Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 27
XXVII No Longer a Slave (Day 202 on Tashoo) The next morning, Chy and I were up and about before Ara; we went into the kitchen so I could prepare his breakfast. While I was preparing Chy's breakfast, I went ahead and started preparing...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 24
XXIV The Hunt (Day 187 on Tashoo) Once again I am sleeping and dreaming. As usual, I am dreaming of Tyarza. She is walking toward me. Her lion yellow skin is exotic looking as she walks toward me. She is wearing something similar to Roman...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 36
Zaiku turned the video screen off and turned to ch'ka'eh, who says, "what is your opinion about this william watson?" "i believe i need to contact the zahr khohr and allow him to see this news story.
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 31
XXXI Playing Tricks on the Spies (Day 234 on Tashoo) Tyarza and I worked steadily until lunch, during this whole time the warrior never moved from where he was standing and continually stared at us. I was tempted more than once to look at him,...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 13
XIII Explaining My Idea (Day 109 on Tashoo) (Morning) It seems to me that every time I have a nightmare, there is some stress in my life right after the nightmare. The fact that almost every day is stressful seems to be irrelevant. The...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 37
XXXVII Preparations (Day 369 on Tashoo) (Afternoon) As the three of us walked back to Ara's house, Naka asked me, "I cannot believe you succeeded in getting the Ka'yno to challenge you. That was your plan from the moment you walked into the...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 29
XXIX The Assassination Attempt (Day 218 on Tashoo) When everyone returned to the Atasho Vaorado, I explained why today was special. I also told them I wanted them to fight a mock battle to show them how my techniques would work. I said that Ka'...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 16
XVI The Battle (Day 115 on Tashoo) Another nightmare is upon me. Even though I know they are not real, I can't help but fear them. What do they mean? Where do they come from? Why do I have them and why do they occur in two parts? Who are these...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 12
XII The Verdict of the Aka' (Day 108 on Tashoo) (Afternoon) An hour later, after the nakyvo, Rora and I were ushered back into the Ishoo'se Choko Aka'ny and the questioning resumed. Finally, after three more hours of questioning, the Ka'yno...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 17
XVII Sha'-Naky (Day 120 on Tashoo) The Mory are very pragmatic and don't mourn long for their dead. As a matter of fact, except for close friends and family, and those that fought alongside of them, nobody showed up at any of the burials of...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 25
XXV Returning Home (Day 191 on Tashoo) I don't know how long I was unconscious, but when I came to, I saw a most frightful sight. Kyna was fighting, with sword and claw only, a Chakootoa, the most dangerous herbivorous animal on all of Tashoo....
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 38
XXXVIII Trial by Combat (Day 370 on Tashoo) For the first time since I arrived in Talo-Vy, I didn't have a nightmare the night before I experienced stress. I was glad because, when I would have the nightmares, I tended to be unusually tired and...