
Story by Spear on SoFurry

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I named this story for what it is. Ha, ha, ha.

A red light switched to green, and the tabby cat wearing an old pair of khakis and grey shirt opened the glass door and walked through. Depressingly weak lights made the peach hallway appear much closer to brown, which the feline always associated with how much of a shit job this was, and why he did this routine every day to delay walking into the office every possible minute. After grabbing a newspaper from the stand next to the restroom, he went inside. Lights flickered above a bathroom stall, he walked in. Of course, he would never actually sit down in them. Despite them being clean in the mornings, they would be pissed all over and never flushed by anyone the rest of the day, and merely knowing that grossed Lin out too much to use them. Once he glanced at the paper and inhaled enough bleach scent to become slightly dizzy, he walked out, and across the bathroom.

Someone may have said hello to him, but was far too lost in personal thought to respond. They spoke again placing a hand on his shoulder. Finally, the cat looked to them, and saw a red-feathered passerine. The bird had a sleepy look on his face, and was holding a cup of coffee in one hand.

"Excuse me, but where is the main office?" the avian repeated before taking a sip of his warm drink.

Lin didn't recognize the male, but the question gave away that he was new. Something about him looked out of place, though he couldn't put his finger on it exactly. The bird was too handsome to belong, that much was certain. "Down there, where I just came from." He pointed behind himself with a thumb without turning before he continued to his work space. He sat down at his cubicle, and began tapping away at a keyboard, catching up on last night's work until someone walked by his desk, slapping down a folder next to him. The feline jumped and turned, seeing the overweight cow. "You need to get to work on these stories, Lin. We're a little behind on our quoatas." The voice was slightly high-pitch.

The annoying tone and fact she was always on Lin's ass made it easier to give in to mentally mocking the walking stereotype. "Sure thing." The cat smiled gently and opened the folder. Inside were a list of one or two lines of description. Writing prompts.

Lin's job was essentially native advertising, which were then sold in magazines, newspapers, and websites. He'd write fake customer stories, or occasionally just write an advertisement article posing as a news story. It felt manipulative, but he needed money. With a sigh, he started writing the drivel. When he came to spots where he felt stuck, he peered over to the newspaper, hoping for inspiration, when something finally caught his eye.

"Murder in alley... Dead fox girl, raped after killed," he whispered out loud. Murders happened sometimes, but the details intrigued him, especially because it was similar to a story he wrote. Lin made extra pocket change by writing for porn story sites, some of which were of the more extreme kinks. Then his blood went cold, and his fur stuck up.

The girl's name was identical.

Lin couldn't focus on his work after that, and ended up leaving that night behind on his quota yet again.

The neighborhood was a bit shitty. Every house had missing paint and boarded windows, or towels instead of windowblinds, and fences that had been damaged with wire cutters from thieves. The sidewalk hadn't been repaired in decades, and had reached the point of being more like bombed rubble. Yards were either complete dirt from never being watered, or a forest of weeds that were never trimmed or removed. It was the kind of neighborhood even solicitors felt uncomfortable walking in, though, so there was at least that benefit.

As he walked down the sidewalk, the cat stared at the ground, completely distracted. How was that possible? Pole Sonderson was a made-up name, the name was a stupid joke reference about prostitutes. The fox in the article was a prostitute. He could have accepted the coincidence if only the name wasn't the same.

With his head spinning, the feline began to feel sick. He sat down on the curb, holding his head and rocking in place. "I just need a minute," he muttered. While he was blissfully unaware of his surroundings, the sound of someone walking became louder with every step. The pacing was that of a drunkard's. Only when the shadow of a figure loomed over him did Lin finally turn his head.

A lanky, tall wolf fell into him, seeming to trip. The two fell together in the ground. "Hey, watch it!" Lin hissed, and tried to push the person off. He succeeded, and noticed his wallet on the ground, was promptly picked up by the 'drunk,' who speedily ran off with a laugh. The cat pushed himself up while grumbling. "Fucking asshole. Just my luck." It was while speaking that Lin noticed he could taste copper in his mouth, and that his body felt numb. He looked down, and saw a knife buried in his stomach. Crimson dyed his cheap clothing.

Strength left him, and the feline fell onto the pavement. His breathing became labored. He held the area of his wound, trying to slow the bleeding while he pulled out his phone. But his arm shook, and he dropped it, the glowing screen glowing red from the tint of blood. The cat laid there, senses leaving him at the same rate as his blood did. 'This is what life is like, huh?' he mused to himself, not mad nor scared of his impending doom. His body became difficult to move, and he laid in his growing pool, still. 'Dying in a ghetto after working a shit job. Is this what I deserve?' He took a deep breath, his last. His eyes slowly closed, exhaling what was left in him. 'I wanted to be rich, independent, alone. Respected. Cool. Perfect. Oh well. I guess that's life.' Lin's fur waved gently in the wind, his eyes fully closing. His fur under the dim street lamp seemed to lightly glow as the air carried the smell of blood and death.

A bathroom mirror slammed shut. The albino cat stared at his own image, looking deeply at himself with light blue eyes as he brushed his fur, mainly making sure the dyed lightning stripe on his left cheek was brushed enough to look as it should. Tall, toned, beautiful, and spotlessly clean. He smirked at himself, and even gave himself a pet for being a good cat. "Looking good today," the silky-smooth voice cooed to himself. He flipped the light switch off, and walked out of the bathroom.

The nude white feline crossed the velvety carpet, and plopped down on the large living room couch. He grabbed the remote on the armchair, and flipped through the various channels, until he came about some anime. Quickly, the well-toned, lithe cat sat up straight, watching the show. It was something generic he had seen time and again as far as the story went, but he nonetheless flicked as he listened to the voices. He repeated the voices as he head them, not just words, but the precise sounds.

Linre was a voice artist. Copying voices wasn't just easy, he could improve on them. He grabbed a bottle of some-hundred dollar bottle of alcohol, sipping on it. The purple wine spilled from his chin, painting his white furred body with its hue. He wiped up some of the grape wine from his fur and licked it from his fingers, then turned the TV off.

Cracks echoed in the room as the cat stood and stretched, his bones and muscles popping. Once he was done, he walked into the kitchen and pulled a plate from near the sink's dish drain. He slapped it on the counter with a couple pieces of bread and a slice of ham and cheese. Just before he took a bite, the phone near the kitchen entrance began to ring. Sighing, he picked up the phone and stuffed the lazy meal into his mouth at the same time that he spoke. "Yeah?" Bits of bread spat onto the phone, but he licked it off.

"Hey, we've got a thing for you," a familiar, gruff voice said. Estige, a middle-aged horse. They had known each other for a few years. One of the reasons he even moved to this big city was the job offer.

After another large bite, Linre tossed the hunk of leftover crust into the trash. "Yeah, cool. Just send it over like usual." He hung the phone up.

Computer fans whirred to life, and a large monitor glowed, lighting the previously dark room. The albino sat in a chair, and opened his e-mail once the machine had finished loading. Inside the message were a list of speaking prompts and suggestions, as well as example lines, though he was free to improvise or modify the lines if he thought it could come out better. A voice recording program was launched and minimized, and he flipped his mic on and began.

For this one, the setting was at a noisy party with some high school students. "Hey, you look familiar!" He yelled in the morphed voice the character. Dark and smooth like melted chocolate, deep like a burly man, hidden in the body of a younger male. "I, I'm sorry, I don't know you." This one, higher-pitched and weaker. The recorded scene continued. Two long-lost friends had found each other, and the long-term result was that they would fall in love. It was a rather interesting offer to be given the opportunity to voice both characters, and a gay couple at that. "

A knock on the door interrupted him. He paused the recording and stood up from his seat, walking to the front door. An awkward raccoon stood there, wearing a black set of clothing and holding a flyer.

"E-excuse me, sir," the coon stammered. "We're, we're having an a-"

Linre snatched the flyer from the young male's hand. "I got it. Thanks," he said quickly with no interest, and slammed the door.

Once it was locked, his first instinct without even looking at the paper was to crush it. But he didn't. 'Cute bastard,' he sighed with thought, and at least gave the paper a glance. It was an invitation to an all-you-can-drink event at a bar. For only a two-hour time span... if a person went naked.

Cigarette smoke and alcohol fumes tainted the air of the bar, and loud techno music made the ground vibrate and glasses rattle. The white feline stood there, hands on his bare waist, and he took a deep breath, trying to smell the arousal behind the pollution. "Ah, nice place," he said to himself, and gave himself a few idle strokes before he settled onto a bar stool.

"What'll it be?" a bulldog asked, yelling above the music while he rubbed a white rag in a glass.

The feline smirked. "Does it matter? Just give me something cheap that does the job." His voice beamed with confidence as the dog rolled his eyes and filled a glass. Once it was shoved into his direction, Linre picked the glass up and gulped the mixed, bitter drink down.

The next two hours was a blur. Dancing and grinding, groping with others, laying in he side tables and watching people give handjobs to one another. And then a peculiar red bird walked near him that ended up groping his ass. "Hey there, cute fluff," the avian whispered into his ear before giving a deep lick.

"Hey, cutie. Why don't you step outside to see more of me?"

A flush made the feline's cheeks turn red. "We'd need clothes out there," the cat moaned out lightly, leaning into the grope. "Besides, isn't it warm enough in here for you?"

"Oh, I think it's more fun outside. Risky." A sharp beak bit his ear. "Come on."

With the cat's hand in grasp, the bird lead him out through the back exit. Surprisingly, no one else was out there that they could see. They found themselves in a small, fenced alleyway with a dumpster in one corner, and grimy blacktop that instantly made Linre feel like showering. They leaned up against the brick wall, near the dumpster for the small amount of cover it provided, the two being careful to avoid stepping on broken shards of bottles as they went.

Now that they were outside, he finally got a decent view of the bird's body, the glowing neon lights of the city helping him more than the blinking colored strobe lights of the bar. The bird was incredibly fit, but not large and muscular, something of a swimmer's build. If he were wearing a full set of clothing, it'd be hard to tell how strong he looked. Linre's body wasn't anything to be ashamed about, but he wasn't that good. During the shameless look, the cat's member began to reveal itself, and his breathing deepened. It was still weird to him, seeing a slit on a male, but it was an avian. He reached for it, rubbing the cloaca.

The bird's length began to come out, tip dripping over the feline's fingers. Linre exchanged hands after a few strokes, rotating them every few strokes so that he could lick his fingers of the musky pre. His tongue smeared the fluid inside his maw, and humped his barbed shaft over the bird's growing bulge. "Trying to fuck me there?" the bird whispered, digging his talons into the male's back. Linre nodded.

"Pretty much," he admitted in a shy whisper. The keratin hand gripped the barbed cock, and held it still in front of him. The dribbling tip poked at the fellow male's slit's entrance, and pressed on. Linre hissed, feeling himself throb in the warm, moist confines of the fellow male's body. He could feel the avian's cock harden inside, but he held his hand against the bird's body. Once the bird's length came out more, he forced it back in with a tumb, which caused the passerine to wince. "Oh, does that hurt?"

"Yes," he replied with a hoarse whisper, as he thrust his hips against the cat's member. "Don't stop."Linre didn't intend to. Heavy, white-furred balls slapped against the red-feathered male's scrotum, pre constantly leaking out and lubing up the sex. The cat's ball's slapped against the fellow male's crotch. Pre dribbled from the bird's slit, going down his thighs and soaking his feathers, and provided plenty of lube for Linre. He bit the red feathery neck, hissing as strings of cum filled the avian's boycunt. It dribbled out, somewhat water from mixing with the bird's own pre.

Realizing the bird hadn't gotten off yet, Linre pulled out with a heavy sigh. "I usually don't do this for people whose name I don't even know, but I'll make an exception for you." He lowered himself to his knees, and nuzzled at the bird's slit. It didn't take long for the flesh to emerge, and his maw wasted no time burying itself over the bird cock, the sandpaper tongue curling around tightly over the pulsating member. But the contact was brief. The bird made a very slow, sweeping look to his left, and then his right. Once he was sure they were alone, his look became intensely serious, even mad. In one swift movement, the bird's keratin-coated hand squeezed the feline's, talons cutting into his skin and drawing a tiny amount of blood. The action had pulled Linre out from his cloaca. Linre squirmed in place, but he could still breathe.

"H-hey!" he coughed. "I don't like it rough, alright?"

"Shut up!" the avian snapped. He then shook his head in disappointment. "When I saw you, I knew you were familiar, but once I realized who you were, I had no idea you'd be this ignorant. You have no idea what's going on, do you?"

Linre thought he knew, at least. Some overactive fan had found him, and recognized his voice. "If you want an autograph, that's easy enough," he laughed, a little nervousness clearly sneaking into his voice.

A painful, sharp slap impacted Linre's face. Blood trickled from his cheek where the talons had cut him. "I don't have the time to explain, and you wouldn't believe me anyways." A few footsteps caused the cat's ears to flicker as he listened to the bird, who also eyed over his shoulder. "You only have one chance here, got it? If they catch you, it's over. If you need to get yourself out of a corner, just say it. Got it? Say it, and you're out. But be careful, don't draw yourself in a corner."The bird let him go, and ran. Linre fell down on his ass, coughing as the bar's backroom door slammed shut. 'What the hell was that?' Footsteps continued to come around the opposing corner of the fence alley, and he realized someone may have cut the fence, based on the sound. 'Cops?!' He pushed himself up, and stumbled through the bar's back door.

Inside, a nude female deer danced on a stage. She looked over to the feline, and extended a hand to his, inviting him on stage. "No, I'm in a hurry. You don-"

Multiple pairs of hands grabbed him, and pushed the feline onto the stage. He stumbled around for a moment, and then the deer grappled him, dancing her nearly-nude body against the feline's. The female's thick thighs grinded against his bare package as she breathed into his neck, his pre smearing with every movement. He bit her neck angrily, but all she did was gasp pleasurably.

It was easy enough to hop down from the stand after he slunk out of view behind the deer, and blend in with the crowd. Near the front exit were the clothes lockers, which he grabbed his garments from, and left.

"Well, that was a nice time," he sarcastically remarked to himself as he straightened his shirt out. After making sure his wallet was still in its rightful place, he began walking down the sidewalk to where he had parked.

The bar door opened, though he ignored it as he walked away. That is, until he noticed the footsteps were following him. 'It's probably just someone going the same way,' he thought, looking over his shoulder curiously. Two figures wearing trench coats and top hats of identical appearance were walking towards him, both looking too low for him to see their faces. Normally, he'd find their appearance comical and laugh at them. These events counted as a normal time to the feline.

"Wow, who the hell wears trench coats and top hats!" Linre yelled. "You guys look creepy as fuck, don't you know that?!"

The two unknown figures stopped for a moment, looked to one another, and then sprinted at him. "What the-!" Linre turned his head and began to ran, but his momentary surprise made him pause, and it was hardly a moment later that he was tackled. His head hit the pavement quite hard, and he passed out.

As Linre awoke, his vision failed him at first. After rubbing his eyes and looking around, he saw he was in the backseat of a car. A peach interior, and comfortable leather seating. Outside the tinted windows appeared only pitch black. In the front seat, the two unknown figures stared out the front glass, one driving, the other being still. He could hear no sound.

"Hey, you guys could at least turn on the radio," he joked, rubbing his head. It was throbbing with pain, but it wasn't enough to take the cat's spirit. "Have some courtesy for the person you kidnapped. Shit, do you even know who I am?"

Not only did they not answer, they didn't even move. All that happened was the feeling of the car swerving slightly, signalling to the cat that they had made a turn.

He huffed. "Well, I suppose you do. Why else would you kidnap me? What, think you'll get a ransom?" Linre cleared his throat, and made his voice distorted to sound like he was speaking through a radio. "'Hey, boss, we got the target. Where ya' wannem?'"

Somehow, that of all things got their attention. The unknown in the passenger seat turned, and punched Linre's jaw. It was worth it, though, for he caught a moment's glimpse of the captor's faces. Though the back of their heads were the grey fur of nondescript creatures, their faces were nothing but voids.

Outside the car window, the giant body of a fiery snake-like creature shot up, and looked directly through the car. "Jesus fuck!" Linre spat, holding his lip to contain the blood that was flowing out. The thing outside seemed to smirk, and shook its head.

"Not quite," the demonic thing laughed, then turned his attention to the others. "I want you to dump him in the void. You know that, idiots!"

The cat's eyebrows furrowed with confusion. Who was he responding to?

The car took a turn. Now he could see. Outside of the windshield was something that seemed similar to a black hole. "Oh, fuck that noise," the cat yelled, and leaped at the driver. A struggle ensued, with the two fighting over where the car was headed, and the passenger-void trying to throw him back into the seat.

Linre could feel his grip loosening. At this rate, he was going to lose the struggle. Desperate, he pointed ahead, "Watch out for that pole!"

To his surprise, and undoubtedly the other's, the car came to a sudden halt. Metal crushed against the light pole, and the two in the front seat flew from their seats, through glass, and disappeared as they hit the black ground.

"What... what the hell is going on?" Linre's voice shook as he whispered to himself. But after a moment, he regained enough composure to hop in the driver's seat, turn the car around, and drive in the opposite direction of the black hole.

"My, my, where do you think you're going!" the snake demon spoke, circling around the car. Its face had an amused look. "You can't escape, you know. Just let yourself be crushed, and die. But if you want to fight against that, I don't mind the show."

Even as he kept the pedal against the floorboard, the car didn't seem to get any further away from the black hole. It was sucking the vehicle in no matter how hard he fought. A frustrated fist slammed against the dashboard, the cat feeling defeated. "Fuck!" Tears came down his cheeks, and he wondered why any of this was happening. Was this a bad dream? Maybe he really should just let himself die, so that he could wake up.

And then an idea came.

"Dream or not, I'm not going down like this!" Linre pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, and held it to his face. He didn't know the number to dial, but if he had to guess based on everything that was happening... It made no sense, but he had to try. He verbally made a ringing sound, and then a click. He distorted his voice like before, as if speaking through interference. "Excuse me, may I speak with that lameass bird from the bar who I blew? I needed to tell you that you left your cum with me and I was going to re-deliver it to you."

Nothing. "Well, guess it doesn't work like that, huh?" Just before he put his phone down, he got a response.

"You did what I said not to." There was static and anger in the voice, but it was definitely the bird. "You let them get you."

"What the flying fuck is going on!" the cat screamed as he dug his claws into the steering wheel and phone.

A sigh came out from the receiver. "It's too late, but if you really want to know, I'll tell you. It's quite irrelevant now, though."

"Yes, I really, really want to know why I'm driving in space with a giant snake that's on fire flying above me, if you please!" Linre screamed, and then laughed. The insantity of the entire situation made his emotions go haywire. "Who are you, and why do you know what's going on?!"

A single 'ha' came clearly through the static. "I am your only friend. Don't you remember?"

"I remember your cock, but now's not quite the time for that," the cat hissed. He still kept edging closer to the black hole. A shadowy hand covered the cat's face, having formed out of the air. Unable to breath, within a minute, he passed out.

A young, tabby cat sat alone at a table table. Other kids would throw food at him during lunch and generally pick on him, and after he had been found skipping lunch and sitting in the hallways, staff allowed him to sit in the detention center by himself. In the room, only he and a teacher at the front behind a desk were present, and the feline's food was shoved to the corner of his desk in favor of some paper.

Curious, the tiger adult stood up, and slowly approached the housecat boy. Coming up from behind after circling him, she leaned in, reading his paper for a moment. "What are you writing?" she asked, a soft, sweet smile on her muzzle.

Lin didn't bother to look up. "A story."

"Your food's getting cold," she observed, hoping the young child would eat on that note.

But he merely shrugged. "I don't care." After another sentence, he looked up to her.

"What are you writing about?" the tiger asked, and leaned onto the desk for a closer look.

"About my friend," the cat said simply. Using a pen, he wasn't able to erase anything, and had to scribble out a word on the paper. An awkward pause cued him to continue speaking. "He's always there. He helps me if I need, he never teases - me even as a joke. He's perfect! Knows all the answers to my tests, hits the bullies, and wraps his wrings around me if I'm cold."

The tiger tilted her head. "Wings? So he's a bird?"

"Yeah!" Lin nodded with a broad smile. "His name..."

"My name... is Morpheus." The voice no longer came from the phone, but was an echoing whisper in Linre's mind.

The hand let go of the cat's face, and he jumped back, breathing rapidly. His claws dug into the seat and floorboard, tearing the fabric as he tried to calm down. He did, finally, just enough to speak again. "You... I!..."

A scoff was heard from the other end of the line. "Yes, yes, 'you, I'. We are, because of our unique nature, alive right now. Even if you don't understand that completely, know this: There is a force beyond you, and it is stronger than myself. You are a replacement, and I but a prototype. Not being compatible with you, the darkness has found another host, and will kill you to stop you from going rogue and acting against it."

"Is this force... that stuff?" Linre pointed out the window. Shades of grey swirled in the black winds outside, giving some substance to the endless abyss.

"It is what surrounds you, and will engulf you shortly."

Frustrated, he punched the dashboard. The radio popped out of its socket. "But what is it?!"

"There is no such thing as 'God' in the sense that you probably think of, but what is approaching you is the same essence," the voice answered. "It seeks those who can survive as a conduit, and utilizes them."

The car began to tilt upwards, as if it were about to fall into a hole.

"Great, so are you saying I'm going against God here?!"

Morpheus could almost be heard giving a defeating smirk. "Yes."

"Fuuuuck!" Linre slammed on the gas, over and over, letting the gas go and re-applying his foot. He took a deep sigh, and then looked up. "Wait... You said you are a prototype?"

"Yes." It was said in the same tone of voice. "Before order was chaos. I was the chaos form of the God of Order. We have no more time to say more about the matter. I found room to come through Lin, your predecessor."

A loud slap echoed in the car. "Good enough!" The cat closed his eyes, speaking to himself in a quiet voice. He no longer kept his foot on the gas pedal, seeing it as pointless now. The car plunged backwards, falling into a vast pit.

"I don't really get everything you're saying, but whatever. I get enough to understand this." the feline dramatically raised a finger. "That person or thing outside is stronger than us, right? But I tricked it once or twice. It's not imperfect. If we can't get out, then it isn't either. It won't hunt down others anymore."

"What do you propose then?" the bird's voice echoed again.

"Simple." The car lost its grip with the ground completely, not free falling into the abyss. "You're a prototype, and I'm a failed conduit. So, I'll use you and we'll seal this false god."

Morpheus laughed. "I can't merge in the same way as it can. Most likely, you'll die."

"I'll die anyways, so come on." Linre extended an arm, and closed his eyes. As he began to glow blue, he spoke to himself, his voice overlapping with the bird's. "And together, they trapped the beast, sealing it from humanity, freeing them from tyranny... It'll work like that, right?"

As the car disappeared into the black hole, the firey snake was sucked down into it, screaming painfully. With his eager effort to escape came the result of his body being torn in half, blood spewing from its mouth as it was crushed by infinite gravity. The black world around them disappeared along with it, as the final flicker of flame from the snake vanished.

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