Beautiful Twilight: POP

Story by Sparkle on SoFurry

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#11 of Beautiful Twilight

Beautiful Twilight: Pop

The bar was packed, the staff was stacked,

and the line to get in was around the building and back.

A mouse, a rat, a doe and a mutt,

The girls of twilight began to run low on smut.

Spark had the show! She had written it down,

But she had forgotten to leave it, before her night on the town.

She had the night off, the wolf was long gone,

And now the girls needed a show before dawn!

With no act to perform, the crowd became mean

They wanted a show, and chanted things quite obscene.

"Oh, what will we do?" Margie whimpered in fear

"That audience is angry, that is quite clear."

"I've got an idea! "Said Crystal, the rat,

"We could play "Pop!" How' you feel 'bout that?!"

"That's brilliant, wonderful, an idea quite divine!"

"We'll keep the crowd busy and close right on time!"

And so the girls all marched, all four to the stage

Ready and willing to calm the crowd's rage.

"We're gonna play Pop!" Margie shouted to all

And the crowd shut up, curious to the call

"Pop is a game, that we like to play,

That helps relieve the stress of the day.

The rules are quite simple, quite easy in fact,

All you need to do, is not react.

So take off your clothes, come stand next to us

If you have a big wiener, well that's quite the plus.

The game is quite simple, here's what we do,

We tickle, and touch, and grind up against you

Then we time, how long that it takes

Before an erection begins to take place!

All you need do, to win our crown,

Is stand here real still, and keep your 'boy' down.

If we manage to make you "pop"

The game is over, and then we stop.

The longer you last, the better the prize:

You get to spend the night between our thighs!

Two minutes of pleasure, and pain so unique

That's how long you must last the technique!

So come one come all, to our great game!

Be the first to win and achieve your fame!

What's this, too shy? Not a paw in the air?"

Ahh, there we are, someone taking a dare!

An otter boy, aww, he's really cute,

I wanna be first to make him shoot!

Melissa the mutt was wagging her tail,

Her eyes wandering the boy without fail.

His fur was tawny, tan and relaxed

His member was throbbing from under his slacks.

The canine growled low, and moaned with glee

Upon ripping off his slacks to see his pee-pee

The otter was hunky, and well packed indeed

But erect already? Not likely to succeed

But the game went on, with a squeeze and a grope

And that's all it took, for that first sticky rope.

Licking her muzzle, Melissa sighed at the male,

"What was his time? Four seconds?! You FAIL!"

The otter went back to his seat with a blush,

But not before the mutt cleaned off her new crush.

Next to come up was a tiger with pride.

He strolled to the stage and gave a great smile wide.

Lose this game? Not him! He was l33t!

The girls would have trouble, so they decided to cheat.

First was the rat, who tugged down his clothes

eleven full inches- the kitty had a hose.

The girls all grinned, at the length they saw

Ready and willing, they began to paw

They squeezed, gave a stroke, a nibble or two,

But the tall standing feline didn't even mew

Things looked grim for the girls that night,

The feline was putting up quite the fight.

A minute and ten, he was soon to win

Before the female deer got wise with a grin.

She leaned in close, whispering into his ear

"That dog over there- the one with the cute rear?"

A subby puppy with a thing for you kitty

I saw him watching you, it's really quite the pity

That you're up here and not down with him,

So cute and cut, and beautifully slim

Muscles so thick, and biceps so trim

A canine hard pressed to give you a rim.

Can you imagine, that long tongue he has,

Working and licking and slurping your ass?

That's all it took, for the tiger to blow

His cock erupted putting on quite the show.

He blushed deeply and returned to his seat with a sigh

Before the canine in question, decided to try.

They talked to each other, words soft and sweet

And the kitty then offered the doggy a seat.

On stage the girls were winning their game

Beating each and everyone down from fame

No one could stand, their loving soft touch

For every male that tried, it proved to much

And so the game ended, with one more fur

A feline named Jeice was sure to score!

The kitty had red fur, and was ready and play

He walked right up, and stood poised to stay.

The girls all grinned, and got right to work,

Teasing that kitty; already his cock gave a jerk.

Melissa was on the bottom, her fingers nimble and small

Tickling and massaging the underside of his balls

Margie was timing, reading the watch nice and close

And while the girls worked, a smiled curved under her nose

Crystal was behind, with both paws on his rear,

Her lips were whispering naughty thoughts to his ears.

And last was Elly, who's fingers worked slow,

The doe massaging the pubic fur for the show

Jeice to his credit, stood firm and strong

Although it was obvious it wouldn't take much to long.

The three girls didn't let up, even as the seconds ticked by

The kitty was quickly realizing the mistake of his try.

His will was wavering, and quickly fading away

And poor Jeice found he was unable to stay.

They finished him off, much to his dismay

With a time of 156- four seconds before his lay!

He'd lost- he was the closest of all

And he cursed the girls whom emptied his balls

He grumbled and snarled and whined quite a bit,

The crowd all laughed, the game was a hit!!

The bar closed down, the night was quite done

Out of all the furs who played, not a single won.

The girls were happy, disaster averted

The stage was clean, of all the cum that was squirted.

The chairs were put up, the glasses were clean

The money was counted, the machine filled with green

Crystal was right, they got out on time

They all went home, around 2 the bell chimed.

And Margie told Spark all about their story

The mouse quite happy to have achieved the glory.

And so all was well, and all ended right

And it was another night, at Beautiful Twilight.