The Aftermath

In this fashion, they quickly subdued both mayor manx and deputy mayor callie briggs when the pair had finally shown up. they were then bound and stuck into the hive alongside zyme.

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Awakened Flame

"have... mercy--" the mayor started to beg before yuichi breathed out a cloud of white hot flame, setting the mayor's entire body aflame.

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Animal Crossing: My Life As Mayor

mayor?" isabelle looked concerned, waving a paw in front of my face. "mr. mayor? hello?" "uh, mayor?" i snapped back at the name she had been calling me. "no, i'm not the mayor, i'm--" "there's no time for that, mr. mayor!"

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Endsville Ch. 1 (Animal Crossing)

_try not to fuck this up, me._ "mayor?" she asked again, looking directly at me. i blinked, looking around. "mayor? you mean me?" she giggled. "oh mr. mayor, you're such a kidder!

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Pony in the Pillory chapter 1

Lastly the pale grey, purple haired pony curtsied then addressed the mayor. "yes mayor mane, the blindfold i made for her is a special synthetic polymer fused with a powerful magic spell.

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Welcome New Citizen! - Introduction to the Cityverse

He has been mayor for the past 27 years, being re-elected 5 times (the standard term length is 5 years). there is no current term limit for mayors, but no mayor has chosen to remain in office past 10 terms. most past mayors have been draconian.

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Legend of the Phantom Gunman

The door behind the mayor opened and shonof stepped out and stood next to the mayor. the town was silent from the surprise. "yes, he is a wolf and he's from the northern tribe," the mayor explained.

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A Shameful secret Chap 5

The mayor's butler was a old goat, who greeted dunlup like he was a visiting dignitary. leading him through the mayor's fine house, to the master bedroom up on the second story.

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Croix - (Kreet 97)

mayor?" at that, the mayor's face turned rapidly from apprehension to sincere affection. "oh! well," she said with a little curtsey, "pleased to meet you..." "night," kallid said, coming up with the girls. "his name is night.

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The Dimensional Traveler-Prologue

As soon as the mayor said that, annie took the remote, pointed it at a potted plant on the mayor's desk, pushed a button, and turned it into a tape player. "there, now you do," she said.


Getting To Know You

He barked as he continued to fire his lx-18 while letting the mayor move out from under him. wailing, the mayor did as he was told, then steele rolled after him.

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