Evolution Part I: Chapter Nineteen
I awoke several hours later in the middle of the night. The storm was still raging outside and the area around the portal to the house was damp and abandoned. It looked like it was going to go on the rest of the night, but I had to whizz so I braved...
Evolution Part I: Chapter Eighteen
It took more time to bring Pink Nose, Terrier-face and the shepherd-lab up to my level of understanding of language. During that time, life was busy but fairly uneventful save for another litter of male pups being delivered and three more dogs being...
Evolution Part I: Chapter Seventeen
A week after the shepherd-lab returned, Pink Nose and I were beginning to share simple conversations. He'd mastered the basics and was steadily gaining vocabulary. Watching him learn was probably the best thing for Terrier-face, Fatty and the...
Evolution Part I: Chapter Sixteen
And so terrier-face and fatty became my betas. A plus side to dog politics was that once everyone knew who was in charge, people readily accepted the roles assigned to them and there was only very infrequently any bad blood between us. Promoting the...
Evolution Part I: Chapter Fifteen
Terrier-face was intimidated for sure, but since there was no defined fighting arena, he was free to use more mobility on his much heavier opponent.
Evolution Part I: Chapter Fourteen
Heavier bodies of the obese canines surrounding us on all sides seemed to make an even more solid wall than it had been earlier this year and they kept me from being able to move around the shepherd-lab in the way that i naturally wanted to, given my better mobility
Evolution Part I: Chapter Thirteen
He was right, of course. Just as he'd been right about everything. I just wished that he hadn't been this one time. It took just over a week for the black lab's premonition to come true. It was about half an hour after breakfast and I was lying...
Evolution Part I: Chapter Twelve
He pulled this way and that, making up for my lack of mobility. it was fun and took my mind off of my aching stomach and other matters for a time. my brother grew bored after a while and dropped the rope to wander off.
Evolution Part I: Chapter Eleven
I was badly hurt after the fight. When the shepherd-lab finally removed his awesome bulk from my body, he and everyone else ignored me. I didn't dare to move because it hurt so much. My neck and my leg were bleeding freely, but I'd also been crushed...
Evolution Part I: Chapter Ten
In fact the dominance of our alpha was defined by regal size and regal preposition over lighter, more mobile dogs. the more i backed away, i quickly realized, the more feeble and flighty i appeared to the crowd.
Evolution Part I: Chapter Nine
To this day, I still don't know what possessed that squirrel to land right in the middle of a pen filled with dogs. It might have just been looking for food, or it might have been suicidal. I harbor a secret suspicion that it's even possible a human...
Evolution Part I: Chapter Eight
I didn't know it yet, but my diet had quite the opposite effect on my life than I'd intended. It, in fact, had set me on course to match with the very largest of dogs who lived in the yard. The humans never came out and said it (well, they might have,...