Lost and Found

The mog could remember rather clearly, the day that teio stopped coming to class.

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Cake or Bun

'happy birthday, woffle.' grinned teio as he neatly added his gift atop forest's lap. he eyed over that belly, giving it a soft rub, before the black rabbit scooted him aside with a playful tut. 'i see we're too late for cake, then?'

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Twomi or Not Twomi

He swallowed, following the legs up, to a t-shirt under a rather stylish button-up shirt, (he'd have to thank teio for the birthday gift again.) and then up a very familiar face. yet at the same time, it was different.

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The Choices We Make

'certainly not teio's.' the tibbit frowned. ouch. 'nor those twins on tv.' how did he..? 'which leaves... though i thought his child was el-' '-jahi-.' the name pushed more forcefully from the rabbit's lips than he could help himself.

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