that the husky's biggest worry until they were in his room would be the potentially creaky stairs under their footpaws.
"Come on," he whispered to his guest. "Up in the attic."
"Murr," the tiger made a curious noise.
The tiger followed the husky's moderately waggy tail, up the stairs, along the landing where the dog was being extra quiet considering his parents were sleeping behind one of the doors, and then up the more narrow stairs into the attic room that served as his personal doghouse. Closing its door made Hunter let out a deep sigh of relief.
"Always sneak up with guys to your room with your parents at home?" the tiger asked.
Hunter wagged his tail.
"Sometimes," the husky replied with a grin. "When they're hot like you."
"Pffft," the tiger hissed. "I thought this silver tongue was just the result of the rhum and coke..."
Hunter giggled.
"Well I don't think I'm looking at you through rhum and coke goggles now..." the husky said.
The tiger stepped closer to the dog.
"Is that so?"
"Meh!" yipped the dog.
The tiger clicked his tongue.
"I thought we were supposed to be quiet," his paw landed on the husky's chest, warm, and with the shirt he was hearing slightly damp with sweat and sticking to the dog's furs.
"Yups," Hunter grinned.
"Hmmm..." noted the tiger," Hunter, wasn't it?"
"Yeah!" the husky said. "And you're Gruff!"
"Indeed..." said the tiger, "and I've got a question, henceforth.."
"I've never heard anyone put it like that, but sure, what is it?" Hunter inquired.
The tiger's paw moved swiftly and squeezed on the dog's muzzle, to press it shut. Hunter snorted with surprise at this maneuver. The tiger's eyes gleamed.
"...just how quiet the husky can be?"
Hunter whimpered, out of sheer arousal by now at this sudden show of strength and initiative. The tiger was still smirking, and licked his lips while he looked at the husky weightily.
"That's what we want find out, isn't it?" Gruff mused.
Hunter nodded, as much as he could with his muzzle in the tiger's grip.
"Good boy," the tiger said.
His paw was released, and Hunter let out a breathy yelp.
"Wow," the dog huffed.
The tiger swatted the dog's legs with his long, striped tail.
"And I didn't even take it out of the pants yet," the cat said.
"Lol," the husky knew that textspeak was rude, but he couldn't think of anything else to reply in regards to that rude remark.
The tiger sauntered over to the husky's bed and promptly sat himself down onto its edge.
"You come here now," he gestured with his tail.
"Yes, sir!" Hunter whispered.
The aroused doggy took the few steps required, yet stopped upon the tiger's look at him.
The tiger patted his thigh.
"Down here, boy," he said.
Hunter grinned and wagged.
"You want a lap dance, sir?" he asked from the tiger.
"You'll be getting something on my lap alright."
"Uh...yes?" Hunter was starting to feel puzzled.
"Get that ass here," the tiger chuckled. "You know what happens to people who have their birthday..."
Hunter's ears dropped briefly.
"Are you serious?" he asked.
His cock throbbed, either way.
"What do you think?" said Gruff.
Hunter flopped onto the bed so that his midriff was really resting against the tiger's thighs. He could feel the cat's bulge throbbing close to his own while he wriggled and tried to find a comfortable position on his own bed, with the addition of a tiger on it now.
"Well that's much better, isn't it?" the tiger stated.
"Murf," the husky wagged his tail.
The tiger's eyes followed the shuffle of the husky's curled tail for a few moments before he terminated the motion with a well-landed smack against Hunter's butt. The dog bit his teeth together but did not manage to entirely stop the "unf!" from leaving.
"Hey!" Hunter complained.
Gruff grabbed the newly spanked butt cheek and gave it a firm squeeze while the husky let out a few extra rumbles of shock and surprise on the feelings radiating from his suddenly sore rump.
"Birthday boys always get plenty of spankings..."
"Just remember to be quiet, doggyboy," the tiger stated before his paw went up in the air again.
This time Hunter had the presence of mind to press his muzzle down against his sheets before the swat came down. It was not particularly hard, but it stung just enough for the dog to feel it more than well.
"Big rump like this is just meant to be spanked..." the tiger rumbled.
Hunter's ears flattened at the same rate as his cheeks began to burn red - much like his ass cheeks, which were indeed getting a constant series of heavy-pawed smacks now. Being told such a thing was both embarrassing and arousing, yet the dog couldn't quite pick which was the defining factor. He just knew that his cock was hard and his tail wagged in-between the slaps that came down on him.
"Hmmyeah, bet you didn't expect this when you laid your eyes on me, husky boy..." the tiger growled dirtily.
"Hmhmmph!" Hunter shook his head, with his muzzle still pressed firmly to the bed.
"Good boy," Gruff tousled the husky's head furs.
"Do you say anything else?" Gruff chuckled.
Hunter glanced over his shoulder and wriggled his rump.
"Had enough yet?" the tiger asked crookedly.
"Mu- unf!" the husky's response was interrupted by another smarting swat.
"Who ever said you can decide?" the tiger chuckled.
The spanking carried on for a couple more minutes, but by the time it was done, Hunter was panting and smarting in just the right way, the husky thought, when the swatting was replaced by a somewhat soothing rub on his rear instead.
"Heh...good boy..."
"I'm a good boy!" Hunter ruffed. "Most of the time..."
"Well, how about you be a good boy and show me where your stuff is?"
Hunter wagged his tail.
"Right here baby!"
Gruff tugged on the husky's tail and brought out a moan from the cheeky dog.
"Lube and stuff!"
"Hmmmph...murf," Hunter said.
"Do you always say that?" the tiger asked.
"Yes!" Hunter giggled. "Can I move now?"
"Yep," said the tiger."Move it!"
Hunter squirmed away from the tiger's lap, sore ass and all, and reached for the nightstand on the head of his bed. The movement rubbed his cock onto the sheets and made him rumble again, quite helplessly aroused by the friction that caused. He tugged on the drawer, which opened with a rattle, and was already reaching for the jar of Boi Butter when the tiger interrupted him.
"Hey!" said the tiger.
"What?" asked Hunter, fingers fumbling for the lube.
Gruff clicked his tongue.
"Oh you dirty dog," the tiger stated.
"What?" Hunter asked.
"Don't close that!" the tiger instructed the dog when he was just about to do so.
"Take those cuffs out first," Gruff said.
Hunter's ears flicked quickly, but he retrieved the pair of simple police-style paw cuffs from the same husky treasure drawer. They clanked against one another while he lifted them out, and that prompted the dog to further question the tiger.
"Do you seriously recognize paw cuffs simply from the noise they make inside a drawer when I open it?" Hunter asked.
"What do you think?" Gruff retorted.
"Give those to me."
"You just got some sort of a really kinky plan, didn't you?" Hunter stated. His arousal made him eager to agree to the suggestion, either way.
The tiger took the cuffs into his paw and looked them over before he nodded, with a grin.
"Yeah, these will do," he said. "Stand up and put your paws behind your back."
Hunter lolled his tongue out of his muzzle.
"Am I being arrested, sir?"
Gruff stood up from the bed and dangled the cuffs from one paw.
"Chop chop!"
Hunter crawled off the bed and assumed the requested position. He meeped when the cold metal clicked around his wrists, yet couldn't help but agree that it was making him remarkably horny, too, having a partner who was very clearly in charge of the action.
"Gonna strip search me, sir?" Hunter giggled after a moment, and once the tiger had tugged on the chain connecting the cuffs to make sure that they were properly in place.
"Nope," the tiger said, "but you're gonna get on your knees now and suck on something big and hard."
Hunter yipped softly.
"Are you trying to kill me with blue balls or something?" he complained.
"Nope," said the tiger whom flopped back onto the bed, "but I want some head before doing something else."
Hunter's tail wagged against his bound paws, nonetheless. The idea of sucking on the mysterious tiger's cock had him more than going, and it even helped him to deal with the awkwardness of trying to kneel by the bed with his paws tied behind his back. The process was more like a collapse, and accompanied by lots of canine huffing from Hunter.
"That looks much better," Gruff mused.
"What?" Hunter pouted.
"Husky on his knees, of course," the tiger said.
"Someone needs to put you in order, I see..." said the tiger. "Maybe this will help..."
"Gonna collar and leash me?" Hunter snickered.
"No, but I'm gonna give you a bone to play with."
The tiger unzipped his pants and produced a curved, very hard cock. Hunter's tongue immediately fell out of his muzzle and he began to pant at the sight of the barbed dick that oozed sexual musk. The dog could not help but whimper at the sight and the scent hitting his nostrils.
"Doggie want the D?"
"Yes please!"
The tiger clicked his tongue.
"That should be 'yes, sir' but you're excused...for now."
"So you say."
The tiger grabbed the husky's head ruff and pulled his muzzle directly down onto his own musky groin furs. Hunter let out an even less coherent a noise when his nose became buried in the fuzz around the tiger's balls.
"Hmmm...there's something for you to enjoy, husky."
The dog was obviously enjoying it, the masculine scent that tickled his nose while it was sampled straight from the source. Gruff rubbed the crown of the husky's head while Hunter tried to lap at the delicious junction of balls and sheath with his pink, cheeky tongue. He could feel the root of the feline's shaft throb under his lapping motion, and rumbled at the sensual fact.
His tongue work must've worked alright, even if he couldn't see the tiger's reactions, because soon he felt another tug on his scruff.
"Hmmm...maybe there's somewhere else you could use that tongue now?"
"Hmm yes sir!"
He found it somewhat awkward to do it paws-free, but Hunter was not entirely unaccustomed to such a turn of action. At least Gruff wasn't playing hard to get, and allowed Hunter to wrap his lips around the spiky tip of the tiger's shaft. Hunter murred when the taste touched upon his tongue properly. The dick now in his muzzle was warm and delicious, was the husky's opinion, even with such a cursory visit upon it yet.
"Hmm...that's a good boy..."
Hunter wagged his tail. He always liked being a good boy, especially to tigers who wanted him to suck their cock. He pursed his lips and tried nursing on the salty tip for a moment, to see just how sensitive his naughty pick-up might turn out to be.
He only swirled his tongue once around the tiger's leaky member before the first rumbles and the spurt of pre-cum rewarded him with the knowledge that he was doing something right. He smiled around the dick in his muzzle, especially once he felt the heavy paw ruffle on his head furs again.
"Good boy."
Hunter took that as an affirmation. He slurped happily on the twitching shaft and imagined just how good it would feel pounding away at his rump, when it was already so nice simply resting between his lips.
Suddenly there was plenty more of it to work with, when the tiger hunched his hips forward and drove three inches into the husky's muzzle. Hunter didn't gag on it, but the stroke of barbs on his tongue made him 'murf' and snort and rattle the cuffs around his wrists. Having more of his new plaything made it easier to put some skill into what he was doing. He could purse his lips and do more with his tongue, too, to play it along the sensitive shaft occupying his muzzle.
The tiger was purring by now. His tail swung against the bed and occasionally smacked against Hunter's thighs, the dog still crouching quite happily on the floor while he serviced the naughty tiger. He couldn't really think of a better way to spend his birthday night than sucking on a pleasant treat like the one currently lodged in his muzzle...unless it might be sinking somewhere else before the eve was through.
Hunter was loving every moment, and his only worry for the time was whether his parents decided to sleep well. It would be a great bummer to have one of them come knocking on the door to wonder on the source of strange noises coming from the attic just when a tiger would potentially be balls deep inside a husky.
And Hunter liked both something being balls deep, and he liked being noisy, too. There was a special thrill about trying to be particularly quiet as well, even if he knew that it would be difficult.
It appeared that the tiger didn't intend to let him get away with it easily, either. He grabbed the husky's cheeks from either side and began to pump his shaft between Hunter's glistening lips.
"Yeah, do a bit more of that rumbling, it feels good," the tiger instructed while he flicked his thumbs against the husky's ears.
The husky was caught somewhat off-guard by the next move. He was too concentrated on flicking his tongue and rumbling in his throat that the slight increase in the firmness of the tiger's grip on his head went unnoticed. When the cock was suddenly pushed forward and buried in deep, he almost gagged on it.
"I'm sure you can do better than that, husky boy."
He held the husky down, not very strictly but still enough to tell Hunter to try and keep it in his muzzle, and to keep breathing through his nose. The barbs tickled on the back of his muzzle and he tried his best to simply swallow and let the feeling pass, without getting either of them into trouble. Besides, the move caused his nose to become buried in the fuzzy fold of the tiger's sheath that beckoned him with its deeper musk.
"Knew you had it in ya," the tiger murmured.
Hunter's impromptu go at deepthroating did not last particularly long, but he did cough when the dick slipped past his lips and allowed him to breathe properly through his muzzle again. He looked up to the tiger, whom he found to be smirking down at him, unsurprisingly so.
"There there."
"Murf," said the dog.
Gruff gripped the base of his shaft and patted the tip against the husky's lips.
"Want more?" he teased the dog.
"Mmmurf!" Hunter gawked at the cock like a goldfish for a treat.
"Is that a yes or a no?" the tiger asked.
"Hah," snuffled the tiger, "Someone's really in tune with their canine side..."
"I'm a doggeh!" Hunter giggled.
"Well let's hope that ass of yours is as good as your muzzle..."
Hunter's ears perked.
"Ass time?" he proposed.
The tiger stood up, cock swinging and all.
"Where'd you put that Boi Butter?" Gruff asked.
Hunter tilted his head towards the nightstand where the lube still sat, on top of it.
The tiger retrieved the bottle. Hunter looked at him expectantly.
"Face down," the cat ordered. "You bed is much too squeaky to do anything on, unless you want to wake up the whole house."
"Down then, boy!"
Hunter shuffled around to make some room for himself and then dropped down. The position was awkward because of his paws tied behind his back, but not awfully uncomfortable. And it did put his ass into just the right position for the tiger to admire. Hunter wriggled his rump and hiked his tail up, just because he liked how it felt.
"Well that's an interesting reflex..." the tiger mused behind him.
Gruff went to his knees on the carpet. A quick move to tug the husky's underwear down was needed, but then he could see it in all its glory, plump balls and all hanging between the slightly spread legs.
"Umph!" Hunter meeped.
"Oh, shush, I know you like it really..."
Gruff fondled the husky's fluffy butt for a few moments. He wondered just how tender it was after the thorough birthday spanking it had received earlier. The husky might regret the tiger's enthusiasm for the act later on. For now it probably only smarted pleasantly, the way that those into such a stimulation enjoyed feeling after a good tanning of their hide.
"You've got a whole sound library of those..." the tiger mused.
Hunter giggled. The feel of goopy fingers on his butt made him moan out and pant instead.
"Polite, too...good boy!"
"I'm a good boy!" Hunter tried wagging his tail, even if it was somewhat awkward with the tiger's paw operating underneath it. The fingers covered in lube found their mark and pressed on. Hunter rumbled and tried pushing his butt backwards to meet the exploring fingers.
"Need something in here, huskyboy?"
"Mmurf!" Hunter rumbled against the bedroom rug. He was still struggling to stay quiet, knowing that he did not want any interruptions to happen.
"Thought so..."
The tiger's fingers drilled and probed even further on, and applied more lube once an extra dollop had been acquired.
"Don't think you're first time going at this..."
" huskers!" Hunter snickered.
"Yeah, right," the tiger commented, and prodded the husky with a thumb.
The tiger twisted his paw about, which rubbed the husky's taint with his knuckles. The tail swished about eagerly.
"Tsk tsk tsk..."
"Whut?" the husky panted.
The tiger moved forward and planted his almost dry dick onto the husky's crack. He grabbed Hunter's tail and tugged on it. The dog meeped and pressed his muzzle more firmly onto the rug.
Gruff wasn't in the mood for further teasing. He was in a rather good vantage point, aimed so that he could put a lot of weight behind the next move, the one that sank his barbed tip against the dog's dimple.
The tail in his grip swayed and jerked. Gruff wondered if the husky was trying to wag it at the prospect of being buggered. He decided to test the theory by doing just that.
Hunter's knees rubbed onto the carpet when the tiger appeared to come crashing down on him, with his cock sliding in to the hilt. The husky groaned at the stretching and the sudden twinge of intense sensations coursing through his suddenly stuffed rear.
"That's right..." the tiger drawled.
He hunched over the dog, paws landing on either side so that his body was perfectly above Hunter's, with their hips flush. The dog couldn't have resisted the penetration even if he wanted to.
He was too busy just panting while he took it in the can.
"Heh...heh..." the tiger growled. He leaned down and began to nibble on the husky's fluffy neck while he thrust at a good pace. The jolts of barbed shaft against Hunter's prostate made the dog want to yip and yelp, but he knew he had to stay quiet. He had to resort to biting on his lip, which resulted in a kind of an odd almost-pleasurable stimulation coming from the contact of his teeth against his tongue and lips. The tiger's hot breaths and the raking of that pointed dick pumping away made the dog's nethers glow with pleasure.
He was truly fucked onto the carpet. His tail was trapped between their bodies and tried to swish about, which only stimulated the tiger's nipples that were pressing down on the husky's increasingly sweaty back. The husky's muffled noises and the movements of his pleasantly receptive body egged him on, to go even harder on him.
Teeth and wet tongue made a mess of Hunter's neck while he was pounded. They rocked over the carpet, and Hunter wondered if he could get a carpet burn on his dick, a prospect that scared him but was poked out of his conscious mind by the firm pummeling on his rear. The waves of continuous pleasure were riding on one another and they seemed to be coming faster and faster, allowing him less time between them to calm down.
Hunter had an inkling of where it was going to, and concentrated on the pleasure. The hot stroke, in and out, breath, musk, spit, and the stiff poking, they became one cycle of stimulation that ended with him making a terrible mess of his carpet when he finally did come. He pressed his face flat onto the rug and hoped he wasn't going to wake up anyone else - and hoped against hope that the tiger wasn't a noisy cummer, either, because the strong clenching of his rump around the still pummeling shaft was almost sure to set him off as well.
His muzzle clamped down on Hunter's shoulder, hard enough that it briefly hurt before the sensation grew more dull and was overtaken by the jerking hips and the rush of warm seed into his rear. Hunter's tail wagged, sandwiched as it was, anyway, and he enjoyed the feelings for what it was, the afterglow that was to come once his breathing started to calm down and he became more aware of the fact that he felt sweaty tiger abs against his paws still cuffed behind his back, and that his own tummy was wet with his own spooge.
"Mmmuuurf!" Hunter opined.
"Pffft," the tiger hissed, behind him, on top of him, inside him still and throbbing away.
"Is there gonna be more?" Hunter asked.
"You want some more, huskers?" the tiger returned the query once he'd caught his breath.
"Yeppers!" the husky lolled his tongue out of his muzzle while he panted to lower his sex temperature.
"Bah," the tiger chortled, with gleam to his eyes.
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