Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 26
XXXVI Katoo's Midnight Visit (Day 201 on Tashoo) Sleep. Wonderful, restful sleep. A hard day working deserves a nice pleasant night of sleep. Sleep punctuated with dreams; pleasant, wonderful, enjoyable dreams. Dreams with a beautiful...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 28
XXVIII Summoned Again (Day 212 on Tashoo) It has been quiet these last ten days or so. I haven't experienced any kind of nightmare. I have been able to sleep and awaken completely rested. That is, until tonight. Tonight another damnable...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 19
XIX The Decision of the Aka' (Day 126 on Tashoo) Rora and I backed out of the Ishoo'se Choko Aka'ny toward the door to the anteroom. Just as we reached the door, it opened. Te'-Maky was still there at his proper place right beside the door and...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 10
X The Ka'yno threatens Rora (Day 49 on Tashoo) (Afternoon) A short while later, I heard someone scratching on the door of my room. I answered the door and saw Ara standing there. She said, "Mvilu, Kyna is here. He says that he would answer any...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 33
XXXIII Visiting TaJoola (Day 277 on Tashoo) Since the day I arrived in Talo-Vy and met Nachoo, I had always been bothered by certain things about him. Revenge and unscrupulousness were just two things that bothered me about him. He impressed me...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 32
XXXII Ka' Mu-Naka's Story (Day 277 on Tashoo) A dream. A wonderful, colorful dream. Tyarza is back, the beautiful woman with blue-blond hair and yellow in blue eyes. She is smiling and laughing. Her brown lips stretched open revealing pearly...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 23
XXIII Chy Charms the Anohachy (Day 163 on Tashoo) Fortunately, the hike home was just a short four kilometers; otherwise, the dead weight of Chy would have been totally unbearable and I didn't want Rora to have to explain why he carried a...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 21
XXI The Ka'yno Returns (Day 145 on Tashoo) The next morning, we finished off the meal that Ara had cooked for us the previous night, as is the norm for the Mory people. After the nakyvy, I went to my room and got ready to go to work. When I came...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 9
**IX** **Kerga Tyarza** **(Day 49 on Tashoo)** **(Morning)** I am having another nightmare. I haven't had one in several days. What's causing them? What do they mean? Why do they seem so real? They seem to be reminiscences of things I've...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 35
XXXV New Trainee (Day 368 on Tashoo) (Afternoon) I entered Ara's home and went to my room. When I walked into my room, Chy bounded up to me and made his normal demands for attention. Even after more than 100 days as my "pet", Chy still...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 34
XXXIV Faux Pas (Day 367 on Tashoo) (Morning) Sleep is a wonderful refresher. Everyone needs it, eventually. Dreams are also necessary to assist in the refreshing nature of sleep. Dreams are wonderful when they are not frightening. Needless...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 30
XXX The Ka'yno Threatens Me . . . Again (Day 234 on Tashoo) Another restful night. Another wonderful dream. In this one, I'm in the middle of a quiet meadow sitting on an orange and yellow checkered cloth. Besides me, on the cloth is a...