Chapter XIII: Koji's New Toy

Story by Aeon Shadowflux on SoFurry

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#14 of Outsiders: Legend

SPOILER WARNING: Those who have not read Return of the Energywalkers and Creators and Hunters, especially the ending miniseries will be spoiled by these EU Chapters, other than that you may conclude your regularly scheduled reading.

First Adult Content for a Phase Three Series, in a sort of expanded universe, I feel now with a little more free time with more experience and shorter writing times for more chapters, I can keep myself occupied by writing vinaigrettes about post-season content and going further with these characters and filling plot holes, or retconing thing that didn't work and fixing somethings. So enjoy the first of these, short stories.

EU: Koji's New Toy

Las Vegas had been rebuilt, a new shining city standing in the ashes of the old one, rising like the phoenix from the burnt city. For everyone it had been a new start, this entire world seemingly rebooted, no Kagens, no new gangs, no kidnapping and strange people attacking them now it was simply time for rebuilding and in that time the city, had grown it had been built up from what it was.

Now the rebuilt city was one of the future, with all the federal grant money and aid given to them they were able to make a city rivaling Carson City in advancement and modern commodities. Now all in all, the new Las Vegas was no the center of Nevada. New casinos built up with new entertainment devices, attempting to pull in people like it was a Polybius game, new drunks, happier drunks coming to the city and increasing revenue.

For Koji this simply was amazing, the newly appointed leader of the Outsiders, soon found himself elevated to the position of Outsider commissioner on the state, he dealt with state budget, he gained money for the Outsiders and he did all in his power to increase the quality of life for the people under him. He managed everything, keeping everything under control and building new facilities.

With new money and new efficient hardware, he was able to create many facilities in each town with crime, for Nevada it was like heaven had shined on the state. Waiting a second, he looked for crime in each second. He was general of Nevada, hundreds of Outsiders waiting to put him up on a pedestal, all looking to him for guidance. He looked around wondering what this meant, he had control over everything and it was quite exhausting.

He thought back to Jackson and Eric, thinking about what they might say and what they might do in order to lead people all looking for guidance. It was stressful and it seemed quite horrifying and while he wasn't allowed on the streets as much by his workers who wanted their leader to stay back and allow them to deal with the scum, instead he got to stay back and micromanage.

Thinking back to his heritage and who he was, he imagined his mother and his father waiting before the massive portal that lead into their dimension, the hidden Energywalker waiting with all the other furs for entrance and freedom from their hellish lifestyle, hiding from the Kagens who could freely scan the other dimensions. Now dimensions seemed a bit overrated, universes were in now, the knowledge of at least three known to them, as Zander and Benji's as well as one they had made contact with. Staying silent Koji looked over the ceiling as he laid down on his bed and waited.

As such, it was Koji's twentieth birthday, at least in his new counting system, apparently 16 years of his life had been forgotten and he was really thirty-two, while it was the equal to sixteen human years, Koji still looked a little young for his age and would probably stay like that until he got older and was able to claim immortality for his power.

And now looking up into the ceiling of his apartment, looking at the stylish white roof, shaded yellow by his lamp to his two sides, he just breathed a bit and waited for Twilight to return. Twilight was once a Kagen, but now while he still had his powers and his immortality and was in other words functionally the same, the name no longer applied to him. Now Twilight was an advanced human, same as the rest his power set just expanded to include his mortal differences.

Instead the Kagens looked to the multiverse, according to Bright as he visited them, all Kagens of the same name, except for his Twilight had combined and thus they had formed a sort of superrace, one that could properly understand the power they had and carefully look over the people they looked down on and make sure they operated in a way that was pleasing to them.

Seeming now peace had been found in the city, now longer did they have to worry about massive gangs, like Ruby's gang, that kidnapped him for his abilities and scientific knowledge, and no longer did they have to worry about hostile Kagens, attempting to take over the city and exert their power, seemingly with the multiverse on their belt they now had the expanded area in order to control their egos.

So now it was Koji's birthday and he stood still as he looked on to the ceiling, waiting as time passed slowly, one tick at a time waiting for his boyfriend, Twilight to return to their apartment and finally properly celebrate his birthday and four years of peace. He breathed slowly as he waited for the knock at the door, just waiting for Twilight to return and shower him in his lower.


Against the door, Koji shot up excitedly as he heard the sound of Twilight seemingly announcing his arrival. The sound of rain against the deck outside of his apartment, told him the door was being opening and soon enough he would get his price. Waiting as Twilight walked in his apartment and the door closed behind him, it creaking as he shut it.

Both of them knew what was going to happen and Twilight was going to keep the tension alive as long as it was testable in the air. Twilight walked forward, his feet stepping alone the floor and making his way through the living room before climbing up the steps and arriving at the top of the stairwell. Koji waited joyful glee for a second as he finally saw the shadow of the Kagen arrive. Both of them knew what was going to happen when he arrived, they were both consenting adults of various but unknown ages and they could do what every they dam well pleased.

"Hey how is my favorite Outsider State Commissioner?" Twilight asked as he walked in slipping something behind his back, obviously to hide it from Koji's peering eyes. Koji waited for a second, looking at him and smiling as he tried to see what he was hiding, he could see a glimpse of a red box, it seemed to be weighed down in Twilight's hands and as he walked forward, he wondered what kind of present he would get.

"I'm the only commissioner, so now then let's not waste time what did you get me for my birthday?" Koji said as he smiled and looked at Twilight, licking his lips as Twilight walked forward and kissed Koji. Koji felt the blood rushing to his cheeks as Twilight's lip touching his, both of them kissing as Koji brought himself to the front of the bed and waited patiently for his gift. Pulling away, Twilight smiled with a devilish grin as he presented the box and shook it.

"Oh it's metallic, must be a fancy piece of packing inside their, so what are we waiting for, don't play with me, or be coy." Koji said as Twilight said nothing and forced him on the bed. Twilight placed the package to the side and pushed Koji down on the bed as he laid right on top of the shark and the two touched. Koji waited for a second and started to kiss Twilight.

"I've waited all day for this." Koji said as he pulled away from Twilight for a second, breathing quicker and getting out of breath as he pulled away and gasped for air. Twilight started to look blushed as well, his cheeks turning purple as blood rushed to his blue cheeks. Koji grabbed the back of his head and pulled him back into a kiss, both for their lips combined, Twilight wrestling his tongue into Koji's mouth and the shark sharing salvia.

"I been waiting for this all day as well you don't know what I had to go through in order to get this item for you." Twilight said as he pulled back and smiled at the Outsider. Finn looked over to Twilight and he smiled as he backed off of Koji's body and landed on the floor, Koji reached for his shirt and pulled it off his body revealing his body. Twilight held himself back for a second, despite wanting to lick his tongue over Koji's nipples, that were going to quickly erect themselves.

Koji reached down and grabbed his belt as he pulled them out of his cargo shorts, pulling the belt to his side and placing it away from him. Twilight grabbed the buckle and pulled it out pulling down his pants and leaving Koji nearly in the nude as he stood throbbing through his underwear. Pre-cum started to flood from his throbbing dick, half erect leaking into his plaid underwear. Waiting a second Koji waited as Twilight grabbed them as well and placed him entirely nude.

Ignoring his own tool, he looked over to Twilight who raised his legs and placed his ass forward. Twilight sniffed the air around and smelt what sound like, smelling the musk and smelling everything from a day of hard work and if all went well, a hard night in addition. Twilight looked to Koji's undercarriage, looking at it with glee as he put his finger forward and just pressed it on Koji's star.

"Oh, I better brace myself are you going in dry?" Koji asked as his body shivered beneath him, shaking as he felt the Kagen play with his hole. Twilight smiled imagining that but instead leaned forward and gave a lick over his star, rubbing the tongue in saliva and lubing him up for the experience. Twilight reached over and pushed Koji down blocking his view as twilight reached away and instead grabbed the box he had been so waiting to open. Hearing the wrapping open, Koji tried to look up but found his erect member and hips blocking the view as tried to get a sneak peek at what Twilight had brought tonight.

"Aren't I supposed to open the present, you know it is generally a more me thing than a you thing?" Koji asked as he tried to shift his head around but found his quite nice hips blocking the view of whatever Twilight was opening. Hearing the metallic box fall to the floor, Twilight instead grabbed something and then leaned forward. Koji's view was blocked as Twilight climbed over his body and leaned on him, as Twilight pressed forward and started to kiss him, Koji suddenly felt something touch his hole.

"Are you sure you're alright? You feel a bit cold and dead." The Outsider said as Twilight pulled back and both of them started to laugh a bit, Twilight pulled back but the pressure on Koji's star didn't subside, obviously he wasn't dealing with Twilight's member but a toy that he bought. In contrast the head felt thicker and the feeling the silicone on his asshole was different but strangely pleasant, his body shivered as just like sizing up a pool shot, Twilight quickly aimed himself and pushed forward a bit.

Feeling his hole being spread, Koji moaned and he shivered as Twilight pushed into him. The head stayed strong as it divided his ass and pushed straight into his hole. Twilight licked his lips in anticipation as he had the best view in the house, Koji briefly froze up, he didn't know what he was dealing with in this situation he didn't know, could it be a horse or a wolf toy, he only felt the head what would the shaft be like.

"So how does this feel?" Twilight asked as he twisted the toy a bit and Koji's body shook in pleasure as he felt his hole, stretched and manipulated by it. Standing back Koji wondered how much of this teasing he could take, pushing down on his hips and hopefully signaling to Twilight that he wanted more the Kagen seemed to be happy oblige his pleasure. "Just tell me if it hurts."

Koji moaned out in agreement as Twilight pushed forward, the head seemingly getting larger and larger as the Kagen pushed it in. It rubbed against his walls, Koji moaned out in pain and pleasure as he felt his hole stretched larger than he even felt Twilight able too. And then relief as the head passed and he felt his asshole clamp down on the shaft. Twilight soothed him as he rubbed his legs and slowly and carefully twisted it around Koji's hole, allowing the Outsider to adjust with time.

"Just breath and you'll be fine, don't worry, just stay still." Twilight said after what could have been seconds, minutes, probably not an hour but a nice amount of time had passed for them. Rain hitting on the ceiling, five floors above them set the atmosphere as it subtlety entered the room and gave a slow and tactile taping soundtrack to their experience. Twilight pushed forward and passed more of the shaft into Koji's hole, before just rubbing against Koji's special place.

Koji moaned in pleasure, as Twilight's hand work barely hit his spot, just the brief moment of contract still giving him pleasure. Pre-cum drooled out of his member and gathered around his hips, Twilight grabbing it on his fingers and seemingly rubbing it on the shaft of his toy.

Both of them stay still for a second, would Twilight pull the toy out now and satisfy both of their pleasures, or would he continue to pleasure just Koji with his new toy? Twilight not being selfish seemingly chose the latter as he continued to push forward, the thicker end of the head pushing Koji into pleasure as it reached it hilt and rubbed against his chestnut.

Koji shook in pleasure, his body starting to shiver as he felt Twilight pull out and then push in again. This time the whole head missing the previous pleasure cause all together but its large head rubbing the inside of his walls, making him feel good as he started to feel Twilight rub his fingers right against his balls.

Twilight continued to push in as he leaned forward and started to sniff Koji's balls, his trapped dick rubbing against the edge of the bed and creating a visible mark as he pined for release bit continued to focus on Koji over him. Starting to grab the balls in his tongue, he started to play with them and rubbed them around his mouth taking both of them and licking them in his month, Koji content with that action as he felt himself approach climax.

Twilight moaning himself, leaned forward still, using quite an impeccable mixture of acrobatics and balance to pull himself up onto the bed as he continued to trust his toy into Koji. This time, he placed his mouth on top of Koji's own member, sucking up the pre-cum that was leaking and starting his best attempts at sucking off Koji. Yet at the right time, he twisted the dildo in the right way, the silicone head rubbing right on that special spot and then again.

Koji grabbed the bed and screamed as the manual stimulation on his body became too much, squirting off into Twilight's mouth he looked satisfied as he felt the Kagen suck up his cum with quite the vigor. And then he stopped leaking his liquid and life calmed down again, he looked up to Twilight who seemed to be quite happy with himself as a bit of cum ran down his cheeks.

Koji felt Twilight as he pulled the dildo out and while it would probably make him quite sore, Koji leaned forward and embraced Twilight. Licking the his cum off the Kagen's cheek, he licked it in his mouth and tasted his own ejaculate, it was salty as expected but a bit fruity as well. And then grabbing Twilight by the shirt, he pulled the Kagen forward and pushed him down onto the bed.

"Now then what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't let you cum as well, and it looks like you need it just as much." Koji said as he leaned his body down, feeling his feet touch the wooden bedframe and instead placed his mouth on Twilight's hardened tool. Pulling down Twilight's pants, he felt the Kagen start to moan as well, as just the pleasure from his clothes was too much.

As Koji looked at Twilight desperate and more desperate for release, he instead decided to have fun. Putting his mouth right on Twilight's boxers, he licked the Kagen right through his underwear watching as his dick twitched and rubbed against the red cotton fabric. And then Twilight came, shooting out cum through the fabric, it surely would make something good to smell later as Twilight released the gooey substance into his red boxers.

And then both of them fell into each other both of them embracing each other as they just waited for a second. Koji stood up and looked at Twilight as he pulled off his gooey underwear and threw them to the corner where they might be smelled later, for their own kicks. Koji looked at Twilight and kissed him on the cheeks.

"Now then what was your toy for me?" Koji asked as he looked at Twilight with curiosity in his eyes. Twilight reached down and placed three large cubes of silicone in his hands. Koji looked at twilight and then at the cubes as he felt them, they didn't exactly feel what was in his ass, but what did he know, how could he feel what was in his butt.

"Hold on, just wait it's a gift made for you." Twilight said as he grabbed seemingly the main part of his toy and showed it, it looked just as large as he imagined it would. It was painted a plain tan and it looked a little boring for it. Koji looked at it and waited for Twilight to do something.

"Your powers, you need to work on them and what better is sex than a motivator, you can use those cubes to shape it however you want." Twilight said as he closed Koji's right hand and his right hand glowed with red as seemingly the material form the cubes were transferred to the main dildo. A massive knot growing form the base, Koji smiled.

"Best birthday ever." Koji said as he leaned in and kissed Twilight. Both of them pulling away and laying down on the bed as Twilight and Koji laid down naked in their bed.

"Just wait until the next one, I wonder how'll we'll be drunk?" Twilight said as Koji, they both smiled and kissed each other like the fools they were. Koji smiling the Kagen who rescued him from his boring life and helped him discovered his own powers and thus made him everything he was; his life was pretty was good as well. And he loved his life.