Serenifi: The Heat Of L'amour

The skunkette then knelt down between serenity's legs, and began to lick her temple tenderly. serenity blushed even deeper. fifi's tongue was so warm, so slender, and yet so thick.


Serenifi: The Video Game Promo

Staring: serenity coyote, fifi la fume, lexi bunny, and characters belonging to the following: warner bros, j.k. rowling, sega, hasbro, naoko takeuchi, eric w. schartz, michael russell, kessielou, and lilchaoscoyote!


Serenifi: The Video Game: Cutscene Script Part 2

Intro to boss 1: (cut to serenity and fifi and the rest awakening pandora.) serenity: pandora, wake up! pandora: wha...? serenity! fifi! you've saved me! (suddenly turns into goblin-like character.) fifi: sacre bleu!


Serenifi: The Video Game: Cutscene Script

(cut to serenity spraying the can in her face.) serenity: aaaahhhh! oh god it burns!


Serenifi: Practice Makes Perfect

"halo, serenity!" "thanks for picking me up from ballet practice, feef!" "no problem, serenity."


Serenifi: Bathing Beauties

Coyote, however never minded serenity's behavior.


W.O.L.F. 6 - Playful Void

# W.O.L.F. - Playful Void by Sharpfang Here I am, parsecs away from the civilization, tormented soul in a small piece of space junk, hull shuddering with howl of the drives that should have fallen apart half a century ago, breath freezing on the...

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Serenifi: The Fox In The Pink Dress

serenity whispered. then, she bent down to miranda's feet, and removed her shoes.

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Serenifi: Back To The (Far) Future!

Lexi then got onto the bed, and embraced serenity, while melina embraced fifi. the rabbit then put her lips to serenity's, and melina's to fifi's.

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Serenity + Wile E.: Scholarary Assistance

serenity replied, before beginning her dance. minutes later... serenity had finished her performance, and was now curtseying before her father, with a non-existent skirt, as he applauded. "oh, hey, serenity dear?" "yes, daddy?"

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Serenifi: Nice To Tie You Up!

"serenity?" "yeah?" she turned it over. "thanks... for everything." "i thank you too." serenity said before they all dozed off. the end

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Serenifi: The Movie: The Remake: Prologue

"serenity! fifi! i need your help again!" "shh!" "oh... sorry."

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