Wolfen - Chapter 7

Verik stepped out of his burnt and smoky rooms. He paused and listened for a bit, but Nari, Keil, and Syla still seemed to be sleeping, based on the sound of their steady breathing coming from behind the doors. He decided that it was best that he let...

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Wolfen - Chapter 6

The sun was starting to rise when the elder's fortress came into view. The rest of the trip, after their encounter with the human, was uneventful. The rest of the trip since then, Keil just told Verik more about humans and other things in this world....

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Wolfen - Chapter 5

Keil woke everyone up and gathered them together once the moon rose. "All right, pack. Tharren, you will take my role while I am gone. I, Nari, Verik, and Lu will be back here in two days if everything goes well. All I plan to do is consult with the...

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Wolfen - Chapter 4

Keil led the way into the clearing where the camp was set. A group of six wolfen turned towards him as he entered, and when he stepped out of the way, revealing Verik, they all stared silently. Verik stood there awkwardly, knowing exactly what they...

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Wolfen - Chapter 3

Keil was sleeping soundly. He was dreaming about something nice and comfortable, when he was partly awoken by a shout just outside. A little annoyed, he turned around and started to drift away when more people started getting up, running around, and...

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Wolfen - Chapter 3

Keil was sleeping soundly. He was dreaming about something nice and comfortable, when he was partly awoken by a shout just outside. A little annoyed, he turned around and started to drift away when more people started getting up, running around, and...

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Wolfen - Chapter 2

As Verik stumbled through the forest, he noticed that it was getting easier to walk the farther he went. The trembling in his legs were gone and his weakness was dissipating. He was actually starting to become energetic even, and the energy just...

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Wolfen - Chapter 1

Darkness surrounded him. Pressing down on all sides, sending cold shivers up his spine. Alarmed and confused, he frantically looked around--trying to find any light or just anything besides the blackness that met his gaze wherever he turned, but no...

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Wolfen - Chapter 27

The sun was just starting to rise over the horizon when the wolfen had gathered all the larger sticks from their demolished shelters and skillfully weaved it into a sturdy makeshift stretcher. Verik picked up the finished object and started walking...

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Wolfen - Chapter 26

The trees rushed by Verik in quick green and brown blurs as he raced with all his strength through the forest. He quickly dodged to the sides to avoid colliding with them. His legs burned as he pushed his physical capabilities to the limit, but he...

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WOlfen - Chapter 25

The air was cold and lifeless. Nothing could be heard through the thick silence. The only light that could be seen was from a small dying torch that was lying on the stone floor. Beside it, a dark figure was crouched down, staring into a deep pool of...

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Wolfen - Chapter 24

Verik's head was throbbing. He tried to open his eyes, but the bright light of the moon sent a wave of dizziness throughout him, threatening send him back into unconsciousness. He was lying on his back in the grass, but he didn't have the strength to...

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