408 The Secret Decalogue

Save Point: The Secret Decalogue "I've decided it should be a poem," concludes Terrowne. "Wait, what?" "You remember how you said we should make up a legend, to try and explain what happened and warn people?" "I thought that it was you who...

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260 The Ship Of Millions Of Years

Save Point: The Ship Of Millions Of Years -The Dragon attempts to describe Its ship- "It was seven-plus dimensional, of course, and so when it fell into a smaller universe that could only support three, and one for time, naturally it got a little.......

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120 Family Secrets

Save Point: Family Secrets "What_are_ you doing?" "I'm gaming the Battle of the Apotheosis, obviously." "I didn't know anyone did that tabletop stuff anymore." "Oh, there are like, about ten different weave simulation versions and everyone has...

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020 The Hybrazeal Arcology

Save Point: The Hybrazeal Arcology Hybrazeal Colony and outpost _You are in the Hybrazeal Arcology, in front of the inner door. Your guide has removed the blindfold from your eyes, although you get the feeling that this is a formality or something...

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811 Chakrim Get

Save Point: Chakrim Get Later, one of the fight choreographers comes up to her. He seems kind of distressed. "I just wanted to thank you for helping us out with that last scene," he explains anxiously. "There was no way we could do it without at...

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641 Resting Your Chemistry

Save Point: Resting Your Chemistry The readouts in her visual field are quite educational and show the full back-traceable history of a really quite simple and subtle psychoactive, in the format of a string of warnings or error-laden messages. It's...

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508 Hobbamock Tavern

Save Point: Hobbamock Tavern "Stay sharp, boys. Gonna take you to visit some places you won't ever have heard of, and it's not because they have a bad reputation, which I know you'd see as a challenge. No, these places have a different sort of folks,...

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330 Restricted Entry

Save Point: Restricted Entry Filling out paperwork on the Rama Empire border. Lots of paperwork. "Don't gloat," Cleo orders the officious nuisance who is busily stamping things with various inks. "It actually wasn't your first strike which got us,...

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115: Self-Limiting Variable

> Save Point: Self-Limiting Variable > > I still remember the last day I was human. Of course I didn't realise it at the time, but thinking back later, I came to realise that was when it started. > I was at school and one of the other kids decided...

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004 Balance and Power

Save Point: Meditations of Balance and Power Sethkill takes the introductory classes at the insistence of his trainers, but it's nothing he doesn't already know. This is basic symbolism, basic theory, and basic practice from the ritual school for a...

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988 White Chalk Markings

Cut Scene: White Chalk Markings Several Days After The Ascension Of Kith-Rhiannon And at first the light is white and terrible and all-engulfing, but then it begins to resolve itself into whirring, spinning patterns, faintly deeper patches against...

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Ingame Database and Primary Glossary of Definitions

Ingame Database: Primary Glossary of Definitions Unlock Additional Entries By Completing New Sequences! (All sethura names and terms are in translation except where easily human-pronounceable) Ancient Civilization: The most recent, previously...

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