Seekers Tale Part 42

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#43 of Seekers Tale

Part 42

I grin at my father, "Glad to have you here. To bad it took me so long to realize it was possible."

As I turn to speak more with him Aiden speaks up, "We can call each other thick later, right now we have a fight on our hands."

As one we all turn to see the creature launching itself back at us unrestrained rage in its eyes. As it swings its scythe at us tendrils of darkness snake out from its central form and begin their own attacks.

As one the four masters and I work to block and attack back from the various assaults. In a constant series of swipes and counters, flashes of color light up the area. Aiden unleashes gouts of flame in all directions causing tendrils to wither and char. Terra sends up walls of earth to block attacks and capture tentacles which she then proceeds to smash with her hammer causing the creature to yell in increasing fury and pain.

The air around us whips up in to a cyclone causing each of the attacks from the creature to be blown off course as my fathers arrows continuously strike its center mass. Master Nerine is even causing the very moisture in the air to submit to her will as she forms ice and snow to help conceal our individual movements from being easily tracked as she darts in and out striking with her trident.

Unable to fully appreciate four masters working in perfect unison as I launch my own attacks I duck and dodge the scythe and tendrils striking each time I get a clear shot of the creature. Slowly the attacks seem to wear it down as the area around is soon saturated in its black ichor and wisps of darkness float in the air no longer returning to the central form.

With a roar the creature pulls back out of our range and glares at us saying, "You may have found a way to give yourself an edge light guardian. But I have had centuries to learn from my past mistakes. You may find one on five to be in your favor. But I know how to create help as well."

I watch with dread as four tendrils of energy snake off from its body and begin to form into large masses before shaping themselves into copies of the original. All five figures are composed of the same dark smoke as the original, with the same red eyes, each standing about the same height as myself. The only difference is that each is armed with a different weapon.

The center creature is the original still armed with its scythe but the others are armed with a sword and shield, a crossbow, dual axes, and a wicked looking great sword. Each of the creatures seems to be focused on a different guardian. The scythe is clearly going to be attacking me while the crossbow has its aim on my father. Aiden and the great sword are slowly starting to circle each other as the sword and shield moves towards Nerine. Leaving Terra to deal with the twin axes.

As the center creature and I square off I ask, "So you think your evening the playing field now? Splitting yourself in five will only divide your concentration even further making it easier for us to fight and win."

The creature laughs as it slowly spins its scythe in a wide circle, "If I were truly dividing my mind that would be the case. But I learned long ago to use the powers of darkness to create minions to do my bidding without having to be directly controlled by me. Each has a measure of free will all their own allowing me to focus solely on you."

He makes a sudden swipe at my feet that I am easily able to jump over. I send out a retaliatory strike with my spear at its head which it easily ducks under. Our movement seems to have been the command to attack as the other master each are all engaged by their counterparts. The sounds of battle quickly fills the air as weapons strike each other over and over.

I engage with all my energy and launch my own attacks against the creature cutting off any more conversation. Each attack I launch is either blocked or dodged as I avoid or parry each assault of the creature. At first it seems as though we are evenly matched neither landing a blow on the other. But I can't help but feeling as though I'm still being toyed with.

As I duck under a particularly close swipe of the scythe the creature laughs, "You can't hope to defeat me little guardian. You may have been given new powers that have restored you to life once and given a boost to your former masters. But you don't know how to use them to their full potential. The powers of light and dark can do so much more than you ever dreamed of.but you will never get to learn about them."

As one of its attacks swings in and I am unable to get out of its way in time I raise my left arm and summon my new shield causing a resounding gong to reverberate around the area. Looking around the shield I see the creatures eyes widen slightly.

Seeing the slight look of concern as the creature steps back I say, "I may not know what all kinds of abilities I may be able to unlock in the future, but I am a quick study and have already picked up a thing or two."

Keeping my shield up I will my spear to shift into its sword form and move to begin an attack. The creature lets out a growl of rage, "You shouldn't be able to do that. It took Daniel three centuries to master weapon changing."

I swipe at its legs but it jumps out of the way and angles an attack at my head which I redirect with my shield. As the creature continues its spin its scythe shrinks and forms into a black sword as well before continuing, "But he was not the only one capable of changing his weapon at will. It is no great trick you have learned and nothing that I can't counter."

We both launch attacks that cause our swords to strike each other mid air sending a shower of gold and black sparks all around us. For a moment we are locked in a contest of strength each holding the other at bay. This gives me just a tiny moment to glance around.

My father is exchanging rapid fire with his foe, dents in his armor and holes in his cape tell me that he has been unable to dodge every bolt fired at him. Fortunately his opponent has suffered similar hits though none are near a vital area. Nerine and her opponent are splashed in mud where she has tried using water to slow its movements but has only succeed in sending it into a bit of rage. As a result she has been hit at least once leaving a gash along her right arm while her opposites shield is scratched and dented.

Master Aiden and his creature are surrounded by small fires where his fire attacks have missed. Both of them have their armor charred in places and covered in dents and cuts. Lastly Terra has raised up the ground she was standing on to form a small plateau from where she is launching attacks with her hammer and earth. Looking closer I see she is doing this for defense, her left leg is barely supporting her weight as blood rushes from a gash in her thigh.

I look back at my own enemy as it grunts a small laugh, "You see it don't you? You and the other guardians my be strong but you won't be able to last forever. You are in the heart of my power. I cannot and will not be defeated by you."

I give a hard shove and fall back out of his reach as I begin slowly circling him. Panting I say, "Perhaps that might have been true. But I have noticed something about our fights here and in the real world. Each time you have suffered an attack part of your power would drift away from you. As though going somewhere else. I'm curious, how much do you have left?"

The creature snorts, "An inconsequential loss compared to the power I wield. Any remnants that may have escaped my control will return to me when I have taken full possession of my new host."

I spare a glance towards Harran and Shadow. Harran has helped my mate find a sitting place a ways from the fighting and is keeping close guard over him his borrowed sword held at the ready as his eye constantly shifts across the scene. Looking closer at Shadow I see that some of his color has returned and his bleeding has stopped as some of his wounds have sealed themselves. This gives me a small bit of hope as I turn my attention back to the creature.

With a smirk I try to goad it a bit, "Surely you would have thought about why your power would be leaving you though. I would have sure thought about if I suddenly felt my power wanting to escape me."

I launch and attack at its legs which it jumps over before swiping at my arm causing me to raise my shield to block the impact. With a growl it says, "Your just trying to buy your self time in a vain hope that I will weaken over time."

Letting out a small laugh I say, "That's part of it but only a small part. Did you not wonder why Daniel was able to give me his powers? Not because he chose me as a new light guardian, but because I proved myself worthy and the powers were drawn to me."

The creature lets out a low rumbling growl but says nothing so I continue, "Now if I was acting as a magnet to the light powers could it be possible that I wasn't the only one? What if your powers are being drained away by someone else who has proven themselves to be worthy of the title of Darkness Guardian?"

The creatures eyes widen considerably as the reality of my words sink in before it growls, "Even if that is true it won't save you. I will be able to destroy you long before I loose enough power for you to be a threat. Then I will take your mate as my host and will hunt down this supposed new dark guardian and end their life so that I will reign unchallenged forever."

I dodge a swipe aimed at my chest and retaliate by darting in and slashing at its legs. I catch its right leg with a blow deep enough to cause the armor to buckle and wisps of darkness to flow out. Some return instantly to the main creature but more than half drifts off into the air making a slow spiral away from the fight.

We exchange several more blows both of us receiving minor hits when we fail to block or evade. I feel my strength begin to wane as the battle progresses but the creature seems to be able to maintain its level of endurance. I just hope that I can last long enough for more of its energy to be drained so that I can gain the upper hand.

After ducking a swing aimed for my head that missed by mere millimeters I try taunting the creature again, "You may think that. But even if you were to defeat us here you are only helping to create another enemy for yourself. One who grows stronger with every blow you take. You would never be able to stop the true darkness guardian. He will continue to gain strength while you would weaken and fade."

The creature laughs, "So the new guardian is a he now? You give away to much young one. You have told me not only that you know their gender but that you have identified them as well. That is the only way you could know. So my search will be much shorter now. I will only have to hunt down and kill all those that you currently know."

I mentally kick myself at the slip. In my desire to distract the creature longer I have only brought it one step closer to realizing who the future darkness guardian really is. Letting out a growl I roll away from the creature as it tries to land a downward attack at my shoulder. Coming to a stop I position myself between it and Shadow. I look it in the eyes lying , "It was simply a figure of speech."

Laughing in response the creature says, "Quit lying guardian. You know who it is. Your feeble attempts to protect them won't stop me. I will have the answers from you before you die for a second time today."

Just then a gurgling groan from our left distracts us. I turn to see Aiden standing over his fallen counterpart his ruby sword pinned through its neck. Beneath the slain creature a pool of black slowly spreads as it stops moving before dissolving into smoke and vanishing.

A second later a howl of pain from our right shows a second creature falling beneath Terra's hammer. Her weapon has been embedded in the duplicates chest crushing its torso as it to fades away in smoke and black gore.

With barely a nod in my direction both masters turn their attention towards Nerine and Anil to aid them with their respective foes. As they do I return my gaze towards the original and with a smirk say, "Two down. Three to go. Looks like you over estimated your chances."

With a roar of fury the creature summons another sword for its off hand and charges at me swinging both weapons at me from opposite directions. Unable to dodge in time I raise my sword and shield in an effort to try and block both blows. My shield stops the one coming from my left but the attack on my right never lands. I turn my head to see that Harran has stepped in and joined the fight by using his borrowed sword to stop the second attack.

He grins at me saying, "Couldn't stand by and do nothing. I owe this thing to much pain."

I grin back and nod as we both push back against our respective blocks and launch a coordinated effort against the creature. Letting my shield vanish I focus on using both hands to attack with my sword on the creatures right while Harran does the same on his left.

For a time we are to evenly matched to be able to tell where the fight will go. The creatures skill and strength allow it to easily keep pace with our attacks. Eventually though an opening presents itself and I am able to drive the point of my sword deep into the creatures right thigh causing it to yell in pain.

As I pull my blade free the creature stumbles back off balance trying to buy itself a moment to recover. Before Harran or I can move in two more howls of pain draws our attention to the other fights.

The three of us turn to see the other four masters overpowering their remaining opponents which quickly vanish into smoke. As one Nerine, Anil, Terra, and Aiden all turn towards us, their armor are dented and stained but they are still able to fight. Slowly they make their way towards Harran and I so that the six of us completely surround the creature.

When they are about five paces away I return my full attention to the creature saying, "So much for minions. It would seem that you are not as strong as you thought you were. It's six against one now. Don't you think it's time you just give in to your fate and leave peacefully for once?"

As the creatures red eyes focus on mine I feel a wave of dread wash over me that seems to emanate from it. In a deep oily voice of barely contained rage it replies, "I have not delved into the true limits of my powers in centuries. Not even Atlantis felt the full fury of my unshackled fury. But today you will. I was going to toy with you while I made your mate suffer. But you have annoyed me for the last time light guardian. Now you and these ghosts will die once and for all. Then I will rain destruction down upon those you sought to protect the likes of which the world has not seen in ages."

Before I can react the creature jabs both of its swords up in the air causing a ball of energy to form above them. In less than a heartbeat the sphere grows larger than the creature before exploding out wards in all directions in an ear splitting detonation. I try to summon my shield in a hope to block some of the force but it is to no use.

The other four masters, Harran, and I are all thrown back off of our feet having our weapons knocked from our hands. Loosing track of the others I go tumbling head over heels until I have the wind knocked out of me when my back is slammed into a rock. As I fall to the ground he creatures laugh echoes around me.

I try to look up but all the strength has been drained from my body. As my arms collapse under my own weight I see my armor dissolve from my body. In an instant I feel as though I have gone a week without sleep and have aged centuries more. Looking around I see that all the others see to be in the same boat.

None of the other masters are able to get off the ground. Harran is panting against another rock holding his chest, his one good eye barely a sliver. I look to see that the only thing that seems to still be moving around is the creature. Slowly the creature makes its way towards me laughing softly to its self.

As I struggle to sit up the creature draws ever closer and asks in a voice filled with satisfaction, "Do you now see that you were never a match to me? You can barely lift your self up and I still have plenty of strength left to end you. Prepare to die Seeker, as you should have done three thousand years ago."

The creature draws its right sword back and levels it with my chest preparing to strike, "Good by guardian. You won't be missed."

Before the the blow can be dealt however a blast of flame explodes against the side of the creatures head knocking him sideways. Turning to see where it came from I see Shadow standing a bit shakily, his right arm out stretched and smoking slightly from the fire ball he just threw. In a panting voice he growls, "Get away.... From him..... You monster....''

Turning its attention on my mate the creature says, "That's enough out of you whelp. Just sit back down like a good dog and give in to your new master."

Shadow growls, "I will never give in to you. I never have before and I won't now."

The creature just glares at him saying, "I will deal with you first then I will make your mate suffer like never before."

I can't help but let out a chuckle drawing everyone's attention to me. As I look up at the creature I manage in a horse voice, "You still don't get it do you. You will never be able to break Shadow to serve you. He is your better in every way. He is kind where you are cruel. Strong where you are weak. Smart where you are stupid. He will defeat you even if the rest of us couldn't."

The creature laughs, "You are the stupid one, if you think that a one armed, beaten pup poses any hint of a threat to me."

With a grin I say, "That's exactly what I think."

In a fit of irritation the creature raises its right hand to chest height and a large ball of smoke and shadow begins to form in it. As it glares at me it says, "Just to prove you wrong I think I will punish your mate a bit more. After all I only need him alive to possess his body. Not sane or in one piece."

Before Shadow could hope to move out of the way the creature throws the ball straight at his chest where it explodes and engulfs him in darkness, completely encasing him in smoke and shadow. As the creature laughs and turns to me it says, "He will spend the rest of his considerably long life being tortured because of you."

I let out a small bark of a laugh, "You still don't get it. You just made your greatest enemy even stronger."

The red eyes narrow as they study me, "What do you mean?"

Letting out a cough I manage to struggle up to one knee, "I became the light guardian because there was another living heir to the darkness powers. The powers of light sought me just as the powers of darkness seek him. You created the weapon of your destruction and don't even know it."

As the creature draws closer to me it growls, "What are you going on about? What weapon?"

Forcing myself to look up into its eyes I answer, "You arranged for Shadow to be born why?"

It snorts, "So that I would have a more compatible host in the future. I had planned to spawn an entire lineage of hosts. Traveling through the generations gaining more and more strength. But now that I have an immortal guardian for a host that is irrelevant."

Laughing I continue as though it hadn't spoken, "What you have failed to realize is the side effects of your 'experiment'. Shadow was born with some of your power and the ability to tap into it."

The creature stares at me for a moment before saying, "That was not an unforeseen side effect. It was planned, his having some of my power would make him a more compatible host. It would give me a stronger control. Having a living body that was in tune to the powers......"

The creature goes silent as its eyes go wide with understanding and panic as it turns in a rush to look at Shadow. Where my mate stood before there is a pulsing orb of dark energy that has what looks like red lightning strikes going off within it. After a moment the orb breaks and explodes revealing shadow suspended in mid air silently howling in pain.

I watch as dark tendrils explode from beneath the bandages of the remains of his left arm. In seconds they merge and regrow his lost arm. First bone appears as dark shards followed by tendrils snaking their way down the new structures to solidify into muscles which get a new covering of skin and fur. Soon his arm fully regrows good as new.

All over his body his wounds are healing instantly as the blood covering him vanishes. His torn ear regrows in the same manner as his arm leaving behind perfectly formed flesh. His red fire armor burns away in black flames and smoke leaving nothing but his fur underneath only to quickly be replaced with a moving darkness that drapes off his body and flows around him as though it is a living organism. Tendrils of darkness energy snake around him in the air coiling and undulating on their own.

Once the transformation has finished Shadow drops to one knee only to slowly rise flexing his arms and paws when he looks up his eyes have turned solid black and seem to be leaking trails of darkness from the edges. He is terrifying to look at in a way that I never thought would be possible and I feel deep within me a tugging sensation that prevents me from looking away.

The creature howls in rage, "NO NO NO!!! THIS CANNOT BE YOU CANNOT TAKE MY POWER!"

Shadow looks up and responds in a voice that is cold, dark, and echoes within itself, sending a chill down my spine like the darkest of moonless nights, "Pain.... Torture..... No more..... You... Will.... Pay...."

Seekers Tale Part 43

Part 43 Time seemed to stand still. From my place on the ground I could see everyone around the area clearly. Around the edges the four masters, Harran, and myself were all laid out and wounded, barely able to sit up, let alone stand. In the center of...

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Seekers Tale Part 41

Part 41 He looks at it with wonder and confusion, "But I thought that a guardians weapon was supposed to vanish when they let go of it?" I nod, "Normally yes, but we can keep our weapons physical if we want, even allowing others to wield them. I have...

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Seeker's Tale Part 40

Part 40 The air rushes past my head as I plummet through inky darkness. I flail my arms and legs about trying to find something, anything to catch hold off. With an incredibly painful thump I land on something solid only to begin rolling downhill out...

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