Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 21

Oh sorry, my name is sage heart bear." sage heart offered a handshake to both of them. "and i'm his wife, life heart-" "unicorn!"

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 9

Seeing his son's face, sage heart put a hand on love heart's shoulder, "love heart, is something wrong?" sage heart had a concerned look on his face. love heart snapped his gaze to sage heart, "huh?

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 2, Chapter 4

"life heart was with us before we started our journey, when sage heart and i were growing up with mom in the forest. one day, sage heart wandered off and found her. life heart was a unicorn transformed into one of us by the great wishing star.


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 10

Life heart stepped up behind her children, with sage heart alongside her. shimmer grinned, "grandma, grandpa." "and these are our youngest children," sage heart gestured to the two young unicorns in front of him.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 29

"very well," sage heart stepped forwards and extended a hand, "my name is sage heart bear, i'm love heart's father." for twenty minutes, introductions were made all around until they heard the telltale puttering of engines in the air.

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Finding Family Chapter 2

Something else he was trained in was swordsmanship by sage heart.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 33

It took me a while to figure out the spell but i created it and i can do it again," she smiled happily, "that's one of the few memories i hold on to from before i met sage heart."

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 8

sage heart and life heart came down together. life heart wearing a pale pink dress and sage heart was wearing a costume tuxedo and carrying a large briefcase. the two shared a kiss before they headed out the front door.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 18

Love heart looked up at sage heart. "just like ten years ago." "and when you were cubs," sage heart looked over at true heart and noble heart. love heart shook his head to dispel the shock and immediately ran to the control room.

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Finding Family Chapter 1

"how about independent bear," sage heart suggested. "ok..." the silver bear sounded unsure but wasn't sure what else to say.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 41

sage heart breathed a sigh of relief and turned to confidence heart, "thank you, i was worried he'd wake up everyone with that temper of his."

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