What Once Was Eden: Chapter 5 Part 1 of 4

What Once Was Eden Chapter Five: Competing for Hope (Part 1 of 3) Sajani woke to hear voices talking nearby. She recognized Gregor's voice almost immediately. It took a little more consciousness before she recognized Messy's. Gregor was saying,...

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What Once Was Eden: Chapter 4 Part 3 of 3

What Once Was Eden Chapter 4: Deceit and Miscommunication (Part 3 of 3) "You know," Farnsbeck told Magenta happily, "it's so much nicer to make this trip in this form than it is wearing the masks." His partner's mood still wasn't improved....

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What Once Was Eden: Chapter 4 Part 2 of 3

**What Once Was Eden Chapter 14: Deceit and Miscommunication (Part 2 of 3)** The work on the wheel continued. After a moment they could hear approaching horses. When the hoofbeats stopped they heard voices speaking near them. "Not a good time to be...

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What Once was Eden Chapter 4 Part 1 of 3

**A Ship Called Hope Part 1: What Once Was Eden** **Chapter 4: Deceit and Miscommunication (Part 1 of 3)** Around mid-afternoon, Farleesha rode up to their wagon. Gregor and Sajani were taking turns reading. It'd been the she-wolf's turn, so she...

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What Once Was Eden Chapter 3 Part 2 of 2

What Once Was Eden Chapter 3: Starting the Competition (Part 2 of 2) The stop for lunch was welcome. Sajani's mouth was very dry from reading, but taking breaks wasn't an option. Any time she stopped for more than a few minutes Zantalla would try to...

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What Once Was Eden Chapter 3 Part 1 of 2

Sajani awoke feeling happy. The rest of the tent was still asleep, so she put on her necklace and went outside to see if Gregor was awake. He wasn't. Her companion was sleeping on his cot, curled into a fetal position. His hand was near his mouth, so...

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What Once Was Eden Chapter 2 Part 2 of 2

What Once Was Eden Chapter 2: Desert Caravan (Part 2 of 2) It'd been a very long ride. By the end of the day, Sajani decided that she'd rather walk than ride the camel. Gregor helped a lot, but the discomfort from the moving camel was complicated by...

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Bonus Material: Deleted Scenes

_This section was the original Farnsbeck/Magenta storyline leading up to the ambush. It was removed because it raised so many questions that had to be answered before the ambush, it got confusing that pacing was horrible. I'll miss having Magenta play...


What Once Was Eden Chapter 2 Part 1 of 2

What Once was Eden Chapter 2: Desert Caravan (Part 1 of 2) Sajani woke to the sound of soft giggling. A female voice said, "He was just on the other side of the tent wall. When he woke up he tried to say something, but just stuttered at me." ...

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What Once Was Eden Chapter 1 Part 2 of 2

A Ship Called Hope Part 1 What Once was Eden Chapter 1: Oasis (Part 2 of 2) * * * Both the young wolves were very tired. Gregor was concerned that if they tried to camp too close to the city, they'd be discovered and Sajani was too worried to...

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What Once Was Eden Chapter 1 Part 1 of 2

What Once was Eden Chapter 1: Stranded (Part 1 of 2) The Uvall Desert in Rhidayar is the second largest desert in the world of Terah. It makes up a little over eight percent of the nation's land and would be completely unpopulated if the rest of the...

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Bonus Material: Notes from Fugitive's Trust

Notes from Fugitive's Trust _These are some of the notes I took while working on the trilogy. They're not in any particular order. Sometimes, I'd add it right away and other times it'd be added as I was rereading it and realized I should write it down...

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